Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

A man is coughing.
Someone is snoring.
Soft music
- Did we win, sir?
- Should we storm?
- No, there's no rush.
Let them rot.
Birds singing
- I trusted you.
- I had no choice.
It was the only place
- At the embassy ?
- Yes.
- I trusted you !
Did he say his father was the murderer?
It's a fable.
Weidmann believed it, and so did you,
because it suited you.
Gabriel is Matthias' father,
not the earl.
Gabriel has a bachelor apartment in the rue de Nevers,
not the count.
The APX38 shirt belongs to Gabriel!
- It's not what you think.
- Josephine
wanted to blackmail Gabriel.
Gabriel knows people at the embassy.
- It's not what you think.
Mrs. Berger trusted him.
He doesn't mean harm to his son.
- Gabriel Sabran killed Josephine.
He's an assassin.
Do you know how that makes you?
You killed a man yesterday.
- Stop me if that relieves you.
You did not get anything.
She speaks in German.
"Crazy allegations."
Josephine accused her mother
of something. About what ?
She told us yesterday.
Josephine's father is called
in January 70.
Joséphine was born on December 17th.
Mrs. Berger was 11 months pregnant?
I searched his things.
I was trying to help you.
I found this letter.
Josephine wrote down her father's name.
Do you need a translation?
- Henri Sabran de Pontevès.
Josephine was…
- Gabriel's sister.
get out of my house.
Calm music
- You better make mine.
- I told you…
- That you resign?
I know.
Your last report, ma'am.
You infiltrate the leagues
and dismantle their plot.
A heroine !
- You never stop.
- I see…
a cercle.
Same here.
A circle of play.
Every Saturday, your friends come to
admire the crusts of dear Adolphe.
We talk a little about painting,
and then we bring out a deck of cards
or a pair of dice.
People can have fun.
- How ?
- Fifteen percent.
I am not the only one who
wants your good.
The comte Sabran
is ready to invest a million
in this business.
For a small signature
and this naughty photograph
that you hid from me.
- The million first! It will be more
more friendly.
- Joseph Fiersi has just been apprehended
by my services,
two blocks from here.
Was he coming to see you?
- What do you want from him?
- You have to tell me.
A doorbell rings.
You will sign later,
when you'll have the time.
I'm not in a hurry.
Intriguing music
- The madmen
are still rue Chabrol.
Dreyfus' verdict is imminent.
Paris can catch fire at any time.
The army must intervene immediately.
If you don't trust
- Do not tire,
we are saved.
Heaven comes to our aid.
- I trust the army,
but the decision is up to the préfet.
- You hear ?
Storms !
The rain extinguishes fires
and calms riots.
Go home.
Paris will be calm today.
If it had rained on July 14, 1789,
our country
would always be a monarchy.
- We are in a democracy.
You cannot be blamed for
your political views.
All philanthropists
fund associations.
Or leagues.
- This stew is excellent.
- Slight charges, a known man…
I have decided to accede to the request
of your lawyers.
You will be placed under house arrest
pending your trial.
Your son's question remains to be settled .
- Gabriel Sabran is your staff informant
He betrayed his father, the army
and he is suspected of murder.
- He's a patriot.
He risks his life for the Republic.
- A dreyfusard spy!
Traitor and murderer.
You don't have to be associated with him.
Your government would not survive it.
Soft music
Thunder rumbles.
- It'll be over quickly.
The butchers will come back.
- It's a sign. You know it.
- No.
I don't want to believe it, ma'am.
There is still Dreyfus.
The verdict…
- The clairvoyant will know.
She will tell us what the sky has in
store for us. Bring her here.
- Are you sure?
Spiritualism, in your state?
Revelations can be fatal.
Remember the last session.
- I gotta know.
It must !
- Very good madam.
I will be with you until the end.
A door opens.
Thunder rumbles.
The rain falls.
Key ringing
He unlocks the door.
- Close the door and go forward.
Where is Gabriel Sabran?
- I can't tell you anything.
- Don't make me hurt yourself.
Where is he ?
- You lack a profession, inspector.
You forgot the vitriol.
What did you do to Mlle Chauvin?
Did you brutalize her too?
I don't know where Gabriel Sabran is.
- He's going to call you,
he's your client.
I think I'll wait with you.
- Look at you.
You are a murderer on the run.
I am the director
of the Paris police.
and you will never see your family again.
The Joséphine Berger case is closed.
Jean Dornet hanged himself in his cell.
Do you want to avenge your "Swallow"?
It's very easy !
Gabriel Sabran, just for you.
And all your troubles disappear.
Why betray
when just ask?
Scary music
- Believe me, Inspector.
There will never be a trial
for Gabriel Sabran.
- That's what we are going to see.
- Joséphine Berger's death
was an accident.
Gabriel Sabran loved this young woman.
He didn't want to kill her.
- You knew it was him
You lied to Jeanne.
The phone is ringing.
- Cabinet Weidmann.
Yes I'm alone. I'm waiting for you.
You have no idea
what you are doing.
Intriguing music
Thunder rumbles.
- I'm arresting you for the murder
by M. Chagnolle,
civil servant at the ministry.
- I want to talk to the prefect.
- You slept with the Chagnolle woman.
It seems it was a straw mattress.
Take him away.
- Fiersi a filé.
- Leave him alone.
Where do you want him to go
- Congratulations!
You are the hero of Fort Chabrol.
- The press is exaggerating.
We won't tell them,
but I was helped a bit.
- By who ?
- The anarchists, madam.
Little laugh
- On the street, you are the best.
You win your battles.
But you will lose the war
in a hallway.
Puybaraud is stronger than you
at this game.
- This is an operation
of the Paris police,
by order of the ministry.
Call Waldeck, he'll confirm.
You haven't seen anything.
Nobody saw anything.
We are at La Villette.
People are used to it here.
They know how to be silent.
Thunder rumbles.
Take me this pile of meat
to the slaughterhouses.
Cut it out neatly.
Monsieur le Comte wants nothing left.
- What did you do ?
He is crying.
Look at me !
What did you do ?
- What it took to get home.
- Are the police going to pick you up?
- I dunno,
but I can no longer run.
- Are you in danger here?
(- I dunno.)
But I don't have the strength anymore.
I have more strength.
Soft music
The stairs creak.
- Where are you going?
Are you abandoning your brother?
- It's over, Mom.
We lost. The butchers let us go,
Sabran is in prison.
His son betrayed us.
- I gave you a simple job.
Did you shoot?
And you missed!
He blows.
- Mom…
Be reasonable, come with me.
Tender exclamation
- My little darling…
She laughs.
Do you want mom to come with you?
And then, we take the nest egg, eh!
- We held our fortune!
30,000 contributions! Antijuif's
recipes to siphon off,
Something to scratch for twenty years!
And we screwed it up.
Why ? For…
I am a con artist.
Not a politician.
There is only my stupid brother
to believe it!
He moans in pain.
She screams.
Oh, mom!
She moans.
- What did I do?
Oh Lord! What did I do ?
- Everything's fine, I'm here.
I'll stay with you for a while.
You need to rest.
She seeks her breath.
Jules is going to need you.
- I must not blame you.
I had your brother, it's already
You can't always be lucky.
- Rest, mom.
- Hit your old mother
She is sobbing.
When Jules will know
- He won't know.
- My poor boy. When Jules will know
- He won't know, Mom.
We're not going to tell him.
You have to sleep.
You should sleep.
Sleep, mom.
Sleep, mom! Please sleep!
Thunder rumbles.
Knocking on the door
Thunder rumbles.
- I need to see your mother.
The situation is serious.
Henriette, the clairvoyant,
did not want to come.
She says it's too late.
It's too late.
Calm music
Henriette is infallible.
She had predicted to him.
Those sad!
Louis is crying.
We can get in touch
with your mother.
From the beyond!
His voice would guide us.
- No I…
I prefer that she rest in peace.
Courage, my friend.
We must warn Jules.
- Buy L'Aurore !
Fort Chabrol:
Guérin is stubborn!
His audience is getting bored!
In Rennes, the verdict is in!
Alfred Dreyfus is
- Guilty!
- Guilty!
- Guilty!
knows that Dreyfus is innocent!
He can't be guilty.
All of our plans were based
on his acquittal.
Dreyfus is innocent!
Innocent !
- Guilty, of course!
My testimony surely weighed
in favor of his conviction.
But… you want me to tell you?
This prefect is not ready
to get rid of me.
Forgive my vulgarity,
but he eats me out of my hand.
He's laughing.
What an ignoramus! He asked me, to me,
to prefer fingerprinting
to Bertillonage.
You know what I said?
Bertillonne me that, coco!
And to the millimeter! Bertillonnage
does not suffer from inaccuracy !
- Bertillon?
- But yes !
Oh, the Prefect!
- There are 7,917 police officers
stationed at the prefecture.
I want 7,917 anthropometric records
on my desk at the end of the month.
- Good, Mr. Prefect.
- Alfred Dreyfus has just
received a presidential pardon.
He will sleep at home this evening,
as a free man.
- Oh… Great news,
Mr. Prefect.
My testimony surely weighed
in favor of this turnaround.
- Right ear: 6.5.
Head width: 14.4.
- I, the undersigned, Jouin
Antoine Marie Joseph,
want to relieve my conscience
- Shoulder width…
- And admit my crime.
- 42.5.
- I murdered Alphonse Chagnolle,
after having abused his wife, Hélène.
I, the undersigned, Jouin
Antoine Marie Joseph,
longed for…
relieve my conscience
and recognize my crime.
Antoine coughs.
I murdered Alphonse Chagnolle,
after having abused his wife, Hélène.
I, Jouin
Antoine Marie Joseph,
wants to relieve my conscience
and recognize my crime.
I murdered Alphonse Chagnolle,
after having abused his wife, Hélène.
I, the undersigned,
Jouin Antoine Marie Joseph,
wants to relieve my conscience
and recognize my crime.
I murdered
Alphonse Chagnolle,
after having abused his wife.
- I'm not an anarchist.
I am an honest citizen.
I have never advocated sedition.
I swear it
on everything I hold dear
at my poor mother's grave.
I am not an anarchist.
- I believe you, sir.
We are going to see M. Puybaraud
to make amends for this injustice.
He will listen to you, I'm sure.
- Will you be present, madame?
I'm afraid of him.
- If you insist.
Footsteps are approaching.
- The Prefect is here, madame.
- Let him in.
- Mme Steinheil.
- The artist always has a preference,
but it is up to the client to choose.
Tell me, which one do you prefer?
Ah, by the way
It's silly, we forgot
to mention the price of the portrait.
Is that my husband is in great demand.
You understand ?
It's not blackmail, it's
It is an offer of service.
Soft music
I was offered a million francs
for this shot yesterday.
- Here?
- In your opinion ?
The acquiesces.
He blows.
- Your price will be mine.
- Fiersi.
No prosecution.
That's all I'm asking you.
Sauvez Fiersi.
And I return the original to you.
- It goes without saying
that he will no longer be able to be a police officer.
She is blowing.
- I think he'll be relieved.
He nods.
- Choose yourself.
For me, they have no interest.
- You are wrong.
I believe this one will do you honor.
A stern man, but
but worthy.
- M. Puybaraud.
Thanks for coming.
- It's always a pleasure, madam.
I was just going to visit
the Prefect.
- I wanted to show you the mail
I received.
we have common interests.
You want to be a prefect,
and I miss my husband.
- Tell me
how to make him listen to reason.
Which of us should talk to him?
Believe me,
I don't want
to ruin your reputation.
- If I told you that the Prefect
frequents anarchists?
- I would find it hard to believe.
I would need the concrete elements.
- You can come in, Felix!
Do you recognize him?
His testimony will interest you.
- Warning !
- Bitch!
Little cry
- Death to the bourgeois?
Stop it!
He shot the commissioner!
Stop it!
He shot the commissioner.
Breathless breaths
Soft music
She exclaims.
Call for help! Quickly !
- I'm not an anarchist!
- They don't give me
time to arrive. Warning !
Pardon !
I don't have time to put my buttocks down
as it's already panic.
Puybaraud groans.
- Everything is my fault.
An anarchist at home!
He pointed his gun and he said:
"Death to the bourgeois!"
- Would you like some laudanum,
- A small spoon only.
She's crying.
- Mom !
Mom !
Mom !
Mom !
Jules Guérin is crying.
He yells.
Jules sniffles.
- She didn't suffer.
She left in her sleep.
- What did she tell you ?
What did she tell you ?
- In his sleep. She was sleeping.
- You're exhausted.
Your men too.
See you, sir.
- Renounce ?
- You will attend
your mother's funeral .
(- Not.)
I must continue.
Until the end.
For her.
you are going to relaunch the Antijuif,
with a portrait of mom on the front page.
"Dead for France!"
- Jules…
- Dead for France!
- There is no more Antijuif.
We spent a fortune.
All that's left is for you
to organize your defense.
- I see…
You give up!
The rats leave the ship.
Not the rats, no… The Jews!
- Ah, no, sir. Not that !
You do not have the right !
I sympathize with your pain,
but this language is outrageous.
- Dirty Jew!
- Stop it, Jules.
Disturbing music
- Only one word.
- What about ?
- Ballistics, sir.
Ballistics is the study
of the trajectory of projectiles.
So the anarchist was there,
Commissioner Puybaraud, there,
but the bullets
Bullets were fired from there.
Pan, pan, pan et pan!
Do not worry,
the fingerprint won't work.
- Standing !
The prefect wants to see you.
A telephone rings.
- Inspector Fiersi,
Lépine blows.
- Commissioner Puybaraud
ordered a raid on the slaughterhouses.
Three butchers resisted. Violently.
You have taken the necessary steps
to defend your life.
- Well sir.
- Your case is terrible.
Modern police need brains,
not bullies.
You are fired.
With immediate effect, without pension.
Questions ?
- Just one, sir.
How is Puybaraud?
- He's at his worst.
A door opens.
- Inspector Antoine Jouin.
Calm music
Creaking door
Lépine blows.
- The man I met
is a murderer.
The prefect laughed.
- Definitely, Jouin,
you are priceless.
- Come on, children of the
The day of glory has come
Against us, of the Jewry
The bloody banner is raised
They exclaim.
- Yes, I recognize him.
I thought it was a
colleague of yours. He watched the street.
- He was there the night of the fire.
Have you seen it before?
- Yes. Three weeks ago.
The little table by the window.
He watches the street
- Subscribers
have itemized invoices,
otherwise they would refuse to pay.
- Excellent police tool,
the telephone.
Keep going.
- 31 rue de Nevers, when I was there,
a call made from the café, to 29.
It was the second time
that the boss had seen Siniac.
The first time,
it was the night of the murder.
- Gabriel Sabran has a meeting
with Joséphine Berger.
The killer is waiting at the cafe.
- He sees Gabriel leave, not Josephine.
He goes out and 10 minutes later
he comes back and calls.
Domaine de Pontevès.
- The father hires an assassin,
but it is the son who kills Josephine.
The assassin cleans the scene
and takes the body away.
Why the suitcase?
Why not the slaughterhouses?
We would never have found her.
- I do not know.
- You see ! You don't know everything.
The suitcase was dripping, losing blood.
There were two agents
on the other side of the Pont-Neuf.
The killer didn't want to
take any risks.
- If you say so.
- Recognition of paternity?
- I think Gabriel
wanted to recognize his son.
- Yes…
But Puybaraud was watching Joséphine.
He steals the letter. Blackmail.
- She must have thought
that Gabriel had betrayed her.
- Mr. Inspector is disappointed.
He wanted to stop the assassin.
- I understand, sir.
There are the things that are solved,
and the others. The prefect told me.
- Don't look like that!
I am recovering. Comfort me.
- Glad
to see you are doing better.
- Goods.
How is the translator?
Intriguing music
- I know who you are.
Rothschild's lawyer.
- He's a client of mine, yes.
Not the only one.
They only talk to me about him.
Would he be famous
if he was rich and Catholic?
- You're afraid ? Rothschild too?
- I said it:
it is not my only customer.
- Y aura a pogrom terrible
if Dreyfus is released.
- I represent your son,
Here is an acknowledgment of paternity,
given by Lépine.
This letter makes Matthias Berger
the heir of Gabriel
and yours.
You can dispute this document.
Article 403 of the Civil Code:
recognition rejected
on grounds of incest.
The whole of France will know
that the Sabran are degenerates.
Dramatic music
- "I chose neither this life
nor this country.
"I didn't choose my father's name.
"Henri Sabran de Pontevès seduced you.
"It's up to you to bear the consequences.
"He destroyed your life,
but Gabriel won't destroy mine.
"I am the mother of his son,
he will help me.
"If the truth is to break him in turn,
too bad.
"I have no other choice. Josephine."
- He did not know.
She said she was his sister.
- He hit her to silence her.
That's all ?
- I beg your pardon.
Soft music
Laughter of children
- I hear you're unemployed.
- You too.
- I have a beautiful place here.
I could hold a living room.
Some friends come to admire
the works of Adolphe, and someone
Someone pulls out a deck of cards
or dice
- A circle ? At your house ?
- We're not going to prevent
people from having fun.
- It is tolerated, but illegal.
A lot of money is circulating,
lots of people around… Dangerous.
- That's what I like.
- Do you have a protector?
- I will have the blessing
of Prefect Lépine himself.
- You do not need me.
- Yes !
- Why ? You're afraid ?
- I'm terrified.
- It's just a quesiton of habit.
She is blowing.
- You were right about Alice.
Alice, she fell asleep again
and she went back.
- I hope
there will be the Jack of Hearts.
- Me too.
"What is certain is that
"the little white cat had
nothing to do with it.
"It was the black cat
that was the cause."
The door opens.
- The poor man
we arrested is disturbed.
He will be sent to an institute.
As for Puybaraud, he will remain handicapped.
Official ceremony,
medal of honor, retirement.
I'll have to write a speech.
- I'll be happy to help you.
- This cliché is appalling.
- But he gave you ideas?
It's not Saturday.
- I know.
- I didn't invite you.
But you are welcome.
- This is my first time
sleeping with a murderer.
She laughs.
- Sir!
Clock ticking
On veut sortir. On n'en peut plus.
- Jamais !
Musique calme
Maman !
Sous-titrage TITRAFILM
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