Rubicon s01e08 Episode Script

Caught in the Suck

Don't touch the knight.
Or the pawn.
Can I move the bishop? You're not that dumb, I don't need you to throw the game just to buck my ego.
Just move the queenside rook.
I'm sorry I'm not a more challenging partner.
It's not difficult.
Look for the patterns, lines of attack.
What can I move now? It's mate in six.
It's all right.
You'll do better.
You knew Hadas was onto something.
That he thought he was in danger.
You never told me.
David didn't want you getting into it.
Wanted to protect you.
I knew that wasn't a possibility mind like yours.
I'm not angry.
I just need you to know something.
I found a taped conversation between you and David.
Just before he died.
You need to be careful.
It's safe to say they have eyes on you.
It is.
What's your take on Kale Ingram? Pure.
Bores right through.
Believes what he believes, will not waver, which, I guess, is honorable, from a certain angle.
Can I trust him? Hell no.
Team Rubicon Seems excessive.
Good luck.
- How you doing? - Good.
Were you just - Did you get called? - Not this time.
I find it a little undignified, peeing in front of another adult.
I find that.
Do you remember that birthday lunch you promised me? You think I could take you up on that this week? Sure.
We'll do that.
Anything new? Checked his trash? His desk drawers? Nothing.
Paper clips, rabbit's foot.
Pockets of his coat? Two candy wrappers.
Kind of candies? I don't know.
Hard candy.
Had Japanese writing on it.
There wasn't a bag of this candy around somewhere? That's not nothing.
Has he asked you out yet? He's a fool not to.
I don't think I could say yes.
Why not? You'd say yes.
You'd say yes.
If you'll get your things and come with us.
- What's going on? - It's all right, Tanya.
They're just a couple of spooks.
- I'm off duty.
- It's national security, ma'am.
What do you think it is? I have no idea.
It's got to be something big.
How was your involuntary week off? It was miserable.
With too much free time, I become a sort of Pajama'd disaster.
Hey, guys, I'm Bob.
First off, thanks, really.
Either of you need coffee? Andre, round up two cups of coffee before we take off, would you? You did a strike authorization analysis on an Indonesian Al-Qaeda target named Asif Khalil, alias Kateb.
At the time, our boots-on-the-ground people were convinced Kateb was killed during the strike.
Now, they think we may have missed him.
If you missed Kateb, that's on you, not us.
If we missed.
Cream and sugar? Akmed Ahmed Nasri.
Egyptian-born Al-Qaeda living in Jakarta.
We scooped him up two days ago.
Now, if Kateb survived the strike, Nasri knows where he is.
We want you to help us verify what he says.
You know the material better than anyone.
Central intelligence has the sign-off of your superiors at API on this.
I take it Nasri's not down in the county lockup.
- He's at a classified location.
- Not Gitmo? Classified.
You want us to get on a plane to nowhere? So where are you? I'm looking at Atlas MacDowell.
And? And I could use some guidance.
I can't tell you where to look.
Maybe you could tell me what to look for.
Atlas ties Truxton to Mr.
Roy Donald Bloom.
And? Why are you even talking to me if you're not going to help me? Atlas is big.
Lot of hands in a lot of pockets.
Look for the patterns.
Patterns? That's it? It's what Ed Bancroft would tell you.
Ed likes Japanese hard candy.
There's a Japanese candy wrapper in your right pocket.
Use Ed.
He's as deep a thinker as they come.
Ed's fragile.
That's beside the point.
- I don't need him.
- Seems like you do.
I am not gonna send him down the rabbit hole just 'cause you want me to.
I don't want you to do anything, Will.
Except not end up like David.
By the way It was Maggie.
The candy wrapper.
The girl's really quite fond of you.
You ever notice spooks don't have last names? Hi.
I'm Bob.
I'm Andre.
Where do you think we are? Flight time was 13.
5 hours.
I'm not sure when dawn broke, so Kazakhstan.
The Falklands.
What does it matter.
Off the grid's off the grid.
I already tried that.
Did you see anything? Trucks.
Grant should be here.
Grant gets a pass, because Grant has kids.
You have kids.
My kids don't live with me.
Since when? Since talking about it will make my brain hurt.
Butter, please.
Thank you.
This is a draft report on small-craft torpedo attacks on double-hull tankers.
Most in the Persian Gulf, but a couple of outliers worth noting? Is there a Thank you.
Is there a play for us in the Somali piracy situation? Insurance or security? Insurance is a loser.
Security's a pretty thin margin.
I'd stay away.
I concur.
But let's double down in Nigeria.
Why are we still playing footsie with Uduaghan? The instability is in our interest.
We're keeping it fluid.
Keeping it fluid? Have you seen the body count in Nigeria? Don't go getting sentimental.
We're simply managing our own interests there.
We can't be responsible for their carelessness.
Come on, James.
We've been dancing with that devil for a while now.
It's under control.
Speaking of under control Have you spoken to Katherine Rhumor? She's fine.
Scared out of her house by the break-in.
The incursion was necessary.
Tom compromised operational integrity.
However, I apologize for the sloppiness.
She was supposed to be out of the house.
Where is she now? 73rd street? She asking any questions? Nope, I told you, she's moved on.
She's not a problem we need to worry about.
You know the spiel.
Everything you witness is classified.
If you violate the secrecy penalty law Standard deal.
I thought we outlawed enhanced interrogation.
We're not the ones interrogating them.
They're Jordanian.
Long way from Monday at the Blue Note.
I don't frequent nightclubs much these days.
This is fine by me.
It's nice to see you again, Ed.
How have you been? Guess.
You've never liked me.
Not true.
You always thought less of me because of my background in operations.
You have a superior mind, Kale.
You also have a resolute dedication to American progress, one that I believe can obscure some of the nuances of our political reality.
I think it's dangerous.
I find it unsettling.
I doubt you came here to discuss that, though.
I need to talk to you about Will.
He needs your help with a problem, and he's afraid to ask.
He thinks you're too fragile.
I am old and long past the game.
Is that your way of saying he's right? It's about what happened to David.
You don't give a damn about David, and you don't care about Will.
I care about API.
Will's stumbling blind through a minefield.
I don't want him to step wrong.
Fair enough.
Had to ask.
Spangler's office called down.
His morning got cluttered, they're moving the conference call 45.
How long? Spying for Kale Ingram How long? It was a condition of being hired.
I needed the job.
What else have you told him? Nothing.
Just Once a week, I look around your office.
There's never anything to tell, so I'm sorry.
Go nuts.
Anything Nasri says is unreliable.
If they push him to say Kateb's alive hiding in Afghanistan, he'll say Kateb's alive hiding in Afghanistan.
So let's hijack a plane and go home.
The only thing stopping them from putting the lies they want to hear in Nasri's mouth is us.
You and me.
Guardians of truth.
He's contradicting himself again.
At least he's giving us a new story.
It's the same story, just different cities, different players.
Ali Azani smuggles Kateb through Dubai to Somalia.
Abdul Habib sneaks him out on a UN flight through Islamabad to Horat.
So which one rings true? Neither.
Azani was in Yemen from the 14th to the 23rd, and Habib was KIA in a marine strike three days before Kateb dropped from sight.
Hey, that's a no go on both Islamabad and Dubai.
Start over.
I can't sleep.
Some Jarheads are watching tapes of wrestling in the lounge.
Old school stuff.
Triple H, ultimate warrior.
These questions keep looping back to Kateb hiding out with aid groups.
What are you thinking? Does it look like I know what I'm thinking? I need a drink.
Yeah, cigarette wouldn't hurt, either.
It's got to be linked back to the cities somehow.
- What is this? - It's Gobbledygook.
It's Hydra.
Influence, money.
They go everywhere, they don't cohere.
The Leviathan, Atlas it's our.
I started from the list of four.
Atlas, Bloom, Roy, API.
- Where'd you get this list? - Kale.
He said it was That you were in trouble, you needed me.
I'm so sorry, Ed.
Shut up.
Just I thought I could Controlled.
- Where is he? - We don't know.
Hell you don't.
You're just using us for reverse confirmation of information you already have.
- We don't know where he is.
- What's going on? All this - It's all been about Tanaz.
- What's this got to do with Tanaz? Bob and his CIA cronies think that she's the one that's moving Kateb around.
No, our Tanaz? She's connected to Kateb? - It's just a theory we're working.
- A theory? You've had us working on opposite ends of the same problem without telling us it's the same damn problem.
You didn't need to know.
I can't talk to you anymore.
You are a person I cannot talk to.
He wants to see us both.
How's Ed Bancroft? Ruthless is not cruel.
Ruthless is doing whatever it takes.
What kind of game are you running on me? You think nobody's going to notice - that the elevator has stopped moving? - Let them notice, I don't care.
- That's a bad bluff.
- I really don't care.
You're too smart to make a move before you know what you're onto.
I want answers.
Well, dig into Ed's research and find them.
It was a confluence the Ngos, the cities.
It only made sense when you realized they already knew what they were looking for, and what they were looking for was the same woman whose picture we've been staring at for the last eight weeks.
- That was a good catch, Miles.
- No, I Forgive me, Mr.
Spangler, but I don't enjoy working my ass off to come up with an answer that the CIA already has.
I understand that, Miles.
Can I ask why we think they felt the need to hide the connection between the ends of the puzzle? Because they're I'm sorry.
What if Tanaz is a CIA asset? She's been feeding them information, likely Kateb is dead, but if is alive and in her company, then she's been feeding them false information.
They think Tanaz is a double agent.
Using us to confirm.
Confirmation that Kateb is alive is also confirmation that Tanaz has been lying to the CIA.
They're protecting their ass.
Interagency cooperation at its finest.
So what do you want us to do? Nothing.
You stay.
Right now all that matters is figuring out if Tanaz is really a double agent.
So they just get to jerk us around like this? Langley will get theirs, Miles.
In due time.
But national security - National security takes precedence.
- This is bullshit.
He's excitable.
It's just, you don't understand what we've been dealing with here.
We do understand, Tanya.
We do.
And we appreciate it.
You have a good team, Will.
You should be proud.
- And well done, Mr - Test.
Thank you, sir.
Why is it the bad guys get to believe they're 100% in line with God, and then the rest of us are caught in the suck? Well, there's only two possible answers to that question.
Either because they're wrong or because they're right.
I just want to go home.
And I don't? Even smiley Bob and the CIA want to go home.
Where did you get that? I bum d it.
Then I won't ask you to share.
Wheeler, it's 3:00.
It's all right.
Not today.
Are you sure? What is it, you need the money? I just like having the spending cash.
It's in my coat.
Just Go and get 500.
Friday, I'll be in a better mood.
This is Katherine Rhumor.
I'm unavailable right now.
Please leave your number after the tone.
Katherine, hi.
It's James.
I'm sorry I haven't been a better friend.
I am sorry, Katherine.
She abandoning you? I need someone better qualified.
This was your decision? My team, my decision, Grant.
You'd think they had run out of things to do to him.
Cruelty is the mother of invention.
The poor bastard.
Screw that.
Akmed Nasri lives to send young men into crowds with bombs strapped to their chests.
He organizes them, he finances them, he tells them hat it's God's will.
You know, I don't have empathy for him.
He's, he's earned his pain.
Your only objection to torture is that it's not reliable? No, I don't object to torture for his sake.
It's for my sake.
My objection to torture is because of what it does to my soul and the fact that it is, it is not reliable.
I'm getting fired.
What? When my drug test comes back.
- What did you take? - This week? Okay, is this like a You get off work and you go home and have a joint to unwind? It's not like that.
Is it like you're suggesting predator strikes while you're out of your mind? No, it's, it's not like that either.
Is there Is there anything I can do? I don't have what you have.
Forget it, it's just I'm fine.
I'm sorry.
I've got some news.
It's been decided that your work here is done.
Jet's fueling up, you'll be home by breakfast.
What about Tanaz? We feel confident that we have our answer.
She was working you.
CIA doesn't get worked.
We just have unreliable sources of human intelligence.
Couple minutes, you'll be escorted to your plane.
You'll work as a floater for a couple of months.
When there's an opening, I'll give you a slot in translation.
I should never have agreed to work for you.
No, then you'd be without a job, and your daughter would be without financial support.
Well, at least it's over.
He'll forgive you in time.
How did he find out? I told him.
You liked him too much.
Sooner or later you were going to start lying to me on his behalf, then you would have been useless to me as a source.
- I quit.
- No, you don't.
If I didn't care about you, I would have let you go on lying to him forever.
Believe it or not, I'm Will Travers' guardian angel.
- Can I help you? - Yes, I'm looking for the Citizens Institute.
They're right down there.
See the girl at reception and she can help you.
Atlas McDowell.
John Kinsler's office.
One moment.
Excuse me.
This is the office of Atlas MacDowell? - Just the New York office.
- Silly question for you.
You wouldn't happen to have a phone extension for a Truxton Spangler? Sure, but Mr.
Spangler's never in.
You're better off with Edward Roy.
He seems to handle all of Mr.
Spangler's business.
Reception is just down there.
You know why you're here? Actions They have consequences, Tanya.
Yes, sir, I know.
First of all You're going to be fine.
There are programs specifically designed for people in the intelligence community.
You're not the first person to fall down this well.
You won't be the last.
I'm not fired? We take care of our own.
You are going to be working here a long Long time.
What did you find out? Is it Truxton? Truxton is definitely part of Atlas, but Atlas MacDowell, Garson, Citizens Institute It's not just connected, it's the same thing.
It's an octopus.
They employ three former senators, a half dozen retired generals, a former head of the NSA.
You sure? Can you prove it? I got their damn telephone Directory.
I want to know what it all means.
It means you're getting closer.
Were they the ones who killed David? - Most likely.
- Why? - I don't know.
- I don't believe you.
Then why are you here? Because your name's not in the directory.
Good night, Will.

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