Savage Rhythm (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


[melancholy music playing]
[Miranda] Antonia has a lot of talent.
We'd love for her to start this week.
Every day after school.
Do you like it?
It's yours.
Welcome to the Royal.
[both chuckling]
[Miranda] Perfect, thanks so much.
See you soon.
I accept.
Hi, Ma, we wanted to show you
what I've been prepping for months now.
It's the last rehearsal
before the big show,
and I have the main role.
It's Juliet from Romeo and Juliet.
"Romeo, Romeo, where art thou?
I don't see you."
- This is my my Romeo.
- [Álex laughing]
- His name is Vincent. He's marvel
- [camera clatters on floor]
Hey! Hey, why'd you do that?
- You can't record in here.
- Who says I can't?
- Those are the rules.
- [Jacob] You can't record in here, guys.
[Karina] Sorry I asked him to record,
but it was politely explained to me
that it's not welcome.
I don't want any more distractions.
This is our final opportunity. Understand?
[Miranda] I agree.
There are no more chances.
- Welcome, Miranda.
- [uneasy music playing]
Karina, I'm sorry.
But I've decided
that Antonia will play the lead.
[dramatic music playing]
Excuse me?
I-I I can delete the video.
- The decision has been made.
- I think there has been a mistake.
- Can we talk in private?
- No.
There's nothing to talk about in private.
I made a mistake.
But I'm fixing that mistake.
Guys, I'd like to apologize.
For not having respected you.
For not having valued your history.
Your sacrifices
throughout all these years.
I'm sorry.
you don't belong in the Royal.
You're out of your league.
- I've put a lot of effort into this
- It's just not enough.
You come from nothing.
They have been studying for years.
Don't you get it?
You're just
a whim of Jacob's.
That's all.
[door opens]
You've made a huge mistake.
Okay, guys, go to your places.
There's a lot of work to do.
[somber music playing]
[Álex] You're not gonna do anything?
Like what?
Did you forget where we are?
Did you forget where we come from?
No, but it's not fair to you.
It's not right. And that fucking bitch
will pay for what she's doing to you.
You worked, and fuck, Karina.
That bitch has to pay.
- Karina, let's talk for a minute.
- About what?
About what? The humiliation
that you just now put me through?
- I understand.
- No, you just don't get it.
No, that was all my fault.
For trusting you,
and for trusting in all of those people.
[somber music continues]
[cell phone vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating]
[cell phone vibrating]
Five, six, seven, and stronger.
[Miranda] Very good.
One more time. Again.
Seven, and
[somber music continues]
Yo, check this out.
Vincent's gonna hate me for this.
And? How are you?
I'm used to just being plan B.
Vince, I had nothing to do
with those decisions.
- [Mateo grunts]
- Not yours or Karina's.
Miranda reached out to me, so
I'm sorry.
Okay, guys. In a circle.
- [Vicente] Let's do this.
- [Antonia] Let's go.
[Miranda] I want you to put
all of your heart in this.
A lot's at stake here.
Thanks for coming back.
We are family.
All right, let's do this!
[all shouting] Royal!
[all cheering, laughing]
[Miranda] Places, everyone.
Places, everyone.
[audience applauding]
[gentle piano music playing]
[upbeat hip-hop music playing]
[horns honking]
Come on, what's going on?
Ugh, there's roadwork.
Shit. Now what do we do?
[horns honking]
The sidewalk's empty.
- Let's go that way. That way.
- What about the car?
When I start making some money,
I'll buy you three of them.
- All right, let's do it.
- [Karina] Come on, go!
[horns honking]
[tires screeching]
[horns honking]
[man] Hey!
- [road crew shouting indistinctly]
- [tires screeching]
[upbeat hip-hop music continues]
- [piercing monotone through monitor]
- [music stops]
You don't belong in the Royal.
You're out of your league.
[audience murmuring]
It's just not enough.
- What's going on?
- You come from nothing.
[loud feedback, distorted sounds]
[Miranda, distorted]
You don't belong at the Royal.
[in Spanish] You come from the street ♪
- [in English] I don't think this
- Don't know.
[in Spanish]
You-you-you, come from the street ♪
You-you-you, come from the street ♪
[in English] You don't belong
in the Royal. Don't you get it?
You, you, come from the street. ♪
The music's ready to go, yeah?
[upbeat hip-hop song playing in Spanish]
What's going on? Answer me.
[Miranda] What's happening?
[door slams]
[inaudible shouting]
[hip-hop music continues]
[woman on PA] Please,
ladies and gentlemen, remain calm.
Due to security concerns,
the event has been suspended immediately.
[Miranda breathing shakily]
["So Va" by Tuto playing]
[song stops abruptly]
How the fuck did they get in
with all that security here?
Hi, guys.
[student] So what'd they decide?
Are we on for tomorrow?
[Miranda] No
They're not giving us another chance.
[dramatic music playing]
We're out of the competition.
I've been accused of discrimination.
[Antonia breathing deeply]
[haunting music playing]
[Ximena] Let's make fire
I won't get burned for you ♪
They wanted power we have
Against the absolute, manage the man ♪
In the town
That everything burned and burned ♪
Take and take, I live mine
And you are fake ♪
I'll take the trip
Jamaica, Pamplona ♪
I wear the gloves
I got the diploma ♪
I don't care what they say ♪
I exploit, I dress in style ♪
Ask all the boys, original jury ♪
Always joking
Here we regret not a thing, kids ♪
- [Álex laughing] That's right!
- [all laughing, cheering]
Now they know
that if you mess with any one of us,
- you mess with the entire barrio, suckers.
- Yeah, that's it.
[laughs] We should've
fuckin' recorded them.
Those preppy idiots
were shittin' themselves
It's not worth it.
What do you mean?
What for?
Ah, Karina.
Come on, Ximena, screw them.
We just ruined their play.
We got our revenge. Enough.
Let's just focus on our stuff now.
And what's ours? Because let me remind you
that rich girl is still there, remember?
Yeah, and what are we going
to do about that?
Oh, baby.
Good riddance to that trash.
- We got that video thanks to her.
- [Ximena] So what, we drop her?
Yeah, let's drop her.
Let me remind you
that she betrayed Karina.
She's not one of us.
She betrayed Karina
because you had sex with Checho.
[Ximena scoffs]
So you're defending her now?
No, I'm just telling the truth.
So I'm responsible
for your brother being horny?
Look, Ximena, you know you had sex
with Checho just to screw with Antonia.
So what if I want to fuck her over?
Get your shit straight.
Decide which side
you're gonna be on, dude.
- What the hell is up with her?
- Oh, Joseph said
we should go tomorrow
and sign the contracts.
All right.
What about me, Karina?
It's all right, don't worry.
Don't worry. We stick together as a group.
[Álex] Come on, darlings. Punky called
and said he needs the gun.
All right, come on. Let's go, let's go.
[melodic synth music playing]
- Where is it?
- It says here it's at the spa, but
[uneasy music playing beneath synth]
Joe is waiting for you to sign.
See you at the rehearsal.
Oh, and there's one too many of you.
[Karina] Hey, don't.
All good. Just calm down.
Let's go.
What was she even talking about? Ugh.
[Karina] Okay, let's do this.
What do you want, Karina?
Take me out.
[Joe laughs]
I came here to fill in for my friend.
She has to be in it.
[laughing] Listen to this woman
over here. Jesus.
Do you really think that I have time
to waste on bullshit today?
No. Just be professionals.
The artist picked the four of you.
The four that were at the audition,
and the four of you will be in the video.
Look, be professional, babe.
The artist picked you.
You three sign the contracts
and give it to him.
- It's not a big change
- No, that's it. See you at rehearsals.
[Karina] Joe, let me explain. Wait.
[distant traffic sounds]
[Karina] Ximena, no.
This isn't over.
Dude, I lost everything in a moment,
didn't I?
They took the Dembow away from me.
[chuckles sadly]
I have no place to live, guys.
This is so shitty.
We're still with you, Ximena.
I screwed up, didn't I?
I actually screwed myself too, but
[Chama] Mm.
but I screwed up with you.
Oh fuck, dancing's
the only thing that saves me.
You'll dance.
We'll all dance together.
Like always.
Antonia is not part of this group.
We need to kick her out.
[Joe] Good.
Very good, very good, everyone.
- What do you think?
- Good. I think they're doing well.
Antonia, Karina,
come up here to the front, please.
- Have you prepared?
- [Antonia] Yes.
[choreographer] Okay, positions.
[upbeat rhythmic music playing]
Five, six, seven, eight.
[choreographer] Stop the music.
Your arms, you're moving them wrong.
- You good?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Okay. Do it right this time.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Come on. It's okay. At the start.
- Once more. Do it right. Okay, positions!
- [Antonia] Yeah, let's go.
[choreographer] Once again. Music!
[rhythmic music continues]
Five, six, seven, eight.
- Yeah, okay, that won't work.
- [Joe] Yeah, you're right. The music.
Stop the music.
Antonia, your arms again.
Sorry. I'll fix it.
Girls, take a break.
Antonia, please fix that.
So sorry.
Hey. Don't you think
I know what you guys are doing?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Grow up.
[dramatic music playing]
[door opens]
[cell phone ringing]
[sighs deeply]
Grandma, I'll be at Bombita's
if you need anything, okay?
[gentle music plays]
I didn't know if I should knock or
What are you doing here?
I was hoping we could talk.
Would that be okay?
But not here.
[Karina] No.
I'm not proud about what I did.
But sometimes
you get carried away, though.
No. It wasn't your fault, Karina.
It wasn't your fault.
We both Miranda and I
put you in this situation.
It was a huge opportunity
to get further in my career, and I
wanted to do
something different with you.
Why did you choose me?
You had Antonia.
And you had María, who also is great.
My passion overcame my reason.
I wanted to take a risk with you, Karina.
And why'd you come all this way?
Because I wanted to apologize to you.
And I also wanted to invite you
into a crazy idea I have.
I was recently asked to put on
an inner city festival.
- And I'd love to do it with you.
- And you said yes?
It's work.
What do you say?
I'm gonna have to pass.
I want to focus on the group.
But thanks.
[warm music playing]
You're the first person
who believed in me outside of the barrio.
You're awesome.
You saw things in me that
that I didn't even know I could do.
And I'm really grateful for that.
And, well, I think I'll go
since I've got stuff to do.
Good luck with everything you do.
[somber music playing]
[knocking on door]
What are you doing here?
I called you a bunch of times.
If I didn't answer
it's because I don't want to talk to you.
- Just go.
- No.
No way. I need to talk to you.
Just let me say what I need to say
and then I'll go, okay?
Just hear me out.
[Antonia scoffs]
Look, if you're here to apologize,
you should just leave.
- I have a lot to go over.
- Look, I was really drunk.
Ximena snuck into my room, okay?
And you really think that's an excuse?
You knew that Ximena hated me
since the moment we met.
And you fell for it.
She split us up. [chuckles]
She won.
She didn't win anything.
Look, Ximena is living her life over there
while I'm here trying to live mine, okay?
Yes, she did.
Anyway, that's not the point.
I trusted you.
Look, I have a lot to rehearse.
Please just leave. Get out.
[exhales emotionally] I love you.
[emotional guitar music playing]
I truly love you.
I completely understand
why you're feeling this way, all right?
I screwed up.
Look, I'm sorry.
I made a mistake.
I came all the way here
to tell you I'm not giving up.
I want to make things right, okay?
I've been hanging onto this
before all this shit happened.
I wanted to get you the same earrings
you were wearing that day.
But when I went to find them,
they'd already sold them.
So I had these made for you.
I'm not sure
if they look exactly the same,
but that's the way I remember them.
[Antonia chuckling emotionally]
What, they didn't look like that?
[uneasy music playing]
[Mario moans]
Tell me something.
You think your friends are actually
capable of kicking the rich girl out?
We're all like a pack.
Of what?
[laughs] A pack of fierce women.
Mm. How scary.
A fierce woman
never leaves her pack behind.
You know why I ask?
'Cause if you want to be in that video,
you need to make sure you have support.
And your friends are not effective.
Get what I'm saying?
If you need me to do anything for you,
all you need to do is ask.
Yo, what's good, everyone?
I have some great news for you today.
The first 200 people that arrive
to the set where I'm filming my video
will be able to dance with me all night.
This is gonna be amazing.
Look at the information below.
[rhythmic music playing through phone]
[music stops]
[cell phone ringing]
- Ximena, what's up?
- Dude, Mario made me an offer.
No, girl, don't mess with
those types of assholes. I've told you.
Dude, but this guy can help us
deal with that rich girl, can't he?
No, that guy is way too dangerous.
Let me handle it.
[call ends]
Hey, you guys.
[breathes deeply]
Let's do it, everybody. Everybody up.
Positions. Second choreography.
Five, six, seven, eight.
[rhythmic music playing]
One, two, three, and four.
- [Antonia moans, wincing]
- [choreographer] Stop the music.
- No, don't touch! It really hurts.
- Let me check it out.
Stop, please. Stop, please.
[breathing heavily]
- Why'd you do that?
- [Chama] Me?
You got too close to me.
It was an accident.
- [Antonia] Like hell it was.
- [choreographer] Bombita, some ice.
How is she?
- [choreographer] We should call someone.
- No! I'm fine. [winces]
- Really. I swear, I'll be fine.
- [Joe] Bicho.
- [Antonia moaning]
- [Joe] Go get a paramedic.
No, no, no, I'm fine.
There's no need, really.
Look, Antonia, I need you to be at 100%.
Let's wait to see
what the doctor says, all right?
What's taking so long, Bicho?
- [Antonia groans]
- [paramedic] I don't think it's fractured.
I recommend having an X-ray taken,
as well as complete rest.
- [Joe] Mm.
- Wait, no, but I have to be able to dance.
Joe, I'm fine, really. I can dance.
Uh, wait, Torres, I'm comin'.
Talk to you later, Antonia.
No, no, Joe, please wait.
- Careful.
- Ay, fuck!
You knew that wasn't the plan.
You knew that wasn't
supposed to be the plan.
I told you it was an accident.
Now you're going to lie to me?
- You're gonna lie to me?
- [Liliana] Hey!
Look, we were all
part of this thing, okay?
You, Karina, agreed to do it.
So don't blame it all on Chama.
It was just supposed to be dancing.
Not like this.
What did the paramedic say?
That Antonia can't dance.
I already told you what happened.
It was an accident, huh?
- Yeah.
- Really?
My respects, ladies. Yeah.
[inhales sharply]
I need a favor.
But look, please don't say no.
[Vicente] One, two, three.
Okay. Hold on a sec.
- Done?
- Yeah. Yeah, all done.
[Antonia exhales]
- How you feel?
- Let's see.
Try moving it.
That's it.
Do it again.
- And what if it makes it worse?
- Then it'll be worse.
[melodic synth music playing]
[driving rhythmic music playing]
- Hey! Hello.
- Hi.
- You're the replacement for Antonia?
- Yeah.
Okay, cool. Come on.
I wanna rehearse some stuff.
[Ximena] Okay.
[choreographer] Whats up, bro?
- My friend
- [choreographer] Is that turned on?
This is very important to me. Thanks.
- Because we are dynamite ♪
- [all laughing]
Yeah! We are dynamite, yeah ♪
[suspenseful music playing]
One, two, three, four, and five
- Tap, tap, hit, hit
- Hey, guys.
I can dance.
But shouldn't you be resting?
I got an injection. I'm good now.
So I'm ready.
Okay, show us.
Five, six, seven, eight.
[Antonia] See?
See? I can dance.
I'm fine now.
Plus, you said the ones
the artist approved get to perform, right?
Let her dance. She can dance.
- What, aren't you going to say something?
- Yeah, go ahead and give her the hat.
[uneasy music playing]
[Ximena] That's cool.
It ain't on me now.
[tense music playing]
[Ximena scoffs]
Hey, where you at?
[carnival music playing]
How's your foot?
Why? You gonna break the other?
The idea wasn't to hurt you, Antonia.
[Antonia] No? Then what was it?
Kick me out of the group? Very subtle.
Don't you think it's better
each of us go back to our own world?
[Antonia scoffs] What world, Karina?
You completely fucked mine.
- [Karina] Can I help you?
- So nice.
It's a bit late to ease your conscience,
don't you think?
Look, Antonia,
I didn't come here to fight with you.
And don't play innocent
'cause we both made mistakes.
If I help, it's because if this goes bad,
you're not the only one who loses.
We all do.
Know what I think?
That we started out on the wrong foot.
I should have just accepted
my place at the Royal
and not put you in the middle.
At least now
I would have a play to act in.
I screwed up.
I never should have
abandoned my group.
But we learn from everything, right?
Make sure the bandage is wrapped good.
It's better now.
Thanks for everything, Karina.
I have learned a lot from you.
You've always been really good.
And if Pure Street's here tonight, it's
it's because of you.
This is an awesome chance we have.
- Yeah.
- Let's give it our all and do it right.
Let's do it.
Girls, go get dressed. It's time.
[intriguing music playing]
[music fades]
[carnival-goers screaming
faintly on rides]
[in Spanish] Beer up ♪
Go down ♪
Keep dancing ♪
Don't spill the drink ♪
Beer up ♪
Go down ♪
If you don't like it ♪
Go to work ♪
[song fades]
[producer, in English] Cut!
Girls, some touch-ups here, please.
Everyone, to their positions.
The public can come to the stage.
[producer] Camera C.
Okay, guys.
[crewman] Get those lights on in the back.
Full lights.
[producer] Okay, ready.
Background, action!
All right, let's go, girls!
[crowd cheering]
["Cerveza" by Guaynaa playing]
[Guaynaa, in Spanish]
Hey, hey, Guaynabichi ♪
This song describes me
Because I was dumped ♪
Hi, how are you?
It's a pleasure to introduce myself ♪
My name is Jean
But people call me Guaynaa ♪
It doesn't sound the same
But it is the same thing ♪
What people say in the neighborhood
Is that you left me ♪
I'm not good ♪
And now at night I go to the bar
And what I want is to drink ♪
Give me one of those ♪
To dance this song with the bottle ♪
Nobody give me stress ♪
You blame me
And you are the one who started it ♪
If you don't kiss me ♪
The goat always goes to the weed ♪
Beer ♪
[music distorts eerily]
Have you seen one of them flying? ♪
I'm going to the street ♪
I'm always working, finishing the job ♪
[music distorts]
Beer up ♪
Go down ♪
Keep dancing ♪
Don't spill the drink ♪
Beer up ♪
Go down ♪
And if you don't like it ♪
Go to work! ♪
[tense ethereal music playing]
[ethereal music continues]
[ethereal music fades]
[moody pop song playing in Spanish]
[song ends]
[emotional guitar song playing in Spanish]
[song ends]
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