Mighty MonsterWheelies (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Bridging The Gap

-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
[electricity crackling]
Oh-oh-oh ♪
MonsterWheelies, oh-oh-oh ♪
[engines revving]
-Guess who's here to save the day ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Let's go motor, let's go play ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Rev it up and get in gear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-When you see us, have no fear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Rolling up to help you ♪
-Let's roll ♪
We know what to do ♪
Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Wheelies ♪
-[electricity crackling]
[Bolts] The Mighty MonsterWheelies
in "Bridging the Gap."
[thunder crashes]
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
[laughing] Yeah! Oh, yeah!
-Wahoo! [laughs] Yeah!
-[thunder crashes]
[siren wailing]
Excuse me!
I'm on official MonsterWheelies business.
-Wraps! Over here!
-[tires screeching]
Uh-oh. Hang on, Briggs.
I'll have you wrapped up in no time.
-[air pumping]
-[Briggs grunts]
-There you go. All fixed.
-Thanks, Wraps.
I have to meet Mayor Van Helsing
at the movies. I can't be late.
Nothing is gonna stop me
from making it to the movies on time!
-[alarm buzzes]
-Oh, no!
-[Gill E. gasps]
[Briggs whimpers]
Gill E.'s got you!
Activate Grappling Hook.
[Briggs grunts]
[grunts] Thanks, Gill E.
Now, I've really got to motor.
-[wheel grinding]
-[Gill E. gasps]
[straining] I'm coming, Mr. Mayor!
[Gill E.] Uh Briggs, are you okay?
You look a little wobbly.
I'm fine!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
This is way worse than a flat tire.
We need to get you to Axyl
to check you out.
[Briggs whimpers]
-[straining] Oh, come on!
-[wheel grinding]
-I think you might be late to the movies.
[Briggs sighs]
[Axyl] Hmm.
I just need
the right tool for the job.
[fingers snap]
-[electricity crackling]
-Socket Wrench, locked in!
-[Socket Wrench whirring]
-[Axyl humming tune]
[Axyl] Hmm.
[Axyl humming tune]
Looks like you had a few loose lug nuts.
That's why your tires were all wobbly.
But you're all fixed up now.
Wow! Thanks, Axyl.
I'd better be super fast if I'm gonna
make it to the movies in time. [grunts]
Oh! I'll escort you across the bridge,
just in case.
[Wraps sighs] Thank the Nile
that Axyl knew exactly what to do.
I feel great! Nothing can stop me now.
-[both gasp]
[Wraps gasps]
[Wraps] Whoa!
No! No! No!
-Stand back!
-[Axyl] Watch out!
[Gill E.] Whoa! [gasps]
-[Wraps gasps]
-[Briggs screams]
[Wraps screams, grunts]
[Wraps grunts]
-[Wraps gasps]
-[Briggs screams]
[Wraps] Hey! Hey!
[Wraps gasps]
Time to go Mummy Mode!
[Wraps grunts]
[Wraps grunts]
[Wraps] Come on.
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
-[Briggs whimpers]
Come on!
[Wraps grunts]
[Wraps grunts]
-[Briggs whimpers]
-[Axyl] Hold tight, Briggs.
We'll get you to safety.
Um Maybe I can jump across.
Yeah. It can't be that hard.
Especially if I get a driving start.
Uh [chuckles nervously]
Yeah, that's definitely not gonna work.
I have a plan.
Activate Creature Crawl!
[Gill E. grunts]
[engine revving in distance]
[sighs] You guys do not want to know
what's down there.
[Wraps grunts]
[Briggs whimpers]
Gill E., the column
can only hold one of you!
[Gill E. whimpers]
[Briggs shrieks]
-[electricity crackles]
-Brain Zap! I have an idea.
-[Gill E. sighs]
-I'm going to build my own bridge.
I just need
the right tool for the job.
[fingers clicks]
[electricity crackling]
Welding Torch, locked in!
Gill E., you hold one side
and I'll hold the other.
Let's do it!
[Gill E. giggles]
[Briggs whimpers]
[Wraps grunts]
[Briggs whimpers]
[Briggs whimpers]
Oh, come on.
It should be stable enough
for Briggs to drive across.
[Briggs whimpers]
-[both grunt]
-Oh. Um
Axyl? Gill E.?
I-I don't think
[both grunt]
[Briggs gasps]
[Briggs screams]
[Wraps grunts]
No. No, no. No, no, no, no!
[Briggs whimpers]
[gasps] Bandage, locking on!
Towline, locking on!
[Briggs screams]
[Briggs grunts, sighs]
-[Axyl grunts]
-Oh, my mackerel!
That was close.
[Briggs whimpers]
[Axyl] Hang on, Briggs!
Uh What do we do now?
[Briggs whimpers]
[gasps] All I wanted to do
was make it to the movies.
All right, Briggs.
[inhales deeply, exhales]
Do it for the popcorn.
-MonsterWheelies, I think I have an idea.
-We're all ears.
Wraps, you'll have to let go
of your bandages.
What? Then you'll fall!
Then I'll swing to the other side,
where Gill E. can catch me.
That sounds pretty risky.
But it's the only plan we've got.
Let's do it.
Here goes nothing. On my mark.
[Briggs groans]
Wraps, now!
-[Wraps grunts]
-[Briggs screams]
-[both gasp]
-[engine revving]
-[Axyl grunts]
-[Briggs whimpers]
[Briggs screams]
Gill E.'s got you!
[Briggs gasps]
[Briggs whimpers]
[Gill E. gasps]
-[Briggs screams]
-[Gill E. grunts]
[Axyl] Wahoo!
[both sigh]
[Wraps] Yay!
Nice thinking, Briggs.
Yeah. That was really smart, and brave.
We broke about 15 safety codes,
but I'm glad you're okay.
I wasn't gonna let being stranded
on a crumbly bridge
stand between me and being on time.
-[Axyl] Oh
-Uh-oh! I'd better motor. [gasps]
But I can't go that way.
[sighs] How am I going to get
to the movies fast enough?
-[electricity crackles]
-[gasps] Brain Zap!
[chuckling] Actually,
that's something we MonsterWheelies
definitely know how to help with.
[thunder crashes]
[engines revving]
[electricity crackles]
[tires screeching]
-[thunder crashes]
-[thunder crashes]
-[Briggs] Wahoo! Wahoo! Whoo!
-[Wraps laughs] Yay!
[siren wailing]
[siren wailing]
[Gill E. gasps]
Pothole! On your left!
Yeah! No more flat tires for me.
[Gill E.] Yeah! Whoo!
[siren wailing]
-Yes! I made it right on time.
-[Mayor gasps]
[Wraps grunts]
[chuckles] Here you go, Mayor.
Thanks, Wraps.
Briggs, you made it!
Yes, sir. Nothing was gonna stop me
from getting here on time.
You know, actually, you're a little early.
That's great! I was hoping there'd be time
to get some popcorn.
[chuckles] That's the spirit!
[Mayor laughs]
-[Gill E.] Yeah!
-[Wraps laughs] Yeah!
Come on. Let's go inside
and find our car seats.
Which movie did you pick for us to watch?
You're going to love it.
[Mayor chuckles]
It's called A Bridge Destroyed.
Oh I can't wait.
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