Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

I Will Be the Danger

[dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[sniffing continues]
[air hisses]
Request assistance.
Child protected from impact,
but requires care.
-[air hisses]
[imitates roaring]
[baby cooing]
[giggling continues]
Ooh. [chuckling]
Whoa! [grunts]
Ta-da! Huh?
[dramatic music]
Ooh! [giggles]
[Wyldfyre grunts]
[grunts, screams]
[grunts, panting]
-[Wyldfyre whines]
[stomach rumbles]
[gasps, grunts]
[loud munching]
[fire crackling]
[dramatic tense music]
-Fire is danger!
[action music]
[imitates roaring]
[gentle music]
My programming designates this
as time
for educational instruction.
The next word is "family."
Can you say "family"?
[thunder rumbling]
[sudden grunt, gasps]
I am fire.
I am danger!
This is a developmental anomaly.
Must adjust
caregiving techniques.
[grunts, laughs]
[Heatwave roars]
Why do you store these melons?
Supplies. Bad guys took Heatwave.
I will get him back.
Warning. You should not go.
It is not safe.
Heatwave is my family.
I am going to save my family.
But there will be danger.
Yes. I will be the danger.
[dramatic music]
[thunder rumbles]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[guard] I said, get back in those cells!
Make them! I dare you!
Daring them?
Look, we don't want to fight
in these close quarters.
Who said we don't want to fight?
I have a fake ID
as an Imperium Citizen.
I might be able
to talk our way out of this.
Talk? Barf.
Okay. So impulse control
isn't her thing.
-[guard grunts]
[guard grunts]
Thank you.
We got a new way out!
Heatwave! Go!
Wait for me!
[Lloyd grunts]
Get back here!
[action music]
No! The electro-barrier is still
uh, active.
[dragon roars]
We're free of our cages,
but still trapped
in the large house!
"Large house"?
The large house of many houses.
You mean the city?
That's the word!
How do we get out of the city?
[Lloyd] We snuck in
through waste tunnels,
but they're too small
for dragons.
So the only way out
is through the main gates.
Which will not be easy.
[dragons roar]
I can't believe you've been
hiding a filthy dragon
this whole time, Floortile.
What self-respecting Imperian
would be a dragon-lover?
I'm not an Imperian.
Ugh! An outlander?
And we listened
to your teachings.
I I am shamed.
You have tarnished us
in front of the very image
of the Empress.
[all] All hail the Good Empress!
Hail this!
[heavy footsteps]
Dragons are loose in the city?
Is this your doing, Floortile?
Search for them!
They can't have gone far.
[suspenseful music]
We need to get these dragons
into some kind of formation.
[Lloyd gasps]
They're causing too much damage!
We need to get control of them!
No control. Dragons are free.
Escape is all that matters!
[Lloyd] But innocent people
could get hurt.
This is too dangerous.
I am danger!
[dragons roaring]
The dragons trying to escape
are Imperium property.
A defining resource
of our great kingdom!
To remove them from our land
is an insult
to everything we believe in!
And we will not be insult
[soft groan]
[groaning, coughs]
-[groaning continues]
-[device beeps]
Lord Ras! Hey. How are things?
All good here, don't know
what you might've been hearing.
[fake chuckle, clears throat]
Get the Claws of Imperium
to the Advanced System Lab. Now!
But we have orders
to stop the whole dragon thing.
Which is going pretty well
so far, to be honest.
I said, now!
Claws! Lord Ras has ordered us
to the Advanced System Lab!
And he also ordered us
never to mention what happened
in this street ever.
Let's go!
Thank you, Jordana.
Positive confirmation, Empress.
It's about time.
Now show those dragons
what happens
when they try to defy me!
As you command.
You called us, sir.
It's time.
Mount up!
[suspenseful music]
[Kai] I will crush you and everything
you've ever believed in, foe!
[video game music]
Oh, come on, computer!
You're not supposed to go that hard.
This is my chill time
for stopping that Mergequake
this morning all by myself.
I deserve to relax.
Oh, that's it. You're done for, computer!
What the? No, no, no. I didn't mean quit!
Oh, come on, I'm sorry!
Look, with everyone gone,
you're my only friend here, computer.
[power buzzing]
Are we having a power outage?
[indistinct whispering]
Lloyd? Sora? Hello?
[indistinct whispering]
Hey! Whoever's making
those sounds, I'm a Ninja.
That's code for: I can kick your butt!
[whispering, muttering]
[elevator hisses]
The elevator?
Anyone here?
If you're trying to scare me,
it's not working.
Maybe those noises
were just the wind or
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct whispering]
Oh, good. A ghost.
Nothing horrifying about
being stuck in the Monastery
alone with a ghost.
And a strange locked door
I've never seen before.
Cool. Very cool.
[loud thud]
Kai. [echoes]
It knows my name.
I'm famous among ghosts.
[grunts] Wait up, ghost!
You don't want a selfie?
[dramatic music]
Riyu? Where did you go, buddy?
Ugh, I can't believe I lost you.
[people screaming]
[dragons roaring]
[tense music]
[roaring continues]
The filthy dragons have escaped.
This is mania!
May the Empress save us!
[Lloyd] Arin! There you are!
Fire? Kai's here too?
Did he dye his hair?
That's not Kai.
Wow, I really missed a lot.
I thought there could only be
one master of each element?
Yeah, so did I. But here we are.
-Where's Riyu?
-We got separated.
I hope he's heading
to the sewer exit
where we're supposed
to meet Sora.
But, wait,
the sewer is back there.
Why are we going the wrong way?
We're going out the main gates.
I've got to find Riyu.
He could be in trouble.
"Why yes, Rapton,
leader of the Claws of Imperium,
I did capture this dragon
all by myself.
What's my name?
Percival, sir.
You want to hire me
as the youngest
Claw of Imperium ever?
I accept."
Keep quiet!
You don't want to embarrass
yourself, or me,
at the Empress' Palace, do you?
There they are!
The Main-Gates
Great! Get these dragons
out of here!
I'm going back
Those are big.
Now. Let's try this again.
Did Sora activate more
of those Photac Monsters?
Who is she working for, us or Imperium?
[ominous music]
Look at the majesty
of our Photac creatures.
Dreams do come true.
Instilling terror
in the hearts of wild dragons
through unstoppable technology.
Pardon my emotions.
This is just so beaut
You are so weird.
No one expects a swift attack
from the backstage.
[grunting continues]
The last time we dueled,
you had the advantage in numbers.
Three Ninja against one Thespian.
Despite my acting prowess,
it was an unbalanced battle.
You had us in a whole room of traps
with a monstrous puppet!
It was nowhere near unbalanced.
You only remember the negatives!
[Dorama grunts]
But our last confrontation
was just a dress rehearsal.
This is showtime!
[both grunt]
[Sora grunting]
[grunting continues]
[grunts, whimpering]
Wow. That worked out better
than I imagined.
Let's go!
And scene.
[dragons roar]
Since I'm such a nice guy
Nice? You? [scoffs]
I'm being sarcastic!
Oh, that makes sense,
'cause you've never once
remembered my birthday,
which is what a nice guy
would do.
Ugh! As I was saying,
I'm going to give you a choice.
You can peacefully return
the dragons to their cells,
and you Ninja can get
a fancy new cell of your own
Or we can test out
these completely
indestructible fighting beasts
right here, right now!
I know what I'm voting for.
-What are you voting for?
Come on, you always pick
the fighting option
when you can.
[Rapton groans]
-We can't beat them.
We have to find another way
out of this.
We heard your choices!
Is she going to surrender?
You obviously
haven't met her yet.
And we agree with you!
Always pick the fighting option!
No, wait!
This is bad, right?
This is terrible!
Claws! Take down
these dirty animals!
[intense music]
I am danger!
I don't think you understand the words
"completely indestructible."
I don't think you understand
the words "shut up!"
If you have a plan B,
now would be the time, Lloyd.
I barely had a plan A!
[Sora] Arin!
Why did you do this, Sora?
You activated more Photacs?
What were you thinking?
Yeah, okay, uh, so I can see
how this might look like
I did something terrible.
Might look? Definitely looks.
They were torturing this dragon.
I had to do something.
But don't worry, I built in a secret way
to shut the Photacs down
and it's gonna be easy.
[Arin grunts]
[all grunt]
If it's easy, then please do it.
No problem, just need
a quick spark from Riyu.
Where is he?
-Riyu is kind of
-[Lloyd grunts]
-[Lloyd grunts]
You two, go find Riyu.
Wyldfyre and I will try to hold off
the Photacs until then.
Wow. The Monastery
really got weird, didn't it?
Hello? Whispery glowy thing?
You in here? Who's there?
How'd you get back to the Monastery?
I didn't.
How did you get
to the Cloud Kingdom Archives?
[closing theme music]
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