Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Influenza and the Dawn of a Pharmacy

Confound it!
It seems that blasted shop
still continues to thrive.
Parallel World Pharmacy
That shop's abuses are intolerable!
They're charging so little that even
a pauper can afford their medicines.
And when that carriage crashed into the
place, they recovered awfully quickly.
I bet he handled it with
Divine Arts somehow.
That, or he used Daddy's money.
Bruno de Médicis
Standing behind that brat is his world-
famous Chief Royal Pharmaceutist of a father.
And Her Majesty the Empress, at that!
You know, word is that it was Veron
who ran that carriage into the place.
I suspected as much.
He had it in for 'em before
it even opened, after all.
That pharmacy is the source
of all our problems!
We must do whatever it takes
to rid ourselves of it!
Whatever aristocratic game he's playing,
he'll be found out eventually!
And then, the customers will assuredly
wake up to the truth and come back to us!
The path forward is to hold out until then!
Accordingly, I prohibit all guild members
from having contact with that shop!
Anyone who violates this rule will be
subject to expulsion from the guild
and immediate forfeiture
of their business license!
Quite right!
They'd deserve it.
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 8
Influenza and the
Dawn of a Pharmacy
Dr. Donald!
Are you there?
Please see my daughter!
I beg you!
That clinic is closed until next week, sir.
Did your daughter suddenly fall ill?
Oh, where are my manners?
I am a pharmaceutist at
Parallel World Pharmacy.
My name is Farma.
If you'd like, I would gladly
examine your daughter.
No, I
Master Farma, I'll go on ahead
and get things ready.
Please do, Lotte.
Please, follow me.
Welcome back, sir.
Keep up the good work.
Please enter through here.
I see.
So people of my standing
have to use the back entrance.
Please lay your daughter there.
Also, please put this over
your mouth and nose.
What is it?
A mask. It's to help keep
the infection from spreading.
Like a ward against disease?
Yes, you could say that.
Then the reason we came
through the back was
Yes, to avoid spreading it
to the other customers.
So it wasn't about my social status?
Now, may I ask you some questions?
What is your daughter's name and age?
Marie. She's seven years old.
When was the last time she ate?
Y-Yesterday around noon, I believe.
She has quite a fever.
She also appears dehydrated.
She doesn't seem fully conscious.
Did she experience convulsions last night?
Yes. For two or three minutes.
For just one patient,
he goes into this much detail?
Do you happen to know Marie's weight?
What? No
Then let's weigh her now.
Please step onto this little
platform while holding Marie.
Um, what are you doing?
I'm recording the weight.
Later, I'll weigh just you, so that
I can calculate the difference.
I'm measuring her weight
in order to determine the dosage.
If the dosage is not appropriate,
the medicine might not work,
or it might cause side effects.
Among commoner pharmaceutists like us,
Open a little wider and say "ah."
the standard practice is just to crudely
cut the adult dose in half for children.
Good job. Thank you.
Great. There seems to be no encephalopathy.
Was that a Divine Art?
Huh? Um, well, yes.
I have diagnosed Marie's illness.
Marie is suffering from
essentially a severe cold.
Excuse me?
You're telling me this is a cold?
When she has this high a fever?
When she foamed at the mouth
and had convulsions?
How could this be just a cold?
Couldn't it be an evil spirit
possessing her?
No. Marie has a form of severe cold.
It's called influenza.
Influ What is that?
Right now, there's a virus that causes
a severe cold invading Marie's body.
Huh? A virus?
This powder is a medicine called zanamivir.
It's most effective within two days of symptom
emergence and is taken via oral inhalation.
Inhalation? She has to breathe it in
through her mouth?
This medicine is not absorbed well
when swallowed.
Inhalation delivers the medicine
directly to the respiratory tract,
where the pathogen is multiplying.
To go into greater detail—
Well, let's just say it's a medicine to help
Marie win the battle being waged inside her.
We'll practice how to take
the medicine later, okay?
You called it a battle?
Yes. Marie's body is wisely producing a fever
in an attempt to fight off the pathogen.
This particular pathogen
is vulnerable to heat.
And so, it's not a bad thing
that Marie has a fever.
Still, it can be draining to have,
so I'll provide acetaminophen
to slightly lower the fever.
Once things have settled down and she
seems able, have her drink water.
I will come check on her later.
I can't believe it worked this quickly.
Thank you very much for today.
I truly appreciate it.
The most important thing is that
Marie's condition has improved.
This bag contains five days'
worth of medicine.
The shop is closed for today,
but if her condition suddenly
worsens in the night,
don't hesitate to speak to the guard.
You mean you'll see her?
Many people fall ill during the night.
This way, I can help those people, too.
Um, how much does your fee
for today amount to?
I might not be able to pay it right away,
but I promise to pay in full.
No need for concern. The charge is
roughly the cost of a baguette.
I-It is? But that's unbelievably low!
I set the price low to make it
easier for children to be seen.
Take care, now.
We're going home now, sweetie.
Parallel World Pharmacy
Well, I see why the guild can't compete.
How is she?
She's sound asleep.
The medicine must have worked.
It's from that noble's pharmacy.
But that's against the guild's
I had no choice.
I don't know if Marie would have
survived if I hadn't gone there.
The place was incredible.
The owner is highly knowledgeable
and shows true concern for his patients.
That's the true picture of how
pharmaceutists ought to be.
I had considered myself to have
a fair amount of experience and
confidence as a pharmaceutist,
But compared to that boy
As a commoner, I have neither
the nobles' Divine Arts
nor the means to study detailed
medicinal knowledge.
If I could incorporate even a fraction
of his know-how into my shop
But if you defy the guild
I know.
To go against the guild's rules
is not a realistic option.
I'd be committing professional suicide.
I know that.
Listen, dear. I know how
incredibly hard you've worked.
You steadily put in the effort,
day after day.
I believe you did your utmost
to help all sorts of people.
Yeah. Thanks, honey.
So, you don't have to agonize
over your work or do anything rash.
What you already do helps people.
Marie is still small, after all, and there's
still the debt from opening the shop
I know.
I know exactly what's at stake.
With the guild's methods for commoners',
if you or Marie were to fall ill,
I wouldn't be able to help you!
Oh, Pierre
I-I'm sorry
So there's been no change in the drastic
reduction in sales every shop is facing?
Curse that blasted Parallel World Pharmacy!
My shop's sales have fallen
another 20% since last month.
He just set up a branch for cosmetics,
and now there's talk of a third store!
I recently discovered that even my wife had
been surreptitiously buying their cosmetics.
I smashed them to bits, though!
My daughter was buying them as well.
I tossed them out in front of her.
Their cosmetics are very popular.
Now she hasn't spoken to me for a week!
I've also had my female
customer base snatched away.
Don't worry. She'll understand
your concerns one day.
It doesn't stop there!
Why not get her a gift to improve
her mood in the meantime?
Word is, the new bishop goes to Parallel
World Pharmacy practically every day.
Ah, a fine idea. Perhaps I'll get
my wife something as well.
So it's not just the Empress
backing them, but even the Temple?
They're totally invincible now!
Pierre, proprietor of Ray of Sunlight
Drugstore, what are your thoughts?
Y-You're asking me?
Your shop is suffering the greatest losses,
since it's in the closest proximity.
Do you have any opinions?
Then I shall speak candidly.
Have any of you gentlemen
ever entered that shop?
Have you ever viewed the
medicines they carry?
Of course not!
They're a competitor!
Then you should go there and see it.
One visit is all it will take
to make it painfully clear that our customers
will never even glance at our shops again
as it did for me.
What?! You mean you went to that shop?
Yes. My daughter had a fever
I could do nothing about,
and the proprietor lowered it
and cured her in short order.
Everyone who visits that shop,
whether commoner or noble, rich or poor,
receives equal treatment
and appropriate medicine.
You're just falling prey to the
novelty and curiosity of it all!
Even if we assume his knowledge is correct,
that doesn't necessarily mean
his methods are correct!
He's using the mantle of the Empress's
authority to drive prices wildly down
and unfairly squeeze us
out of business, is he not?
The entire affair is no more
than an aristocrat's whim!
The aristocrats view us common folk as
livestock for tax revenue and nothing more!
Those useless nobles
refused to treat us commoners,
claiming it was because their
Divine Power was limited!
They said their medicines were
valuable and jacked up the prices!
In my hour of need, no noble
ever came to my rescue.
Mr. Veron had to bury his own child.
I see
In the end, he's just a kid playing around.
There's no telling when he'll adapt to
aristocratic society and abandon his shop!
We're the ones who spent
years putting down roots here
and providing medicine
to the common people.
He's a foreign body that showed up
and made its way into our community!
If the customers keep flowing to him because
everyone thinks his pharmacy is useful,
then before long,
we'll wind up shutting down.
But after that point, if that
brat ever disappears, what then?
If that happens, we'll have nothing—
nothing left!
The medical infrastructure
for commoners will collapse!
Before that happens,
we must excise this foreign body!
That reinforces my point!
We should not be excising
his shop from the community!
We ought to learn from it instead!
Wh-Why, you
How dare you speak those
words as a guild member?!
Contrast what he does with what we do!
We sell patients herbs that we don't even
know work, with practically fraudulent claims.
Is that not a disgrace
upon us as pharmaceutists?
What else can we do?
The knowledge of our
predecessors is absolute.
Some of those patients do recover.
But most of those cases
were practically flukes.
And some patients die.
That shop is different from
our shops in every way.
It's logical, advanced,
and truly considers the patien—
Shut your mouth!
That's enough out of you!
If you despise our ways so much,
then get the hell out
of this guild right now!
How awful
Mr. Pierre!
Are you all right?
This shop So you're a pharmaceutist.
What happened?
As you can see, I am the
proprietor of this shop.
Or I was, I should say.
After I told the guild the truth
about my experience at your shop,
my merchandise and my business license—
all of it was taken from me.
I see. I'm sorry. I put you
in a terrible position.
No. Don't apologize.
Your medicine and your shop
made a deep impression on me.
And so, in hope that the guild
might change for the better, I
But now that I've been expelled from the
guild, I can't do business in this country.
I'm thinking of moving to another country
and starting over from scratch.
I just can't give up walking
the path of a pharmaceutist.
Do you mean that if you joined another
guild, you could do business again?
Yes, but the Saint Fleuve Pharmaceutist
Guild is the only one here.
Commoner pharmaceutists are required
to belong to a guild to conduct business.
I'm out of options.
I see
As a matter of fact, I recently received Her
Majesty's approval to establish a new guild.
It's called the Compounding Pharmacy
Guild and deals in new medicines.
If you would be willing, I would
be honored to have your help.
Shelves in order? Check.
Candies. Check.
Nutritional wafers. Check.
Everything is ready.
But am I good enough?
Will customers even come?
Will they accept a shop that
isn't Parallel World Pharmacy?
A proprietor that isn't Lord Farma?
Dada, you can do it!
Stand tall.
You're a legitimate pharmaceutist!
It's time for our grand reopening!
I heard it's Parallel World Pharmacy's
first partner pharmacy!
It's supposed to have the
same medicines available!
They came
to my shop
where I get to deal in the
world's best medicine
It's a new day
Welcome to Dawn Pharmacy!
Episode 9
The Story of a Certain Wicked Man
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