Skull Island (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

You'll Never Catch a Monkey That Way

Are you out of your mind?
Yes! This is a terrible idea.
I would love a new idea,
but the big guy's home is covered in,
art of him beating up
monsters all over the place.
It's, like, his job.
So, I think the sea monster
wants the throne,
but it's too smart to go on land,
or maybe it can't.
And the ape is too smart
to go into the ocean,
so that's why it's baiting the ape,
throwing whales at him, just being a jerk.
So, we gotta get them to fight.
Ape kills squid, we go home,
Mike gets medicine
Annie gets left alone!
I like this idea. We're in.
You are not in.
Your dad is right. Your idea is terrible.
So, we're all in agreement.
But my best friend is gonna die!
Hey you're my best friend too.
Honestly, he might still die even if
this stupid plan goes off perfectly.
I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna not try.
There's got to be a better idea, kid.
We can hike to the north shore
of the island.
Maybe the sea creature
won't move that far.
Ignoring the giant monsters
and lack of weapons we have,
and ignoring that you just said,
"Maybe the giant sea monster
hell-bent on murdering everything
won't move north for convenience sake"
would Mike really last that long?
Well, I'm not gonna let you go.
Look, I honestly don't care
what you want me to do, Dad.
This is just what I'm gonna do.
I have to.
Great, sounds fun. I'm probably safer
out there than here anyway.
That's not funny.
Besides, Dog already swam here
without the sea monster getting him,
so what can the monkey even do to him?
How did he get here?
He doesn't talk.
- You think he's gonna eat me?
- Nah.
I think he's gonna eat me.
What if the ape hurts you?
Mike would do the same for me.
No, I wouldn't.
Shut up, Mike.
No one wants to hear you talk.
Everyone wants to hear me talk.
Everyone wants you to live.
No one wants you to talk.
It's a big difference.
Aw, man! That's so sweet.
What if you hurt the ape?
Then I will get a massive ego.
I don't like anything about this.
Yeah, that's how I've felt all week too.
Do you know what it was like
to see you again, grown up like this?
I can't lose you twice.
How old am I?
I don't know how old I am.
Oh, you're 16.
God, almost 17.
Is that a good age?
Yeah. It's usually a big deal.
Kids learn to drive cars.
I drive you.
I should have named you "Car."
Annie, you have to be careful.
You're good at things
and I'm good at things.
But this is what I'm the best at.
Sorry, being chased by giant monsters?
No, silly.
I am the giant monster.
Oh God.
Annie, I told you my name is Charlie.
How'd you like it if I called you "Anne"?
I would not care.
I have other things to care about.
Let's go.
- Charlie
- I know, Dad.
Whatever college you want to go to
We'll figure it out.
I promise.
- And then we'll sail in the summers.
- Only if you want to.
Yeah, I might take
the next summer off from adventuring.
I get that.
Be safe.
You too.
Look for the flare. Find us.
That's not funny!
Hold on.
- To what?
- To me.
Oh! Uh
Oh. Yeah.
Call the chopper.
Tell them not to get too close
unless we have eyes on the squid.
Sam, can I show you something?
Yes, ma'am.
She's such a brat.
She sure is.
This island is very stressful.
She'll be okay.
Oh, she better be.
- Ahh!
- Whoo-hoo!
Ahh! Oh, jeez!
My dad thinks there's
a whole world down there.
What do you think?
My dad's dead.
- Oh, right. Jeez. I'm sorry, I didn't
- Why?
You asked what I was thinking.
I meant about the pit, but
Oh, you can't go down there.
You'll get sick.
What do you mean, "You'll get sick"?
How do you get s
Where is he?
He's here.
Oh, this is a terrible idea.
Everyone said that.
- You didn't.
- I know.
- I'm excited.
- You're out of your mind.
I know. Which one's his favorite?
- Ready?
- Eh, no!
Come on, faster!
Hey, he's hurt.
He'll be okay!
- He's only used to riding with you.
- What?
I want you to know, I
I think you're
the coolest girl I've ever met.
I'll see you on the beach.
Oh my God.
- Where's Charlie?
- What?
Where's the sea monster?
Go, go, go!
She's going to die!
You will absolutely die
if you go down there!
She needs you here safe
so that when she's done
and that thing is dead,
you can keep her safe.
You don't know what this is like!
I know exactly what this is like.
And you know it.
Charlie Ahh!
Oh, no, no, no! Mike!
Stay with me, son!
Come on!
No! Oh, no, no, no
Oh, no.
No! No, no, no!
No, no!
Okay. Okay.
Hey! Whoa, whoa! Please, wait!
Please, I'm just
I'm just trying to get home.
You'll suffer
for what you did to Kong.
Come on! You can do it!
Come on, buddy.
I'm sorr
You're awake!
What is that?
- Whoa, whoa, you broke your leg, I
- I don't like rooms!
Annie. Annie, listen to me.
Where's Dog?
What is Is this a big boat?
You've been asleep for a bit.
How long is a bit?
Two weeks.
Stop, stop, stop! You'll hurt yourself.
Where am I?
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