Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e08 Episode Script

A New Battle! The Mysterious Beauty from Nowhere

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Wait, bitch!
Wait, we said, wait!
A New Battle
The Mysterious and Beautiful Woman Who Jumped in Suddenly
I'm counting on you, Kenshin.
What's the next toss?
Han, with a 5 and a 6.
All right, I'll buy it!
2, 4, Cho.
All right, it's mine!
Mr. Sano, looks like
you're out of luck today.
You've lost a few tosses in a row.
I had my hopes up, too!
What happened to your
predictions from Hiten Mitsurugi Style?
None of that was right!
Even if they are both competitions
predictions I make during swordfights
are completely different, that they are.
And you said that you had
an important duty today, Sano
Isn't gambling illegal, that is?
Nah, this is just a game
between friends using spare change.
And each is a good friend from way back.
They're all good guys.
Though they look like thugs.
That last line was
unnecessary, Mr. Sano.
No matter how you see it
you look most like a
thug out of us, Mr. Sano.
I have to agree, that I do.
Damn it, don't be laughing!
If you can't get it right next
time, I won't leave you unharmed!
Got that, Kenshin?
Where the hell is she?
That way!
2, 6, cho!
2, 6, cho!
The toss!
2, 6
2, 5, han!
I won again!
I won again!
Don't be mindlessly
sipping tea, Kenshin!
Someone like you should be able to
get at least one right, even if by luck!
You say that, but
You are such a
Mr. Sano, you sure
are spirited about this today.
Of course!
I have a little debt
to Yoita the candy-man.
And I wanted to return
that money with interest today.
Oh yeah, whatever happened to him?
He always came running over
when he heard we were gonna gamble
What's wrong, guys?
passed away
From illness?
The guy who had nothing but good health?
Tell me what happened!
L-It was opium.
I don't know who he got it from
but apparently he was told
that it would be good for him
By the time he
realized that it was opium
it was
Who in the world sold Yoita opium?
Please help!
Bad men are chasing me.
Help me!
Hey, Megumi!
You can't run away anymore.
And now men?
What the hell?
Shut up!
We only have business with the broad!
You keep outta it!
I'm pissed off right now!
Watch what you say!
Y-You think you can
get away with doing this?
We're personal bodyguards of Mr. Kanryu!
I'm tellin' ya, watch what you say!
Henchmen of Kanryu Takeda
That's an unfortunate
opponent, even for you, Mr. Sano.
Kanryu Takeda?
He seemes to be a young entrepreneur.
Underground, he has
a few dozen bodyguards
and is doing some
pretty bad business.
A shady guy.
You, how are you related to him?
I don't know
anything, I really don't
Lies aren't good
for you, Megumi Takani!
W-Who is it?
When did
Trying to buy pity playing
the role of an innocent woman
Cunning little fox, don't forget
that I, Beshimi, am watching you.
Go back to Kanryu, and tell him!
I will make sure I escape
no matter what!
You are so cute
Especially how you think
you can escape it all
Next time, I will use my spiral
darts to blast out both your legs.
It will double as punishment.
I don't understand the situation well
but I can't stand to watch
people who hurt others out of mischief.
S-Shut up!
I'll get you too next time
I'll get you too next time
You dare hurt my friends!
Kenshin sure is late
He must be making a fortune.
What are you saying?
Only delinquents gamble!
When they get back, I'II
give them a piece of my mind!
It may rain blood soon
I'm back
They're back!
I really don't understand her
Kenshin, welcome ba
I'm sorry I am so late, that is.
This is a pretty run-down place.
A kendo school?
W-Who is this?
Oh, this is Miss Megumi Takani.
Miss Megumi is being
chased by villains
And dear Ken helped me out.
D-D-D-D-D-Dear Ken?
To make a long story short,
he flirted with the woman he saved.
I can't leave you alone, can I, Kenshin?
Um, that really is not the case here
Then what is your excuse?
A-As I was saying
Dear Ken was so
handsome when he saved me!
What is this, just look at
you, all smitten like that!
Such a disgrace!
I trusted you, Kenshin, you're an idiot!
My, I'm surprised.
She is such a violent girl.
Are you all right, Dear Ken?
Wait a minute, how are
you related to our Kenshin?
Oh, Dear Ken is an important
person who is going to protect me.
And how are you related to him?
H-How I am
I'm sure that you can't be his lover.
I mean, such a sweaty little girl can't
be what dear Ken looks for in a woman.
Well, excuse me for sweating.
What of it?
C-Calm down, Kaoru!
Don't kid with her too much.
This girl here is really simple-minded.
Unlike some cunning fox woman I know.
You prefer me over that
violent girl, right dear Ken?
Help us!
We won't screw up again
Forgive us!
We'll do
We'll do anything!
I guess it's my
nature as an entrepreneur.
I'm uneasy if I don't immediately
get rid of things that are useless.
In that regard, you
are very perseverant, Comander.
I am the comander of
Beshimi and his comrades.
I will not have you trying to butt in.
L-I fully understand that.
In any case, I have no
complaints if Megumi comes back to me.
Hannya, you know where Megumi Takani is?
Yes, she is in a school downtown.
All right.
You and Hyottoko go
and help Beshimi with his job.
All right, Beshimi?
I won't allow for any more mistakes
l-I will engrave that
thought into my heart
I'm begging you, Comander.
She is my hen that lays golden eggs.
I cannot possibly let her go.
Kanryu has about 60 bodyguards
But the worst are the Comander's men.
Former spies, separate
from his personal bodyguards
The Oniwaban, defenders of Edo castle
gave command to a
15 year old protegy
just before the Revolution
Aoshi Shinomori.
But if dear Ken is with me
I'd feel at ease even if
those guys come all at once.
L-I wonder if that
really is the case, that I do.
If the Oniwaban group
really starts moving, even you
I guess I can't stay here long
Now, then, Miss Megumi.
Why are you running
away from Kanryu, Miss Megumi?
And why is Kanryu so
obsessed about chasing you, that is?
Listen to what others
have to say, that you should!
I don't want to tell you!
Only thoughtless men
pry into a woman's past!
When it comes to the heart of the
matter, this is all I get, that it is.
Eavesdropping isn't good, missie.
Your title of Kasshin
Assistant Master is shamed.
But, but, but, but, but, but!
Kenshin sealed himself in a room
with her as soon as he came back!
You know him, missie.
Kenshin is strong at swordsmanship
but bad at dealing with people.
Especially women and children.
I know that, but
In any case, there are limits
to how good a person can be
No, nothing.
Well, I'm sure
Kenshin will be all right.
I won't settle for "probably"!
Sano, there is nothing suspicious?
Yeah, nothing for now.
Considering that we
face the Oniwaban group
it's better to assume that
they know of this place already.
We can't let down our guard, that is.
The Oniwaban group!
They're ninja, right?
Looks like this isn't over
I didn't want to trouble Miss Kaoru
But all things considered
there might be one or two incidents.
But I will make sure
to protect you, Miss Kaoru.
I heard that, Kenshin!
So there's gonna be something going on?
How cruel!
You were gonna leave me out of it?
I'm a member of the Kenshin group too!
The Kenshin group?
What's that?
They can bring arrows and guns!
No matter who the opponent, I,
Yahiko Myojin, will defeat them all!
You're pretty arrogant for a kid.
I'll get you for that!
Stop it, Yahiko!
Oh well
If there's infighting
the Kenshin group
will face a lot of problems
They're here
Calmly give Megumi back to us.
If you do, we'll take it easy on you.
I take it you're
from the Oniwaban group?
Yeah, I'm Hyottoko,
one of the Oniwaban group!
So, which one is my opponent?
Or both of you together?
H-He's huge!
A boasting big guy, huh?
Kenshin, leave this guy to me!
Sano, we are facing
members of the Oniwaban group.
He's not just brute force
I don't care what he is!
I have no wish to protect that
broad, but I accept all challengers!
So I start with you?
Even if you are proud of your
power, it's useless if you can't hit me!
That was close, you loser!
I see
you managed to
escape my lethal Fire Breath.
But with those legs, you won't
be able to evade the second one!
Nothing less from the best
fire user in the Oniwaban group
Hyottoko is written
"Fire Man" in kanji, after all
There is nothing he cannot burn!
You're old enough to know better
than to play with fire, that is.
Playing with fire?
With little tricks like that, you can't
even burn one hair on my head, that is.
I will burn you to a crisp first!
Do you think that you
can withstand it like that?
Have a taste of this and think
about who is up to little tricks!
Where are you going?
That man is different
from Beshimi from earlier.
There is no way he can win!
Kenshin is fighting for your sake.
It would be cruel to escape
while their attention is diverted.
The Oniwaban is a group who
think nothing of killing people.
They won't even have mercy on women.
You might be killed by them too
No matter how strong the enemy,
Kenshin will always protect me.
Kenshin is not the kind
of man to break a promise.
Impossible, 5 an the of oil
It's time to stop
playing with fire, that it is.
He did it!
That man
You bastard!
I'm not done!
Wait, Kenshin!
I told you to leave this guy to me!
Thanks for the help.
I'm sorry about this, but
let me have another go at him.
I've filled up on oil!
Hey, loser, over here!
I'm sure to make a
fireball out of you this time!
An extreme Fire Breath!
He surely can't escape it!
Good decision.
Easier to attack and with less harm
than haphazardly
trying to dodge the flames.
This is the magic trick?
And now what?
You're out of tricks.
The fight is not over
Piece o' cake!
But for that, you're
hurt all over the place.
indescribably strong
What in the world are those two?
My comrades
I am proud to have.
Hey, are you two all right?
Oh, this is bad!
It looks like he bearly won!
It looks that way.
Kenshin, you're the one
I'm one of them, too!
That idiot Hyottoko lost so easily
This is another failure!
If that's the case, that broad
I don't know why Kanryu
Takeda insists on having you back
But you, who made me feel this way
I'll kill you!
I'm one of the Kenshin group, too.
I have to show my
good side too, you know.
You don't have to grin and bear it!
Now, show me that wound.
Don't make a fuss over me
Scratches like
That's what he gets for butting in!
That kid won't last an hour!
Death Poison Spiral Dart!
This is the ultimate attack of
me, Beshimi of the Oniwaban group!
I'll get rid of all of you!
Starting with that swordsman guy
To think that a swordsman like you
still exists in this day and age
We were taking our
opponents too lightly.
I am sure I will be
fighting you myself someday.
Until then, we'll
leave the match unfinished.
He's good!
Hold yourself together, Yahiko!
We have to suck the
poison out, in any case!
Stop it!
Don't get in our way!
Sucking poison out of
a wound causes infections
and makes things worse.
Out of my way.
This is not something
normal people can do.
Fever, unconsciousness
Slight pain, and the eyes are dilated
This is the poison from a thorn-apple!
Girl, I will write up the
medication, have it brought here!
Dear Ken, boil some water.
And bring a towel
and the medicine chest.
You with the headband, go to the
store and buy as much ice as you can.
What are you standing there for?
Detoxification is a race against time!
That it is
Hang in there!
I don't want you to die!
By the time Yoita
realized that it was opium
it was
Why does she have opium?
Maybe she's the one
to really watch out for
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
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