Hotel Cocaine (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

The Price

- Estela.
[MARISOL] You have nightmares
in your sleep.
Mine is when I wake up.
Marisol is not like you.
She didn't have my back.
Well, maybe the truth is
I'll just never love again.
I know exactly how you feel.
[MARISOL] Your father
is a good man, sweetheart.
But he's in a difficult situation.
He's working with law enforcement
- to put your uncle in jail.
- What?
Landon was arranging a drop spot
with the Colombians.
The guy was up to his ass
in corruption.
[NESTOR] Are you a liar?
Or is my wife?
She says you're working
with the fucking cops.
Because of me, the DEA wants
la Colombiana, not you.
- We have a new landing spot.
- Where?
First, immunity for my brother and me.
Right here.
The sugarcane fields.
We're dropping tons.
My concern is law enforcement flyover.
[BURTON] You could drop
a fucking nuclear bomb there,
and nobody would be the wiser.
The sugarcane fields
should be all right.
- So, we have a deal?
- We need insurance.
What kind of insurance?
It's my fault.
I should've known these fuckers
would pull something like this.
We were born to be ♪
They have my fucking daughter.
I was forced by the DEA
to try to take down
the biggest cocaine dealer
in Miami, my brother.
But even the DEA couldn't
have predicted the war.
The Colombian cartel carries Uzis
and drives bulletproof cars.
They have no regard
for human life,
and they're after my daughter.
- She got away.
But you could only escape
the cartel for so long.
Down, down, down ♪
[ROMAN] At stake is the biggest
shipment of cocaine
ever to hit U.S. shores.
Routed from Colombia through
the port of Havana in Cuba.
You see, you were born ♪
[ROMAN] The wholesalers
are Gilberto Henao
and Yolanda Cuevas.
They're backed by the political
and military aristocracy
of Colombia.
And the buyer,
of course, is you
the ones of you who jam a straw
up your nose and do a toot
without ever thinking
that behind every line,
there's a trail of dead bodies
stretching from the streets of Miami
back to South America.

[ROMAN] Think about that
the next time you do
a big fat rail of blow.
Born to be alive ♪
And let this be a warning
every pleasure has a price.

Born to be alive ♪
- Yeah ♪
- Hotel Cocaine ♪
- Yeah ♪
- You ready for more? ♪
- Whoo!
I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
- Exotic, you got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You ready for more? ♪
Curious, furious,
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪
Curious, furious ♪
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪

I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
Exotic ♪
- You got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You know where we at ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
- Might just do the thing ♪
- Whoo!
You know where we at,
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Are you ready for more? ♪
Ready for more? ♪
I got an all-points bulletin
out on Valeria and also Andrew Landon.
Every cop from here to Georgia
is ready to alert the DEA
if they're spotted.
Good news is that witnesses
at the restaurant say
the Colombians left empty-handed.
But they're after her.
We're wasting time.
Ah, worst-case scenario,
we get her after the drop.
Fuck the drop. Find my fucking daughter.
Hey, easy there, tough guy.
I only got off the Mexican drug desk
because two DEA agents were slaughtered
by those scumbag Colombians.
You want my help,
you're gonna play ball my way.
Until Valeria is safe, we're not
going through with the deal.
If you want my help finding her,
I'm gonna need your help
landing that goddamn shipment.
Oh, and, uh, your immunity deal,
it's off the table.
- The fuck you talkin' about?
- I'm talking about an asswipe
from the DOJ named
Peter Cunningham who tore it up.
Now if you're gonna
have to do some time,
that's a bed you made for yourself.
You, you're registered as my C.I.
So, you're in the clear,
unless you piss me off.
You fuck with people's lives
and families
like we're pieces on a chessboard.
One day, that'll come back
to bite you in the ass.
[NESTOR] That's okay, brother.
I got the best fucking lawyers in Miami.
Besides, I'd do ten years
standing on my head
if these assholes could find Valeria.
I'll find your kid.
I'm gonna check the marina
near the restaurant
where they were last seen.
Then I'll bust the coke.
We should get some rest.
- I should call home.
They're probably worried sick about me.
Okay, but then they come looking for us,
and then what?
Are we doing the right thing?
Give me your hand.
As long as we're together,
it's the right thing.
Do you wanna make love?
What the fuck are you doing?
You were right about everything.
I knew it. I knew something
like this would happen.
The second I got your message,
I canceled my flight.
Do you have any idea where she is?
Can you sit down?
I don't know where she is.
But she's a target of the cartel.
Oh, Roman [GASPS]
Agent Zulio has an army
out looking for her.
But I'm going after her myself.
This is all your fault.
You should have let me
take her to New Jersey!
I fucked up. Now I have to fix it.
I'm gonna get her back.
And when I do, you need to be here.
She needs you.
I need you.
This isn't my preferred method
of communication.
You know better than this.
What I have to say
is too delicate for the phone.
Well, if it has to do
with Landon's death,
I found the perfect patsy.
Cuban banker Ray Dorado,
who has conveniently shown up dead.
This is about my goddaughter, Valeria.
She's missing.
How does that concern me?
I need you and the fucking CIA
to help me find her.
[SCOFFS] I can't use my assets
to find a little girl.
That's the FBI's jurisdiction.
But you can help me blow up
a fucking congressman in Coconut Grove?
That's different.
You gave me credible evidence
that Landon was committing treason
by operating on behalf
of a communist enemy.
It was better to erase him
than to let it go public.
Well, that fucking prick DEA agent Zulio
terminated my immunity status
on the coke deal with the Colombians.
I'm completely exposed.
I need your help, Hal.
I never gave up the fight.
- You fucking know that.
You know what the problem is?
Your brother. He's a security risk.
And he blames me for that pussy Kennedy
pulling the plug on
the Playa Girón invasion in '61.
Roman was my friend. I trained you guys,
and he still blames me.
What if I could bring him
back into the fold?
You do that,
and maybe I can help.
No disrespect, but your brother
was the best soldier I ever had.
It's not gonna be easy.
The only person he hates
as much as Castro is you.
I just want you to know
I haven't done this before.
- Okay.
- Have you?
Yeah, yeah.
- No.
- What the fuck?
- [THUD]
Stop! Stop! Don't move!
Drop that weapon!
- I'll kill her!
Your bosses
they want her alive, verdad?
If she dies, you die.
[ZULIO] You're okay.
- It's okay.
You're okay. Uh, here.
Come here.
I'm a friend of your father's.
It's all right. It's okay.
- You're all right.
- Don't look. Don't look.
It's okay. You're gonna be all right.
All right, I gotta get you out of here.
- Okay?

Is she okay? Put her on the phone.
Well, how soon can you
What? You motherfucker!
You better
What the fuck just happened?
He's not giving her back.
He's holding on to her
until after he busts the shipment.
He's no fucking better
than the Colombians.
What's the matter with you?
He's taken Valeria hostage.
- There's a choice beyond Zulio.
- Yeah. What's that?
The war we fought in Cuba
has never ended for me.
You understand?
I don't sell yayo to fill my pockets.
I use it to finance a war
I never stopped fighting.
- But you did.
- All right.
I've had an ally in that fight.
Hal approached me.
At first, I didn't want
anything to do with him.
But he's proved very helpful
throughout the years.
He's even protected me.
- Yeah, in exchange for what?
- Help him take back Cuba.
I don't want Castro in Cuba,
but I don't want
no Americanos there either.
You're an idealist.
And they abandoned us
when we needed them most,
and my wife died as a result,
so fuck him and fuck you!
Zulio betrayed my immunity deal
and you by taking Valeria.
We need Hal's help.
What choice do we have?
I made you some of my picadillo.
I'm not very hungry.
Are you worried about your boyfriend?
Zuli said he's in the hospital
and doing fine.
I'm sure you're gonna see him soon.
Eat something.
Hey, my wife she's a good cook, no?
Thank you for saving my life.
That's my job, sweetheart.
Why did you bring her here?
Because it's safer here
than any safe house.
I might be paranoid,
but I can't trust
that asshole Cunningham
that they sent down from Washington.
Not even my own supervisor.
Look, nobody knows she's here.
It's gonna be fine.
Let's eat, huh?
[GRUNTS] Oh. Oh, that smells so good.
- [MAYA] Hmm?
- Come on, eat.
It's delicious.
You don't know what you're missing.
When are you going to take me home?
- Look, I'm gonna be blunt.
No child should ever have to witness
the things that you have,
but that's your uncle's fault.
Now, I I don't know
what's gonna happen.
[SIGHS] I need your father's
help to stop a drug war.
Unfortunately, that means
I have to keep you here
until I know which side he's on.
But at least I know you'll be safe.
Now eat your food.
Janice, karma is real, and it's a bitch.
It's a real bitch. Look.
- Ray Dorado's dead?
- Uh-huh.
Suspected in bombing
of Congressman Landon.
Yep! I know it's schadenfreude
to take pleasure in another man's death,
but, hey, couldn't happen
to a worse guy.
- Whoo!
- This isn't good news, Burton.
He was involved with the same people
who were using your family's
property to bring in drugs.
And I know Ray
I knew Ray. He's not the type
to plant bombs.
Oh, please, he didn't
get his hands dirty, maybe,
but Ray Dorado had my sister killed.
Or maybe his bosses did.
This is a dangerous game.
I don't like you involved.
This is gonna save my hotel.
I trust Roman.
Don't you?
I think there are things about Roman
neither of us have a clue about.
You do have feelings for him, don't you?
- We all love Roman.
- Yeah, no, we all do.
But you love him.
as in real true love.
- Have you told him?
- I don't love him.
- No, I haven't.
- You want me to talk to him?
Of course not.
Listen to me.
The Buddha said, in the end,
only three things matter
how much you loved,
how gently you lived,
and how gracefully you let go of things
not meant for you.
Well, fuck the Buddha.
Okay, yeah.
- Um, I better get ready.
- For what?
I'm going with Nestor Cabal to the
sugarcane plantation this afternoon.
I have to. I know the area,
in case he needs my help.
Burton, that is a bad idea.
- Zulio.
[PETER] This is about the coke.
Get the coke.
Agent Zulio, welcome.
Today's the big day.
- Dom.
- Yeah.
Aerial photography of Cuban airspace,
which shows unusual movement
at the cargo ports.
We're expecting the load
to come in soon.
Who the fuck are these guys?
This is a tactical unit
from Fort Benning, Georgia.
They are the best. Don't worry.
You're still in charge.
They're here to take your orders
and to help with the shipment.
Mr. Cunningham, I'm gonna wanna
arrest Nestor Cabal
on drug trafficking charges.
You do this right, Dom,
the agent of the year.
I don't give a shit about that.
But I do give a shit
about my C.I., Roman Compte.
I have his daughter in my custody.
I'm gonna recommend
that she go into foster care.
She needs a good home, a safe home.
No, fuck that. Bring her in.
She might have some
information that's useful.
- But, sir
- [PETER] Bring her in.
That's an order.
Using the CIA to fix
the DEA's bullshit is crazy.
Our tax dollars at work, brother.
It's good to see you again,
Roman. Long time.
Have a seat, Hal.
I'm talking to you
for one reason only
to get my daughter back.
I think I can help you with that.
The question is,
will you help me?
- He will.
- [ROMAN] To do what, exactly?
Using people as pawns,
installing political puppets,
all the usual shit you do?
Doesn't sound like he's on board.
Roman, shut the fuck up for a second.
I just wanna know what he wants from me.
Nestor's told me how the Colombians
are routing 6 tons of cocaine
through communist Cuba.
Millions of dollars will go
to line Fidel's pockets.
With your help, I'd like it
to line our pockets instead.
Our pockets?
[NESTOR] Hal's gonna be
a part of the deal.
He's gonna help us steal that perico
and fuck Castor at the same time.
So, now the CIA is getting
into the cocaine business.
We'll put the money to good use,
to continue the fight that once
meant so much to both of us.
In exchange, I'll get that
fat fuck DEA off your back
and make sure your daughter
gets home safely.
I'll send men to his house
to pick her up.
Well, what do you say, Roman?
Do we have a deal?
Come and knock on our door ♪
Come and knock on our door ♪
We've been waiting for you ♪
We've been waiting for you ♪
[SINGERS] Where the kisses
are hers and hers and his ♪
Why don't we turn the TV off and chat?
- Um
About what?
[CLICKS TONGUE] How old were you
when you came to the United States?
I was about three.
My mother was supposed to come with me,
- but she stayed in Cuba.
- Why?
My dad was in prison there
for opposing Castro.
She wanted to stay and fight
to get him out of jail.
Wow. She seems like
a very brave and noble woman.
When did she come over?
She didn't.
She was shot by a firing squad.
My God, I'm I'm so sorry.
What was her name?
She must have been
very beautiful like you.
Stay here. I want to hear more.
Deal or no deal, I don't trust
Hal, no matter what he says.
I don't blame you
for not trusting the CIA.
This whole thing is very scary.
I've set up a meeting with Agent Zulio.
He's giving Valeria back
whether he likes it or not.
Now you're threatening DEA agents?
Roman, you're going to end up in jail.
I'm already in jail.
Marisol I'm sorry for all of this.
Things will be back the way they were.
I promise.
Oh. Maya!
Oh, Maya.
You motherfuckers
Oh. Motherfuckers
Hey, Janice.
I told Zulio to meet me here.
Have you seen him?
I think he went inside.
Listen, uh, something's been on my mind.
Can it wait?
No, I won't have the courage later.
I saw you fucking Yolanda yesterday.
That was business.
Yeah, I figured.
The kind of business I used to be in.
The thing is
It sort of made me jealous.
I'm still in love with Marisol.
I was just angry yesterday.
Yeah, of course.
I owe you so much.
I know you killed Chucho for me.
Roman, you would do the same for me.
Yeah, I would.
Look, I'm
I gotta go.
I want my daughter back.
[ZULIO] I don't know where she is.
What the fuck are you talking about?
She's gone, Roman.
Gone? Where?
Those motherfucking animals
they came into my house,
and they slaughtered my wife.
- They took her.
- Henao and Yolanda?
[SNIFFLES] I'm sorry.
- You motherfucker!
- I'm so sorry.
You should've given her back to me.
- I'm sorry.
- I should blow
- your fucking brains out.
- Do it!
Do it!
This is God's punishment
for the way I used
your daughter against you.
And now he's taken the
the only thing in this world
that meant anything to me.
Just do it.
- Fuck!
- Fucking
You're gonna help me get her back.
Man, come on, she could be
in one of a million places.
But Henao and Yolanda
they're gonna be
on those sugarcane fields.
We could grab 'em.
We can get 'em to talk.
I'd kill those motherfuckers
with my own two hands.
No! Fuck that.
If you touch them, Valeria is dead.
We have to find her
before that drop goes down.
Now, you and Ray Dorado met with him.
There's some fucking boat
- Where?!
- The the Port of Miami.
It's called the Corialino.
I'm not going there.
I'm going to the sugarcane fields.
You're gonna have to shoot me
to stop me.
Just curious. Uh
Do you think what we're about
to do is safe?
May I ask where Roman is?
I just kind of assumed he'd be with us.
Not coming.
May I ask why not?
I hear you like to party.
Have you ever considered what it takes
to bring this stuff in?
No. Uh, not really.
People get shot.
Sometimes they're tortured.
Drowned, stabbed,
their fucking guts ripped out.
Right now, Roman is off
trying to find his daughter
my niece.
Her life is in danger
because of this fucking coke.
Just so a bunch of empty-headed,
self-indulgent pigs
at your fucking club
can enjoy themselves
for a few fleeting moments.
So, you ask me if what I think
we're doing is safe.
No, it's not fucking safe!
Whiskey bottles ♪
And brand-new cars ♪
Oak tree, you're in my way ♪
There's too much coke ♪
And too much smoke ♪
Look what's going on
inside you ♪
Ooh, that smell ♪
Can't you smell that smell? ♪
The smell of death
surrounds you ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

So take another toke,
have a blow for your nose ♪
One more drink, fool,
will drown you ♪
Ooh, that smell ♪
Can't you smell that smell? ♪

The smell of death
surrounds you ♪

Fuck 'em! Go! Go! Go! Move!
[GRUNTS] Oh, shit!
[AGENT 1] Go! Go, go, go!
- [THUD]
Fire at will.
Drop those weapons!
That's for Maya, you motherfuckers!
[HAL] Agent Zulio, put your weapon down!
What the fuck is going on here?
Cuff him!
[HAL] Agent Zulio, you're under arrest
for colluding with Congressman Landon
to import cocaine through Cuba.
Who the fuck are you?!
You're in on this with them?!
You motherfucker!
You piece of shit! They killed my wife!
You're fucking dead!
- You all right?
- I am, but he isn't.
- Mi amor.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
You are the most important
thing in my life.
And I won't do it unless you want it.
Look, I just want things to
go back to the way they were.
So do I.
- Hola.
- Hola.
I told Valeria first,
because she's a part of this, too.
A part of what?
He wants to marry you.
And I hope you say yes.
That wasn't how I was gonna do it
And how were you going to do it?
will you be my wife
and mother to Valeria?
Yes, yes.

- Kool Herc.
- Roman, my man.
- Congrats.
- Thank you.
Take it from a guy like me,
marriage is like fine wine.
It gets better with time.
I intend to make it last.
But maybe you can spin
some vinyl at the wedding.
- Done and done.
- My man.
My man.
Get up everybody and dance ♪
Living life is fun,
and we've just begun ♪
To get our share
of this world's delights ♪
High ♪
High hopes we have
for the future ♪
And our goal's in sight ♪
We, no,
we don't get depressed ♪
Here's what we call
our golden rule ♪
Roman, I want you to meet Paul Smith,
the hottest fashion designer in London.
Hello, mate.
I would love to design the tux
for your wedding,
but not in black. Perhaps chartreuse.
Um, I'll leave it to you.
Mr. Smith, have a great time.

I am happy for you. I truly am.
Janice, look, I wanna
finish our conversation
Shh! Like the Buddha says,
I'm just gonna let it go.
Where's Burton? Have you seen him?
He's around here somewhere.
He took a lot of acid.
We are family ♪
I hear you like to party
self-indulgent pigs
You ever consider what it takes
to bring this stuff in?
[ECHOES] Bring this stuff in?
self-indulgent pigs
self-indulgent pigs
self-indulgent pigs
self-indulgent pigs
- self-indulgent pigs
- self-indulgent pigs
self-indulgent pigs
Hey, good to see you.
Excuse me.
Congratulations, brother.
Great party.
I just need a minute with you.
- Is it important?
- Yes.

What are you doing here?
Well, I don't want to interrupt
your celebration.
And yet you are.
Just thought you should know,
Castro's cocaine
has been safely taken
to Nestor's stash houses.
There's a lot of work ahead of us.
Us? Look, we both got what you wanted,
and I got my family back.
That's all I care about.
Nestor, you're my brother,
and I love you, but I'm out.
[NESTOR] Brother, hold on. Hold on.
That coke is gonna help
fund a very specific goal.
A second invasion of Cuba.
You have fun with that.
And go play G.I. Joe.
I'll go to my honeymoon.
[HAL] Roman, you may wanna rethink that.
One of our assets in Cuba
sent this picture
a couple weeks ago.
It's your wife.
[NESTOR] Estela's alive,
and she's in Cuba.

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