P.I. Meena (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Reckless Sister

Dr. Rakhaw?
Will you still call me Dr. Rakhaw?
Even after meeting Banshu?
And Mrs. Chopra too.
In what came to us
as a shocking revelation,
thirty-six people have died
in Kolkata city of India.
Our sources tell us that the virus,
that seems to be spreading like wildfire,
came from a pig farm.
Reporting from Kolkata is Ranjit.
As you can see,
the situation here is very bad.
The CM has issued a red alert,
and has advised people
-not to travel to Eastern areas.
-As per the latest…
What's going on, Doctor?
Where do I even begin?
How about with Imay Pokhral?
The Pokhrals…
were a family of tribals.
We were very poor.
My dad wanted to earn a reputation
and make money.
Mainstream doesn't allow
tribals to be mainstream.
You know…
our very own tribes…
keep us on a leash.
Everything changed overnight.
Dad found business partners…
and they invested
a lot of money through him.
Dad hit mainstream.
We bought a new house.
I was extremely happy.
Maybe I was happy because I didn't know
the truth behind all of this.
What was happening was
dumping of nuclear waste.
That fucked up Littnong.
All the water got contaminated.
People started falling sick,
and everyone found out
who is responsible for it.
And you were compelled to flee the place.
I lost my way in the forest that night.
I was in a state of extreme shock.
I couldn't speak.
The next morning,
a ranger found me.
And the ranger…
saved this orphaned child.
They took me to a city,
far away from Littnong.
I didn't see my mom and dad…
ever again.
Mr. and Mrs. Rakhaw gave me…
their family name.
They helped me become a doctor.
But you couldn't
take your mind off Littnong.
So, you researched the problem…
and went back there to save the people.
I understand why you returned to Littnong.
But what did it have to do with the virus?
The place is good.
But the rent is too high.
We'll see what can be done.
The new doctor is the talk of the town!
Hi, I'm Nimmi Chopra.
I'm Dr. Andrew Rakhaw.
So, you're looking for a new place
to set up a new chamber?
I can hand over an entire hospital to you.
I thought it was a good deal.
Didn't know trying to do good for
the people would come at such a cost.
Hello, Dr. Rakhaw.
Can I call you Imay Pokhral?
You will never find…
Imay Pokhral within me.
I know.
But when the residents of Littnong
find out that Kedar Pokhral is alive,
they will hunt him down and kill him.
Dad is alive?
I know his whereabouts.
But you will have to return the favor.
There's a farm
on the outskirts of Littnong…
where the pigs are being
injected with a virus.
I want you to keep
a record of what happens after that.
Like a scientific record.
What kind of virus?
You don't need to know.
Just keep a record.
We need to do things to earn money.
Here's your dad's address.
And within two days,
the pigs began to die.
And on the fifth day…
the virus jumped to humans.
And then?
There were two calls.
One from an Intelligence guy…
Tridib Malhotra.
And the second was from Partho.
What did Tridib want from you?
He wanted to see me.
We were supposed to meet yesterday,
but he didn't show up.
What about Partho?
He didn't show up either.
So, I handed over the slide
containing the virus to you.
You knew what it was?
But I thought…
something was gravely wrong.
And I felt that you are the one
who can save me.
One thing is certain.
Global bioterror arm Tirakh
is the cause of everything.
And it was Partho
who sold the virus to them.
Well, then why did Partho want to meet me?
Maybe he wanted something more deadly.
You managed to contain the virus
with limited resources.
Maybe he wanted to collect data
on the Littnong farm.
The virus from Kolkata…
is far more deadly than that.
But seriously…
how could a student…
send the virus to Tirakh?
Something doesn't add up, Meenakshi.
And if…
Partho is really responsible for this…
how the fuck did he end up dead?
Knocked off on completion?
I don't think so.
-Dr. Arsian told me--
-Dr. Arsian?
Did you meet him?
What did he say?
He claimed that there's someone in Kolkata
who has been helping Tirakh.
-Someone is currently helping Tirakh.
Meenakshi, I have something for you.
Just wait.
One of those two men
had a red colored handbag.
Doctor, can I trust you?
Of course, Meenakshi.
The man who had gone to meet Partho
on the night before the accident
also had a red bag.
You think…
I killed Partho?
Hurry up! Get down!
Come on!
What happened?
This way.
Dr. Rakhaw!
I didn't kill Partho.
The dead don't die.
We bury them, but…
they stay around us.
They don't leave.
Partho is here.
Chandana too.
Mom and Dad too.
I know Dr. Rakhaw will return as well.
It's really getting twisted.
Okay, see…
this virus strain is known as V-1612.
It spreads through pigs.
See what it does is,
it breaks down
the immune response in pigs…
and grows more potent
to put humans at risk.
This virology is now clear to us.
We also have a management system in place.
We lost 200 people in the last
three months, but…
in my opinion, there will be
no more deaths in the future.
And by the next week,
I think we'll have things in control.
-Where is he?
-He's right there.
-Come in.
-Go ahead.
this is Sangram Singh.
Hello! Please sit.
Kallol says that you have
a disruption strategy.
Sangram has been working on
bringing the new party to mainstream.
So, your disruption strategy
could be a good way to enter.
Well, yes, I'm working on my disruption.
I have been collating a lot of documents
on the water commission scam.
How do we bring this to mainstream?
Once we put in some real meat,
it will enter mainstream.
I will give you some…
real meat.
I didn't kill Partho.
Listen, I'll be stepping out for a while
early in the morning.
This is the accident spot.
I came from the right side,
while Partho came from the left.
Rini's house is situated on the right.
But Partho came from the left side.
That means Partho was
coming from somewhere else.
Where did Partho come from?
We need to dig up
the CCTV footage of that morning.
Not just the official ones,
but also from homes,
offices, ATMs, whatever.
We need to find out where Partho had gone.
Get me a project. Let me get going.
You should take it easy for a while.
There's no need for that. I'm ready.
Mr. Sen, I need another favor from you.
Your demands have been on the rise.
What do you want?
I need some CCTV footage.
Partho went in the same direction
for almost five kilometers.
We can see him passing through every
CCTV on this route except the last one.
That means he went somewhere
in this area.
-Excuse me.
-Yes, sir?
Three cups of tea.
We'll be traveling tonight…
and meeting the leader in the morning.
Sorry, I have to take this.
Sorry. Can I?
I've got the area that Partho went to.
Okay. So, what now?
I'll use the oldest detection technique.
What is that?
Shooting in the dark.
Oh, okay. I get it.
Listen, I'm a little fucked
for a couple of days now.
We'll go together once I'm back, alright?
It's okay.
One must set out alone
to shoot in the dark anyway.
I'll talk later.
Give me a kilo.
I just can't stomach the sight!
What do you mean?
Livestock is killed mercilessly!
the role of chicken in the food chain
is responsible for this outcome.
Don't be so emotional.
-Go on.
Make it quick!
Now slice up some meat for me.
Bada Tala?
Yes, please sit.
Dr. Rathindra Basu, IVI graduate.
1990 to 1996, PhD and postdoctoral
from a college in Connecticut.
1997 to 2010…
Asst. Professor and then Professor
at a University in Moscow.
Nothing for 2010 to 2017.
Professor Emeritus, 2017 to current,
at a university in Kolkata.
2010 to 2017…
Dr. Basu…
What trouble do you bring
this time, Ms. Iyer?
No trouble.
I just have a question for you.
Is there a bioweapon facility
in North Asia?
Oh, God!
To what extent will you go?
Do you know anything?
Yes, I do.
Supposedly, there is…
a secret Russian bioweapon
infrastructure there.
Rumors suggest that there's a vault…
wherein various dangerous viruses
have been stored.
But it's just a rumor, you know?
And what about Dr. Basu,
who has been in the news for a while?
Do you know him?
I don't know him personally, but yeah…
I've heard of him.
He used to be a professor in Moscow.
Then he was in the snowy wilderness
of North Asia,
at a facility for seven years
before he moved to Kolkata.
Professor Emeritus,
St. Cuthbert University.
He set up the virology department.
Now that you know he worked there--
Oh, wait a minute!
How do you know him?
I mean, this wasn't announced anywhere.
Actually, it's all there
in an old newspaper report.
anyone who has worked
at that kind of facility…
can be very dangerous.
I'd advise you to steer clear of him.
Thanks, Doc!
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
The number you are calling
is out of…
Disruption, anarchy…
Master Moshai!
And then…
new beginning.
That is surely one way of looking at it.
Will you be able to disrupt…
the election?
might be more exciting than money.
What a surprise!
All okay?
I have a story to tell you.
Please come in.
Come on in.
Come inside.
I'll make some coffee.
Come on.
What happened to your arm?
I fell down.
Any fracture?
Okay. Come.
I hope you got your arm x-rayed.
I'll make you some coffee.
It's nice, right?
I bought it many years ago…
from Phuntshilong flea market.
They make it locally. It's very common.
But I like it a lot.
Tell me one thing, Meenakshi.
how did you find where I live?
I am a detective.
That you are.
And a good one at that!
a story, huh?
Tell me.
What about Partho?
You play…
a pivotal role…
in Partho's story.
You met Partho the night before…
he met with an accident.
Partho, where are you right now?
Sir, I'm at home.
I'm standing right outside
the rear entrance of your house.
You thought nobody would notice you
because it was late in the night.
But Mrs. Dey saw you there
with your red bag.
We can sit here comfortably.
Here is your coffee.
Partho sent the virus to Tirakh.
I know you were involved too.
Why are you going to Littnong?
-Sir, I've been thinking--
-Stop thinking!
You've sold the virus to us.
What we do with it
is none of your business.
Sir, it killed thirteen people.
Sir, if the virus spreads,
it will be a human disaster!
It's already out there, Partho.
We can't stop it.
Come over to my house tomorrow.
I'll give you some more money.
Take the money, finish your PhD…
and move on.
-Sir, actually, I--
-Swing by before 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.
I have an early lecture.
The next morning, Partho left his house…
met Rini…
and came straight to your house.
Your money.
Sir, I don't want this money.
I'm going to Littnong.
He has just left.
And you got him killed.
He was terrified…
after all the deaths
that took place in Littnong.
You thought he would give you away.
And why would I do that?
See, if you're working with Tirakh…
then it's your job.
But I think you are not.
All those years spent in the wilderness…
staring at the abyss for too long,
and the abyss staring back at you.
That kind of thing.
I think you did it for the money.
I'm in it for the money.
Because terror is my business, Meenakshi.
Serious business.
I've gotten rid of all those who…
got in my way.
And now, it's you.
What will you do?
I will eat you this time
I'm just kidding!
It was a joke.
Want some more coffee?
I'll get a refill.
You are so silly.
What was the need
to become a detective, Meenakshi?
This injection is a beautiful cocktail,
don't worry.
The Americans use to execute.
Let me pump it in you.
Why did you have to…
go and investigate everything, Meenakshi?
Now it's too late.
Big mistake.
I can still fix it.
I promise you I can.
You should join me, Meenakshi.
I can still fix it.
Let go of me!
What on earth have I done?
Why did I come here?
I could've gone to the cops.
I could've informed Pritam Sen.
I could've waited for Subho.
But no.
I had to be reckless.
I don't know what to do, Joy.
I tried to do some good.
And the city knows my truth.
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