Ranma 12 s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

It's done! It's complete! This is a masterpiece of modern science! A work of art! - We did it! - It's working! It's perfect! Ranma, I will have my revenge! You destroyed my life! I'm going to crush your windpipe just like this walnut! Just you wait, Ranma! Ranma!! Ranma--!! Don't you have any other ideas? If it's not about the bread feud Ranma, a letter came for you.
From a Mr.
Ryoga Hibiki.
From Ryoga!? Look how vindictive he is! You must've done something awful! I'm stumped.
Wait! No.
Ranma, it says the fight was yesterday! It'll be fine.
The guy's got absolutely no directional sense.
He's probably wandering around lost, right now.
So Tokyo is this way? I said it's this way! Why are you set on going that way!? My thanks.
My thanks.
My thanks.
Your hair's grown so long, Akane! Right! And it's so shiny! It's finally longer than Kasumi's, but Isn't that the guy from before? Ranma! At last! I've made it.
Ranma, today I'll send you to HELL The light will never reach you! You'll become a tortured soul, suffering through all eternity! You okay? He was standin' in the middle of the field! He's not moving! A head injury? He's a goner! Let's get the nurse.
What is he doing!? Do over! No Wait! C'mere! Saotome's gonna fight a duel! Duels are so romantic! Ladies and gents! Ryoga or Ranma? Place your bets! Who're you going to bet on? Hurry up and decide! - 200 yen on Ranma! - 500 yen on Ranma! Okay! Wait your turn.
Get in line! So you came.
You planned your escape well, last time.
Who escaped!? You just wandered off and got lost! Shut up! What would you know about it!? It's been a month since that day.
I crossed the deep blue sea.
Ranma! It was already summertime in Okinawa.
Then there were those weeks I wandered through the jungle.
I thought I was going to die for sure.
But today, it will all end! I don't know what to say.
Damn right! You have no right to speak, after what you've done to me! That's not what I meant! Your confused babble will not start the fight! Let's go! Can't you tell me the reason for this!? Shut up! I've got no choice.
It's so scary! Okay, the take is 11,473 yen.
They've all bet on Ranma.
You sure about this, Nabiki? We took so many bets.
If Ranma wins, we'll be bankrupt! I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve.
Leave it to me.
If Ranma, Akane Tendo's fiance, were to fall in this duel Then perhaps Akane would be free To become the chemistry club's Take this! Now you can't run, like last time.
But I told you, I didn't! Look at him! He fights as good as Saotome! What's with this umbrella? What's wrong? It's real heavy! He carries this heavy umbrella one-handed? Here I come! Ranma! Don't get too close to him! Stay away from him! Now you've done it.
Now I'm in this for real.
Captain Kuno, Ranma's fighting a really strong guy! Come and see! Silence.
Do not disturb my meditation.
Akane Pigtailed girl Whichever shall I choose!? I love them both! Ranma! Get away from him! So now it's "real", huh? Don't make me laugh! Okay, Ryoga.
How do you want it? How dare you place me in this position!? Oh no! Ranma's going to win! What're we going to do, Nabiki!? LOSE, Ranma! LOSE, Ranma! LOSE, Ranma! LOSE, Ranma! He did that one-handed! No way! - After them! - Don't lose them! Wait, Ryoga! Just as I calculated! The mines are set! Hide, everyone! Ranma, face the Chem Club's Super-Dimensional Land Mines! Come on! Duds!? Now what'll we do!? Chief! We've got one last resort! Mix CaCO2 with HCl, then have Ranma breathe the CO2 fumes! He's sure to experience fatigue and headaches! I guarantee it! I feel good! No breathing the CO2! The entire Chem Club must face Ranma with our secret weapons! - Akane - will be - happy - with us! So rest in peace, Ranma! Over there! Okay, ladies that's our cue! They've left the school grounds! Don't lose them, ladies! Well, Ryoga? If you want more punishment, I'm your man! There they are.
Relax, we're on your side.
You know about vitamins, right? Take these tablets, and your strength will increase tenfold! What? You will be the world's strongest man! No one will be able to stop you! Incomparable! Unrivaled! You are great! Gods kneel before you! A tiger! A tiger! You're turning into a tiger! The power's flowing into me! I'm burning with it! I can win! Now I can win! Now Ranma, fight me, fair and square! What's fair about this!? Enough questions! Escaping again, Ranma? Wait! Wait, Ranma! Wait! Nabiki? Those were just vitamins, right?? The power of suggestion is a wonderful thing.
Wait up, Ranma! You won't escape! The elephant's gone AWOL! The zebras are loose! No way! After them! Don't let the animals escape! You can run no further, Ranma! DIE! I liked this shirt! We're in a duel! Stop whining like a girl! Who're you calling a girl!? Ryoga! You take that back! Ranma, where are you? Look at that gusher! Ranma! It's near the restrooms! Let's do it, Ryoga! - Who are you!? - Snap out of it! Ranma!? Who do I look like, you jerk!? Ranma! Your blouse! Didn't you notice that you'd become a girl? Ranma! You're Pigtailed girl! I love you! That was Kuno! Go ahead and laugh at me.
Ryoga, I don't know why you hate me.
I'm just I'm just tryin' to get by in this accursed body! Don't make me laugh! You think you're unhappy!? You're standing there in that cute, huggable body! And you claim unhappiness!? That's absurd! Akane! - I'll get you hot water! - You idiot! - Don't! - I'll be fine! Akane! An opening! Hold on tight, Akane! Give me back my umbrella! Wait a sec! Hanako, be a good girl and come down.
Hanako? Hanako, be a good girl! Come back anytime! C'mere, c'mere.
There's a good Papa-nda Come to Papa.
- You - You What!? What!? It's your own fault for buttin' in! But you can't beat him as a girl! I don't need help! Don't get involved in a man's fight! Who's a man? You pervert! How dare he flirt in the middle of a fight!? How can you say that? To think I was worried about you! I don't need your worries! You look nothing like a man! I'll tell you what you are Lemme go! I ain't holdin' you 'cause I like you! You jerk! If my being worried is that much of a problem What are you looking at!? Shut up! Akane! I No more! I want nothing to do with you anymore!
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