Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e08 Episode Script

Pablo Escobar quiere ser miembro del Congreso de la República

Put this on.
Oh, yes. Holy Mary!
This one is losing her feathers.
Yes, man.
Where's my aguardiente?
I hired the cutest one
especially for you, Gonzalo.
Listen to him. He's picking my women.
Which one? Which one?
It could be the short one.
Or the tall one in blue.
Look how she moves.
Move, move, baby.
Turn for me, ladies.
Why don't we go in?
Would you like to see the house?
My house is your house, okay?
Do you want to see the little house?
Hey, man, where's my aguardiente? Get it!
Listen, Gonzalo.
Turn the music off! Turn it off!
Wait, wait.
- Another surprise, cousin?
- No, listen.
Chili, go to the airstrip, go!
I'm so happy to have time with family,
even if it's short. It doesn't matter.
Whatever time the campaign allows
because if they had to choose
between politics and us,
we might not win.
No! Of course!
Hey, son, what did I tell you
about the napkin?
It's all right. Leave him be. Well, boys,
when are you going to come with us
on a political campaign?
Would you let them?
You'd see your country!
See how people accept
our ideas, right, Rodrigo?
Okay, as long as they don't skip school.
The sons of the former Education Minister
skipping class to go on a campaign, no.
Well, the truth is you have a tough one.
At 27, this guy
became the Education Minister.
You'll have to get into politics.
What about you, Rodrigo?
Has anyone told you
about your father's past? I'll tell you.
Mayor at 23, right?
Ambassador, Member
of the House of Representatives, Senator.
Did I miss something, Rodrigo? Professor?
Come on, you're exaggerating.
You haven't answered.
When will you join me? At least
for a speech in the public arena.
It's so exciting!
- Yes, yes.
- Are you coming?
I can't hear you!
I'd like to propose a toast
to the future President of this country!
No, to the both of you.
No matter what your positions are,
senators, presidents, I don't care.
To a couple of wonderful men!
- Cheers!
- No. We'll make a real toast.
To the possible reformation
of this country.
What are you doing here?
Do I have to inform you
before I come?
No, ma'am. We could have
given you a nice welcome.
No, thank you. You're very kind. I'm fine.
Where's the owner of that chopper?
Well, ma'am.
The boss is kind of busy,
I don't think he can see you now.
What do you mean?
He has no time for his wife and son?
For God's sake!
Will you please open the door?
Of course, darling. What a surprise!
What are you
Pablo Emilio, open the door.
Tight security, huh?
Did you tell her anything?
What's up? Good afternoon.
Are there any more guests here?
What do you mean, Paty?
Who else could be here?
Peluche, Gonzalo, Chili, me,
and the servants, that's all.
Are you telling me the truth?
What do you mean?
Of course I'm telling you the truth.
Did she see us?
Is that a chopper?
What chopper?
What do you mean, "what chopper?"
Don't you hear it?
You don't hear it either?
You are going in!
Stop it! Mind your manners!
Who's in that chopper?
Who is in the chopper? Answer me!
Listen, Rodrigo, it is very important
that the list of candidates running
for Congress is ready by tomorrow.
Do you know who's leading in Antioquia?
Did you see who is second on the list?
For Antioquia?
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Who is he?
Well, I'm not sure yet.
All I know is that
he's well-known in Medellin,
that he's very rich,
but there are rumors
about how he got his money.
Kind of suspicious.
Call Ivan, he knows everyone in Medellin.
Let's ask him to find out why
Javier Ortiz included this man,
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, in his list.
You contradict yourself, Pablo.
You said you hadn't heard the chopper
and now you say you did.
Because I hadn't. I thought
those gentlemen had already left.
Who were they? And why the chopper?
I'm telling you,
they are very important men.
Listen, Paty, if I hold business meetings
here at the ranch
it's because I unfortunately do business
with very dangerous people.
And I don't want them to interact
with you or my son.
So I hope this will be the last time
you come here without telling me.
What if tomorrow something happens here?
A raid or something and you and the boy
get caught in the middle?
What if they torture him?
Shut that mouth!
What you did was completely irresponsible!
Okay, forgive me!
I didn't think that. I thought you
What? That I had women here?
Do you think I waste my time
thinking about whores?
- I'm not saying that. You are!
- You are! Behave as a wife should,
make our family respectable!
Will you explain why you came here
with that face,
- in front of my brother and my cousin?
- What face, Pablo? You're nuts!
Yes, that face!
That's how my face is!
- No, ma'am!
- Yes, it is!
No, my dear, that's a jealous woman's
face, the one you had on when you came!
As if I had naked women here!
Do you think I don't respect you?
Do me a favor,
go back to Medellin!
No, no, I'm not leaving!
I won't while you are still mad at me!
Who's mad? I'm not
You're mad!
I'm asking you to go home, let me know
the next time you want to come.
I'm not angry.
Go home, honey!
Get in.
Bye, love!
As soon as the chopper is out of sight,
contact the pilot and ask him
to bring the women down again!
We'll be waiting for you there!
Captain, Captain! Order to land!
But be quick, brother,
the food is getting cold.
Rodrigo, I finally got to talk
and he confirmed our suspicions
about Escobar.
He's a widely known drug dealer
in Medellin
who poses as a businessman.
What did you tell him?
To call Ortiz right away
and ask him
if he really knew about Escobar.
And if he didn't, to let him know.
And guess how he responded.
How? What did he say?
It seems he threatened him
with a lawsuit and all.
According to Ivan,
Ortiz was in charge of all those people
and played a hoax, a defense.
Ivan sent him a letter
saying that if he doesn't
remove Escobar from his list,
we can't accept support
from his political movement.
That's very good, Luis Carlos,
especially now
that we're going to Medellin.
It must be clear
that we have nothing to do with Escobar.
- What?
That we shouldn't mess with them,
that they could be quite dangerous,
that they could
even kill us.
All right, gentlemen, ready for the stage?
We can see, we can feel,
We can see, we can feel,
How come?
Well, you really draw the crowd in,
all of them are here for you.
Good evening,
First of all,
I want to thank you for being here,
showing such patriotic fervor.
Secondly, for willing to listen
to the ideas of a man
longing for power
and not representing
those political groups
that have traditionally
used public funds
as personal piggy banks!
That's the man! That's the one!
But representing
the man on the street,
to return to him the hope of prospering
in the midst
of the unfathomable wealth
of natural resources in this beloved land
we call Colombia!
Colombia! Colombia!
Ortiz! Ortiz! Ortiz!
We are the voice
of those who don't have one!
We promised you and we won't fail you!
That's why we want you all to join us
for the upcoming elections
for the House of Representatives!
Now I present to you my great friend,
second on my list,
Pablo Escobar Gaviria!
Pablo, Pablo, Pablo, Pablo!
Thank you very much!
I must confess
that I'd never have
gotten into politics
the warmth and support you've given me.
Thank you very much!
Pablo! Pablo! Pablo!
First of all,
I want to talk about our political head
and natural leader,
the next President
of the Republic of Colombia!
has all my affection,
my admiration
and my endless respect.
All of us in the Civic Action Movement
completely share his moral ideals
and plans for the government.
A very difficult thing to attain
in a dangerous
and corrupt country such as ours.
And now I ask you to give it up
Cheers for Javier Ortiz!
Thank you very much!
why do you say that the New Liberalism
is proposing a new way to do politics?
There are many reasons,
but I'm going to summarize them
in three main points.
we're going to visit each
and every county in the country
to make our program known
without political machinery,
without offering anything
to have our votes bought,
just our ideas.
we'll be very mindful
of the financing of our campaign,
and it will be fully transparent.
We won't allow individual contributions
of over 500,000 pesos to our campaign.
Thus we will prevent having votes
in exchange for favors,
and the inflow of funds
of dubious origin.
And third,
strengthening the participation of
the parties in the national public debate
for them to recover the ideals
of their respective movements
in their effort to represent
the people of Colombia.
Do you know what I found out?
That politics whets one's appetite!
Really, Herber. Just think about it.
You undergo a lot of stress,
a lot of anxiety. That's why politicians
always eat in every town they visit.
Listen, Pablo, now that you mention it,
and we are all here, the whole gang,
why don't you tell us something?
Why don't you tell us
about your little madness?
What do you mean by that?
Should I call you Mrs. Enelia?
Will you also give me a speech?
Leave Mama alone!
So what, then? You dumbass!
Pablo, I know nothing about speeches
and I don't think you do either.
I'm a bit worried
about your insistence
on joining the Congress.
What do you all think?
Do you agree with me or not?
Shit and ice cream don't go together.
I don't think that's crazy, Pablo.
I'm thinking about running
- Crazy is the one who doesn't take risks.
Count on me for whatever you need, Pablo.
Thanks a lot, Herber.
Thank you very much!
Listen, Pablo.
We, Motoas, are very grateful for all
you did during our sister's kidnapping,
and recognize you
as the natural leader of the group,
not only because you are qualified for it
but because we appreciate it.
And that's why we advise you
not to get into politics, man.
There's nothing good in it.
I'm sorry, Pablo Emilio,
but it's too much exposure.
It's like allowing them
to even dig into your cavities.
We run the risk of being exposed
in exchange for nothing.
Wait a minute.
Let me see
if I understand correctly.
So what you're saying
is that I'll ruin this business.
- That's not what we mean.
- That's what you are saying!
Let's wait till he finishes talking.
Let him talk.
You just said it, Pedro.
If you consider me
as the leader of the organization,
you should trust my judgment.
Gentleman, we already have economic power,
therefore, we have to go after
political power!
Correct me if I'm wrong.
That's what we have to do!
Look, Pablo.
That's why we give money to politicians,
so we don't have to show our faces.
Mariachi, understand that I don't want
to owe favors or depend on anyone.
I want to make my own decisions,
you get me?
And this is a decision
I've already made, and that's it!
And it's a decision
we all have to make, boys.
Think about my political career
as a long-term investment,
and like all investments,
it involves risk.
But if it this turns out to be
what I'm expecting it to be,
it will be something unprecedented
within the organization.
Understand that we could possibly
control the country however we want,
morph it to suit our needs.
We'll be able to shape the laws
to our favor.
You know what that means?
Absolute power! Doesn't it sound good?
Bye, honey, take care.
Baby, can't you come
even for a short while?
No, Paty.
I'd love to, but this campaign is taking
all my time. I'm too busy, too much work.
Hey, Pablo, just a few days
to clear your head.
Yes, Mom, but I can't do it right now.
More so because my boss is coming soon
and we all have to be available.
So you, who has always done
whatever he wants, now has a boss?
Yes, my political boss,
the head of my party, the New Liberalism.
Are you telling me that the man
who's always talking
about morals, ethics, virtues
and all that is your political boss?
- Yes.
- We still have to see
what that man's price is
or the one you'll have to pay.
Think it over.
May the Holy Virgin protect you. Amen.
- Amen.
- And drink your milk.
It's good for your brain.
You think too much.
You have to nourish yourself.
All right. Watch your hand.
Go on. Thank you, son.
Will this heal you?
I don't know, son,
but I feel better.
No, no,
the only way for your back
to get better, Luis Carlos,
is if you space out your campaign tours.
You need to rest!
It's my turn!
Be careful, Yayo.
I can't keep from campaigning right now.
The more towns we visit, the better.
You're breaking my back.
And could you play with us
in the meantime?
Okay. Go upstairs! I'm coming!
I'm all right!
I'm coming!
- Hey, is that me?
- Yes.
Here I go.
- Shall I fire?
- Yes.
Watch it, watch it, am I dead already?
Luis Carlos.
Guillermo Cano is on the phone.
- Don Guillermo.
- Welcome. Come in.
Thank you.
- Have a seat.
- Thanks.
I didn't want to impose on you,
we could have talked over the phone.
Since it was you who called, I thought
it was something very important.
I wouldn't want to worry you,
as I told you.
But I have been receiving some information
that's rather odd, to say the least.
About me?
The correspondent says
that a guy named Pablo Escobar,
a well-known drug dealer in Medellin,
wants to run as
Congress Representative for your party.
Do you have proof of this, Don Guillermo?
We're running an investigation
but we don't have
anything concrete as yet.
That's why we haven't published the news.
I know my journalists,
and when people on the street
talk about these people,
and say things about them,
sooner or later,
So, I've been thinking,
the most important thing for me
I'll keep a chopper at his disposal
for the time that he's here,
so he'll visit the ranch,
see the hippos, the animals, we can go
to the river and he can ride a jet ski.
And at night, I thought about having
a party with many people.
So I need you to find out
what type of music he likes,
- what does he like to eat?
- Pablo
What he likes to drink, so I can
make arrangements to keep him happy.
And I need a personal favor,
please keep it confidential.
What, Pablo?
Sir, please find out from his bodyguards,
without letting him know,
because it is a surprise,
- whether he likes women.
- Pablo!
Let me talk, please.
Things in politics
aren't done that way, Pablo.
only for a short visit.
He doesn't like partying.
He is here for
a political campaign, Pablo.
What if I ask him in the public square
what he wants to do?
It's not possible, Pablo.
What do you mean? Why not?
He was very emphatic, he clearly said
he didn't want anyone
on the stage with him.
As you said, Pablo,
So what does that mean?
We pay attention to him. He said no.
You politicians are bores! Strange people.
Yes, Pablo.
That's how things are in politics.
We won't do anything.
We can see, we can feel,
Ortiz and Escobar's people are in town,
supporting the meeting.
Do you think they are here?
I don't know.
I think
we have to send a very clear message.
- In private, of course.
- No.
No, a message
to be understood by everyone.
Luis Carlos.
Are you all right?
Not a single step back!
Good luck.
Here's what we agreed on.
Thank you. God bless you.
Come on, Pablo, let's go.
- It's going to start right away.
- Good evening, Medellin!
Thank you for being here!
Thank you for your interest
in the future of Colombia!
Oh, this man's charisma!
He really moves the crowd.
Just a few words
before I give you my thoughts
on the future of our nation.
It has come to my knowledge
that the political movement
headed by Javier Ortiz
of which Pablo Escobar Gaviria
is a member
has expressed its support
to the New Liberalism in Antioquia
and I want to make it very clear to you
that we cannot allow
who act against our moral
and political principles
to join our party!
Javier Ortiz and Pablo Escobar Gaviria,
who aspire
to get a seat in the Congress
do not belong
and will never belong
to the New Liberalism!
And they can't!
They will never run for public office
with our support!
Did you hear, cousin?
Relax, we'll solve it a different way.
We'll see what happens, okay?
See, this is why I didn't want you
to get involved in politics.
Boss, you know you can count on me
for whatever you need.
Stop saying shit, Chili!
You are one of those people
who uses gas to put a fire out!
That jerk won't live long enough to regret
what he has just done to me.
Pablo is really crazy, man.
How can he snort the stuff
soiled with horse shit?
I suppose that when you poop,
your shit doesn't smell like flowers.
Can't you see he's a peasant,
and everything smells like coffee to him?
A little respect.
Watch it, don't soil my shirt!
It's different when you smell
your own poop.
What are you doing?
The chopper is ready.
Mariachi, how nice to see you
in this land!
The whole country is my land.
I just missed buying a little bit.
What's up, boys? Do you need help?
We need your help in wiping out
those guerrilla once and for all.
We'll make them disappear, right?
- I have nothing to do with it.
- What does that mean?
No, sir, the MR20 people are fine.
I've already made peace with them
after Irma Motoa's kidnapping.
What's that, Pablo?
had made you change your mind.
On the contrary,
more motivation to keep going.
to see if I can solve this.
Here you go again, man!
You're coming with me.
Me? Oh, no!
Yes, you know me very well.
You know how I am.
I'm going to find a way to become
a member of the Congress
of the Republic of Colombia,
no matter who dislikes it
or how much it hurts.
Anything I can say to make us stop this?
Or will I be wasting my time?
Your time is yours, partner.
Up to you how you waste it.
- What's up, Mr. Ortiz?
- Good afternoon.
I'm sorry for being late.
There's no hurry.
Our guest can wait for us all day long.
Javier, I've been thinking,
why we don't we stop all this nonsense
and organize our own political movement?
Yeah? Pablo!
I guess you thought
that starting a political movement
is a piece of cake.
I know it's not easy,
but it's not impossible either.
And much less
when we have the right contacts
and people's affection
and most importantly,
the capital we need to do it.
Money isn't the problem.
What's the problem then?
do it and we can't?
Calm down, Pablo. I have all we need.
You know what? One phone number.
And contacts, Pablo,
the best contacts available.
Trust me, we don't need
to start a political movement.
All we need is support
from an influential politician.
And I have that, period!
I don't like owing anyone favors,
don't you understand, Mr. Ortiz?
Easy, Pablo.
You don't need to ask for any favors!
I already did!
Hurry, hurry!
I agree with you, cousin.
Do you know what's shitty
about asking favors?
When you have to repay them.
Listen, brother.
Who is the person we're going to see?
Alonso Santorini.
The name sounds familiar.
Of course.
Alonso Santorini is a politician
with many years of experience.
A good one or a bad one?
A good one or a bad one, brother?
I've been up since 3:00 this morning,
leave me alone!
Are all politicians like that, brother?
Listen, Gonzalo.
What matters is that we have the support
of an influential person,
someone who agrees
with our political ideals.
- Which ideals?
- Our political ideals.
I'm going to be a member
of this country's Congress.
That will be my revenge,
Don't be a dreamer, Pablo.
That man doesn't know who you are.
I can't forgive what he did to me!
You're not the only one
ever thrown out of a party.
There are ways to do things, Gonzalo.
It doesn't have to be
during a public meeting.
It's not fair to a person
who tried to make progress,
to get out of poverty
and help the people in the community.
You're right, he doesn't know me,
so he has no right to throw me out
of the New Liberalism
just because of envious people's
gossip and slander.
Who do you think you're talking about?
Gossip, slandering?
Do you really believe that?
Stop it!
Mr. Escobar and Mr. Ortiz are here.
Let them in, don't make them wait!
Come in, please.
Thank you very much.
Though I admit I was anxious
to meet Mr. Escobar.
Nice to meet you.
Alonso Santorini.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
One of the best senators in the country.
I really mean it.
This is my partner,
Mr. Gonzalo Gaviria.
A pleasure, sir.
Come in, please, have a seat.
Wait, Pablo.
I'll wait for you outside.
I'm not needed here.
- Sure?
- Yes, is that okay?
Sure, no problem.
So long, gentlemen.
This is quite a cold city, isn't it?
How was your trip? You were late.
Last minute problems.
Now I remember
where I've seen Mr. Santorini before.
I knew I had
but I couldn't remember where.
It was in Medellin.
In a prison cell. He was visiting
an old friend called Sheriff.
A pleasure.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria,
at your service.
How are you?
- No.
- Don't you remember?
I've never been inside a jail,
much less in Medellin.
My memory never fails.
I have the memory of an elephant.
No, no.
You're wrong.
We didn't come all the way
to this city to reminisce.
Throwing us out of the New Liberalism
in the middle of a public meeting.
There's no justification
for such humiliation.
Well, yes, I agree.
Mr. Ortiz and I
are here to talk about the future,
not the past.
And about the present, Pablo.
The present.
I'm really pleased to have you here.
I thought you had a proposal for us.
A proposal
I'm sure you aren't going to reject.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
About joining your movement,
I suppose.
Listen to me carefully, Pablo.
I'm going to tell you something I've never
said to anyone and I may never repeat.
I highly value what you represent,
the type of person you are.
And I do acknowledge the mass support
you have in Medellin.
Thank you, Senator.
But that's not only because it is
a significant capital for our movement.
Listen to that bullshit.
With your money and your intelligence,
you can become the President
of the Republic of Colombia.
Listen, miss,
is your boss that much of a blabbermouth
with everybody in this office?
What a lovely smile.
President Pablo Escobar. Me joining
the guerrilla will be more likely.
What do you say, Pablo?
Does my offer sound good to you?
Of course it does, sir.
President of the Republic of Colombia.
- Do you think
- I don't think. I know for sure.
But I'm not even a member of Parliament,
not even a member of the Congress.
Can you imagine what I'd have to do
to become the President?
There's something
you have to understand, Pablo.
In politics,
everything is part of a process.
Of course!
Naturally, you have to wait your turn.
Of course, that's right.
Yes, but time flies.
I think you meet all the requirements
for being the leader of this country.
Of course,
there will obviously be some hurdles,
but that's how you show your resilience,
so they won't be able to get you
out of the way, you understand?
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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