Karamora (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Bolsheviks' camp
Dracula shot himself, the bullet passed through his cheek.
Not much of us is left.
Don't worry, Karazin, appearance is not important for a revolutionary.
Did you get it?
I have to recover, I have to kill vampires.
Are you sure it was all there?
The fight? The vampires?
You should at least reduce the dose.
Give me the morphine, damn it!
Give me the morphine! Morphine!
Give me the morphine! Morphine, give me morphine!
Me first.
You won't be able to hit a vein afterwards.
There are vampires, they are our real enemies.
Put it in the groin, in the groin!
Tkachev, we're leaving tomorrow.
How long have we been here?
Two months. Maybe more.
No, it can't be. It can't be.
Bagrov was hanged, Golovin was killed.
You're here.
Yes, you are here.
Tanya! We had Tanya. Where is she?
She was arrested and released under an amnesty.
She is currently in a house of tolerance.
Who else would hire a former revolutionary?
Why don't we get out of here?
Do you even look at what you're signing?
Koba runs the remnants of "The Riders" on your behalf.
He needs you as a living vegetable. He is our Calypso.
Calypso was a nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia, where, according to Homer's Odyssey, she detained Odysseus for seven years. She promised Odysseus immortality if he would stay with her, but Odysseus preferred to return home.
We should, we should quit morphine.
- What? Give up morphine?
- Yes, we should.
What? What? What? No! No! No!
No! No! No!
Don't you dare! Give it to me! Give it to me!
Give it to me! Give it to me!
Gimme, gimme.
You ruin everything you touch!
Give me! Give it to me!
Police. Simonov's office
Only the colonel knew the code,
but he disappeared a month ago.
Don't worry, the safe will be opened.
So you don't know anything about his association with Karamora?
Only the recruiter himself knows his
agents in order to avoid any leaks.
I heard about your humble ceremony.
Don't even dream of it.
A wedding is not a celebration for the
newlyweds, but for friends and family.
You have one relative - me. So everything will be my way.
I am happy to hand over to you all
the preparation, Vladimir Mikhailovich.
I trust your taste.
Sasha will grumble a little, but he'll eventually agree.
You'll be In seventh heaven.
Come on, Fomin, get started.
What are you pining on me?
I'm a shoemaker, I don't know how to pick locks.
Minus two years of hard labor if you open it.
You know, if King Oedipus hadn't discovered the truth,
Oedipus was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.
he would have continued to live quietly
and peacefully with an older woman.
I must do it, Prince. I want to close this chapter of my life once and for all.
Look at that, he was running away from someone
so fast, he didn't have time to destroy everything.
Wherever you are, Petya, in hell or in heaven, I forgive you.
You hear me? I forgive you.
Bolsheviks' camp
Come with me, beautiful, will you?
You're staying with us tonight
since the groom shouldn't see the bride until the wedding,
but you and I are going to have some fun.
Isn't it too pompous?
You're marrying Alexander Konstantinovich Runevsky himself,
it's about time you got used to pomposity.
Are you ready to begin a new happy life?
This must be your first time here, right?
We have a very expensive price list,
across the street there is a cheaper brothel.
Where is Tanya Golovina?
Tanechka is busy right now, but you can have a drink while you wait.
The diminutive suffix -chka is added to Russian names to give them a touch of endearment.
A real revolutionary would never expose his ass to a capitalist.
No. No. No.
No, Tanechka, it was me who brought you here.
It's my fault, I'm sorry.
Go out the back door, and I'll see you there.
Ninochka, good evening.
And I was beginning to miss you, Prince.
Oh, come now, I'm here to talk business. About the bachelor party.
And what does Mr. Runievski want?
He doesn't want anything.
He's against it, of course, but no one is asking his opinion.
A bachelor party is for me and my friends.
Well, Vladimir Mikhailovich, for you I am ready
to close the place for the whole evening.
Bolsheviks' camp
Koba, someone's coming.
You are a desperate man, Comrade Karamora.
Voluntarily returning to the lair of the enemy.
Apparently, there are good reasons for this.
Here's a vampire, I'm not crazy.
Yusupov Palace
The prince has released the servants
and asks you to go through the back door.
The Prince is being bashful.
Well, we'll forgive him.
It took you a long time, Prince.
I hope for your indulgence for a defeated enemy.
Come on, what kind of an enemy are you?
You surprised me pleasantly.
I remember you as a child, a reveler and a wastrel.
And you have matured noticeably.
I don't quite understand your mystical metaphors.
No metaphors, Prince.
I created the Retinue you were so eager to lead.
I have convened the Private Committee. And you thought
long and hard about how to keep the vampires safe,
how to stop this series of palace upheavals
and give the empire stability.
Come now, Prince, you spent so much time figuring out
who I was, but you still have no idea?
You didn't recognize the man that led the Russian troops into Paris?
For those who do not know Russian history, this is Alexander I. After his death there were many rumors that he did not actually die, but faked his death and became a monk-like hermit in Siberia.
I was at the height of fame after 1812,
but I had a child out of wedlock,
the first vampire eater. Or kappa, as you call them.
The court found out about it and spread rumors about the Antichrist.
And I was desperately looking for a way to cure him.
The key is not mysticism, it's science.
From many generations of incest, humans have become vampires.
The repeated incest between vampires
resulted in kappas, a natural mutation of our species.
Alas, while I was absorbed in all this,
I forgot all about the country and the reforms
that were expected of me. A conspiracy was coming.
To cede power for a while and not lose it forever,
I found a recipe for an elixir,
that helped me "die", but stay alive.
Aware that sooner or later there would be more vampire-eaters
and the empire would be on the brink of destruction, I devoted almost 100 years
to learning how to control them.
The time will come and someone will come for me to ask for help.
Russia lost the war with Japan.
Sailors of the battleship Potemkin revolted
I'll be back, the power in Russia should not change.
Let the mob swear allegiance to different idols,
but, in fact, they always are and always will be in the same hands.
Alexander Pavlovich, I did not know.
Don't worry, Prince, I've been in a similar situation before.
Revolution was brewing all over Europe.
Only one thing could tame the minds of the people
and concentrate them around a strong power:
a common enemy and victory over him.
I defeated Napoleon and all of Europe shut up.
Now I'm going to assemble the kappas
and send them against Austria and Germany.
The war would end in Budapest.
To the victory, Alexander Pavlovich.
For Russia.
You have no idea what kind of Goliath we just defeated.
Don't let him touch you!
After him!
Bolsheviks' camp
You can't sleep either?
The interrogation is going hard so far, but it's in progress.
You do this to people, too?
People die too quickly.
The remarkable advantage of vampires is that
they can be tortured indefinitely.
They constantly regenerate and do not die of pain shock.
This will allow us to torture him again and again and again
until we ourselves allow him to die.
I didn't introduce you, comrades.
This is Dr. Kacharawa, our chief information officer.
It's funny, they call me a doctor, but I'm not a medical doctor.
I am a doctor of history, a medievalist,
studying the period of the Inquisition.
Liquid Resin.
In Spain during the Middle Ages it was poured internally into heretics.
It is hot as lava and sticky.
It burns all the internal organs, sticking them into one thick, viscous mess.
A human, of course, would die instantly
in agony, but a vampire would survive.
He will suffer like in hell, but he will survive.
Incredible, isn't it?
Tell me, old man, where is your friend?
When he speaks, let me know.
Denisieva's House
Ira! Ira!
It's me, Nadya.
Sasha I forbade you to see me like this.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't not come to you this time.
Should have died yesterday.
Nadya, what are you saying?
You always had a bad sense of humor.
Does she love you?
You have the eyes of a little boy.
I can see everything in them.
I should have turned you back then
and not listened to your objections.
That's why I ran away from you.
I wanted you to remember me young.
But it's even good that we got to see each other one last time.
You haven't changed at all.
People used to worship the sun,
but then they realized it wasn't going anywhere and stopped appreciating it.
Only things that have an end are appreciated.
Life is one of them.
Believe me, I will die with peace of mind knowing
that you are getting married again.
Bolsheviks' camp
I'm glad you're alive.
What's the point? It's only days away.
Do you think you can get us a new gun in time?
The military has invented something better. I have it in my bag.
Science and Life
Illustrated Journal of Science, Art, and Literature
Science News
The first prototypes of the flamethrower are now in Kronstadt.
In this case, the plan is this.
The first group will set up a diversionary explosion here, right by the port.
They could come up from the boat and take the main fire.
Two other groups of five or six men will infiltrate the fortress
and fight their way to the warehouse.
We can let one group in here on the wall for the cover.
There must be a second boat to transfer the captured flamethrowers.
Yes, it's a dangerous plan. And most of the group will probably die.
But if we manage to capture even one gun
A wonderful plan, Comrade Karamora.
But let me suggest an alternative one.
We will give the Lieutenant Sukotin, on duty
at the Kronstadt depot, three thousand banknotes.
And he drops flamethrowers on our boat at night.
How much do you need?
Two, three thousand? Tell me.
My betrothed, my beloved,
I've sat enough, you've played enough;
it's time for us to marry, let's end the bluff.
And then you have to burn the log.
They discuss games and rituals for the wedding.
Let's not burn anything at the wedding.
(speaks in Georgian)
You stay here and keep an eye on the room.
Some people are more to be feared than vampires.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
Who are all these people?
Don't worry, Alexander Konstantinovich, the bride is always late.
But you won't be able to take your eyes off of her when she's all dressed up.
Have you seen Svechnikov? Where is he?
And I just wanted to ask you.
He promised us a bachelor party with a banya and disappeared.
Well, knowing Svechnikoff, maybe there was a bachelor party after all
and we should expect him by tonight.
I told you all about the house, about the wedding.
What else do you want?
Amazingly, you grow a new finger, but you don't
grow a new vampire out of your finger.
So far I can't understand the point of your regeneration.
Perhaps it's worth trying with something bigger.
You are monsters, monsters.
What's it matter during whose rule you're
going to die? The czar, the parliament, the president
Some are born without arms, some with a harelip,
some are overcome by leprosy, or simply
run over by a carriage at rush hour on Nevsky Prospekt.
There is no equality and justice
because someone has a stacked deck.
You will let me go?
What do you want?
To Live.
To Live!
They're coming!
Leave no one alive!
Go to the second floor, I'll check the first.
This is my! My! House!
My! My! Wedding!
I won, vampire.
Die, you wretch!
You're alive?
You're alive!
My goodness.
You're alive!
You're alive! You're alive!
How long I have lived for you! How long I lived without you! You're alive!
What did they do to you? Did they kill you?
No! It was you who killed me, Petya.
And he saved me!
No! No! We can handle it.
Let's get out of here, let's go.
I am at home, Petya.
No, no! I killed the monster. You're free, it's over.
You are the monster.! You came to my wedding with him, Petya.
I let you go and I'm ready to forgive you. And it is him I love!
No, no, no! I'm not leaving without you!
All this time I lived for you, I lived to avenge you.
For yourself, Petya! You lived for yourself!
Do at least something for me. Go away, please. Go away!
You should have told me, Sasha, you should have told me!
Do you have any idea what I've been through,
how much I've sacrificed, how much blood I've shed?
I blew up the whole world for you,
so that afterwards you, bitch, would get involved with a vampire?
Go away, Petya, I hate you.
Did he make you believe that? He'll die!
Only with me!
Alina! Alina!
Bolshevik Headquarters
You think he was the first one to challenge?
No, earlier. It all started much earlier.
In the end, things always settle down.
Freedom, chaos, and then inevitably a new order.
And the new one is no good.
Tkachev, Tkachev is alive.
Tkachev is alive.
Colonel Simonov, he's just been here.
They have all been here.
Where am I?
I want to leave this place. I want to leave, I want to leave.
Comrades, in order to fight the world's vampire cabal,
we must create our own red vampires.
What a hoot, you swapped vampires for other vampires.
Only in this way can we fight back adequately in the coming struggle for world revolution.
Comrade Nobel agreed to help us.
We already have two volunteers. These are Comrade Sverdlov and Comrade Dzerzhinsky.
They expressed their desire to turn into vampires for the sake of the interests of the proletariat.
It was a righteous fight until you crossed the line and became a vmpire yourself.
How could he not cross it?
Even a rat, if cornered, will rush to bite -
What else is left to do?
He's just an obligatory reaction to a stimulus.
You, Karazin, are a byproduct of tyranny.
You are its child.
Did I ask you to bring it?
Comrades, our vampire slayer has regained consciousness. Please.
Your thinking is right, you have to be a consistent anarchist until the very end.
No, these might be better than the old ones.
There has been progress.
Yes, I failed Tanya, you failed that girl and others, but we all make mistakes.
Evil is like a virus.
You kill those who are infected, you get infected yourself.
What are the consequences of a little private nastiness?
Another one is the response.
This ball gets heavier and heavier with each blow,
and here it is - already of the size of the globe.
I burned the vampires, and you are going to take their place.
I chased away the hyenas and the flies swooped in.
And then you flies will gobble each other up until there's only one left, the strongest one.
He's delirious after being wounded.
And who is to blame? Me.
For what I did, for what I didn't do.
What was I supposed to do? To fight evil?
To help the good?
To treat it long or to amputate it right away?
There aren't enough limbs for everyone, comrades.
Comrade Karamora, you are tired.
No, no, I'm not done with you yet.
What if I dream a little bit?
What if I eliminated them, and eliminate you?
Will the Russians breath at last?
Or are Runevsky and Karl were right, and everything will go back to the way it was before?
Biology, psychology
Shall we take a risk?
Bomb! There is a bomb!
Take him!
Stop, you cannot stop the revolution!
What if I can? Let's give the world a chance.
A New Year's Eve prayer service was held
at the Hagia Sophia Church in Constantinople.
Sailors of the Russian Imperial Navy
traditionally washed their boots in the waters of the Bosporus Strait.
Well, our program bids you farewell until the New Year
Let us give the floor to Emperor Nicholas.
Dear subjects of the Russian Empire! Our immense Motherland
to Tashkent meets 2022 A.D.
Last year's celebrations of the 103rd anniversary of victory in the only World War together with the valiant Entente Allies of the Russian Empire strengthens the founding peace within the boundaries of our empire and beyond.
On New Year's Eve in the entryway of his own house
Nikolai Trofimov, chairman of the Zemsky Sobor, was shot.
The police immediately cordoned off
the building and made no comment.
But rumors are already leaking out
that the chairman was allegedly killed by silver bullets.
While authorities refrain from comment,
a photo of the crime scene leaked online
with a mysterious message on the wall.
Well, well, well.
At least something interesting in a hundred years.
Heavenly subjects! Happy New Year, with a New Happiness!
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku, Catholics!
Yılbaşı kutlu olsun, Muslims! Allahu akbar!
A gut yor, Jewish people. Shalom!
Shene zhelei amar mende, Buddhists!
Hüta uut vuerta, Lutherans!
To Russia!
Translation done by kapyushonchan. Special thanks to KTP.
"The end"?
What is this farce?!
I want more!
I can't wait forever for the sequel.
I can't.
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