Heartless (2014) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

1 PREVIOUSLY ON HEARTLESS Stay on your side of the room.
You attacked my sister, you psycho! We aren't going steady.
I found some old papers with drawings of the gold heart.
- And I found this.
- It's Emilie's dead mother.
- What are you doing? - Emilie! I'll never get used to that.
Emilie Just GET OUT IN A HURRY We have to get out of here! Get out! Mikkel Enevold.
His kind killed your mother.
You're sick if you think that's OK, Dad! Ida, will you do what needs to be done? I love you.
- It was just a bad dream.
- Yes.
I think the fever's gone.
I feel better.
- Ready to go back to school? - I think so.
It'll do you good to get back on your feet.
Don't you ever miss Mum? No, I don't.
Things would be different if she were here.
Well, she isn't.
Get dressed.
Everything you touch will wilt.
Everything you love will die.
Heartless your family will wander.
Hungry without being filled for all eternity! Only love can break the curse.
Only love can break the curse.
Daydreaming? I didn't get much sleep last night.
- Did you send Emilie off to school? - Yes.
Mikkel Enevold.
Maybe it was too early to show her the brutality.
On the contrary.
I think it was the perfect time.
She's very sensitive.
So were you at her age.
I had hoped she wouldn't have to deal with all that death.
Have you ever been in love, Ida? I will someday.
It's a shame that Mikkel was cursed.
He was such a nice boy.
And you delivered him from his eternal hunger.
His life in hell.
That was very compassionate of you.
Unfortunately your powers aren't as strong as Emilie's.
She will wear the heart, and I think she'll be strong enough soon.
Meanwhile we have to find out if any more at school are cursed.
Please get Pieter.
- Pieter.
- Yes.
Let go.
Ask Emilie why the doctor had this picture of her mum.
Maybe they were having an affair.
And then Just had him killed when he found out about it.
Thanks for texting us.
You saved our lives.
But not Mikkel's.
What happened to him? My dad made Ida smash his head in with a giant pair of tongs.
But first he showed us how you kill.
You set people on fire.
He got Mikkel to suck our janitor until he caught fire.
How do you expect me to trust a cursed one after this? Would you rather trust your dad? My dad does his best to protect us.
Just like he did with your mum.
Your kind killed my mum.
I suggest you ask your dad about your mum's relationship to the doctor.
The one who disappeared.
I may put you on the alumni wall of honour, like your father and grandfather.
It would be a great honour.
You just have to do one more thing for me before I can do it.
Just say the word.
Remember Ditlev's death? Yes.
It wasn't suicide.
He was murdered by a fellow student.
A cursed student who sucks the life out of others.
I want you to find out who the cursed one is.
But don't get too close.
If you do, they'll attack you and set you on fire.
- Like Ditlev.
- Like Ditlev.
Are you ready to do what you've got to do? I think it'll make your father proud to see you on that wall.
I think so, too.
- Why would Dad lie about Mum's death? - That's what we need to find out.
I'm not sure I want to find out.
Did you know that Ida and Mikkel were seeing each other at school? - Were they dating? - I don't know.
Dad forced Ida to kill him.
That just goes to show what he's ready to do.
I don't know him any more.
He's got this book.
- Book? - This secret folder.
What is this? Have you seen this before? Dennis Jgensen, Christian Lund, Mads Iversen, Mikkel Enevold.
- Is Mum there? - No.
- Thomas Gundersen.
- Wasn't that our doctor? - Was Mum fucking him? - I don't know.
Read the other side.
- Preben.
Isn't that the janitor? - Yes.
- And Ditlev.
- Ditlev? This is a list of the victims of the cursed ones.
Mum ought to be listed here, but she isn't.
Next to Thomas Gundersen.
It's Mum.
What are you doing? - Give me that book! - No.
- Did you kill her? - What? - Did you kill Mum? - Give it to me! - Stop lying.
- Give me that book now! I didn't kill your mother.
She did it herself, or that cursed doctor did.
Why is she listed with Gundersen and all your other victims? I loved your mother more than anything, but she betrayed us.
Murderer! - Hi.
- Hi.
You were right.
He killed her.
How can you do that to someone you love? She was his wife, Sofie.
My mum.
My sister and I found these old lists of names.
I think it was all their victims.
There were hundreds of them.
There must be a way to end this.
The heart Can you help us find it? Yes.
I will.
Ever since I saw you, there hasn't been anyone else for me.
I've never felt like this about anyone before.
I don't want to lie to you any more.
I don't want to hear your secret.
Everything will be better soon.
I promise.
Pede always said that after he beat me, and it never stopped.
Josefine! Josefine! She is hot, the kitchen maid.
What do you want, Sebastian? - I need you, Nadja.
- Don't.
- Come on.
- Stop it, Sebastian.
I don't want to.
- But I do! - But I don't! You said we didn't own each other.
Sometimes it's better to punch the wall than to wreck the school furniture.
- What's bugging you? - Nothing.
Tell me.
We're roomies.
I won't tell anyone.
- It's nothing.
- I saw what happened in the hall.
You're torn between two women.
You're in love with one of them, and you just want to fuck the other one.
Doesn't it frustrate you when you can't get what you want? All the time.
But I don't show it.
- That would be a sign of weakness.
- So showing emotion is weak? Absolutely.
You'd never show how much it bugs you, that my sister scored Emilie? Because that does bug you, doesn't it? Just a little.
And it bugs you that Sofie is fucking Emilie, while they laugh at your pathetic attempts to score her.
Stop, Pieter! Why should I? Because you have to respect the line.
It's just me.
What do you want? I want to talk to you.
Nice room.
- You like Sebastian, don't you? - Why do you ask? Are you his girlfriend? No.
Beware of him.
We aren't dating.
Haven't you even kissed? When Sebastian kisses you, it feels like he sucks something out of you.
How do you know? I tried it.
When Sebastian kisses me, it almost feels like I'm going to catch fire.
But then he stops just before it goes wrong.
It's OK.
I can take it.
But I'm not sure you can.
I don't think you're strong enough.
I think you're more like Pede.
He couldn't take it either.
You should ask him Pede.
Or you can't.
He's dead.
What makes you say that? Hi.
I hate myself.
Doesn't everyone feel like that? Not you.
You can get anyone you want, can't you? The guy I want doesn't want me.
I feel really stupid.
It's not stupid to love someone.
If they don't love you, and you can't let go, it is.
- Is it my brother? - Yes.
He's just using me.
- He'd rather have Josefine.
- You'd better let go of him, then.
I can't.
Sure you can.
I won't.
I hate love.
That's all for today.
Have a nice weekend.
- Miriam, got a second? - Sure.
Remember you told me about Countess Ottman? Did she burn a girl called Ane at the stake? Ane was the last witch to be burnt at Ottman's Manor.
Legend has it that she cursed the Ottman family.
Is there a written account? I'm letting you see something no other students are allowed to touch.
- Count Ottman's diary.
- OK.
When we Ottmans get the heart, the curse will be broken.
Thorkild Just will be punished for your sake and burnt to ashes.
The heart will no longer protect you.
You never would have been born.
Did you learn anything? - Hello! - The heart is the solution.
- We can become normal.
- Let me see.
Love can break the curse The Justs will turn to dust when they lose the heart.
That's just an old cock-and-bull story.
- Sure? - Does it matter? Get a grip, and think of yourself and me! This may be our only chance to become normal.
- What about Emilie? - I know you're in love with her.
What the two of you have is nice and wonderful.
You think it's going to last forever.
But it won't.
Both of you will find someone else.
In five or ten years, all that will be left is a faint memory of your boarding school fling.
Promise me that nothing will happen to Emilie.
I promise.
Let's put this afternoon's events behind us.
You've cooked us a lovely meal, Ida.
- I'm glad you found Grandma's recipes.
- Thanks.
Maybe you could make meatloaf one day.
Remember Grandma's meatloaf? - Lf anyone could make meatloaf - Shut up about the meatloaf, Dad! Keep a civil tone, please.
- Ida, did you know? - Know what? - That Dad killed Mum? - That's enough, Emilie! - Did you? - Stop.
Answer me! - What do you want me to say? - The truth.
Please answer me.
- She betrayed our family.
- Like you did by being with Mikkel? Who Dad forced you to kill? There was no other way.
Mikkel would have killed us given the chance.
- What about Mum? - She didn't understand our purpose.
So it was OK to kill her? There was no other way.
Sometimes I'm afraid you don't realise what being a true Just entails.
- Then kill me, Dad.
- No.
But if the cursed ones get hold of the heart, our entire family will die.
This heart must be guarded well.
You are the strongest one.
You have the powers to do so.
Why would we disappear? If we lose this heart, both the Ottman curse, and the miracle of our existence will be reversed.
The Ottmans will become normal, and we will turn to ashes.
That's why we have to kill all the cursed ones who want this heart.
It's up to you.
Must the cursed die, or all of us around this table? Josefine! Josefine? Josefine? Come.
I've got the heart.
Emilie, I can't take it.
It's too dangerous.
Something will happen.
So it's you, Sofie? What a surprise.
Emilie! Stop it! Emilie! Let me go! No! No! Let me go! Emilie is a true Just, Sofie.
She knows what will happen if you get the heart.
Don't you, Emilie? Kill her.
Prove that you're as strong as your sister.
It's OK.
If we can't have each other, I don't want to exist.
I'll do it, then.
Hi, Sebastian.
Hi, Nadja.
- Have you talked to Josefine? - What if I have? - What did you tell her? - Does it matter? Do you love her for real? What did you tell her? You love her like I love you.
Answer me.
I told her what you do when you kiss.
That you set fire to people.
Like Pede.
You can hit me again if it makes you feel good.
I was looking forward to seeing her burn.
Suck her again.
It's chilly in here.
Let's light a fire.
No, you don't.
Step away, please.
So it was you and your skinny sister who killed Ditlev? Prepare to meet your maker.
No! No! Ready? Yes.
I'm normal.
I'm normal.
I'm normal.
I'm normal.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Nadja, no We're still here.
Let's go.
Ida? Love breaks the curse of the heart.
For both our families.
Those were Ane's words.
I won't let Dad ruin your love, too.
Go now! Go.
Sebastian! Sebastian! No, Sebastian.
Sebastian! Emilie, do something.
Use your powers on him.
Clara! Help them!
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