Shifting Gears (2025) s01e08 Episode Script


All right, Carter, follow me. Put
the phone down. Put the phone down.
All right, we're gonna start simple.
We're gonna take off
this wheel and tire,
check out the suspension, all right?
And we're gonna be using these tools.
What tool do we use to
take off the lug nuts?
[CHUCKLES] Lug nuts. Good one, Pops.
You gotta focus here. Gotta focus.
Oh, boy. I recognize that sigh.
Having flashbacks of Matt mentoring
me when I was Carter's age.
He doesn't know how to talk to kids.
I don't even think he ever was a kid.
Oh, yeah. When he came out
the womb, his first words were,
[IMITATING MATT] "Back in my day."
You got to put down the phone.
Life is out here, not in here.
Yeah. Got it, Pops.
- I didn't ask you anything.
You gotta put the phone down. You
kids, you gotta learn how to work.
You gotta learn how to do
things, not watch things.
I gotta help Carter.
Hey, look, man.
It's cool you wanna have his back,
but when you go in, don't
expect the same out of me.
Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?
Whoa, whoa, boss, why don't you
just ease it up a little bit?
"Ease up a little
bit"? What do you mean?
Somebody get the first aid kit!
- What, what, what?
- It it's just, you know, uh,
mentoring takes a certain skill set,
and I don't think it's
really one of your strengths.
like, you know, you're weak.
[CHUCKLES] You're so strong.
The Rock has a picture of
you on his refrigerator.
Am I right, Stitch? S-Stitch?
Tuck and roll, boy. Tuck and roll.
Yeah, all I'm saying is, uh,
you're not the most
patient guy in the world.
So maybe I shouldn't help my grandson
fix the car that I bought
for he and I to restore.
No, that is not what I'm saying.
Why don't you just take over?
Uh, no, I-I don't want to impose.
I think it's a little
late for that, isn't it?
You go ahead at it. It's all yours.
You know what?
I'm gonna take on this challenge.
I'm looking forward to it.
Don't care.
Papa, we need to talk.
I can't talk now. I'm in
the middle of something.
"Estate planning"? Boy, they don't
make it easy in California, do they?
- Not gonna leave unless I talk to you?
- Correct.
You're gonna become something
very special in the future.
I don't know what it is, but I
think it'll involve prison time.
Well, I just hope I'm half
as successful as you are.
Not to mention as generous and bold.
Let's not forget not born
yesterday. What do you want?
Would you be my guest
at career day tomorrow?
I need a parent-guardian to join.
Well, lucky for me, I'm
neither one of those.
But I want you to come.
Your auto shop's so cool.
The kids will love it.
So you'll do it? I have
a form for you to sign.
Well, yeah, why not?
Nobody your age knows how to build
anything with their hands anyway.
"Learn to be an
influencer." What is that?
Or a content creator.
You know who created content? God.
The community theater production
of Cats came in today
and got fur all over the bathroom.
And who had to clean it up? Me.
I coughed up hair balls
the whole drive home.
Cats. Boy, there's certain things
that should have been left in the '80s.
I'll tell you what,
karaoke, mullets, bongs.
I believe the next track on
Matt Parker's Greatest Hits
is "No Sandwich is Worth
More than Eight Dollars."
No sandwich is worth
more than eight dollars.
Speaking of careers, I got an email
inviting me to career day tomorrow.
You don't have to come,
Mom. I invited Papa.
No, no, your mom's got this.
No, you gotta go. You signed a contract.
- This is something your mom should do.
- But you signed a contract.
Fine, I'll go.
Eleven-year-old audiences
are my sweet spot.
I can tell them the hair ball story.
But, Papa, you have to come too.
What, are you gonna sue
me for breach of contract?
Hey, how's it going?
So great. Yeah.
It is such an honor and privilege
to mentor the next generation.
I can't wait to thank Matt for
giving me this wonderful opportunity.
Man, this ain't the Oscars.
And you ain't mentoring.
You're doing all the work.
And look at Timothée Chalamet.
Over there taking weird selfies.
[GABRIEL] Yeah, okay.
It's been rough, okay? I can't
get this kid to focus or sit still.
Got any ideas?
Well, my drill sergeant
used to shout in our face
till we was covered in spit.
It was effective till he gave
three guys in my platoon herpes.
No, no, no, no. No yelling,
okay? That's the Matt way.
We're gonna go with the Gabriel
way. Patience and compassion.
Watch this. Hey, buddy.
Come over here. I wanna
show you something.
What is your problem, man?
You spent this whole day just
focused on your phone and yourself.
You kids, you gotta learn
how to actually do things,
Oh, no.
Oh, yes.
It's happened. The
Matt-amorphosis is complete.
[STAMMERS] Carter. I'm so
sorry. I didn't mean it.
No, I'm sorry. I
I can't focus 'cause there's this girl.
A girl? We are
Leaning in.
Her name's Lily, and she's really cool.
And she does that sneeze
where you kind of sneeze,
but not really, like
You got this, buddy.
Look, tomorrow at school, you just
go up to Lily, and you go, "Hey."
No, no, no. You just, you know, "Hey."
Nah, nah, nah, nah.
Just turn on the charm.
Make her laugh.
No, play it cool. Leave
her guessing, you know?
Make her heart race a little bit.
Do not listen to him.
He got commitment issues.
You're the one who just
broke up with your girlfriend.
Yeah, after she became president
of the Flat Earth Association.
And she would never refill the Brita.
Now, you can be crazy or
inconsiderate. Not both.
Thank you, Dr. Smith, for
your moving presentation.
I think we all shed a tear
listening to your story.
Tears of boredom.
I didn't know we'd be following
someone who performed heart surgery.
On a donkey. Who cares?
These people have some impressive jobs.
Oprah's therapist, Kourtney
Kardashian's stylist.
In Vegas, you either deal blackjack
or sell gold teeth at a pawn shop.
Is it hot in here?
It is not often that
we get both parents.
Now, let's welcome Mr. and Mrs. Parker.
- Ah! No, no, no, no.
- Oh. No, no, no.
Oh, God, no, no.
We are not one of those age-gap couples.
No offense. [CLEARS THROAT]
He's my dad.
Right. Age-gap couple,
is that what we call this?
Young and hot. Rich, wealthy
troll. No offense, man.
[SIGHS] Well, it's good to be here.
I guess we all know now
what jobs we do not want.
I'm Matt Parker, and
I own Parker's Customs.
Who wants to hear about the car
that I restored for Robert
Downey Jr. aka Iron Man?
- They all do, Papa.
- Wait, props?
I didn't know we could bring props.
I could've brought my ergonomic chair.
And that is reason 25 why
cars are better than people.
[CHUCKLES] Thanks, you guys.
Wait a minute.
I still have a gift
for the best question,
and I think that has to go
I think it's Owen, right?
Owen, for the best question,
"Do people mistake me for
George Clooney?" You bet.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Anyway, I see big talent in you.
Now we're going to hear
from Georgia's mom, Riley.
- Great job, Mr. Parker.
- Thank you very much.
Maybe we should chat after class.
I see big talent in you too.
[CLEARS THROAT] Gross. Hi, kids.
So, I work at a place called
Premiere Dance Lab where I
Work with really awesome dancers.
When are rehearsals for the new season
of Dancing with the Stars?
Oh. Um
Not sure, but I do love that show.
Mostly because watching people fail
makes me feel better about myself.
You guys know what I'm
talking about, right?
Is it true you started choreographing
when you were still in high school?
Oh, um
have exaggerated a bit.
- What?
- Just go with it.
Yes, when I was in high school,
I did choreograph something.
Less of a dance, more of a heist
to get our raspberry vodka back
from the principal's office.
She's kidding.
Let Georgia's mom finish her
presentation before questions.
But can you tell us a little bit
about working with Rihanna
for her Super Bowl show?
I'm not playing this game.
All right, kids, story time's over.
It's about to get real up in here.
Despite many requests from
certain Vegas nightclub owners,
I'm not a dancer.
I am a receptionist.
Before that, I was a blackjack
dealer at a retirement home.
And before that, I cleaned
porta-potties at a go-kart track.
And the only thing worse than
those kids' driving was their aim.
Wait a minute. I think you might
have another gift here in the bag.
What's up, guys?
Yo, there he is. Hey,
how'd it go with Lily?
Did you give her the, "Hey"?
Well, I-I went up to her in biology,
and I was gonna give her the, "Hey."
But she looked at me, and I froze,
and it kind of came out [SQUEALS]
You know what? New plan.
Okay, maybe you'd be more
comfortable with a text.
How about, uh,
"Hey, Lily. Who needs a garden
when you can just plant
yourself in my heart?"
You trying to get the boy a date
or on America's Most Wanted?
I'm trying to get him
on Lily's Most Wanted.
Carter, you got this.
Just trust your instincts.
Okay. How about, "Hey,
Lily, wanna hang sometime?"
- Do it, do it.
- Yeah. Sounds good.
- What'd she say?
- Did she respond?
Guys, chill. I just sent the message.
- What'd she say?
- Was that her?
Well, she wants me to, uh, come
over to her place and hang tonight.
Yeah, boy.
There's my star. You're
the talk of the playground.
Let's cut the crap, okay? Although
you're right, I drilled it.
You were very rude to your
mother in that classroom.
What about me?
She embarrassed me, and now
everyone thinks I'm a liar.
That's because you are a liar.
They weren't supposed to know that.
Trying to impress your
friends, I get that.
You stepped over the line.
You owe your mom an apology.
[RILEY] Ugh! What a day at work.
I was trying to teach
Rihanna the Dougie.
And then Beyoncé called.
[SIGHS] It's not easy,
but apparently it's the
life I chose in high school
when I decided to be a
world-famous choreographer.
Georgia has something to say to you.
I didn't even want to
invite you in the first place
because your job is lame.
That's not an apology.
So that's why you lied to all
your friends about what I did?
I didn't lie. I was trying to
make you sound more interesting.
Oh! I'm sorry I'm not more interesting.
I was too busy trying to
put a roof over your head
and buy you an iPhone.
Yeah, an iPhone 7. It
still has the home button.
Oh, my God, you are such
a brat. Go to your room.
This is just a weird thing to say,
but "roof over your head," I
actually put a roof over your head.
Too soon. Too soon. Too soon. Too soon.
Are you here to apologize?
Um No.
I'm here to get my backpack.
I have a test tomorrow.
Oh, well, make sure you get an A
so you don't end up being a
receptionist at a dance studio.
That's pretty sound advice.
Not helping.
Oh, you're wearing your Uggs.
I bought those using the tips I got
bartending a poolside bachelorette.
Made 50 volcano bowls and had
to save the bride from drowning.
I bet Timmy's donkey
doctor dad couldn't do that.
You're being so dramatic and immature.
You're dramatic and immature.
Papa, are you seeing this?
Don't you dare take her side.
For once in my life, I'm
happy somebody's visiting.
- Hi, Matt.
- I retract that statement.
I gotta talk to Carter.
He sent me a text
I don't need to hear it. I knew
he'd break you. He broke you, right?
- Mentoring is no joke.
- No.
- How do parents do it?
- Oh, well, it's actually pretty easy.
Until your kids turn into giant brats.
I'm out of here. I'm going to study.
- Did she just
- She did.
She did.
Listen, I'm sorry you
had to see all this.
No, it's all good. Yeah, it reminds me
when Diane and Riley would go at it,
and you'd get involved, and
somehow they ended up hating you.
It is like that.
You still here?
Carter's in Sam's old bedroom upstairs.
Okay, going.
And the faucet in there
is leaking really weird.
Yeah, I'm here on a mentor level.
I'm not really on the clock.
I'm gonna take a look.
Could you be any louder?
Oh, is my trying to feed
you making too much noise?
I'm sorry.
Are you kidding me? Can
you turn that off, please?
I can't hear you. What?
Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!
[MATT] Hey! Come on. Come on.
Family, all right,
listen. Sit, both of you.
Sit down over there. Boy, oh, boy.
Riley, this is ridiculous.
You're not acting like her mother.
You're acting like a spoiled brat.
[SCOFFS] What?
Preach, Papa.
And your obsession with status
is not real. It's pathetic.
- Tell her, Dad.
- Just listen to you two.
You're getting all
hysterical over nothing.
It's just typical chick drama.
What's that now?
Yeah, what's that now?
I know it's not a woman's strong
suit, but we're talking about logic
"A woman's strong suit"?
- Yes.
- Why don't you take that phrase back
to the '30s where you both belong?
- 1830!
- Nice.
This is why women are
not in charge of anything,
because you're way too emotional.
Oh. Really, Dad?
- Yes.
- Thanks for mansplaining that.
If it weren't for mansplaining,
you women wouldn't know anything.
He's such a Neanderthal.
Actually, Neanderthals came
along after your grandfather.
Why don't you go back to your cave?
And you two stay here
in the kitchen and,
I don't know, discuss
sewing or barrettes.
I will go into the office and
do all the major decision-making.
Men are ridiculous.
Yeah, just you wait.
Can I help with dinner, Mom?
Um Sure. You can chop the vegetables.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
I know.
So you got my text?
Yeah, I wanted to see if you were okay.
You can't tell me you're flaking
on Lily and leave me on "read."
What the hell is on your nose?
Oh, it shrinks your
pores in your T-zone.
Twenty minutes later, you got that
Hailey Bieber glazed doughnut glow.
I thought you were excited to go.
I was, until I found
out it's not a date.
It's a group hang.
Have you ever had a girl
put you in the friend zone?
But, you know, maybe Lily's just,
you know, nervous to be alone with you.
I know all you see is this
smooth-talking guy dripping rizz,
but the truth is, I
can be socially awkward.
I panic around people.
Am I talking too much? Not enough?
Too much and not enough?
Yeah, I get it. I mean, high
school's a beast, you know?
Figuring out who you are,
who people want you to be,
who you don't want to be.
For me, it was my chemistry
teacher, Mr. Toledo.
His shirts were always so
thin, his nipples so hard.
Yeah. But I-I mean, at
least you had friends.
I have four, and three
of them are robots.
I had six. Three Fords, three Chevys.
I was pretty anxious too, you know?
And then one day, I
decided to be myself.
Start putting myself out there.
Like Mr. Toledo's nipples.
I just I don't
wanna ruin it with Lily.
You won't know till you go.
If things go south, Stitch and
I will be there to pick you up.
- Really?
- Of course, man.
Part of our crew now.
The Car-bro-retors.
Now I see why you didn't have
any friends in high school.
But if you made it through, so can I.
I'll go.
Attaboy. Now we're talking.
- Whoa, whoa, you forgetting something?
- Oh, right.
I love you, man.
No, dude. The nose strip.
I smell Mom's brownies.
Good for you.
Now, you remembered to put
sugar in this time, right?
Damn it.
- [MATT] Man.
All that stuff with Georgia
got me thinking about Mom.
You and your mom had a lot of
fights in here, I'll tell you that.
Yeah, but I wasn't as bad as Georgia.
You forgot your whole childhood, right?
What are you talking about?
Your mom embarrassed you from the moment
you put on those shiny black moon boots.
You mean Doc Martens?
I don't care what
doctor you got them from,
you were embarrassed by your mother.
You had her pick you up
a block away from school.
You guys bolt in here for no
reason, screaming at each other.
"Do you believe her, Dad?"
And then Mom would point
to me, "It's your daughter."
You two arguing like that was like
being on The View on election day.
Then you'd come in with all
your fake toxic male stuff
to give us a common
enemy like you did today.
Yeah, but gotta be honest,
back then it wasn't fake.
You made a big change.
And then when Georgia's older,
she's gonna realize what you've done.
You know, when she's, like, 21.
[SIGHS] And until then
It's gonna be horrible.
And then they get
into the teenage years.
That's when you learn to be mean.
Then the hormones kick in, and
that, uh, monthly visitor shows up.
Shark attack, shark attack. Ay-yi-yi.
Oh-ho-ho. You're, like, doing
the fake caveman thing again.
Guess who got a
one-on-one date with Lily.
Peep the drip.
Whoo. Let's go.
Technically, she's giving me
bio tutoring after school, but
your boy's in the game.
It's still go!
Hello, gentlemen. I see no
work's been done, so I was right.
You are a loser in this mentor business.
He may have failed with my car,
but he won himself a little bro.
Gross. All right, Carter, hop over here.
- We're gonna start this over again.
We're gonna figure out how to
do the whole thing. Hold on.
Uh! You know the rule, Pops, no phones.
You have to learn to actually
do things, not just watch.
Timothée Chalamet
done lost his damn mind.
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