Phineas and Ferb s01e08 Episode Script

I, Brobot (15 min)

And the candidates for what awesome thing we will do today are: Our blueprint for completely food-based water park, your schematic for the tunnel to the center of the Earth, this model for the chamber of invisibility, your other schematic for a microscopic zoo that rests on the head of a pin.
We sure have lots of blueprints, models, and schematics.
Hey, Ferb.
Summer doesn't last forever, and we've got too many plans for just the two of us.
We either need more days of summer, or more of us.
What's this? The blueprint for that robot we invented? Ferb, you're a genius! We can make android versions of ourselves! We can make Phinedroids and Ferbots! Hey, where's Perry? Ho-ho-hold that elevator! Agent P, Dr.
Doofenshmirtz is up to his old tricks.
He's made 57 phone calls in the past hour.
We don't know to whom, or why.
No, not to Santa.
Agent P, your mission is to find out what Dr.
Doofenshmirtz is up to and stop him.
See, Carl, that's why I don't like using the chimney-vator.
Besides, that guy totally owes me a pony from when I was five.
Okay, Ferb.
The robot building device is almost ready to be activated.
Just a couple more commands.
Okay, pictures please.
Phineas and Ferb.
Here we go.
Robot building sequence activated.
Wow, it worked! I'm so glad we tried our new android building device instead of using that old dinosaur.
Phinedroids and Ferbots, we thank you for being here with us today.
Please-- Uh, Ferb, your bullhorn's not on.
Please take a blueprint and report to the backyard immediately! Ferb, would you do the honors? Phinedroids and Ferbots (Song: Phinedroids and Ferbots) We're Phinedroids and Ferbots and we're stomping our feet To the electric, magnetic mechanical beat We've got light bulbs for eyes and aluminum noses We're bustin' chillin' moves with our robot poses Phinedroids and Ferbots Phinedroids and Ferbots Phinedroids and Ferbots Word Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated Pick up the phone! Pick up, pick up! Pick up, pick up! Oh, why won't you pick up? Oh, hi, Perry the Platypus.
Thank you for using the key I gave you.
It's much more civilized than crashing through my ceiling, don't you think? Yes, eh.
Anyway, I-I don't know why you're here, but you can tell Monogram that I'm not, like, you know, "up to anything.
" Anyways, all I've been doing is calling my new girlfriend.
We're having, what I call, a relationship bump.
And now, she won't pick up the phone, and I'm tired of leaving messages.
I'm tired! I've—I've left, like, 57 messages and, I won't leave anymore.
It starts to look a little desperate.
Hmm? Oh, no, that-that's not an evil scheme.
That's just a giant magnet.
I'm going to wave it over my girlfriend's house and erase all the messages I left.
Because, some of them are really long and rambly.
Okay, I know, there's an ordinance against it, but What? Oh, come on, Perry the Platypus! Oh well, too bad for you! Too bad you don't believe in love! Too bad! I'd love to come over and watch you get your ears pierced, Stacy, but my Mom went to Zippy Pics and left me in charge of my brothers.
Oh, here they come now, Phineas and Ferrrruh, Phineas? I'll have to call you back! Oh, wait till Mom finds out about Phineas and Ferb, and Phineas and Ferb and Phineas? Ferb? Phineas? Ferb? Phineas? Ferb? Ferbias? Phiniferb? They're my brothers and they're robots! They're bro-bots! What is it, Candace? Mom, I'm in the panic room Phineas and Ferb and—and then Phineas and Ferb and—and robots! Invisibility chamber! Elephants! That's nice, honey.
Well, the pictures should be ready soon, and then I'll see the robots when I get home.
Everything will be gone by the time Mom gets home.
Isn't that right, Mr.
Miggins? Unless Aha! Stacy? Oh my gosh! Guess what? Ugh, Stacy, I can't understand you.
Why are you crying? Yeah.
Crying, crying, it hurts, right.
Got that.
Uh-huh, Oh, hi, Mrs.
Hirano! What? Stacy got her ears pierced? Gee, what a terrible thing that I had completely no idea about! Anyway, gotta run, Mrs.
Give Stacy my best! Poor, mixed-up Stacy.
Hey, bros.
How's the old Chamber of Invisibility coming along? Wow, it works! Well done.
Hey, normally I'd be saying that to you, Ferb.
Just kinda weird saying it to a Ferbot.
Come on! Let's see how the Microscopic zoo is doing.
Hey, guys.
Mind if we see how things are coming along? Hold her steady, Ferb.
Wow! That's amazing! And according to this microscopic newspaper machine, the zoo is really packing them in! Well, I guess we can categorize this project as a success.
Hey, that is the best tunnel to the center of the Earth I've ever seen.
Boy, I bet that was fun to build.
You know, Ferb, even though these robots were a success and completely on model, I kind of miss working on stuff.
You know, just you and me.
Hey, what's this? Thanks.
Hovercraft lounge chair? We were gonna build that next week! Oh, no! The Phinedroids and Ferbots are running out of projects, so they're designing their own! Have we learned nothing from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? Look! They're starting their own overpriced coffee franchise! That's so '90s.
This is terrible! We have an entirely new problem! The coffee's making them go haywire! And that one's having trouble falling asleep.
Poor little guy.
That's it! You guys are drinking way too much coffee! I'm shutting her down! Well, that's no good.
Time to show these robots who's in charge.
Uh, Ferb? I think they're in charge.
Bow, chicka bow-wow, that's what my baby says Mow, mow-- Oh, there it is.
My new girlfriend's house.
Now I can erase all those embarrassing messages.
And then I can start leaving new ones.
What? Perry the Platypus! How did you escape my net? It was the mouse, wasn't it? Get out of the way, Perry the Platypus!! Don't make me drop this giant magnet on you! Well, then, as a lazy tailor would say, "Suit yourself.
" But that doesn't make sense! It's the middle of July! Ho, ho, ho! I'm on a summer run! Farewell, Perry the Platypus! Bah, humbug.
So this is how it ends, Ferb.
Defeated by our own doppelgängers.
If only we had some sort of device that can stop them from I know, I'm just messing with ya.
Phinedroids and Ferbots We're Phinedroids and Ferbots and we're here to stay Now our work is done, we're shutting down for the day Ah! '80s music is so 2002.
Mom, mom, mom! Oh, hi, honey.
I got some very nice shots here.
Yeah, that's great, Mom.
Check this out! Ta-da! That's a very nice bag of manure, Candace.
What? Aaah! Candace! You made me drop my pictures! Maybe it's not too late! Our imagination We're Phinedroids and Ferbots and we're here to stay Mom, mom, mom! You've gotta see this! Now our work is done, we're shutting down for the day I know.
I've done this nineteen other times.
But this time, I can say with the utmost confidence that there are Phineas and Ferb robots in the backyard! Yes, Candace.
Phinedroids and Ferbots There are "Phineas and Ferb robots" in the backyard.
Word Who wants to see pictures? Candace.
It's a Candroid! Oh, give me that!
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