Paradise City (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

What's Your Last Name

-How about this,
Johnny boy?
Lily stays in the band,
or I call Gretchen,
blow the cover off this
whole fucking charade
you've got going.
-So why, Lily,
are you leaving?
-I've got more to me
than four strings
and I'm going to make
sure the world knows that.
-Johnny did not kick
you out of the band,
he emancipated you.
-You really gaining
some momentum
with these hot new acts.
Your pops put you
in on this action?
-I've never met him.
-You want your own agency,
you want an investor?
You want all my acts
on your roster?
I know that with me
you are the future.
-I'm loyal to
the people that I love.
-Are you going to work
with me in rhythm
or in dissonance?
-It's bad enough I have
to deal with the stigma
of being a bastard son.
Why would you call him?
-I wanted to make sure
he knows
how brilliant you are.
I wanted him to see that
he is missing out
on the best thing
that he ever created.
-Are you ready to have
The Relentless headline
the very first
Hit Parader festival?
-The Relentless invades
the nation's capitol.
Okay, I'm in.
-I want double the pay and
I want ownership in the fest.
-And where is that
going to come from?
-Those three lovely boys
who agreed
to kick me out of the band.

-Lily Mayflower.
Welcome to the crossroads.
-Thanks for the invitation.
As I'm sure you know,
there's no better place
for you than Pantheon.
-That's why I'm here.
-Our number one rule
is don't be number two.
And you're aware of
my history with Elias.
-I'm more interested
in the future.
-That's good.
But before we start making
hit records together,
let's discuss structure
and how to format for radio.
Is that all right with you?
I'm sorry, I, um
I don't create to put
money in your machine.
With all due respect, Oliver,
you put your money and machine
into what I create.
I own the most powerful
radio department on the planet.
If I'm going to put everything
that I have behind you,
I need to know that you're
willing to play the game.
-I write to make waves.
Change culture,
influence the youth.
If radio stations
want to be a part of that,
then hallelujah, amazing.
That's something really special,
but I don't want you to
think for a second
that I give a fuck about
appeasing any of them.
Because I don't.
And that goes for the VMAs
and whatever other
sideshow dinosaurs are trying
to stay cool this week.
You know that we don't
need you, right?
-I'd rather be wanted
than needed.
-Have you given much thought
to what a hit record's
going to do to your life?
Not being the bassist
of The Relentless,
but Lily Mayflower.
How is a hit record
going to change her life?
-Well, that sounds good
coming out of your mouth.
But I'll do whatever is needed
for me to express myself
in the most real,
raw way I can,
and Oliver, I respect you.
Your opinions, but
I'm still going to do
whatever I want.
You know what, kiddo?
There's one thing that
I've learned in this business,
it's that you don't drown
from falling in the well.
You drown from staying there.
Best of luck to you.
-Artists grow on trees and you
have so many talented ones.
But Lily Mayflower only
grows like a lotus.
-Lily Mayflower grows
like a lotus.
Lotus petals open one by one.
It's considered the most
beautiful flower there is.
You're telling me that's you?
-And they only
grow in the mud.
I'm a dirty girl
in a rainstorm.
Take a chance.
Pour some sugar on me.
-Welcome to Pantheon.
-So it is official.
Lily Mayflower will play her
last ever show
with The Relentless
at the upcoming Hit Parader
Music and Art festival.
-Baby, get in here,
they're talking
about Lily on Hit Parader.
-clear the decision to
leave the band was her own,
there seems to be a
legion of angry fans
who are blaming frontman
Johnny Faust's fiancé
Gretchen Ruth.
It's unfortunate
there's so much
misdirected animosity
as the band has confirmed
they have split on
amicable terms.
-So, she didn't really
quit the band, did she?
-Quit? Nobody quits
the hottest band in the land.
Paid her a million dollars that
I don't know where
it's going to come from.
-Listen, stop, don't worry
about it, it's the Festival.
-This zipper won't zip.
-[doorbell rings]
-Just have fun, okay? Relax.
It's going to be fun.
Make sure you have
Ralphie, or have someone
record your speech, okay?
-Gotta go, gotta go.
What are you doing,
what's your plans?
-Uh, probably just going
to hang out with Gretchen.
She's got a big game
coming up, so
-It's the night of
the festival, isn't it?
Promise me you won't
say anything to her. Okay?
-Come here.
My lips are sealed.
That is until it breaks out
all over the internet
and everyone goes crazy!
-That's not going to happen.
-I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Go, go, go.
-All right. I love you.
-I love you.
[plays piano]
-Lily just announced
she's doing her own band.
-Oh my God.
-Did you know she was
going to be doing this?
-I mean, I knew she
would eventually, but
Not like this.
-Yeah. Look, babe
I really want to finally
get to see your show.
Take me to the festival
with you.
-Sweetheart, you know.
I'm just not ready for that.
-Right, but
I can just be in the crowd,
no one can know I'm with you.
-I'm sorry, Jackie.
-This isn't fair.
-I know it's not.
-Thank you so much for all
those insightful comments.
We're going to take a few
questions from the audience.
Anyone? Yes.
-Hi, yeah, um, first of all,
big fan of you both.
What do you think is the most
powerful thing about live music?
-You take all these different
people from
different walks of life
and you go from a club to
an arena to a stadium.
it doesn't matter
how many people, but
all those people have
different points of view
about everything.
You can look at a painting
that's abstract,
and a lot of people
will have a different
interpretation of that.
Straight or gay, the one place
where that opposition
does not exist
is when a group of
people gather
to come hear a common sound,
and that's sort of like
a mass meditation, you know?
And then everybody leaves and
they go their own separate ways
but for one minute,
everybody's united, man.
I think that's beautiful.
-Good question.
-And do we have any
other questions?
-If there was a piece of
advice that you would give
to an up and coming artist
or an up and coming band,
what would that be?
-I would say to any band,
make the music
that you love.
You love.
The rest will
take care of itself.

-The Hit Parader Fest
has begun.
Lots of surprise moments
with Johnny Faust and
Leo Donovan doing onstage cameos
with some of the opening acts.
The entire weekend has
sold out in advance,
with fans from all over
the world having traveled here
to see Lily Mayflower's last
performance with The Relentless.
I think we'll be seeing
much more from this epic fest
for years to come.

-He said he loved me
I guess I never knew
What do we ever
ever really know? ♪
He said he'd meet me
On the other side
But I knew right then
I'd never find him ♪
I don't believe in love
I just pretend
he never was real ♪
I don't believe in love
I need to forget
his face ♪
I see it still
I don't believe in love
It's never worth the pain
You feel
The pain
That you feel
-That's a big crowd.
-All right, boys, we are
officially sold the fuck out.
In fact, we've broken local
attendance records tonight.
No significant injuries,
no deaths.
I'd say we're doing all right.
-Wow, just thank you
so much, Maya,
for making this a reality.
We know it wasn't easy.
-Everybody played
their positions.
This was a team effort.
-Yeah, that includes Lily.
-Let's do the damn thing,
shall we?
-All right, hold on.
This is a chance to do
something really great.
To really make a mark
and something you guys
will never forget.
So do it for yourselves, and
Lily, thank you.
-All right, guys,
come on, let's go.
-Let's go, come on, guys.
-Let's do it.
-Where's Dylan?
Where's Dylan?
-Dylan, Dylan!
Hey, you're supposed
to be drumming.
-Let's go.
[chanting "Relentless"]
[chanting continues]
-You can try to describe me
but you'll never define me ♪
Try to grow my wings
but she holds me down ♪
Single file to bliss,
how could I ever resist ♪
But when I turn to you,
I find heaven on the ground ♪
The devil keeps on calling,
I keep on falling ♪
My faith is crawling away
Trapped in the dark
You're my only light
It's me against the devil,
I'm ready to fight ♪
Through faith and fire,
faith and fire ♪
I'll be by your side
The devil's a liar,
the devil's a liar ♪
My love will never die
Careful what you wish for
It might all come true
Careful what you sell
from inside of you ♪
Out in the dark
You're my only light
It's me against the devil,
I'm ready to fight ♪
Through faith and fire,
faith and fire ♪
I'll be by your side
The devil's a liar,
the devil's a liar ♪
My love will never die
Don't sing me praise,
I just want to be saved ♪
From this bittersweet
tragedy ♪
Thank you.
I see so much struggle.
Red versus blue.
So many partnerships and
businesses and friendships
are destroyed by
our lust for control.
I believe it is possible
to still have desire
and to be passionate about
the things you believe in
without destroying others.
-I'm sorry about
the way I
you know.
Yelled at you
about calling Oliver.
I should have handled that
totally differently.
-It's okay, sweetheart.
We're here, now, together.
That's all that matters.
-Yeah, I know, I know.
-Love you.
-Love you, too.
I love you so much.
I'm proud of you.
This song goes out
to everybody in this band,
everybody on this stage,
for everything that
I've put them through,
it's called "Lost in Control",
and it goes like this.
So I'll just let it go
I've lost my interest
in control ♪
Now only can I really know
Live on,
but I'll miss you so ♪
What I took for myself
I give it to
everyone else ♪
Spread it all around
Until my soul,
it can't be found ♪
Isn't this what
dreams are made of? ♪
Well, it's mine
They don't
pay for it anymore ♪
I will never be released
to find the Lord.
I will never find peace
in a place of war.
So I'll just let it go
I've lost my interest
in control ♪
Now only can I really know
Live on,
but I'll miss you so ♪
I'm sorry that I wanted
a lie all along ♪
I'm sorry that I think
something's wrong ♪
And I forgive you
for pushing me away ♪
And I forgive you for
going on your way ♪
The one thing
I'm not sorry for ♪
Is singing this song
to you ♪
So I'll just let it go
I've lost my interest
in control ♪
Now only can I really know
Live on,
but I'll miss you so ♪
-Hey, see you guys
at the after party, okay?
-See you in a little bit.
-Dude, what?
-This is insane.
-Are you serious?
-No, you're getting in.
You're getting in,
you're with me, bro. [laughing]
-And the Devils may have
a chance to tie it up here.
Number seven oh!
What a save by the keeper.
Unicorns regain control,
and they send the ball back
-Mr. Mojo Rising.
-What's that?
-Mojo, its a noun.
A magic spell, hex. Charm.
Mr. Faust, we know who you are.
You broke all the town's
records tonight.
-Um can I check in?
-Yes, yes. We have you on
the penthouse floor.
Suite BB, for bad boy.
-You had all the alcohol
removed from the room, right?
-Oh, now, don't let them
destroy our casual choice.
-Excuse me?
-Yes, the room is dry,
like the moon.
-Oh, shit, I'm sorry.
It's hot as shit in here.
-I like it like that.
Where are you going?
-To my room.
-Come on, Johnny.
Just hang out for
a while and watch.
-Let's reminisce on old times.
Plus I know you can't
go to sleep sober
without getting off.
No one's touching you,
what's the big deal?
-That's what the
internet's for.
Besides, I hear this place
has great Wi-Fi.
-So you'd rather watch
on your laptop
instead of here now,
in person?
As long as you don't touch,
it's not cheating.
Relax, dude.
Plus, Johnny, it was our
last time ever performing
in a band together,
in a show,
and we killed it.
-So then what better way
to end something
so explosive than
with a bang?
Plus, I did everything
you asked me to.
-I know, Lily, and
I appreciate that, but
-So just appreciate this
for what it is and relax.
-No, I can't.
I'm sorry girls, I gotta go.
-Come on, Johnny.
We're all adults here,
right, ladies?
-That's right.
-We got off by
watching you,
you get off by watching us.
Nobody touches each other.
And you get to enjoy our last
unforgettable moments together.
Plus, if you're really
so worried
No skin on skin contact.
Nobody ever finds out.
It's all for you, Johnny.
-My friend's mom
is directing it.
-See, now they're going
to the woman director.
-Thank you so much for
having us.
-Right on, man.
I'd like you guys to meet
a very special someone.
This is Simon,
he's been responsible
for all the street marketing
for the festival,
plus he helped curate some
of the buzzy regional acts
on the second stage.
-No shit, huh?
Very nicely done, young man.
Very nice to meet you.
-Yeah, you as well.
Nice to meet you.
-Thank you.
-She just keeps talking
about you, non-stop.
-That's awesome.
-Very unusual.
-This is Amanda, she was pivotal
in all this stuff, as well.
-Haven't heard about you.
-It's so nice to meet you.
-Hi, I'm Maya.
-And who's this lovely lady?
-Uh, this is Natalie,
the wonderful woman
responsible for bringing
this superstar into the world.
-This is your mother?
-I'm going to go grab Vic
and Leo, you guys talk.
-ANNOUNCER: And the Devils
are driving down the field.
Looking to score, and,
oh, ho, ho.
The Unicorns
break up the play.
What a save!
That was a clean tackle.
Are you kidding me?
Damn it, come on.
You're going to ruin the most
important game of the whole year
with a BS call.
-I admire your passion
for this sport,
but not your reckless behavior.
Is your last name Faust?
-Excuse me?
-Those deals with the demons
will always be chasing you.
I am what you
think I am.
You can save him, but first
you've got to save yourself.
The pain you're about
to experience,
it's not your fault.
Be strong.
'Cause you, too, Gretchen,
are an angel
amidst a sea of darkness.
I've never known a girl
like you before ♪
Just like in a song
from days of yore ♪
Here you come
knock knocking on my door ♪
I've never met a girl
like you before ♪
You give me just a taste
so I want more ♪
-ANNOUNCER: The Devils set up
for the free kick.
There can't be much time
left in this game, folks.
Now, if they score here,
the Devils could be
our champions.
It all comes down to this.
[whistle blows]
And the kick is blocked!
[whistle blows]
And there's the
final whistle of the game.
-Woo! Oh my God!
You did it!
-ANNOUNCER: The Unicorns
are your champions!
Now my hands are bleeding
and my knees are raw ♪
You got me crawling,
crawling, on the floor ♪
I've never known a girl
like you before ♪
You made me acknowledge
the devil in me ♪
I hope to God
I'm talking metaphorically ♪
Hope that
I'm talking allegorically ♪
Know that I'm talking
about the way I feel ♪
I've never known
a girl like you before ♪
Never, never, never, never
I've never known a girl
like you before ♪
[voicemail beeps]
-Lily, Jade, what the fuck?
I thought we were
partying tonight.
I'm not done with you.
Fine. Fuck it.
I'm a one man band.
I'll party alone.
-Hey, you know what?
Let me get your number.
You seem like you got
your finger on the pulse.
You know, guys like us,
we need a guy like you
with his ear to the ground.
-For real?
-Oh, yeah. For real.
You know how many big
acts were discovered
by some executive's
assistant or intern?
-It's true, hate to admit it.
-Simon, right?
-Yeah, Simon.
-What's your last name?
-Say it with pride, baby.
-Okay, Mom, that's fine.
-Forget your last name?
-He's a one name act.
Like Cher.
It's, uh Ostergaard.
that's not a common name.
-I've known one.
Sort of an ex-partner of mine.
-Oliver is Simon's dad.
-Oliver Ostergard?
My ex-partner?
I love your pain
I love your fear
-Don't worry, I'll flush it.
Now show your hands
I'm far from here
Oh, for salad days
I need a lighter.
-Oh! Huh.
Fancy seeing you here.
Though it is a marvelous
night for a moondance.
Did you have a touch too much?
I think you got
the wrong key.
-Get the fuck away from me.
History repeats
in the bed sheets.
-Ladies, is he
always that rude?
-I'm sorry, what the fuck
did you just say?
-Hot coffee?
Anyway, I just came
to tell you that
they're waiting for you
in the ballroom.
Supper's getting cold.
-Hey, guys.
This is the kid
I wanted you to meet.
Huge Relentless fan,
and that is an understatement
all the passion he put behind
promoting our festival.
-Mate, it's nice to
finally meet you, man.
Thank you so much for
your hard work. You're a legend.
-No, dude, you're
a legend.
-Seriously, thank you
so much, man.
-Hey, Adam, you gonna
hire this kid
to keep us all
relevant, or what?
-Yeah, I'm working on it.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa,
take it easy.
I found him first, fuckers.
And besides, I think he's
more into booking than managing.
-Oh, no, no, you have no
idea how far a son
of Oliver Ostergaard might go.
-That's right.
-Does he know you're here?
Probably not.
-Probably not.
-Does anybody need a drink?
-Well, I would love
another martini.
-Natalie, that's enough.
-And get this little brat
a beer while you're at it.
-Hey, Adam, have you
seen Johnny?
-He hasn't come down yet.
[phone ringing]
-Hey, Oliver.
-How are you?
-On our way to
meet up with the gang.
-Can you do me
a little favor?
Send me a video
from the aftershow.
I'm curious
who's at the gathering.
I'll sneak some video.
-Ah, thank you.
-Mmm, yup.
I could use a drink.
-Are you okay?
What's going on?
-Hey, Coach Faust.
I'm sorry for walking
up on you like this,
but I really need to talk
to you for a couple minutes.
There's something you
really need to know.
I'm Lizzy Thomas.
-It's Coach Ruth, by the way.
-Oh, I'm sorry, darling.
Not quite a Faust yet,
I take it.
Just a matter of time, though.
Ain't that just the way in life?
It's all just
a matter of time, pretty much.
-I'm sorry, how
can we help you?
-Oh my God, girl,
let me count the ways.
-Gretch, are you okay?
-No, I don't think so.
I gotta go.
-Oh my God, Gretch?
I'm so sorry, excuse me.
-Dropped her hat.
You dropped your hat.
-So oh, Jesus.
Nope, no.
-Simon has idolized Johnny
since I don't know.
As far back as
I can remember,
and it would be amazing
if we could just
get them in a photo together.
-Who's Simon?
-Anything you want.
-Pauly just keeps calling
me over and over again.
I feel bad.
-Oh, yeah.
He called me, too.
I know.
-I mean, I can call him.
Put me to work,
I'll call him right now.
-Told you he's
a good little worker.
I'm taking your son.
-You can borrow him.
You may not take him.
-Exactly, look out
for this one.
-I'm taking you, too.
-So the best song on this
new Relentless record's
got you singing all over it
and you ain't even in
the fucking band anymore.
Well played, Lily.
-I'm guessing you haven't
sent it to Adam and Elias yet.
-Oh, I thought we should wait
'til this whole celebration
is over before
that happens.
-They're going to have to work
out my contract with Oliver.
The ink is dry.
-Tortured artists make
the best songs.
-Mmm, very, very dry.
-Tortured suits making deals
is a whole different story.
-You know I was
born into chaos,
but I'm not here
to make war.
I'm just going to keep
creating what I want,
and the only person that can
really take that away is myself.
And anyone else that
can try
can really just burn.
-You sound like
a real maestro.
[phone rings]
-Hey, it's Johnny.
You know what to do.
-Johnny, I need you to call me.
Something is seriously wrong.
I Ah!
-Not like anyone gives a fuck
about me, anyways.
Ain't that the fucking truth?
You make your move
You get comfortable
Sit back, relax
You create a fire
And when we fall asleep
-Oh, hey.
Where you been?
-The, uh
-You've been missing
all the fun.
This is Natalie.
-Very nice to meet you.
-Yeah, I'd like to introduce
you to her son.
-Hey, man, it's so fucking
awesome to meet you.
-Likewise, bud.
When it slows you down
Imagine where we start
Imagine where we start
-Hey, come on, get a
photo with your phone.
-That's a good idea.
-Excuse me, sorry.
-Do you mind taking a photo
of the group with my phone?
-Oh. I have the real thing.
Do you know
where you are?
-I'm in the jungle, baby.
But I ain't dying,
I'm living.
-And you can have anything
that you want.
Including a picture.
-All right, everybody?
-All right, you bastards,
take a look around,
see which way the wind blows
and all huddle in together.
Aw, let's change that mood
from sad to gladness.
Smile, it's good for the soul.
I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose
is my choice ♪
What's a boy
supposed to do ♪
The killer in me
is the killer in you ♪
My love
I send this smile
over to you ♪
Disarm you with a smile
Leave you like
they left me here ♪
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one
who's left alone ♪
Ooh, the years burn
Ooh, the years burn
Burn, burn
I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose
Is my voice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me
is the killer in you ♪
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