Mercy s01e08 Episode Script

I'm Not That Kind of Girl

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Chloe Good morning, ladies.
- Cute jacket.
- Thanks What? Mr.
Moskowitz, you'll be happy to hear that we were able to remove the tumor from your colon.
The margins were clear, and there's no sign of metastasis.
With a few adjustments to your lifestyle, you can be free and clear.
What kind of adjustments? Bacon's not a food group.
Neither is tobacco or booze.
If you don't radically alter your diet and throw away your television set, you'll die.
Hey, let's not be so dramatic.
Why don't we taper off the bacon instead of going cold turkey? Change is hard for human beings.
There's no reason to panic.
Oh, there's absolutely a reason to panic.
Are you familiar with the expression "as serious as cancer"? Mr.
Moskowitz, I didn't go to the trouble of saving your life so that you can throw it all away on a bacon-scotch-booze bender? Do you have any idea how painful and agonizing a death from colon cancer is? Think of your wife.
Moskowitz, you need to get your fat, lumpy body off the sofa and join a gym.
- Hey! - Okay.
Harris, we've got that staff meeting to go to.
Death is serious, Mr.
Moskowitz, death is permanent.
If you're deluding yourself thinking there's an afterlife All right.
That was a little intense in there.
That man is my responsibility.
Dan, I get that you're committed to nobody ever dying in the world ever again.
I also get that you're dealing with an enormous amount of grief.
We haven't had a patient die on our floor in a week.
And besides, I thought we had an agreement.
We were drinking vodka.
I didn't take you literally.
Besides, you could get in trouble.
Moskowitz is gonna complain.
Moskowitz is gonna die if he doesn't make these changes.
I'm simply stating the truth.
He can either get busy living or busy dying.
That's from the Shawshank Redemption.
That's a good movie.
The ER ran your labs, and it looks like pyelonephritis, which, uh, don't worry, it's just a fancy word for a kidney infection.
So Sonia here is gonna place a catheter, and we should have you fixed up in no time.
Thank God.
I'm cold, and blue paper is not my best look.
Here you go, babe.
Little privacy, please.
Oh, right, I'll just go get a soda.
All right, Ashley, just relax.
May feel a little pressure, but I'll try and be quick.
So, uh, where's your family? In the ER filling out paperwork.
Josh came up with me.
Isn't he the sweetest? Seems like a nice boy.
Um, Dr.
Sands? Could you check my work, please? Uh, yeah.
Okay, that that looks good, Sonia.
Uh should have you feeling better in no time, Ashley.
- So that was a penis, right? - Uh, yeah.
Why do we need to see another doctor anyway? Relax, dad.
It's not like I'm fatally ill or something.
It's just an infection.
Right? The doctor will be here in just a sec.
Oh, Mr.
and Mrs.
Jeffries, this is Dr.
Hofstadter, the specialist I told you about from St.
Nice to meet you.
And you must be Ashley.
I'm the endocrinologist on your case.
I'm just gonna speak with your parents for a few moments, okay? No way.
If this is about me, I want to hear it.
Oh, okay, we got to give the family some privacy.
Trust me.
Okay, well, first of all, there is nothing medically "wrong" with Ashley.
Oh, thank God.
But in the course of treating her for the kidney infection, we discovered something unusual.
An ultrasound on Ashley revealed a pair of internal testes.
Wait, wait, what? - You mean like balls? - Well, yes.
Well, how did they get in there? It appears Ashley has a rare recessive autosomal condition.
Although her external sex organs appeared female at birth, Ashley is, in fact always has been genetically a male.
No, that that's impossible.
She's she's gorgeous.
She's a cheerleader.
Look at her.
She's a girl.
What do we do to fix this? If Ashley chooses to keep living as a female, there is a surgery we can perform to remove her testes and what is now forming into Ashley's penis.
- Did you just say penis? - Dad! Or we can let nature take its course.
The testes will eventually descend, and the testosterone will simply turn her body into a man's.
Thoughts? Junior snow queen is this weekend.
Just cut them off, and let's get out of here.
How's little Lady Gaga? Cutting it off.
You owe me five bucks.
Oh, good, you're all here.
I wanted to remind you about the bike-to-work event on Friday.
It's good for you and the environment.
Yeah, this is New Jersey.
That ship has pretty much sailed.
Well, the sign up sheet's on the board in case you're interested.
Every bit counts.
And you get a free t-shirt.
Ooh, slimming.
Hey, Chloe, do you know about this? I found it in the bathroom.
Oh, my God.
What is happening? Somebody's mad at you.
You should totally put this up on your Facebook page.
You guys, this is not funny, okay? Somebody is harassing me.
Who would do this? I mean, who hates me that much? My friend had a stalker once.
He had to make a whole list of potential haters before he finally realized that it was this creepy bartender he had accidentally made out with, like, once months before.
A friend? I don't have haters.
I'm nice.
Veronica, come here.
Is Dan Harris going off the deep end or what? We're a little worried about him since he declared his war on death.
Well, yeah, he's a mess.
His wife was murdered.
I don't even know what he's doing here.
He should really take some time off.
You should talk to him.
I tried.
He shut me down.
Technically, he's my boss.
I can't make him do anything.
I'm putting you with him.
You're the only one who's not afraid of him.
He's in 509 kid who got shot at the gas station.
Oh, I heard about that.
Only $23 in the cash register, makes me sick.
Took three bullets.
Punctured the lung, damage to the spleen.
They don't think he's gonna make it.
I'm on it.
Antibiotics haven't touched his fever.
He's becoming progressively tachycardic and hypotensive.
Well, that sounds like a setup for sepsis or an embolism.
Not on my watch.
Dan Don't go nutty on me.
There's ten different ways this kid could die.
His family's already requested a DNR.
Look at that innocent man.
Do you know before Virginia Apgar, babies that were born that were slow to breathe, silent, blue, or just a little small were set aside to die.
- They were considered unsavable.
- Dan But they weren't unsavable.
They just required some special care.
It was only Virginia Apgar, in a time when no one wanted to listen to a woman doctor, who said, "let's try.
Let's aim higher.
Let's save the unsavable.
" And we did millions around the world.
What are you saying? I'm saying life's precious.
I'm saying let's try.
I'm saying let's save Ben Shin.
It's the diesel.
Ben's parents own the gas station.
It gets in your clothes.
I'm Veronica.
This is Dr.
I'm Ben's wife, Julie.
It's nice to meet you, Julie.
I can't believe this.
He wasn't supposed to be there.
He's a lab assistant at Rutgers.
He was just covering for his dad.
I'm so sorry.
I can't lose my husband.
Julie, after six hours of surgery, we were able to repair his gallbladder, do extensive reconstruction on his stomach.
However, a bullet grazed the pericardial sac, missing the heart, but puncturing the lung.
His cardiac condition is deteriorating pretty rapidly, but we will get him out of here alive, okay? We will.
But the other doctors said that he wasn't gonna make it.
We'll save him.
I promise.
I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'll be right back.
Harris, I'm fine.
Really, I'm fine.
It's just Take your time.
And don't worry.
It won't last forever.
What won't last forever? You know.
Women know these things.
What things? What things do women know? Oh, yes.
You're pregnant.
So I'm moving back in with my parents, and you're a whore.
You know, I've been thinking of who could've done this.
Maybe it was Hector from the limb freezer.
I took his diet coke a couple times.
Or it it could be my downstairs neighbor.
She's always complaining that I'm loud.
Yeah, it's not Hector.
It's not your downstairs neighbor.
It sounds like the kind of thing a guy would do if you blew him off.
Have you rejected anybody lately? Well, your brother Ryan does have a crush on me.
Do you think it was him? Look at this flyer.
The person who did this knows how to use a computer, spell the word "whore," and operate a copy machine.
That completely rules out Ryan.
Maybe it's a chick.
Oh, my God.
It's Carl's fiancée.
Of course.
Oh, my God.
It has to be her.
Jim, why is there a jar of mayonnaise in the medicine cabinet? Oh, my God.
Hey, ladies.
Drink? Mom, these are my friends.
Your father has been holding the remote hostage ever since his little accident.
Just drink with me, please.
No, thanks.
I'm good.
- What? - Are you pregnant? Oh, my God.
You are.
I thought your boobs were bigger.
No, I'm not.
I'm I'm not, mom.
Hey, relax.
You're not pregnant.
And if you are, we'll deal with it, but but you're not.
But you and Mike were trying, right? Are you late? No, it's not even time yet.
It's just some Korean lady at work said that I was.
And I feel sick.
And my boobs feel weird.
That settles it.
The Koreans know.
I mean, if kimchi doesn't give you magical powers, I don't know what the point is.
- You're pregnant.
- No.
There's a million reasons why your boobs could feel weird.
- Like what? - Maybe they're sad.
No, I'm not pregnant.
And if I was, that would be terrible, because my husband's not returning my calls, so that means I'd be a single mother living with my parents.
Ronnie, if you're pregnant, Mike will do the right thing.
Plus, your dad and I can help.
Oh, that's a great idea.
You drink vodka for breakfast, and dad's losing his mind.
Maybe you guys should open up a montessori school.
Oh, Ronnie.
You and your melodrama.
Oh, my God.
Come on, sexy.
Let's move it.
You're gonna be late.
Oh, and whose fault is that? Oh.
Your charming boyfriend's? Let's face it.
I'm way more fun than a snooze button.
Oh, hey, um, my friend's band is playing in a bar in Brooklyn Saturday if you want to go.
I can't work.
But, uh, you'll put me down for next time? Yeah, of course.
I mean, you'd you'd hate it, anyway.
It's, uh, crappy electronica, so How about I come over later, after my shift? I'll wear my uniform.
Call me.
Yeah, you wish.
Hey, hey, how's, uh how's, uh, Dan Harris? What? Oh, yeah, he's good.
He's great.
Really? He settled down? He's, uh, canceled his war on death? Well No, but really, what's the harm? He turned you, didn't he? - All we're saying is - We? All he's saying is that we can aim higher.
We can do better, like we did in Iraq.
Think about all those miracles we pulled off.
Think about all of those people that we saved.
Yeah, but people did die.
Do you remember rule number one from training "Soldiers die"? Rule number two, "doctors and nurses can't do anything to change rule number one"? Ben Shin is not gonna die.
Veronica, it's not about Ben Shin.
It's about Dan Harris' life spinning out of control.
So he's picking a fight that he can't win.
Well, as a person whose life is also spinning out of control, I can tell you it's a really great distraction.
Ashley Jeffries needs another dose of antibiotics.
You on it? Oh, I'm on it.
It's a tough one, huh? I saw the way her dad was looking at her.
Can you blame him? He's freaked out 'Cause it's freaky.
Oh, I know that look same look my mom gave me when she caught me wearing my sister's quinceanera dress.
It hurts.
The blood tests confirm the T-to-DHT ratio.
We've never seen a case like this in Jersey City before, probably in the whole state, for that matter.
Ashley looks quite female, but she's never Okay, party's over.
I got to get some urine cultures.
Actually, we were hoping to interview the patient.
Some other time.
So Do you need me to pee in a cup for you? I don't need any cultures.
I just thought you might be sick of those guys.
That is a pageant dress.
What's it doing here? Measurements.
Nice beadwork.
Bob Mackie would be proud.
You know, if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here.
I don't need to talk to some stranger.
I have real friends, okay? Okay.
For you.
Nakji Bokkeumbap Stir-fried octopus.
Good for the baby.
Thank you.
How you holding up? He's not getting better.
He's young, and he's strong.
There's reason to hope.
What's with all the white? Uh, his parents asked us to dress this way.
When someone dies, Korean women wear white.
Julie Look at me.
We're doing everything we can, okay? He's still alive.
How is he? Maintaining his blood pressure is a problem.
We're just gonna have to be more aggressive.
Let's put in a femoral a-line to get a more accurate arterial pressure reading.
He's on sub-cue heparin.
What about pneumatic compression boots? - Stave off a DVT.
- That would work.
Good one.
You could put him in Trendelenburg.
That's good.
I'm a sucker for a lost cause.
You get a lunch break soon? You want to grab a bite? Yeah.
So I hear that the the chili is really good here.
Jeannie told me.
I knew it.
I knew it.
I knew you didn't want to have lunch with me.
We have to talk about this.
I mean, I'm the dad, don't I at least deserve a conversation? I am the dad, aren't I? Yes, of course You're the dad if there even is a dad.
I didn't say anything, 'cause I didn't know for sure.
Well, pee on a stick.
It's too early for it to show up.
I'll call you as soon as I know something.
Until then, you can continue to ignore me.
Ronnie, wait.
Hey, if this thing is real I mean, if we're gonna have a baby, that changes things.
Really? Hey Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together.
Do you mean that? I promise.
You have got to be joking.
No one has signed up.
What, are they gonna let the planet go down the gurgler? Down the what? The gurgler you know, like the drain.
I mean, don't they know what's at stake? The forests and mountains.
Hasn't anyone seen Lord of the Rings? Here you know what, give me your pen.
I'm gonna get the ball rolling.
No, wait.
Don't put your name there.
Well, what about the "gurgler"? You are so sweet.
But if it's just the two of us on there, people might figure out that, you know Oh, yeah, right.
I didn't think about that.
Yeah, well, there are Veronica's feelings to consider.
I know you two are working together.
It might not be the best time.
You're very nice, you know that? And plus, she scares me.
She scares everyone.
Hey, do you know what you should do? You should take this list down to ortho.
Those guys are health nuts down there.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
Now I know why she would never give it up, right? God.
No, dude, it does not make me gay.
Hey, no cell phones in the I.
I know, dude, even the doctors here are grossed out.
She's a total freak.
That is a person in there.
Try and have some respect.
Back off, lady.
You don't even know what she is.
- Pressure's up.
- Not enough for me.
Well, he's maxed out on dopamine.
We could add some levophed to the mix.
We'd have to start a central line.
Do it.
We're gonna throw everything at this.
We need to start a central line, so we can try another drug.
Another tube? Wait another drug? What is this doing? Look at him.
I know it looks severe, but we really want to try every option.
Is this helping him, or is it putting him through more pain? I'm sorry.
I think maybe I need some air.
You'll make a good mother.
Hey, Chlo, what are you doing? I'm writing a strongly worded letter to Carl's fiancée.
Good luck with that.
Crazy people always respond to reason.
Oh, it's Petey.
He wants me to meet him at Sinbad's tonight Fun.
Quitting time.
Want to get something to eat? I should've known better than to send nurse crazy to look after Dr.
He looks like he's being tortured.
We're just trying everything.
You're flogging the patient.
And despite all your hail marys, this boy's gonna die.
And he should be able to do it with dignity.
He's not gonna die, Helen.
Is he gonna die? I hope not.
Ryan, take it easy.
What are you doing here? Looking for Chloe.
I really need to talk to her about those whore flyers.
What? You promised me you had nothing to do with that.
Hey, settle, it wasn't me, but I think I have an idea who it could've been.
Well, you're too late, soft batch.
She's at Sinbad's with Petey.
No, Petey's at work.
He can't be.
He just texted her.
Firemen's wives.
Oh, man.
Oh, God.
Wait, firemen's what? That's, uh, what I came down here to tell Chloe.
Petey's kind of married.
You guys should go get her.
Those ladies are scary.
Can I help you? Yeah.
You can stop banging my husband.
I'm sorry, what? You're Chloe, Chloe Payne.
Yeah, I know your name from the late-night texts you send to Petey 'cause I'm his wife.
That's impossible.
Petey doesn't have a wife.
Oh, yeah? You want to see a picture of our kids? Um, I think I'm just gonna go.
- Sit down, skank.
- Okay.
Apologize to them.
Look at their little, adorable faces and say, "I'm sorry, Madison and Brianna, I didn't mean to break up mommy and daddy and ruin your sweet, innocent lives.
" - Say it.
- Uh Hey, Chloe.
What are you doing here? We're having a private conversation.
She's done talking to you.
You guys nurses too? I bet it's hard working for a living.
I guess you should've put a ring on it, huh? How do you spend your day? Spray tan in the morning and then afternoons tracking down all the women your husband slept with? Must be exhausting.
Come on, Chloe.
Okay, I'm just gonna go.
What, are you just gonna run away, whore? Is that how you roll? I didn't know he was married, okay? I'm not that kind of girl, and I really don't appreciate you using that type of language.
Aw, whore, got your feelings hurt? Stop saying that.
Why, you gonna cry, nurse slutty? Why don't you have another and shut up, okay? Um, ladies? Hi.
Uh, I'm gonna have to ask you to take it down just a notch.
Oh, hey.
Here's a nice, eligible bachelor for you, huh? But you wouldn't want him, would you? He's not married.
You leave him out of it, bitch! Hey, hey, hey, hey, ladies, ladies.
Why don't we all just calm down and have some molten chocolate lava cake? Hey, on the house.
We both know Petey went looking for her.
And why wouldn't he? She's hot and sweet.
And your whore of a man took advantage of her.
Okay, bitch, I'm gonna kick your ass.
You know, we we really try to discourage ass-kicking here at Sinbad's, so, uh Uh, yeah, yeah, you don't want to do that.
She just got back from Iraq.
She's crazy.
No, I'm serious.
She will kill you.
It's true.
I'm all crazy from the war.
I'm all war-crazy.
You're full of it.
You're lucky I just got my acrylics done otherwise I'd kill you.
That's what I thought.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
That bag's a fake, by the way.
- Yeah, that was stupid.
- Yeah.
Cake sounds good, though.
Yeah, let's eat.
Dinner's on us, okay, Chloe? Anywhere you want.
Oh, honey.
Thanks for coming to get me.
I really think those women were gonna put me in their trunk.
Hey, nobody messes with our Chloe.
Chin up.
It's gonna be fine.
No, it's not.
I think I was really falling in love with him.
Well, you know what you got to do, right? You got to sleep with his best friend.
His best friend is Ryan.
Oh, okay.
Not quite as satisfying, then.
No offense.
I slept with a married man.
Hey, this is just a little hiccup, you know? A milestone.
Things that you do in your 20s.
You sleep with a married man.
Date a gay dude, have a threesome.
Did you? When did you have a threesome? Point is, in a few weeks, this'll all just be a funny story.
No, it won't just be a funny story.
And Petey and I really had something, I just I don't understand.
There has to be some sort of an explanation.
The explanation is that he's a douche.
Hey, Frankie, can we get another round? Club soda.
Have you taken your pregnancy test yet? - No.
- Why? It's too early.
You're a nurse.
You can take a blood test.
- I'm scared.
- That you're pregnant? Or that you're not? Both.
I know, it's ridiculous.
I tried to get a mountain bike, but this was all I could find on craigslist.
What are you doing here? - I thought we decided - I'm gonna tell her.
I think that she deserves to hear it from me.
Really? Yeah.
I like you, Gillian.
And I don't care who knows it.
How does that look? It looks perfect.
The hair's all wrong.
No, you look beautiful.
It doesn't matter.
They're not gonna let a girl with a penis win junior snow queen.
You can just leave the tray, okay? I'm not just gonna leave the tray, Ashley.
What you're going through is beyond scary.
And if it's got you all messed up inside You really think a pep talk is gonna fix this? Give it up, nurse lady.
My boyfriend's disgusted by me, my parents won't even look at me.
I'm a freak, and all the makeup in the world isn't gonna fix that.
Don't pretend like you have the answers.
You don't.
Well, you're right.
I got nothing.
I I always knew, okay? There was something wrong with me.
All this girlie stuff that I'm supposed to like it it just always felt fake.
Well, maybe what we learned explains why it's been so hard.
I'm not this girl.
Am I? Maybe not.
But it's up to you.
Good 'cause I hate it.
I I hate everything the whole thing.
I I hate this dress.
It is butt-ugly.
I hate these beads.
I hate this flower.
So screw the dress.
Yeah, screw this dress.
That's what I'm talking about.
Ashley? Honey, what happened to your dress? Who cares? It's just a dress.
What the hell are you doing with our daughter? - What happened? - He's crashing.
Do a stat CBC and metabolic panel.
Please tell me what's happening.
His blood pressure's dropping, and we're gonna find out why.
We're prepared for him to go.
And when it's time, we're gonna chant to help the soul on its voyage.
It's not over, okay, Julie? Veronica, make sure his fluids are wide open.
Get the paddles on him now! Charging, 360.
Damn it, now he's in v-tach.
One milligram epi.
One milligram epi.
All right, hold CPR.
Let's check rhythm.
I'm not getting a pulse.
Me neither.
Patient's in P.
What the hell's going on? Giving 40 units vasopressin.
All right, hold CPR.
Let's check rhythm.
Guy's heart's all over the place.
One milligram atropine.
- One milligram atropine! - Yes.
Giving one milligram atropine.
Come on.
All right, hold CPR.
Damn it.
Remember that kid? The one with the tattoo on his head? - The jump-start.
- Yes.
Would you mind letting me into this conversation, please? We had this patient once.
We dropped an internal pacemaker wire down his I.
jump-started his heart like a car battery.
- I love it.
- Bring me a pacemaker now! Go! It's in.
All right.
It's not capturing.
We've got a paced rhythm.
We've got a rhythm.
I've got a pulse.
I've got a pulse.
He's back.
Thank you.
Good work, Dan.
What do you want? Um I should've told you, Chloe.
I just didn't know how.
I was falling in love with you.
No one makes me feel the way you do.
What about your wife? That's what I came to tell you.
We're already separated.
You are? Well, yeah emotionally.
We don't even connect anymore.
I have a master's degree from an Ivy league university.
I might be nice, but I'm certainly not stupid.
You already broke my heart once.
I'm not gonna let you do it again.
And by the way, yellow roses mean infidelity.
But bet you didn't know that one either.
Have fun in your loveless marriage to that lady.
We leave her alone for a few hours, and now she's not sure if she wants the surgery.
This is our daughter.
You had no right to put ideas in her head.
You have some kind of agenda, is that it? No.
Ashley's confused.
And frankly, I don't blame her.
All right, that's enough.
First of all, I'm sure Nurse Jimenez did not instigate the incident.
And secondly, this is a hospital, not a day care.
The only person responsible for the patient's behavior is the patient.
I'm sorry, Mr.
and Mrs.
Jeffries, but this problem is between you and your daughter.
We're gonna call the nursing board.
This is not over.
Don't you get it? This isn't about you and me.
This is about Ashley.
Her whole life just changed.
And this surgery is permanent.
She's 15.
She's gonna have to live with this decision for the rest of her life.
Shouldn't you give her a chance to think about it? How long have I been out? For a while.
Whoa, just -just hold on.
I know why I passed out.
I'm fine.
Sit, okay? Sit.
I told you I know why.
I it's way too early to say anything, but since you're holding me captive What? Mike and I, we're pregnant.
Uh Veronica, I did a blood panel to be sure you were okay, and I think a pregnancy would've shown up.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
It's a good thing.
A baby would be terrible, right? It's stupid.
For a second there, it just felt like a fresh start like hope.
What is wrong with me? Well, nothing showed up on the blood panel, not even low blood sugar.
So nothing's wrong with you Physically, at least.
But I was thinking, you know, Ben Shin.
What about Ben Shin? Well, what does he remind you of? A young guy, bullet wounds smell of diesel.
You and me working together again.
It brought me back too.
You think it's ptsd? When is this gonna be over? I don't know.
I wish I did.
Well, glad we got to the bottom of that.
- So can I go now? - Uh, yeah.
Nice shirt, by the way.
Look, I know you're from California and everything, but around here, only so I wouldn't want you to get the wrong reputation or anything like that.
Well, thanks for the heads-up.
I cannot believe you went on that bike ride.
What, are you sleeping with Dr.
Ladypants? Oh, wow.
I didn't want you to find out like this.
It's good.
Totally get it.
She seems really nice.
Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
Sorry about that in there.
I skipped lunch.
Oh, no problem.
I just wanted to tell you that Mr.
Shin is stable.
I think we should be able to wean him off the ventilator in a few days.
There's much to be hopeful about.
That's great, Dan.
You should be really proud.
You sure you're all right? Bad day? Yeah.
Go on in.
Hey, Mike, it's me.
So that thing we talked about yesterday at the diner False alarm.
It's weird, you know.
For a second there, I I was almost Well, I guess things don't always turn out how you thought they would, huh? Probably for the best.
I mean, a kid would be complicated.
Sorry I made you worry.

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