Maamla Legal Hai (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Law Vs Justice

-[vehicles honking]
-[siren blaring]
[reporter on TV] We have breaking news
from the nation's capital.
Last evening, a young woman
was attacked in Patparganj.
She was robbed and stabbed
by her assailants.
-[camera shutters clicking]
-The Delhi Police responded quickly
by apprehending the culprits
in just nine hours.
This incident has once again
raised concerns about the safety
of this country's citizens.
These bastards should be killed
in a police encounter!
You're talking like
an ordinary civilian, Lawyer saab.
This is going to be a landmark case.
The lawyer who gets this case
will be set up for life.
If the police kill them,
how will we get the case?
Looks like you're not
part of the WhatsApp group.
Look at this.
Every lawyer in Patparganj stands
in solidarity with Shakti and her family.
I hereby announce
that not a single member
of our association
will represent the accused in this case.
The Patparganj Bar Association
strongly condemns this ghastly incident.
Jai Hind!
-[phone beeps]
-Yes, sir.
-Close the door behind you, please.
[footsteps receding]
-So, what do you think?
-[door closes]
I don't know
why Phorey has not filed an FIR.
-But if he hasn't
-But Phorey is not what I'm talking about.
Yes or no, Munshiji?
I haven't really thought about that.
A judgeship is a trial by fire
that you will have to go through alone.
So, the decision also
should be yours alone.
[light suspenseful music]
[theme music]
[engine rumbling]
[Munshi] PP Sahab,
you have to fight Shakti's case.
Munshiji, I'll die of hunger.
I'll jump into a well.
But I refuse to fight
that sleazebag's case.
-[PP] You'll find
plenty of other attorneys like me
over here.
You can go to any of them.
They'll take it up. But I? No.
Are, Peepee Sahab, how long are you going
to keep punishing me for that one mistake?
It's not Peepee Sahab, it's PP Sahab.
Pepsu, you didn't make a mistake,
you committed a sin. A sin!
It was Section 302.
I presented argument after argument
to make my case.
And Mr. Honorable here took a bribe
and got rid of the evidence! Poof!
He's the kind of person
who takes a bribe and doesn't feel
the need to wash his hands.
[PP] Tell me now!
Munshiji, it was a very dirty family.
The murderer was dirty,
and the person he killed was even dirtier.
[Pepsu] So what if I took the money
and built a nice house in Noida.
I I won't do the same thing
with this case.
-I'm here.
-Why are you here?
Are you crazy?
Can't you see I'm working?
I told you, "Call before coming."
Go and sit outside.
Have some tea. Go.
PP Sahab, I completely agree with you,
but this case needs to be handled
by a highly capable lawyer like yourself.
[PP] Capable lawyer?
In America, a public prosecutor
can become a senator,
he can become a governor,
maybe even the president.
But all we can become
is a joke.
[pensive music]
Where's the chance
to show one's capability?
Neither do I have a room,
nor any support staff.
The association will provide the staff.
And I'll give you a room.
Just like the Taj Mahal.
[Mintu] Come on, Tyagi yaar,
what is there to think about?
Just accept the judgeship.
I have already decided.
In our court, you will be addressed
as "My Lord", "My Lordship", "Your Honor".
They better address you as "Your Highness"
because you are the king of Patparganj!
[Mintu laughs]
Oh, Your Honor, this will be great, huh?
No, yaar, Mintu, I wanted to be
the president of the Bar Association.
Then Advocate General,
then Solicitor General,
Attorney General
Instead, I'll be a judge?
Are you thinking of turning it down?
I-I swear, Tyagi, you are unbelievable.
[Mintu] What the hell goes on
in that head of yours?
Why would an advocate become an umpire?
When he he can still be a player.
Just imagine how tied down I'll be,
yaar, Mintu!
[Mintu clicks tongue]
Oh, yaar.
Oye, God knows why the collegium
decided to look upon you with favor.
This time, they have. They may not again.
This is why I can't decide what to do.
Even Munshiji has left it to me.
Bainsla Sir is also nowhere to be found.
Go and meet Ghosh.
[quirky music]
Welcome everyone!
You are at the Taj Mahal.
Even a garbage dump is better than this.
Where is the charge sheet?
Sir, the police haven't even filed
a charge sheet yet.
So what do you want us to draft?
Charge sheet.
[PP] This is an extremely sensitive case.
The charge sheet should be
completely foolproof.
The police won't make it, we'll make it.
But this is wrong.
And that too in five days.
Four, sir.
Four? Are you mad? Four? Why four?
Sir, you know
Commissioner saab called me directly.
So I got excited and overcommitted.
Just look at this guy!
You made an overcommitment?
How could you do that?
Do you know what's involved?
This won't just go to the Supreme Court!
Look at this! Where all it will go!
Amnesty International,
World Rights Forum, the Innocence Project.
Huh? And you committed to four days?
How's that possible?
If we make the slightest mistake,
all three of them will go scot-free.
Then what happens?
Yaar, every nook and corner,
there are people trying to save them.
Yes! See, he gets it.
You still haven't got it.
-Please explain to him.
-[PP's client] Master.
Master, I'm here.
Why are you here?
You asked me to come here.
Yeah, yeah, my mistake. Sorry.
Wait outside, I'll call you.
-Should I take it out?
-Are, no, no!
What do you mean, "take it out"?
Sit outside, I'll see you there.
[Order] We're discussing a serious matter.
Go outside. Go, go, go.
Oh, my God.
[breathes deeply]
My boy, do you know what a collector does?
Then tell me.
If a collector makes a mistake,
where will you lodge a complaint?
I don't know, Milord.
If the Superintendent of Police
breaks the law,
where will you file the complaint?
I don't know, Milord.
If one of the judges in this court
does something wrong,
then, where will you file a complaint?
In the High Court, Milord.
See? Everyone knows this.
And if they make a mistake,
I will go to the Supreme Court.
Right now, you go outside.
Supreme Court, he says!
This is why I am saying
don't become a judge.
The judiciary has no respect!
Are, judges keep canceling
verdicts given by other judges.
Do you know how humiliating it is?
You sentence someone to death,
and then, Honorable High Court,
in front of everyone, easily acquits him.
They have done this to me three times.
Just say no, Tyagi.
You will never be able to survive.
You earn as much
as three judges put together.
Don't say that, Milord.
I don't have such a poor income.
I know
your salaries aren't very high, but
banging that gavel must be
an amazing kick for you, right?
-[Judge Ghosh] Kick?
You must have heard people say,
while showing off
-"My father is a minister!"
"My father is a collector!"
Have you ever heard,
"My father is a judge"?
No. Never, sir.
There is no kick of any kind.
Reject the offer.
You will thank me later.
-The three culprits came out of a bar
-[keyboard keys clacking]
and they ate some paan
from a roadside stall.
Then they got into a bus and left.
There's a witness.
The waiter at the bar, Binod Sahu, sir.
[PP] Hmm.
Witness number 15 and, uh
sir, here's the bill.
[Ani] One minute, sir.
The three of them came out of a bar,
that means they were intoxicated.
We didn't check
their alcohol levels, madam.
[PP] Huh?
Sir, they must've been completely wasted.
Sir, look at this.
They ordered three-quarters of rum
but they didn't order soda and water.
-[Ani] Ah!
-[Daleel] Mm.
That means they were
hammered, and were driving a bus.
Sir, we should also add
a charge of drunken driving.
You're right.
Add a fine of 10,000.
But sir,
these are already such serious charges,
why add a drunk driving charge?
Why? Doesn't it apply?
In fact, even in
Ajmal Kasab's charge sheet,
they charged him
for entering a railway station
without a platform ticket.
In that case, add another fine
for spitting chewed-up paan on the road.
[quirky music]
I mean if you chew paan,
you will spit it out, right?
[Ani] Huh.
I'm impressed!
You just lost an election
and you've come for a hearing?
Not a hearing, Your Honor.
I've come to meet Sikri saab.
Sikri saab, why?
He called me yesterday
to offer me a judgeship.
-Same pinch!
-Same pinch!
Because I'm also finally
being promoted from judge to justice.
Wow, Your Honor! Congratulations!
Stop addressing me as "Your Honor".
Now you're a judge too.
Just call me "sir."
No, Your Honor,
I've actually come to turn him down.
Your Honor, don't get me wrong,
but a judge's life
doesn't really have that
[sucks teeth]
kick, you know.
[pensive music]
-Come on.
Tyagi, I'm going to show you something
that you've never managed to see
in your 20 years as a practicing lawyer.
But I manage to see
at least 20 times a day. Come on.
[lawyer] I feel highly obliged
that in the last hearing,
Milord has made a rare exception
in order to
Your Honor, just what is it
that I haven't seen before?
Who is the lawyer looking at?
[VD Tyagi] The judge.
[Judge Bainsla] Yes.
When it's time for the verdict,
you lawyers always focus on the judge.
Now look there.
At the accused.
[sentimental music]
[Judge Bainsla]
The accused seeks help from the lawyer
and mercy from the judge.
In just a few seconds
the judge will make a decision on
how his life and fate will turn out.
[judge] Granted.
[uplifting music]
There's a whole other emotion
in the eyes of the accused.
[Judge Bainsla] A little relief.
A little gratitude.
A little hope.
And a little pride.
I don't think we have a name
for this kind of emotion.
The lawyers look at the judge.
And the judge looks at the lawyers.
But now, this detached, unemotional,
mechanical judge
will, for a moment,
lock eyes with the accused.
This moment.
This moment.
This is when you get that kick.
[sentimental music]
When as a judge,
you get to answer someone's prayers.
the real kick is justice.
[sentimental music continues]
Can a sinner like me
become a judge?
This Tyagi can't become a judge.
But that Tyagi who will sit on the bench
will become one.
[soft music]
[Judge Bainsla] As soon as a person
places their hand on the Constitution
and takes an oath,
something changes inside them.
After that, they might make mistakes
but they can't sin again.
[dramatic music]
DNA report. Sir, this report shows
that the DNA of just two men
was found under Shakti's fingernails.
But the third guy, Raju's DNA
That means Raju wasn't involved?
Are, of course he was!
Sir, but the eyewitness
-is a little confused.
-[PP] Mm-hmm.
There's no forensic evidence.
-Where's the proof that Raju was involved?
We'll make up the proof.
Actually, during the autopsy,
I extracted a little blood
from Shakti's body.
[forensic expert]
It was Pepsuji who gave me this idea.
So the credit goes to him.
By God, Pepsu!
And here I thought
you were sleazy, a low life, corrupt,
and God knows what else till now.
What else is left, sir?
But you deserve an award
for the work you'd done on this case.
Here you go.
The first mango of the season. Take it.
And listen,
before you go to buy the knife,
make sure to properly measure
the size of the wound.
The weapon should be a perfect match!
-[Pepsu] Okay, sir.
-[Ani] Excuse me, sir!
[PP] Huh?
How can you plant
a murder weapon just like this?
Madam, it won't be just like this.
First, we'll get a knife, then we'll place
Raju's fingerprints on it,
then we'll put some of this blood on it.
PP Sir, uh, you represent the state.
You can't do this.
-This is how justice works.
-But it's not the law, sir.
Then how will we establish evidence?
If we don't provide any evidence,
then the third guy will get away.
We'll be left empty-handed.
But how are you so sure that he's guilty?
Are, I have a strong gut feeling.
If your gut feeling is so strong,
go make up a team on Dream11!
Not a charge sheet.
The public has entrusted you
with a job of telling them the truth.
Not to make up
some cases in the sky, okay?
It's not "cases".
It's "castles in the sky".
Are, she's just trying
to make a point here.
Yeah, but he's right.
It's "castles in the sky".
Whatever it is, it's wrong. Isn't it?
Are, there's no right or wrong here.
The other two have already said
that the third guy was with them.
Then why don't you submit
both their statements in court?
I would have
if a statement given to the police
was admissible in court.
Has the police ever worked this hard
on a case?
Are, everyone's been at it
since early in the morning.
So let me help you and do what I do.
You don't even have
a single evidence against him, sir.
The court will decide that, not you.
You're right, sir.
Now the court will decide.
-[Order] Ani!
-[Law] Ani!
-[Order] Ani!
-[Law] Ani!
-[Order] Ani!
-[Law] Ani!
Tyagi Sir doesn't make us run so much.
-[Law] What's wrong?
-Are, yaar.
It's okay to have a little skim milk
in your soy milk.
But here, the skim milk is just skim milk!
Where's the soy milk?
Ani, Ani, calm down.
You know what PP Sir is doing,
he's doing it for Shakti, right?
Shakti deserves justice.
I understand, I agree.
But that doesn't mean
you can blame an innocent person, right?
[Ani] What if Raju is innocent?
You know the worst form of injustice?
It's pretended justice.
What the hell is this girl talking about?
-And what is this soy milk?
-[woman] Madam.
How the hell do you milk soy?
-Shut up!
-[woman] Madam!
I'm Raju's mother.
[soft grunt]
Madam, I want to save my son.
But I just don't know what to do.
[somber music]
Just try to be strong.
If your son is really innocent,
I will stand by him.
He too deserves justice.
where are you?
[Vishwas] Well, I'm telling you
not to do it, I mean it.
Don't do it.
Ma'am, let me clarify one thing,
I was part of the prosecution team,
but now I've separated from them.
And also, I'm not going to help
the other two accused of murder.
I'm only going to help your son, Raju,
-because I know that
-[Raju's mother] Madam
I'm not asking you to help Raju
Please help Sonu.
Help him?
-He's already committed a crime?
-[Raju's mother] He didn't do anything!
He just saw Raju with the knife.
When the police came to take Raju away,
S-Sonu hid the knife.
I wanted to give it to the police myself.
But I was too scared!
[voice breaking]
Raju was always a good-for-nothing.
But Sonu's a very smart boy.
Please save him, madam.
Auntie, by the way, you should
keep an eye on him too, you know.
He's not as bright as you think.
He has written "18 times 2 is 39" here.
[light suspenseful music]
[Ani] Murder weapon.
[Order] Sir, the case got solved.
How I got it, from where
please don't ask me.
Since we're all keeping secrets now,
tell me one thing.
Are you with a foreign NGO
or Human Rights Commission?
-Then why all this running around?
I just wanted to make sure that
someone innocent doesn't get convicted.
[Pepsu laughs]
She used up five liters of petrol
for a complete stranger!
Looks like she has a problem.
So are you convinced now
that Raju is also guilty?
[Ani] Yes.
But the court still won't be convinced.
The murder weapon has been cleaned.
[Pepsu] There are no fingerprints
nor any blood stains.
How will we link it to the crime scene?
Our laws were made in the 19th century.
But we still don't have the technology
to uphold it in the 21st century.
So now you tell me,
should we do what we were doing
or let Raju get away with it?
Madamji, the reason
people like me are here
is so people like you don't have to answer
these difficult questions.
I never knew
justice and law could be so far apart.
[pensive music]
[exhales sharply]
Master, should I take it out?
You haven't left yet?
Master, because you didn't tell me
to leave.
You haven't even eaten, have you?
[PP's client] You didn't tell me to eat.
[PP] Ananya beta.
Can we talk for a minute?
You know, both of us were still young
when I first took on his case.
He spends all day
cleaning the wax out of people's ears.
Makes about 200 rupees a day.
He calls "2,000" "20 hundred".
He had an old ancestral mud house
that he lost in the riots 20 years ago.
Since then, he's been wandering,
looking for compensation.
Now you tell me.
Should I fight Shakti's case or his?
[pensive music]
[PP] I used to feel sorry for him.
I don't even feel that anymore.
Does that mean his case is not important?
Of course it's important.
-[PP] Yeah?
[PP] Here you go.
Will I be able to fight
Mr. Kan-Mailiya's case?
Of course you will.
These are the cases
where justice and law
are on the same side.
You just have to put in the hard work.
-I'm not afraid to do that.
What is this?
[PP] Oh.
[Ani] Mr. Kan-Mailiya!
[hopeful music]
You're going to be my very first client.
Ask her now.
Should I take it out?
[soft chuckle]
[reporter on TV] The police has submitted
a comprehensive charge sheet
in the Shakti murder case,
paving the path
for a family to get justice.
Sir, I heard that you are
accepting the judgeship?
[VD Tyagi] You heard right.
I learned so much from you
when you were a lawyer.
It'll be so exciting, you know,
when you become a judge.
[chair squeaks]
[soft gasp]
Did I scare you?
Look, Sujata, once I become a judge,
I can't be in touch with the chamber.
And it wouldn't be right
to leave my clients in the lurch.
Therefore, under Munshiji's guidance
and with the help of Law and Order,
I want you to run this chamber.
[soft music]
And me?
Sir, me?
Sir, but do you think
I'll be able to manage this chamber?
I hate people who lapse into a self-doubt
as soon as they're given a responsibility!
I simply hate them!
Sujata, the biggest chamber in Patparganj
is being offered to you.
Take it.
Sir, with Munshiji's guidance,
I'm even willing to fight cases
in front of Judge Ghosh, but
I never imagined that I would be sitting
on your chair inside your chamber and
[VD Tyagi] Sujata.
It's a sin to even think about it.
Munshiji will sit on this chair
and you will sit on that chair.
There? In front of the AC?
Thank you, sir! Thank you! Thank you!
From now on, I'm going to wear
long-sleeve blouses like Indira Mansingh!
[VD Tyagi] Law and Order!
You will no longer be interns
but associates.
[VD Tyagi] Okay?
And from today,
you will have the authority
to hire your own intern to assist you.
And of course, you can negotiate
your salary with Munshiji after I'm gone.
But remember one thing.
This chamber has an old tradition.
The salary of an intern
is two samosas and 6,000 rupees.
Don't change that.
The little shits won't even get
extra chutney.
And we'll name them Rule and Regulation.
Oye, Tyagi, where am I going to sit?
Outside, in the Bar Association office.
Outside the Bar Association?
Not outside, you idiot.
Inside the office.
[VD Tyagi]
The committee has unanimously decided to
appoint you as
the acting president of the bar.
I'm the president of the Bar Association?
-[soft music]
"Acting", Mintuji. "Acting".
Are, Sujataji,
I'm going to be
the best actor you've ever seen!
And from now on,
the tea will be on me every evening!
-Long live!
-[all] VD Tyagi!
-[Mintu] Long live!
-[VD Tyagi] Munshiji.
What do you think?
Do you see any spots?
[Munshi] None at all.
You mean, I'm
spotless now?
[all] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
VD Tyagi!
VD Tyagi!
[all] VD Tyagi!
I told you the winner will be Tyagiji.
[both chuckle softly]
-[VD Tyagi] Thank you.
[echoing clack]
[quiet suspenseful music]
Your Honor.
[uplifting music]
[uplifting music continues]
[uplifting music]
[uplifting music continues]
[closing theme music]
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