Pact of Silence (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

El hermano

[Fer panting] Coming
to a cemetery at night is not a good idea.
[Irene] But it's the only time
no one will see us here.
[Fer] I know,
but I'm scared, Irene. [whines]
[suspenseful music playing]
Okay. Now look for her name.
- It's so hard to see.
- Lucía.
- [nearby rattling]
- [all gasp]
[all sigh]
- It's just the wind.
- Let's go.
Keep going. Keep going.
Nothing can happen if we're together.
[Irene] "Lucía."
There she is.
[suspenseful music continues]
[woman whispers, echoing] Silence.
[Silva] Who are you?
Why are you in my house?
What are you looking for?
Why are you in my brother's things?
- Do you have news about Pedro?
- [Brenda] I'm sorry. I don't.
I'm interested
in finding out what happened.
- Who the hell sent you?
- [Brenda] No one. I swear.
I'm here alone. I knocked on the door,
and nobody answered.
You broke in?
That's what thieves do, you know.
You still haven't answered me!
Why are you here?
Answer me. I'm not gonna ask you again.
What are you doing here?
[Alex] Stay where you are.
[tense music playing]
[man] You're alone, huh?
- [bangs]
- [Brenda gasps]
Are you gonna kill me, asshole? Huh?
Go ahead! Do it!
You piece of shit. [grunts]
- You don't have the balls.
- I'm sorry. Please just let us leave.
[Silva] No one's leaving
until you tell me who you are.
I've spent my whole life
looking for my brother.
And obviously you two have information.
Please just let us go,
and nobody has to get hurt.
Listen, asshole. I don't wanna kill you,
but I can blow your foot off.
- [shotgun clicks]
- [grunts]
- [Brenda gasps]
- [Silva] Tell me what you know!
[Brenda] Stop!
Let him go!
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- Alex?
- I'm fine.
[Brenda sighs]
What the fuck's wrong with you?
You could've killed him.
Get over yourself.
I'm not a killer or a psycho. All right?
- I'm gonna call the police.
- The police aren't going to help you.
If the police weren't willing to help
when Pedro disappeared,
do you think they're gonna do it now?
So you did your homework, is that it?
You went through our history?
I know that Pedro was a gardener
at the school called La Victoria.
And he disappeared in '97.
Your family went
to the headmistress, Ramona Castro.
To the police and Ramona,
your brother is as good as dead.
But I can get you a lawyer
who can find out the truth.
Who'll reopen the case
and find out what happened to Pedro.
If you want me to believe a word you say,
you need to tell me who the fuck you are.
My name's Brenda Rey.
Give me your cell phone.
Give it to me.
- Unlock it.
- [phone unlocks]
[Silva] Why'd you take pictures
of Pedro's stuff?
Do you know her?
But I wanna find out
what happened at that school.
Reopening the case is
in both our interests.
All I need is for you to trust me.
[Silva] When will I hear from the lawyer?
I don't know
exactly when they'll come, but they will.
Give me some time to keep my word.
As long as we're clear
you're not calling the shots. Okay?
I know who you are.
If I find out that any of this is a lie,
I will come after you.
- Is that clear?
- [tense music playing]
[Alex] Brenda. I wanna get home.
[engine starts]
That asshole nearly killed me.
[Brenda] I know, Alex. And I'm sorry.
I don't wanna keep putting you in danger.
It's not just me who's in danger, Brenda.
They already came after you too. Remember?
What do you think
the deal is with the gardener?
He was definitely obsessed with Martina.
It's the only thing that can explain
the photos and that doll in the chest.
You think he was a pervert?
That's why he disappeared?
Or he was gotten rid of.
Anyone with perversions surrounded
by all those young girls.
The amount of damage
they could do is huge.
[suspenseful music playing]
[seat belt clicks]
[suspenseful music ends]
[Omar] Good morning.
What's on your mind?
[both laugh]
[gentle music playing]
Don't say a word.
I'm gonna enjoy this feeling.
- What feeling's that?
- Mm.
Lots of different things, beautiful.
I wanna keep you safe in my arms.
I want us to travel.
Discover the entire world with you.
You want all that?
That's only the beginning.
I love you, Martina.
Finally. I'm gonna be late! I have to go.
Did I upset you?
- Are you mad that I told you I love you?
- No.
- [Omar] You don't have to say it.
- I'm not. I have to go. We'll talk.
No, Martina. Martina, listen to me.
One second.
I was lost in the moment.
But I meant it.
Maybe it makes you nervous.
But I'm in love with you.
I don't expect you to feel the same yet.
Or to pretend that you do.
[sighs] I don't want you
to feel any pressure.
I think we need an agreement.
No matter how much I wanna spend time
with you, I won't seek you out.
The ball's entirely in your court.
I'll go now.
[somber music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[woman] I got everything
that you asked me for.
Ah, thank you, Ximenita.
I knew you'd come through.
This one's so important for my mother.
Our country doesn't have this.
[chuckles] You're an angel.
You don't know what this means to me.
- Sweets for the sweet. Your favorite.
- Thank you.
[Omar chuckles]
You don't have to thank me, Omar.
I just hope your mom gets better soon.
Amen. I'll pass on your good wishes.
My credit card.
- [Ximena] "Martina Robles"?
- [tense music playing]
Yes, my cousin Martina's helping cover
the treatment costs.
Since it's her card, she needs
to approve and sign the transaction.
I understand, but the thing is, she can't.
Martina's too busy today.
And my mother needs all of these urgently.
Can't you let me sign for her this once?
We both know
banks don't look at that stuff.
[chuckles] We do.
[both chuckle]
[Omar inhales sharply]
- That one's fragile.
- [Manuel] I know.
- Hello.
- [Manuel] Careful.
- Hey!
- [Manuel] I'll take this.
- Thanks for coming, Martina.
- I wouldn't miss it. How's it going?
- Hey. How are you? It's good to see you.
- Hi.
- [both laugh]
- [Sofía] It's all going smoothly.
But the mortgage is the biggest debt
I've ever had in my life.
And I've spent the entire advance
that I got for Brenda's bio.
Don't worry so much.
When you make brave decisions,
the universe rewards you
by making them succeed.
We'll see. I hope you're right.
How've you been?
Pretty good.
- Omar told me he loves me.
- [Sofía] Wow!
Amazing! But only
if you love him too, I mean.
- I think I do, Sof.
- [Sofía gasps]
But I didn't say anything.
I was so surprised. I just sat there.
[Sofía] Why?
Uh, because I've been
on my own for so long.
I like having my independence.
I'm afraid commitment's too constricting.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm just scared of love.
I won't survive getting my heart broken.
Do you realize this is the first time
since we were in high school
that I've heard you say,
"I'm falling in love?"
This is a huge step for you, Martina.
[groans] It's scary.
Why can't I let myself feel?
Because what you went through
was traumatic, Martina.
I'm not sure
if Omar will be the love of your life.
But if he makes you feel like this,
embrace it and see how it goes.
You think?
- [grunts]
- [both laugh]
I'm very concerned
with access to affordable housing.
It's a key part of our platform,
and we've made it central
to our entire campaign.
[reporter] Mm-hmm.
Has Senator Carvajal advised you
in the elaboration of your proposals?
I respect his opinion.
And since he's also my husband,
my concerns and his are one and the same.
And his experience is good council.
There are rumors
that the senator is not well.
They include insinuations
that he has actually died.
[Irene] No. I assure you
the rumors are just that.
And if anything,
they only serve to make us stronger.
My husband is
in excellent health. Thank God.
I'm glad to hear it,
but why hasn't he accompanied you
to show support for your campaign?
For women involved in politics
and in all other spheres of life,
it's a matter of survival
to be able to fend for ourselves,
which means we can handle ourselves.
[Irene] He knows it, so he's leaving
all the spotlight to me this time around.
[reporter] Talking about strong women,
what opinion do you have regarding
what La Chale said about Brenda Rey?
I don't have one.
I wasn't aware. Who's La Chale?
[clicks tongue] La Chale is an influencer
and journalist
who posted that Rey's not a good example
to promote the feminist cause.
Obviously I can only speak for myself,
and I've been clear in my fight
for gender equality my whole life.
True. But Brenda Rey
is romantically involved with your son.
Yes, but he's a grown man,
and he can see whomever he wants.
It's his personal life, isn't it?
If he's happy, so am I.
They tried to bury me
on national television.
You know full well
that he was only doing his job.
Exactly. And he gave credence
to the rumors.
[sighs] Any day, we'll have press parked
right in front of the house,
trying to get a photo to confirm
whether the senator is still breathing
to satisfy their morbid curiosity.
- No, my darling. Don't. It's bad for you.
- [Ricardo sighs]
- Come.
- [moans]
[Irene] We're gonna find a way
to put an end to those rumors.
We could tell the truth
and just get the whole thing over with.
Not yet. I don't wanna do that.
This isn't just a matter of pride.
I swear. It's because
of all the lies I've asked you to tell.
If the truth comes out,
it'll ruin your credibility.
- No, it won't, Ricardo.
- Yes, it will. That's life in politics.
[exhales, groans]
[panting] The other candidates
might use this to tarnish your reputation.
They'll say that
if you were lying about my health,
you'll lie about whatever suits you.
I won't let them do that.
I'm already on it.
Really? How so, Adriano?
By providing the proof they want
before they come looking for it.
And that way, we control the message.
[pensive music playing]
Come on. Think. Did Martina
ever mention the gardener at school?
No. She doesn't really talk
about her past.
[exhales] Have you told her
that you love her?
- Yes.
- And?
- She froze and didn't say a word.
- [Brenda] Makes sense.
She's got some serious issues
trusting men,
so it takes a while
to conquer her defenses.
[Omar] Right.
That explains why she was thrown off
when my friend attacked her.
[Brenda] Thrown off? What do you mean?
We both know
Martina's very strong and fit.
She knows how to defend herself.
But she was in shock.
[suspenseful music playing]
[doorbell rings]
Hello. I'm Liliana Ortiz.
My boss at the agency sent me here today.
Come in. Welcome.
Thank you. [chuckles]
[gate closes]
[Fer] This way.
I like everything to be very clean,
very tidy, at the start of the day.
So I'll need you to be up
before eight o'clock every morning.
And It's very important that the kitchen,
our breakfast,
and everything be as it should be.
- [Fer] Mm-hmm? Mm!
- [Itzel] Mm-hmm.
- You really have to scrub it.
- [Rodrigo] We're home!
[Fer] Oh!
[Sam] Hi.
[Fer] Hey.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- [Fer] This is Iliana.
- Liliana Ortiz.
Liliana. Who came over from the agency
to start working for us today.
Well, I'm Sam.
Hi, Sam. Please let me know if you need
anything, since that's top priority.
- I will.
- Thank you, Liliana, and welcome.
- Thanks.
- Honey, have you heard from Tomás?
I called a few times,
but he didn't answer.
No. He hasn't checked in,
but I hope he shows up soon
so we can all have dinner together.
[tense music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[cell phone vibrates]
[shakily] Please don't come
after me anymore.
I won't try to run away or tell anybody.
I just need a little bit longer.
Yes, I know I said
I would help you out with Brenda.
But you never said
that you wanted me to kill her.
[shovel scraping]
[crying] I agreed as a way
to protect my mother and my family,
but I didn't want to be the killer.
It doesn't matter if you pay me or not!
[tense music fades slowly]
[Rodrigo] What are you doing here?
- I wanna spend time with you.
- Fernanda, we've been through this.
We have some serious problems.
We need a break.
I'd be staying
at a hotel if it weren't for the kids.
Our problems aren't that bad.
It's nothing we can't handle.
My relationship with Sam is strained,
but that can happen in any family.
You and I just need to get back
to the romance we had before all of this.
[somber piano music playing]
[Rodrigo sighs]
It's not that easy.
I think you're hiding
behind what happened with Samantha.
Because you can't bring yourself
to admit you don't love me anymore.
[somber music building]
[Fer] What are you doing?
[Itzel] Um
I'm bringing the clothes your husband
asked me to iron for him earlier.
May I?
That can wait until morning.
It's a bit late.
[tense music playing]
[unsettling electronic music playing]
[music subsides]
[man] Where you goin'?
I need to get out for air.
[man] Not till you pay for what you had.
You owe us 10,000.
[Tomás] Okay. I need to text a friend.
[Rodrigo] Thanks.
[birds singing]
[sighs] Tomás still hasn't answered.
- [phone chimes]
- He's at a friend's house, ignoring us.
[Rodrigo] I'm worried.
- He's been gone a while.
- [Fer] Try getting hold of his friends?
[tense music playing]
[Tomás sniffles]
- [man] What's the deal?
- They said they'd bring it.
[man] In how long?
- I'm not sure. Can it wait till tonight?
- [man] Sure.
[Tomás] Thanks.
[tense music swells]
You're not leavin' here
till you pay for what you owe, shithead.
[tense music continues]
She was upset because he rejected her.
- [cell phone ringing and vibrating]
- [Brenda] Oh.
[call connects]
- Sam?
- [Sam] Brenda.
- Somebody wants to kill my brother.
- [Brenda] Someone wants to kill Tomás?
[Sam] He needs to pay 10,000.
I think it's for drugs.
[gasps] We'll take care of this.
Text me the address and stay in touch.
Tomás owes somebody 10,000.
Sam thinks it's linked to drugs.
I gotta go.
- I'll go with you.
- No, Itzel. It's too dangerous.
Yeah, no shit, girl.
You think it's not dangerous for you?
Let me call some friends
who know what they're doing.
[thug grunting]
[man] If you kill him, I'll be pissed.
[Tomás coughs]
I know I shouldn't care about that idiot.
But I guess Tomás
could be my little brother.
I'm not willing to do nothing
while he gets hurt.
You need to calm down.
'Cause Pacha and Marula have been around.
They're not afraid of anything.
- Just pay them when it's done.
- Okay. Of course. Whatever works. [sighs]
[man 1] Fucking little drugged-out pussy.
- [man 2] You'd be better off dead.
- [Tomás moans]
[man 1] Have some fun, boys.
We've got all night.
[Pacha] Leave him alone.
[Tomás panting]
You said ten grand.
There's your ten grand.
[man 1] Is he your little plaything?
- Mama's boy?
- [Pacha] Let's go. Get on your feet.
[man 1] Hey. Did his family send you?
Tell 'em we want more money,
or we take him apart.
[Pacha whistles]
See, when Marula uses the good stuff,
her aim is even better.
That's fine. [exhales]
Pussy's all yours.
It's all good.
We need to have a talk, bro.
You look like hell.
But we got you. Marula, let's go.
"Yes. We got the puppy
out of the pound!" [giggles]
Ah, sister. I owe you one, you know that?
See? Getting high has his advantages.
It got me badass contacts. [laughs]
- You think that's funny to me, Itzel?
- [Itzel] You know I'm only kidding.
Tomás could be my biological brother,
but you will always be my real sister.
How do you think it makes me feel
that both of you are addicted to shit?
Yeah, but look. It's all good. I'm okay.
I haven't taken
anything at all for two days
because you kept me busy,
helping you with everything.
Which makes me feel
like I'm worth something, Brenda.
[sighs] You don't have to keep spying
on Fernanda. It's risky for you.
[gentle music playing]
Two more days.
I'll do another two days
to try and find stuff out.
Because I've made a huge decision.
When I'm finished at Fernanda's house,
I'm planning to get myself clean.
- Are you serious?
- [chuckles softly] I am. Yeah.
For you, for me. [giggles]
- [exhales] I'm going.
- [Brenda exclaims]
What do you mean, you got into a fight?
What for? We were worried.
- And you come home covered in bruises?
- You really wanna know why?
I was at a party,
and people started making fun of you
for what you did at Sam's party.
[Fer] Let me take you to a hospital.
- [Tomás] It's not a big deal.
- You look terrible! Daddy can come.
- He's been out looking for you, Tomás
- Would you shut up? You did this!
The reason I look terrible is
because they beat the shit outta me
for defending you!
Can't you learn
to leave things the fuck alone?
Fucking piece of shit family!
[somber piano music playing]
Why are you taking everything out on mom?
Huh? [scoffs]
Why are you pretending
she's responsible for your bullshit?
[inhales sharply] Where did you get
the money that I owed?
From Brenda.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Sam] All of this
needs to stop now, Tomás.
They could've killed you.
[crying] Promise me
you're going to stop taking that shit.
I promise you.
And promise you're going
to call Brenda to thank her.
Because you'd be dead right now
if she hadn't helped us.
I will.
Now just leave me alone.
[gentle music playing]
[door closes]
[sniffles, sobs]
- What?
- [sighs]
Are you okay?
I so needed that.
- Hey. I'm sure it hasn't been that long.
- [laughs, sighs]
I don't have time anymore.
Do you?
- [sighs] Not really.
- [scoffs]
Because your life centers around Brenda?
And yours is about making partner.
[scoffs] Are we having a lovers' quarrel?
No. No, Gustavo.
Because the number one rule
between sex friends
is that you can't stake any claims.
And you better not fall in love,
or it ends.
But there's nothing that says
we can't exchange
professional favors, right?
[chuckles] What do you need?
[sighs] I need you
to help Brenda with a client.
[inhales sharply] Is this
why you called, Alex?
Uh, of course not. You know
how much I like getting together.
Listen. Hey.
I asked because this case requires
someone that I can trust absolutely.
Which means it could only be you.
I don't know if I can.
I told you I barely have time to get laid.
Yeah, but you're never happy
unless you're complaining
about your dad and how he only takes cases
with a big payout.
This is a worthy case too.
It's a guy who's trying
to get justice for his lost brother.
What's this got to do with Brenda?
Actually, it's extremely personal.
Sweetie, come on.
Do it for me, please?
Please? I need a yes.
- All right.
- [chuckles]
- [Silva] Please, come in.
- [Gustavo] Thank you.
- Have a seat.
- As you wish.
[sighs] I didn't think
I'd be hearing from you so quickly.
I guess Brenda means what she says.
This is not an easy case, Mr. Silva.
Because it's been 25 years
since your brother disappeared.
But we'll do everything we can
to get the file reopened.
Well, Brenda said
that you're the one who was gonna explain
why she's so interested
in what might've happened to Pedro.
[Gustavo] I don't actually know.
She asked me to get involved
through a friend.
I do need you to sign this contract
allowing me to represent you.
[Silva] Really?
Mr. Silva, I know you were very young
when your brother disappeared,
but whatever you can share with us
from that time would help.
[sighs deeply]
I recall pretty much exactly where I was
the last time I ever talked to my brother.
[young Silva] Pedro!
[Pedro grunts]
[slurring] Hey, pipsqueak.
What are you doin' here?
You have to come back home now.
Mommy said.
Tell her not right now.
'Cause I'm having a party. [laughs]
Mommy's scared, Pedro.
She said when you're drinking,
you feel bad.
Well, tell her that her freaky boy
likes to have a little fun sometimes.
Go on. Go back and tell her, kid, huh?
You go straight to the house, César.
Hurry home, bro.
"You are the portion of me in you."
"In this infinite black hole
that contains us."
Hey, grandpa.
Take your poetry and shove it.
- [Manuel] Who's gonna have some ice cream?
- [Camila laughs]
[suspenseful music playing]
Looking for something?
I have to go
over to the publisher's kiosk.
Uh, but I thought this was just
a fun family outing.
I'm responsible for getting
this book published, Manuel, not Brenda.
All right, but I spent
a lot of time painting houses
so you'd be able to concentrate
on your writing
and find your inspiration, Sofía.
And do you regret it?
I thought we were sharing your success
as a couple, but I guess
I'm not part of the equation.
- [Camila] Daddy, let's go get ice cream.
- Coming. I'll be there.
Let's go.
It's a journey of spiritual liberation
that I hope will inspire you.
[fan] I loved your book.
Sofía, I'm so glad
you were able to make it.
We're gonna be here every day for a week.
I don't have any problem confirming
that the work is mine.
"Ensuring the provenance."
- [Javier laughs]
- I've never plagiarized anything.
[Manuel] So you got one
that's all about dinosaurs.
- Should I read it to you?
- Yes.
- [Manuel roars]
- All done. We're all set.
I just need to go
to the bathroom real quick.
- You're angry, aren't you?
- No, just take care of Camila.
- [Camila] No, Daddy.
- Sit, sit, sit. I'll read to you.
Is this the book you wanted to read?
Looks good.
No, not you. I want Daddy.
[tense music playing]
Literature unites us.
Hello. How are you?
I want my daddy.
Is the princess feeling sad?
What's wrong with the princess?
Her strawberry frown
needs to be turned upside down.
I don't like princesses.
I'm gonna learn all about dinosaurs.
Oh. I see you're a warrior princess
with character. That's great. Really.
Do you know who I am?
My name's Enrique.
And I'm a friend of your mother's,
and I like to write books. Like she does.
Manuel is with us. I need you to go.
I only wanted to buy a few books.
What's wrong?
[softly] You look beautiful.
We have our rules, Enrique.
Respect the rules.
[dramatic music playing]
- [Sofía] Where's my daughter?
- [Enrique] Don't worry.
- I'll help you find her.
- Cami! Stay away from my family!
- Have you seen a little girl?
- [woman] No.
- Cami!
- [Manuel] Sofi, what's going on?
- I don't know. I lost Camila.
- What?
- I took my eyes off her. She's lost.
- How could you?
- Someone's lost?
- Let me do this.
Um, we've lost our daughter.
She's seven years old.
She's very attached to me, so I'm sure
she's feeling very scared right now.
- Her hair's in braids.
- She has two braids, and she's little.
- 853. Two parents looking for their girl.
- How could you lose her?
- I don't know. I looked away a second.
- You can't keep an eye on her, Sofía?
Don't yell at me. I got distracted,
and two seconds later, she was gone.
So she disappeared,
and you didn't even notice? Oh, okay.
She's your daughter. How could you
not watch her? She's seven!
Where the hell were you, Sofía?
How could you do this?
- [officer] We've got agents on it.
- Thank you. We appreciate your help.
I hope she's not out on the street alone.
Because I don't know what I'll do then.
- [Camila gasps]
- [man] Oh! Sweetheart! You all right?
The doctor told us
that everything is fine.
Does that mean we can go?
You'll need to come and sign
the release papers.
- Can one of you come to the front?
- It's okay. I'll go.
No, I want you to stay here, Daddy.
I can go.
Right this way.
[monitors beeping]
What happened, Cami?
Why did you run away from Mommy?
- You always have to stay with us.
- Because I really started to miss you.
I just went to the bathroom,
and you got to spend time with Mommy.
You really scared us, sweetie.
There were a lot of people at the fair.
Yeah. Mommy's old friend said
that I was a warrior princess,
but I told him I like dinosaurs.
- What friend?
- [tense music playing]
[Camila] Mommy's friend is named Enrique.
[Manuel] Hmm.
Thank you for coming.
- I know you've got a full schedule.
- What's goin' on?
We've known each other since high school.
You don't have to be formal.
Yeah. Well, I have a formal request.
It's a professional favor.
- [Miguel] Sure, name it.
- [Irene] Miguel.
[Miguel] Hello. How are you?
We're good but slow.
All right.
The idea for these photo sessions
is to show the general population
that he works from his home office.
It needs to look natural.
As you've probably noticed by now,
I have some health challenges.
[Miguel] You don't have to explain
anything to me, Ricardo.
What we'd like to accomplish, besides
showing Dad working from his office,
is to make it look
like he travels for work too.
[Miguel] Sure. No problem.
- [pensive string music playing]
- [shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicks]
I don't think I can do anymore.
Give me a hand.
Break for a few minutes now,
if you don't mind.
Take as long as you want.
Don't worry about it, honey.
The interview was smooth.
Your mother's job
isn't to defend me on television.
[Adriano] At least
she didn't speak badly of you.
[chuckles] She really does want
what's best for her baby.
And hopefully one day she'll realize
that's what I want for you too.
[Adriano] Where are you?
It's really noisy.
In a new restaurant,
just doing my job. You?
[Adriano] Relaxing at home.
Hey. My food just got here. Love you.
Thanks for coming to meet me.
Did I have a choice? It sounded urgent.
I got to work things out with Sofía.
With Irene and Fernanda,
maybe it'll be challenging.
But you and I have never had any problem.
Exactly, Brenda.
So I don't understand why you tried
to sabotage my friendship with Fer.
That's not what happened.
I offered a shoulder to lean on.
She was convinced
you were having an affair with Rodrigo.
[scoffs] No.
Fernanda was well aware that I dated
Rodrigo briefly in high school.
You got her thinking
that something was going on.
I didn't even know that you
and Rodrigo used to go out.
I only found out
when she told me that day.
Martina, the truth is
their relationship is not doing well.
Now, Sam mentioned they've been
in separate rooms for a while.
- That's not for us to discuss.
- [Brenda] I agree.
I just think that Fernanda
doesn't always get it.
She's always blaming everyone but herself.
She's done it with you.
She's trying with me.
Don't you agree?
We have to order something,
but let's keep talking.
Excuse me?
[suspenseful music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Martina] Fernanda is one
of my dearest friends.
But she does have a problem
with thinking the world
revolves around her existence.
[Brenda] Yes.
I do miss her like crazy, though.
But I'm in such an amazing place now
that I don't have time to dwell on it.
And I don't want to.
Oh yeah? That guy at Sam's party,
is it because of him?
Listen, Brenda.
You have apologized, and I accept,
but we are not going
to get into my personal life.
[Brenda] Fair enough.
I get it. No worries.
Just don't make
the same mistake that I did.
[Martina] What mistake is that?
Ever since I met you, Martina, I feel
like you and I lead very similar lives.
We're both very independent,
pretty much obsessed with work.
Which means we don't invest
in our relationships.
But it's also the times we live in.
- Mm?
- Mm-hmm.
I hear you're with Adriano.
I guess I should wish you good luck
and that it lasts as long as you want it.
That's the funny thing.
I think I want it to last forever.
With Adriano, I realized that
when you find someone
who makes you feel so special
I think life's telling me
to take my chance.
- I sound so corny. [laughs]
- [chuckles]
[Brenda] But I love him. [chuckles]
[dramatic music playing]
- [mother] Go back and get your brother.
- He doesn't wanna listen to me, Mommy.
You know we have to watch out
for Pedro, César.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
Go back and don't come home without him.
[dramatic music continues]
[muffled screams]
[train clattering on tracks]
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda gasps]
[gun cocks]
- It was you.
- [César] What?
You think I'm stupid?
You've been following me for months.
I only started two days ago.
But obviously, you have a lot of haters.
[Brenda] Don't!
[César] You broke into my house.
I was armed.
If I'd wanted to hurt you, I would have.
Believe me.
So what are you doing here?
[tense music continues]
You told me you didn't know her.
But she was with you
at the restaurant earlier.
That's why you're asking about my brother.
She sent you to my house.
You don't care about us, Brenda.
You have your own agenda.
- You wanna confuse me!
- What do you mean, confuse you?
I saw my brother rape that girl.
[sinister music playing]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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