One Piece (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Worst in the East

From now on,
you belong to me.
You draw maps for me.
You have a gift.
And I'm going to use it
to rule these seas.
You'll pay me 100 million Berry.
I don't care how you get it.
Steal it if you have to.
When you're able to pay,
I promise you
you and your town will have your freedom.
And I always keep my promises.
Arlong did this?
To punish the villagers.
And to punish me.
- What's going on?
- Nojiko told us about your sacrifice.
We didn't know. Can you ever forgive us?
There's nothing to forgive.
Coco Village is my home.
Then it's our turn to sacrifice.
We're done living in fear.
We're gonna march on Arlong Park.
If those fishmen want a fight
That's not a fight. That's a massacre.
You will all be killed.
If there's no hope
for us to buy our freedom,
then I say we die trying to fight for it!
No, everyone, please!
No, I I won't let you do that.
This is my fight.
This is our fight.
Right, guys?
- Finally, I get to cut something.
- But how are we gonna beat Arlong?
- We saw what he did at Baratie.
- Every creature has a weakness.
- Even bulletproof ones?
- I'll know it when I see it.
And when I do,
I won't hesitate.
Captain Nezumi.
How fares the 16th Branch?
Very well, thank you.
What brings a vessel of your notoriety
to our tranquil shores?
Follow me. Your men can stay behind.
The welcoming party has arrived.
Vice-Admiral Garp.
What a pleasure to see you.
You might not think it's a pleasure
when you hear what I have to say.
I have received word
of pirate activity at Coco Village.
Yes, an unfortunate incident.
I assure you,
we have the situation under control.
We also have word
that Arlong and his fishmen
have been running wild
across these islands.
We have been tracking Arlong, yes.
But there is a new crew in these parts,
led by a ruthless killer.
A pirate in a straw hat.
He's the one responsible
for this brutal attack.
- What?
- No.
- Cadets.
- That's not possible.
Are you calling me a liar, boy?
Luffy would never do anything like that.
How dare you accuse me?
I am a Marine captain.
I'm a vice-admiral.
So let's move past
the grandstanding, shall we?
My apologies, Vice-Admiral.
I'll make sure these pirates
taste the steel of my blade.
You'll do no such thing.
Where is he now?
Where is Luffy?
Let's pick up the pace!
You know Arlong hates to wait.
What the hell is this? Who would be
stupid enough to attack us?
Fishmen! Stand by to repel boarders!
Where's Arlong?
He's probably in the map room.
Then that's where we're going.
Not the face.
What is this place?
Let's just grab our map
and get out of here.
He let me stop wearing them when I was 12.
He said it was a birthday gift.
Come on. Let's go.
But you just got here.
Welcome to Arlong Park.
- I had that one.
- If you had him, I wouldn't have got him.
Humans have ruled the seas
for far too long.
Looking down from their ivory towers.
Towers built on the backs of fishmen.
Your government fear my people, so
you forced us into slavery.
No one should be forced into anything.
Everyone should be free
to live as they choose.
Save your sympathies, boy.
Our abuse and persecution end now.
I will lead the fishmen
as we mount a revolution for the ages.
It's your turn
to know humiliation and pain.
Haven't you done enough?
I'm just getting started, darling.
But, Nami, you
you could have been spared,
taking your place right by my side.
But no, just like the rest of your kind,
you betrayed me.
And for what? For this?
You were never going to spare me.
You told Nezumi about my stash.
I'm just playing by human rules.
With these maps, I will create a world
where the fishmen reign supreme.
With knowledge of every Marine base
and pirate stronghold,
nothing can stop me
from taking the East Blue
and every other sea after that.
Oh yes.
And, Nami, it's all thanks to you.
So tell me, Pirate King
Could you have used her so effectively?
- No!
- Nami isn't some tool to be used!
She's a person
with wants and dreams of her own,
and you took those away from her.
You're no better than that Axe-Hand guy
or that fake butler
or anyone else
who tries to hurt other people.
So I'm gonna kick your ass,
just like I did theirs.
'Cause no one messes with my friends.
I'll do you the kindness
of killing you all together.
Get out of here, Nami.
- But, Luffy
- Just go. I got this.
Think you can escape me, Nami!?
Round two, Arlong.
I just need one clean shot. You got this.
Come out
and face the wrath of my special
Ah! Ah!
You look tired.
Maybe you should take a break.
- You ought to get back in the kitchen.
- Quit screwing around!
Luffy needs us!
You just got here.
You don't know what Luffy needs.
- I know he needs my cooking.
- Putting two slices of bread together?
- Someone's feeling threatened.
- Shut up!
Then get me back to my body!
We're close. I can feel my toes.
Trust me.
I can help you guys win this thing.
I swear, clown, if you screw us over
Ow! God!
Yes! Yes! Oh!
Oh, it's so much better
than I even remembered.
Hey, so, um
I'm gonna get out of here.
- Hey!
- Sorry, kiddos.
I'd love to make things right,
but it's time to exit stage left.
Fucking clown.
Too bad, little one. Just when
we were starting to have some fun.
Hey, neck flaps, where are you going?
You haven't even tried my hot sauce.
That still won't save you.
My skin is tougher than bullets.
Maybe you should try
one of my new patented fire rounds.
I'm a fishman.
I don't catch fire.
Maybe you don't.
But alcohol does.
Special Attack. Exploding Star!
Yeah! Ha!
Take that! The Great Captain Usopp
fells another notorious villain.
And no one's around to see it.
It's okay.
They'll believe me.
How dare you strike down my brothers?
You won't be so lucky
against the might of my fishman karate.
Get up.
Even with your Devil Fruit powers,
you're no match for me, boy.
Maybe so, but you made our navigator cry.
Gum Gum Pistol!
You're no match for me.
My kicks can break a ship's keel.
That's nothing.
You should have seen Zeff's kicks
when he found an eggshell
in the crème brûlée.
I get it. Zeff was mean to you. Boo-hoo.
You're nothing but a fool
if you think you can save Nami.
There's a reason
she keeps coming back to me.
Arlong Park is her home.
You mean her prison.
Like it or not,
I brought out the best in her.
She'd be nothing without me.
You'd be nothing without her.
Typical human.
You can't win
if you can't even hit straight.
Maybe I can't beat you.
But I can destroy everything you've built.
Nami is a fool to have her faith
in such weak compatriots.
You don't ever badmouth Nami.
Now you've done it.
Mouton Shot!
Mouton shot?
All great fighters call out
their finishing moves.
Yeah, you're gonna fit in just fine.
Never fear, the Great Captain Usopp is
Oh. You guys did pretty good in here.
Good job, guys.
You're all okay!
Where's Luffy?
Still inside,
fighting Arlong.
He's gonna be all right.
Gum Gum Gatling!
No puny human can bring down Arlong Park!
Gum Gum
Battle Axe!
You are our friend!
We are your crew!
Bon appétit.
- Thank you.
- No worries. Have a good night.
- Hey!
- I'm gonna need these recipes too.
You should write a cookbook.
Well, you know, a true artist
never reveals his secrets,
but I could be talked
into offering some private lessons.
Nice try.
There you go, my lovely. Enjoy.
Back for seconds. Must have liked it.
- Yeah, it was okay.
- That plate says different.
Gotta keep my strength up,
even with your cooking.
It's the least you can do, considering
I saved your ass from those fishmen.
- What? I saved your arse.
- You didn't even get your hands dirty.
At least I don't need three swords
to prove I'm a man.
There I was,
completely alone,
surrounded by fishmen,
the Great Captain Usopp
staring death in the face.
But I knew I couldn't give up the fight,
not with the fate
of Coco Village at stake!
So I pulled my trusty slingshot!
And I fired on 'em till my fingers bled.
And I didn't stop until I single-handedly
defeated Arlong and his deadly crew.
With a little help, of course.
I mean,
I guess I wasn't completely alone.
Three cheers for Captain Usopp!
We couldn't have done it without him!
Form lines!
I'd rethink that if I were you.
So these are the Straw Hat Pirates.
arrest them.
Sir, the Straw Hats didn't destroy
Coco Village. It was Arlong.
You have your orders, cadet.
- What did you say?
- I said no, sir.
You do realize there are severe
punishments for disobeying direct orders?
I disagree with those orders, sir.
Me too.
Anyone else like to follow their lead?
Or do you all want
to follow orders instead?
Any of them move,
make sure it's their last.
Come here, boy.
I gave you every opportunity
to follow my path,
to become a respected Marine.
But instead,
you chose to become a pirate.
No, Grandpa.
I've always been a pirate.
No more running, boy.
Last chance.
Give it up.
That's not really my thing.
Then show me what you've got.
This is what you wanted, right?
To be a pirate.
Well, I'll show you
what Marines do to pirates.
- I don't want to fight you, Grandpa.
- You've been fighting me your entire life.
When are you gonna learn
that you can't win?
I thought I trained you better than this.
You did.
Gum Gum
You don't know how dangerous the world is.
The Grand Line isn't some child's game.
I told you, you aren't ready.
You can hit me all day long
but I'm never giving up on my dream.
- Is that so?
- I'm going to the Grand Line.
And I will find the One Piece.
And I will be
King of the Pirates.
Have it your way.
Lower your weapons!
What are you all standing around for?
Arlong's pirates are still on the loose.
Hunt them down and arrest them.
What about these Straw Hats?
What about them?
Arrest them too!
They are the real criminals.
I knew I'd never be able
to change your mind.
You're stubborn.
Just like me.
But I know who you are, boy.
I just needed to make sure
you knew it too.
You were testing me?
Couldn't you have gone
a little bit easier?
Where's the fun in that?
You're on your own now.
No. I'm not.
I have my friends.
I did it, Mom.
I'm free.
My life is finally my own again.
I can move forward with my head held high.
That's what you always wanted, right?
I'm sorry I didn't understand
the sacrifices you made for me.
But now I do.
I know what it means
to fight for your family.
And I promise
I will never lose sight of that.
I know it's late, but I
I hope you'd be proud of me.
She was always proud of you.
And so am I.
How's your arm?
A little sore, but
worth it.
Thank you.
Oof, no. Um, those words still sound
a little weird coming out of your mouth.
- Unnatural, right?
- Just a little.
Do you really have to leave?
I was just starting to like you again.
As nice as that is
I do need to go.
I know.
I just want you to remember that
no matter how far you go,
you will always have
a place here to return to.
- This will always be your home.
- Mm-hmm.
I've always been taught
To be brave and strong ♪
To see the hope when all feels wrong ♪
I've always been taught
Not to be afraid ♪
And look the price, the price I paid ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
- Come to see us off?
- I don't think that's a good idea.
Gonna try to arrest me?
that's not a good idea either.
I'm not here as a Marine, Luffy.
I'm here as your friend.
I wanted to show you something.
You did it. Finally got your face
on a wanted poster.
Nezumi's last act of revenge.
Yeah! Yes!
Oh! Whoa! Whoa!
- That's that's a lot of Berry!
- It's the highest bounty in the East Blue.
You're a wanted man now.
That's exactly what I wanted.
I guess this is goodbye then.
Goodbye, Koby.
Be a good Marine.
Be a good pirate.
Check it out.
Hey, look. I'm famous!
What are you on about?
That's Luffy's wanted poster.
Not just Luffy.
Sorry, guys. Maybe if you work
a little harder, you'll get a bounty too.
That doesn't count.
It's okay to be jealous.
Feel what you need to feel.
I mmm
- This is stupid.
- This is gonna make things much harder.
With that price on your head,
every bounty hunter in the East Blue
will be gunning for you.
Not just Luffy.
They're gonna be gunning for all of us.
Then it's a good thing
we're not staying in the East Blue.
We're going to the Grand Line.
Oh, Usopp.
Thirty million?
I'll kill the little shit myself.
If you don't, I will.
A hell of a first bounty.
I guess there is
some of me in him after all.
I don't regret my actions.
I'm ready to accept my punishment.
Yes. Me too.
Following orders
doesn't make you a good Marine.
It's following your code.
All men have their own brand of justice,
and you both followed yours, so well done.
So you're not going to punish us?
Oh, I wouldn't say that.
My training methods have been called
the worst kind of punishment.
you think you're up for it?
You're gonna train us yourself?
Well, you want to get stronger, don't you?
Learn how to fight?
Yes, sir.
I wanna be worthy of holding my own
against someone like Luffy.
And you, what do you want?
I want to show people
that Roronoa Zoro isn't the only one
that knows how to use swords.
I want to get stronger too.
Like my friend.
Or whatever.
Maybe the old chef was right.
It is your turn.
Your training begins tomorrow.
This is an unusual place
for a man of your stature.
Come on, lads.
We're in the presence
of a mighty Warlord of the Sea.
Show a little respect.
Afraid I'm not in the mood
for a duel today, Hawk Eyes.
- I'm a wee bit hungover.
- I'm not here to fight.
Not when you're half the man
you used to be.
I could still take you.
And with one arm tied behind my back.
I recently ran into someone
who might be of interest to you.
A boy you mentioned long ago.
He really did it.
No way. It's Luffy. He's a pirate!
He's a captain!
I guess we better watch our backs.
Bring out the reserve booze, boys!
I thought you were hungover.
Oh, lighten up,
you somber old son of a gun.
Drink with us.
I suppose a drink wouldn't hurt.
- This is cause to celebrate!
- Yeah!
So what do you think?
It's a little piece of home
to take with you on our journey.
And I can whip up tangerine tarts
anytime you want.
It's perfect.
We actually have something for you too.
Usopp, set the main!
Setting the main.
Yeah! Hoo-hoo!
The entrance to the Grand Line
isn't too far off,
but I think there's a mistake on the map.
What do you mean?
Well, it looks like a river
or a canal or something,
but it doesn't make any sense.
These elevations show a mountain.
I mean, how can a river go up a mountain?
You're our navigator.
You'll figure it out.
Hey, Luffy!
Come here. I've got an idea.
Straw Hats!
All hands on deck for a cast-off ceremony.
I'm gonna find the All Blue.
I'm gonna be King of the Pirates.
I'm gonna be
the world's greatest swordsman.
I'm gonna draw a map of the world.
am gonna become
a brave warrior of the sea!
This is it, crew.
The Grand Line.
Nothing's gonna stand in our way!
I'll draw a map of the world ♪
Of lands unknown and untold ♪
I'll guide my ship towards the morn ♪
Through the raging waters ♪
The stars are pointing my way ♪
From a quarter of the globe away ♪
And yet, I feel so astray ♪
How did I get so lost? ♪
I've always been taught
To be brave and strong ♪
To see the hope when all feels wrong ♪
I've always been taught
Not to be afraid ♪
And look the price, the price I paid ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
I'll sail my ship on my own ♪
Straight into the eye of the storm ♪
And when I conquer it all ♪
Will you still be my friend? ♪
I've always been taught
To be brave and strong ♪
To see the hope when all feels wrong ♪
I've always been taught
Not to be afraid ♪
And look the price, the price I paid ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
Caught up in a whirlwind
The perfect storm ♪
Reduce my sails ♪
And risk it all? ♪
Position's unknown
And no sight of land ♪
But I commit ♪
Full speed ahead ♪
I've always been taught
To be brave and strong ♪
To see the hope when all feels wrong ♪
I've always been taught
Not to be afraid ♪
And look the price, the price I paid ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
And I'm coming home ♪
I'm barely afloat ♪
My sails are set ♪
I'm coming ♪
Home ♪
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