Kaalkoot (2023) s01e08 Episode Script


"I have chosen a precious bead
From this necklace of my dreams"
"But now I stand afraid
Did I make the right choice?"
"I see these tiny wings growing on me"
"The heart yearns to fly!"
"The wind blows again"
"The anxiety plays its part too"
"But my belief stands tall"
"I will have a future of my dreams!"
"If the road doesn’t exist"
"I shall pave my
own and walk ahead"
"If they pull me back"
"I’ll anchor my feet hard and then"
"I shall set off to fly"
"I shall set off to fly!"
"I shall set off to fly"
"I shall set off to fly!"
"I have emptied my hands off
This heavy box of suffering"
"Now I walk holding
hands of the cool breeze"
"I broke open against the mountains"
"The heavy shackles of the past"
Where'd you get the photo?
- I
- Who gave it to you?
I just got it from her computer.
You're fond of uploading
her obscene pictures, right?
- I didn't do anything.
- You're fond of it, right?
'You're fond of it, right?'
'I didn't do anything.'
'I am innocent.'
'What do you think?'
'We will believe
whatever you say?'
'I didn't do anything.
- Speak!'
Sir, hacking a system
is not her cup of tea.
Let's release her.
Of the 28 cases, only two acid attack
cases have been resolved so far.
Let her probe continue,
who knows she may blurt something.
Okay, sir.
Is this what you do in college?
I didn't do anything.
Let me go.
You're posting obscene photos!
I didn't do anything.
Is this why your parents
sent you to college?
I didn't do anything.
Mr. Yadav
Mr. Yadav.
Parul and Ashish
both received emails regarding
unusual activities on their accounts
on different days,
but with the same IP Address.
Go to the cyber cafe,
make a complete
copy of their register.
Go now.
'I didn't do anything.'
Do you want more?
Tell me.
Why did you upload her photo
on the website?
Sir, she used to treat us
like her servants.
She gave me her used item.
'It's not used, but an offering.'
'I don't want Ashish, you keep him.'
I was angry, sir.
And you sought revenge.
Why did you log in to
the website yesterday?
Sir, there are boys out there
who want to talk to me.
They write,
'Miss you, love you.'
They compliment me, sir.
They want to meet me.
Sir, it feels nice
when boys talk to me.
But there's a limit.
- Sir
- Found anything?
Three people were
in the cafe at that time,
but none of them were
the previous four suspects.
He isn't even using
his real ID.
Ravi, what's the update?
Parul's email ID was hacked,
and so was Ashish's.
An email was sent to Rashmi
from Ashish's hacked account,
requesting a meeting.
Rashmi's identity is being
used only to trap Ashish.
I knew it.
But whoever did it,
knew the whereabouts
of Parul, Rashmi, and Ashish.
It's not necessary, sir.
Checking one's email will
get you their whereabouts.
Sir, you said only two
acid attack cases out of 28
have been resolved so far.
How were they solved?
I nabbed one!
Move aside!
Yes. Take all the limelight.
The boy was given
to him on a plate.
He went to throw acid,
but it exploded.
He dropped the canister
slipping some on
himself and the girl.
He was arrested there.
Sir, exactly my point.
In order to prevent this mistake,
they might have come
to practice on Rashmi.
- Practice?
- Yes.
Is an Acid Attack competition
being held in Macmohan Ganj?
Sir, I'll be right back.
Payal, where did you get
the poem's photocopy from?
- 'Sir, from Ali Cyber.'
- I see.
Did Parul ever go there
to get photocopies?
'Yes, sir.
It's near the coaching center.'
Mr. Yadav
you got this xerox
from Ali Cyber Cafe?
Yes, sir.
Search this list for any names
of the 28 acid victims.
Okay, sir.
But why, sir?
I won't be able
to explain it properly, however
there's surely some connection
between this issue
and the cyber cafe.
- Okay, sir.
- No!
- Give Gyan this task.
- Sir
Take Yadav and meet Nitin Seth.
Nitin Seth?
Yes. It's the second
case that was solved.
There is a man named Nitin
Seth who threw acid on his sister.
Later, he surrendered himself to the
police station when he felt guilty.
The rascal is
currently out on bail.
His dad is a lawyer.
He is also studying law
in some degree college.
He found out about
his sister's affair.
lost control
and threw it.
He ruined his sister's life.
Sir, can I ask you a
personal question?
Have you ever been
betrayed by a girl?
Didn't you get angry?
I did. A bit.
Then what did you do?
What did you do?
Any reaction?
Mr. Yadav.
You're here! Sit.
Can you shut that off?
Hey, Shambu!
He's my senior Mr. Ravi.
He'll ask you a few questions.
Tell me.
Why did you throw it?
Sir, one day I found out
that my sister got an abortion,
that too, a Muslim child.
How did you find out?
Sir, she blurted it out
when I asked.
Why did you ask her?
- Meaning?
- I mean..
Why did you feel the need to ask?
Did you have an inkling she is
pregnant and getting aborted?
Was she eating too many pickles?
Don't think that
what you did was right just
because you got away with it!
Repeat, get punished again.
Who told you she was pregnant?
Sir, I received an
email from the clinic
where she had the abortion.
That's when I found out.
Give me the address of the clinic.
Did Parul get aborted as well?
You will be jailed for 12 years.
Why don't you keep records?
Sir, the patient is inside.
Come outside.
Sir, please understand
we are doing social service.
If we do not
perform these abortions,
A stone is tied to the feet
of the two-day-old girl child
before she is
thrown into the pond.
Please go and
see in the village,
we do not know how many babies
are thrown into the pond every day.
Sir, we are not
taking their lives,
we are saving them.
Saving them and informing
their families by email.
Sir, in this line of work,
we do not send any
documents by mail to the girl,
so why would we
send them to others?
Sir, 11 victims out of
28 have been found
in this cyber cafe's list.
Give it here.
How did you do it so quickly?
This wasn't your cup of tea.
Sir, I have worked very swift.
I'm going to retire soon.
It's my last month.
Well done!
11 girls out of 28 are
linked to this cyber cafe.
There's surely some connection.
We'll find out the connection.
I'll call Deepak Mishra.
Just answer it.
Mr. Mishra,
without creating a scene,
tell me if there is a way
to hack an email
ID from a cyber cafe.
Sir, there are keyboard loggers.
If installed on the computer,
all the data will be
recorded and mailed.
How can we find out
if these loggers are
installed on any computers?
Control Alt Shift plus Enter.
Press all the four keys at once.
It will be done.
"This folklore is not baseless"
"Its roots reside within you"
"Its knocking your
door on this dark night"
"Now is the time…
you must recognize it!"
"Now is the time…
you must recognize it!"
"Walk into the fire Burn the
old you and turn it to ashes"
Do you know any person
by the name Manu Sharma?
'Sir, he's the internet provider
of the college.'
He's quite close to the Dean.
'It was his idea
to install the firewall.'
Have you ever seen him ride
Zakir Siddiqui's college scooter?
Sir, he keeps traveling.
It's possible he used it.
"Around this grave of terror
You are the tomb of hope"
"Walk into the fire"
"Around this grave of terror
You are the tomb of hope"
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
- What happened, sir?
- It's not installed here.
Sir, he is not our
internet provider.
He was our ex-employee
who was fired three years ago.
Just a minute.
He worked here?
Thank you.
Sir, he's the same boy who made
P.K. Mishra's video. Desi Rebel.
Sir, he used to gather
information about girls
and send it to their
family or boyfriend
so they could do
whatever they wanted.
He worked at an abortion clinic
and harbored resentment towards women.
it's possible that even Parul's
father knows something.
'It's possible, sir.'
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
"Seek annihilation to turn into
something sacred"
"Walk into the fire"
- Let's go.
- Come on.
How are you?
Great, sir.
Did you recognize us?
What are you doing here, sir?
'We wanted to talk.
Come here.'
Yes, sir. I was just locking up.
- Give me two minutes.
- Locking up?
Are you closing the shop?
- Yes.
- Very good, come here.
Got him. Send the patrol car.
"Rise oh mighty Sikandar (Alexandar)"
"What is there to lose now?"
"Whatever you
achieved in the past"
"Whatever you lost in the past"
"Will all turn it ashes
with the old you"
"Only ashes!"
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
"Seek annihilation to turn into
something sacred"
"Walk into the fire"
"Burn the old you
and turn it to ashes"
"This folklore was never baseless"
"Its roots were always within you"
"Its knocking your
door on this dark night"
"Now is the time…
you must recognize it!"
"Now is the time…
you must recognize it!"
Dear Ravi.
I know you must be
in shock right now.
You thought your old father
didn't even know
how to send an email,
but he's sending
you a post-dated one.
Actually, today is
your mother's birthday,
and every year I used to
write a poem and recite it to her.
This time, you will
have to recite it instead.
You may feel shy
while reading the poem,
but don't let your
shyness get in the way
because my poem is much
bigger than your shyness.
Take care of yourself.
I hope you're enjoying
your job in the police now.
"Between your legs"
Between your legs
Good morning.
Happy Birthday.
Thank you.
Shivani's father has called twice.
It's not good to keep him hanging.
Let's refuse.
What are you doing?
Your shirts are all dirty,
- I'll wash them.
- No, you won't do it.
You won't do it!
Keep it down.
'Manu Sharma is an escaped convict.'
'You want P.K.Mishra's video
and he seeks protection.'
Just tell him
that you have his back.
Where did you get the shirt?
From dad's wardrobe.
- Yes, sir.
- Ravi
'Manu has fallen for the trap.'
'Reach O.P. Verma's factory
in two hours.'
Okay, sir.
Rocky Rocky!
Ro Rocky!
- What happened?
- I guess your wound is bleeding.
This is what he does when
he smells blood.
He just sticks to you.
- Aunt, where's Parul?
- She's inside.
Mr. Yadav
is still in the hospital.
Are you okay?
Yes, some of the
stitches came loose today.
No, It's not that bad.
If my dad were here, do
you know what he would say?
I'm no coward to be running
in the veins all along,
when the blood doesn't drop
from a wound, it's inconsequential.
That boy Manu
will be nabbed today.
We will find out who were
his accomplices as well.
Whether he'll be punished
or not depends on you.
- If you withdraw the case
- No.
I won't withdraw the case.
Yes. Just assume
we are doing a
recitation of Ramcharitmanas.
Come and join us
when you have some free time
for a while.
I wanted to say another thing.
If her picture was
taken off the internet
Uncle, your daughter
has come back home safely.
Celebrate a little.
You're concerned about the internet.
Am I right?
How many?
Your vision is good.
Do you remember
what Parul's father said?
The girl has slipped
out of our hands.
The girl
Manu definitely showed
the photo to her father.
Don't spare them, sir.
Mr. Yadav.
Om Prakash Verma will
serve him in a plate for us today.
How much will you admire yourself?
Sorry, sir.
Sir, it's his last arrest.
Mr. Gyan wants to nab
him by the collar.
- Really?
- We will nab the bastard!
- Hello?
- Ravi.
Sir, you
Get him!
Dear Ravi
"Being a cop"
"I am writing a poem.'
"Follow the instructions; behave."
"Get used to it."
"Get ready to get crucified."
"Get ready to get crucified."
"Melt the shackles of that
costume and forge a sword."
"Fuck the world!
Get ready to get crucified."
Whom do you work for?
The child
She's admitted, but she'll survive.
Mr Mr. Jagdish
He is fine as well.
And you are lucky
that you are fine as well.
Mr. Ravi
So many girls were drowned
in that pond by tying stones
that the pond has become poisonous
due to the phosphorous
from their bones.
Get up!
Go there!
Open the seat and sit!
Start talking now.
Sir, Parul said
that she didn't want to marry me.
She didn't want to talk
or keep any ties.
I said fine.
I'd live without you.
She wasn't meeting anyone
or attending her classes.
She went to Ali Cyber Cafe
to get copies of her notes.
Manu got her password from there.
He showed it to me.
She sent Ashish our photograph.
You lied.
You said Rashmi told you.
Rashmi didn't tell me.
Manu opened Parul's email
and showed it to me.
He always supported me as a friend
- and a brother.
- A brother?
Just like the rest of the brothers
who took up arms
to save him.
Sir, he has saved the honor of
many daughters-in-law and daughters
by providing information.
I, too
cried profusely when he told me
that Parul sent the photograph.
Then I
said in anger
that I'll throw acid
on Parul's face.
Then he explained it to me
that it is not so easy.
You'll do it and repent.
When an abortion is
incomplete, there is bleeding.
It could prove fatal too.
Then was a boy
who threw acid on his sister
- and confessed his crime.
- Nitin Seth.
He told me
where a successful
abortion is desired,
then they administer
blood thinners to make
the blood less viscous.
So, I would have to do the same.
Sir, at first, I
didn't understand
what he meant by that.
Then he told me
to practice it on
someone else first.
So you threw the
blue water on Rashmi.
Yes. For practice.
Manu was sitting behind me.
When we had to throw it on Parul
I wasn't agreeing
on doing it.
- Manu was already adamant.
- I see.
So, it's Manu's fault?
He said he would do it
and I didn't refuse.
Sir, you don't know
the pain of being cheated.
You don't know
the pain of being betrayed.
You will rot in prison for 12 years.
I am fine.
Tell me.
Since so many months
I was searching for that boy.
When I met him,
I didn't feel much different from
the boy who had thrown the acid.
Why are you saying this?
I used to think that
I am a good person,
just like my father.
That's why I hated the man
who misbehaved with my sister
and took advantage
of her to marry her.
A boy got angry with a girl
and threw acid on her.
I was angry with you,
so I called you to my hotel room.
Ravi, I wanted to come myself.
There's a difference.
The reason I called you was
because I was angry with you.
You came because you liked me.
I shouldn't have called
you to the hotel room.
I'm sorry.
I agree.
Because I am agreeing
to marry you,
you should know
that I'm not such a nice person.
Everyone is happy
with a smile on their face.
Your friend has come downstairs.
- What? Who?
- Come down.
Why are you hiding it?
I'm coming.
Everyone is happy
with a smile on their face.
- Give it to me.
- No. It's okay.
This way.
Come in.
Is this sir's room?
- Yes. Come in.
Congratulations on your wedding.
Now, besides the FIR, many other
things will have to be learned.
There is still time
for the wedding.
Till then I'll write an FIR.
I am going to Delhi
tomorrow for studies.
What will you be studying?
- Law.
- Law?
How is your health now?
I heard that you
had kidney surgery.
As long as I was in the hospital,
I was only in pain,
maybe the pain was so much
that there was no chance
of feeling anything else.
when I saw my reflection in the mirror
for the first time after arriving home,
I felt scared.
So scared that
I used to wet the bed at night.
So, I decided that
I won't drink tea,
milk, water or any
liquid for that matter.
After six months,
due to lack of water,
I developed kidney stones.
It was all because of my shame.
Why I am blabbering all this?
It's your wedding!
- Open the gift.
- Yes.
What does it contain?
Your dad gave it to me
on my farewell.
Dad has sent an
email, post-dated.
Is that so?
Yes. He wrote a poem for mom.
- What are you saying?
- He wants
me to recite it to mom.
It's a terrifying poem.
Dear, let's go
and dance with everyone.
Come on.
- Yes.
Let's go.
Come on!
What is it?
- Please be patient.
I have something to tell you.
- What's so important?
- It is important.
It's imperative I tell you.
Come on.
Be careful.
dad had written a poem for you
on your birthday.
But I didn't recite it to you
because of my shame.
The poem is called
Between your legs.
Inspite of all your efforts,
Certain fears still
had you every day,
Fears, that you felt
were necessary to have.
You mixed all
those fears in cotton,
And hid them in pillows,
covering them
with a childish argument,
you made a great
arrangement to sleep peacefully.
But if one day,
a special day,
a heavy day - dream
wanders into the night
and gets lost in your sleep,
then burdened by its weight
crushed inside the pillow,
It bursts out
Like white noise and
spreads in the air like cotton.
For such a day,
I want to tell you that
I have a poem
that is trapped
between your legs,
like a genie.
All you have to do is lie down,
Breathe slowly,
And rub your knees together
and on your command,
it will rise like smoke
and fight with white noise
and dissolve all your
necessary fears in the pillow.
For such a day,
I have also made arrangements
for you to sleep peacefully.
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