Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Girl and Her Gargantua/The Show Must Go On

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[inhales, exhales]
[Force rumbling]
[creature squeals]
Looks like we have a ways to go until
we arrive at Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve.
-How are the creatures holding up?
-They're doing great, Aree.
And so are we.
I'm glad Master Zia
let us help you on the trip.
Traveling can be pretty scary
for some animals.
It's nice to have some friendly faces
to help keep them calm and fed.
Nothing's better than spending time
with furry creatures.
Or scaly creatures. Or any creatures.
-Aw, such a gentle Gargantua.
[Aree] Wow, Lys. You're good with him.
Usually, Gargantuas are very shy.
They get scared easily.
Scared? That thing?
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-[alarm beeping]
Guess hauling all this extra weight
used more fuel than I thought.
We're almost out.
Good thing there's a planet nearby
where we can get more.
[all sigh]
[Aree] We'll fuel up here,
and then be back on our way to
Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve in no time.
-[Gargantua roars]
You'll be all right, Garganchie.
We'll be right back.
Hey, Slaygh,
here's another ship fueling up.
-[Gargantua roars]
-[both gasp]
You hear that, Slaygh?
Sounds like a musk-mole or something.
[Gargantua roars]
Hmm, yeah, I don't know, Braygh.
That seems a whole lot bigger
than a musk-mole.
You just might be right.
We best make sure nothing's amiss.
Stars above!
You ever seen so many peculiar critters?
Uh, some of them look
downright dangerous and big.
Like that there one.
Hey there, big scary critter.
-[both screaming]
-Watch it!
-[exclaims] Oh!
[gasps] What'd you do, Slaygh?
That big creature got out.
What did I do?
You pushed the button.
Now there's a dangerous creature
causing a ruckus in our town.
[stammers] We gotta stop it.
-[villager 1] What is that?
[exclaims] Whoa!
-[villagers screaming]
-It's huge!
-[villager 2] Monster!
-[villager 3] Run!
[screaming continues]
-Look out!
-[speaking Poobian]
That sounded like a Gargantua roar.
[gasps] Oh, no! Garganchie is gone!
-[Nubs groans]
-Look out!
-Has anybody seen a Gargantua?
-[villager 4] Run!
-[Braygh] I sure did.
A big, scary-looking critter just roared
and skedaddled off to who knows where.
How did he get out?
Uh, well
That's not important. [chuckles]
What's important is that me and Slaygh
catch it before it hurts someone.
-[villager 5] Uh-huh.
-Yeah! I agree!
Gargantuas wouldn't hurt a bifflefly.
They're friendly.
Didn't sound friendly.
Ah, don't worry, folks.
We'll find that big mean monster
and keep you safe.
Come on, Slaygh.
[Braygh, Slaygh] Whoo-hoo!
This is not good.
They might scare him or hurt him.
We have to find Garganchie
before they do and bring him back safely.
But how? He could be anywhere.
We can use what we know about Gargantuas
to figure out where he went.
We know they're shy and don't like crowds.
So he likely went somewhere quiet.
Also, Gargantuas are nocturnal,
which means they sleep during the day
and are awake at night.
So maybe he went someplace dark,
so he could sleep.
[speaking Poobian]
You're right, Nubs.
I saw some caves nearby when we landed.
Caves are quiet and dark.
Maybe he went there.
It's worth a look.
Why don't you kids go check it out?
I'll stay and watch the other creatures
and make sure they don't get loose.
Sounds good, Aree.
-Come on.
-[Nubs exclaims]
-Here, Gargantua!
Where are you?
Look! The caves!
[speaking Poobian]
Well, we better start looking.
Here, Gargantua!
Where are you?
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
-[groans, exclaims]
-[Gargantua snoring]
-[Nubs screaming]
-[Gargantua roars]
I heard the creature over there,
and I think it's hurting somebody, Braygh.
We gotta stop it!
It came from thataway!
Let's get 'em!
[Braygh] Whoo-hoo!
[both panting]
-[both] Nubs!
-[Gargantua groans]
[speaking Poobian]
Nubs, you're okay.
[both grunting]
[speaking Poobian]
So, you fell and he caught you?
[giggles] Of course.
I keep telling you two,
even though they're big,
Gargantuas are really gentle creatures.
-Aren't you, Garganchie?
Gentle, huh?
-[speaking Poobian]
-Okay, okay. Easy. [laughs]
-Aw, Garganchie.
[Braygh] Fear not!
It's Braygh and Slaygh here to save you.
-[Lys] Garganchie, no!
-[Kai] Come back!
Watch out!
It's headed back toward town, sis!
Come on!
We can't let this terrible monster
hurt anyone else.
He's not terrible.
And he's not going to hurt anyone!
Yeah, I get why people might be scared.
I wasn't so sure at first
because he's so big,
but Garganchie really is nice.
Maybe these kids can help us, Braygh.
[Braygh] Hmm.
Fine. They can come.
But hurry!
-[Nubs exclaims]
[Gargantua groans]
[screams] He's back!
-[kiosk owner] Look out!
-[villager 1] It's back!
-[villager 2] It's back!
-Not again!
[villagers screaming]
-[villager 3] Monster!
[villager 4] Look out!
-[villager 5 screams]
-[villager 6] It's back!
[villager 7 screams] Creature!
-[speeder backfires]
This thing is out of control.
He's scared!
If people would stop shouting,
he would stop running.
-[speeder backfires]
-[Lys] Oh, no!
-[Kai] Hey!
[Force rumbling]
What? But Jedi?
[all straining]
[villager 8] Run! Run!
[villagers screaming]
-[villager 9] It's coming!
-[villager 10 screams, indistinct]
-[villagers screaming continues]
Slaygh, lookit!
The town's in danger.
We gotta do whatever it takes
to stop this thing!
[speaking Poobian]
[sighs] I'm fine. [chuckles]
Thank you, young Jedi.
[Gargantua roars]
Look! On the tower!
[Gargantua groans]
[both panting]
[panting continues]
We can't let them hurt Garganchie!
Now, hold it right there, monster!
Back up, buddy!
-[speaking Poobian]
-You don't understand!
[Kai] No!
[Slaygh grunting]
Get out of here, you dangerous lug!
[Braygh groaning] Whoa!
[both screaming]
-[Lys, Nubs scream]
-Oh, no!
-[both screaming]
[Braygh, Slaygh grunt]
Whoa! I don't believe it!
The giganto critter just saved us, Braygh.
-[Gargantua groans]
-But why would it do that?
Because he's a gentle giant.
I know he looks kinda scary
to some people,
-but he's just a big softy.
[gulps, whimpers]
It's okay. Go on.
Scratch his head.
On the outside you're
a big scary-looking fella.
But on the inside, I guess you're just
a little sweetheart, huh?
Garganchie's nice,
but he gets shy around people.
If everyone stays calm and quiet,
we can get him back to our ship safely.
-Yeah, we can do that.
-All we have to do is stay quiet.
But one thing I still don't get.
How did he escape in the first place?
[gulps] Um
I-It was me, y'all.
It was an accident,
but I was scared if I told the truth
everyone would get mad.
I'm sorry.
We're sorry.
My sister and I will fix all
the damage Garganchie caused.
-[Slaygh giggles]
[Braygh groans] Aw.
[both] Aw. [groans]
-Oh, so soft.
This is the greatest hug I've ever had.
[Gargantua groans]
I'm so glad you brought him back safely.
Us too.
Now we can get Garganchie and these
other creatures to their new home.
-[both crying]
-[Gargantua groans]
[sobs] We'll miss you, little guy.
I mean, big guy.
Oh, you know what I mean.
[sobs] We We We can visit him, right?
Of course.
You're welcome to visit
the nature preserve anytime.
[sobs, sniffles]
You're a real good friend
to that big old critter, little Jedi.
[birds twittering]
Here we are. Beautiful, huh?
I'll miss you too.
Now, go ahead.
Explore your new home.
[Gargantua groaning]
Bye, Garganchie. We'll miss you.
-[Kai] See you, big guy.
-[Aree] Bye, Gargantua.
All right, RJ.
Because the Jedi have done so much
for Kublop Springs,
it was my idea to host this concert
tonight at the Temple as a thank-you.
[RJ beeping]
I want everything to go perfectly.
Let's see how things are coming along.
-[RJ beeps]
Vendors setting up food for people to eat.
[RJ beeps]
Stage set up for the band.
[RJ beeps, chirps]
A little higher on your side, Nubs.
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai groans]
[speaking Poobian]
[both grunt]
[RJ chirps]
You two okay?
-[giggles] We're good.
-[Nash] Great.
'Cause I really need this stage ready
in time for the band to perform tonight.
[speaking Poobian]
That's a great idea, Nubs.
Let's work together and use the Force.
[Force rumbling]
[Zia] Ah!
Looks like everything's coming together.
A night of music and food
is the perfect way for us
to enjoy the culture of Kublop Springs.
Such a wonderful idea, Nash.
[youngling] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-[all gasp]
[RJ beeps]
Looks like they might need some help.
You five have fun.
And I can't wait to hear
your musician friends perform tonight.
Oh, you'll love The Ku-Bops.
They're my favorite band.
There's Metz,
who sings and plays the electric vioddle.
Bruff, who plays the rumble bass,
and Kit, their deejay.
[RJ beeps, chirps]
[giggles] RJ is Kit's biggest fan.
Actually, they're here.
Let me introduce you.
Come on, Bruff. Where are you?
Ah, here's Kit, the deejay,
and Metz, the lead singer.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[RJ beeps]
[imitates vinyl scratching]
[beeping, chirping]
N-Nice to meet you.
Nash, we need to talk.
I-I know. I know. I promise the stage
will be ready for tonight. And
The stage is fine.
It It's Bruff. He's missing.
What? Missing?
I can't get a hold of him.
If he doesn't show up,
we'll have to cancel.
We've worked so hard
to make this concert happen.
Maybe he's just running late?
Bruff is never late.
[chirps, imitates vinyl scratch]
-I hope he's okay.
Metz, when was the last time you saw him?
Last night at rehearsal.
Uh, we were working on
a new song for tonight.
I can't wait to sing it for everyone.
Okay, okay.
So, we gotta find Bruff,
but what about setting up for the concert?
the most important thing is
making sure Bruff is okay.
[sighs] Right. Of course.
But if we find Bruff
and we're not done setting up,
then we still have to cancel.
Nubs and I will stay
and finish setting up.
Kit, RJ, can you stay and help too?
[both chirping]
We have a lot to do, so let's get to it.
I know you'll find Bruff.
May the Force be with you.
Metz, do you know if Bruff went anywhere
after your rehearsal?
We usually just go to our homes.
Then we should check Bruff's home.
Let's grab some speeder bikes
and head out.
Come on!
[speaking Poobian]
[both chirping]
[speaker powering up]
Okay, now we need to test the speaker
and make sure it's working.
[coos] Nubs! Nubs!
[giggles] Sure, Nubs.
Here you go.
[clears throat]
-[youngling gasps]
-[RJ beeping]
-[Nubs snickers]
I think it's working.
Bruff's home isn't too far away.
Follow me.
Hey, Sep. Is your brother Bruff home?
But he came home last night, right?
Any idea where he is now?
Nope. He left.
Wasn't very happy.
Do you know why he was upset?
I like your purple hair.
Oh. Thanks, Sep.
You've been very helpful.
Okay. Bye.
[Lys] Hmm.
Metz, was Bruff upset
about anything last night?
He might have been.
But I was really focused on getting ready
for tonight's performance.
When I'm upset,
I go to my favorite Tenoo tree
to watch the Tika birds feed.
Always helps me feel better.
Does Bruff have a favorite place to go
when he's feeling down?
He does.
The Hap's Sap Tap.
Maybe he's still there.
Come on.
Running late for the concert tonight ♪
Gonna sell my sap
It's gonna be all right ♪
-Hap, have you seen Bruff?
My precious sap!
[giggles] You three startled me.
Sorry, Hap. We're trying to find Bruff.
Concert's starting soon.
Was he here?
As a matter of fact, he was.
Seemed a little down,
so I made his favorite drink
to cheer him up.
-Why was he upset?
-Something about singing.
I was busy getting things
ready for tonight.
I don't really remember.
Oh, but he left this too.
Bruff's rumble bass?
He must've been so upset,
he left it by accident.
Do you know where he went?
Afraid not, kiddos.
Bruff [sighs] where are you?
I got your station set up, Kit.
-Should we check the levels?
-[imitates vinyl scratching]
[rock music playing]
-[Nubs vocalizes]
-Sounds great, Kit.
-[speaks Poobian]
Looks like we've got everything
for the band set up.
-Now all we need is the band.
-[Nubs groans]
[Lys] Hmm.
Bruff was upset about something,
so where would he go next?
Bruff likes playing music by the river.
He says it relaxes him,
but he doesn't have his rumble bass, so
[Bruff] I used to wander
All by myself ♪
What's that sound?
I think that's one of our songs.
-Is that Bruff?
-[droid beeps]
-Hold up!
[Bruff] So glad ♪
[groans] Not a chance.
Bruff, we have a big show tonight.
We can't let everyone down.
You gotta come back.
I don't wanna, Metz.
I told you many times
that I wanna sing in our band too,
and you always tell me, "Later,"
and later never comes.
But singing is my job.
I'm the lead singer of our band.
Hey, hey! The concert starts soon,
so let's get back to the Temple,
and we can work this out
on the way there. Okay?
I wrote our new song so I could sing it.
If I'm not singing, then I'm not going.
Bruff, please. Come on.
You're both so focused on this concert
you haven't been thinking about me
-Watch out!
[both grunt]
[both gasp] Oh, no!
[both scream, grunt]
You always wanna do everything.
Looks like the controls are broken.
I think I can fix them.
You're not listening to me, Metz.
Hold tight!
You're headed toward the rapids.
[both] The what?
We gotta help them!
[Nash] Uh [gasps]
The Crimson Bolt! Hop in.
We'll catch 'em!
[both screaming]
[both screaming]
Oh, no!
It's It's a waterfall!
-[both screaming]
-Hang on! We're almost there.
I've got an idea.
[both groan]
[Lys] I can move that log.
[Force rumbling]
[both screaming]
[both screaming]
[both grunt]
Oh! [sighs]
[grunts] Tie that to your ship.
We'll tow you in.
I can't believe you made me fall.
Made you fall? I was trying to help.
[Nash] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You two are so focused on
what's going wrong,
you're not listening to each other.
-It's Bruff's fault.
-It's Metz's fault.
Actually, it's both your fault.
But you're friends.
You should forgive each other.
I know you normally sing all the songs,
but Bruff really wants
to sing his song tonight,
and I'd love to hear it too.
Maybe you both can take turns?
Bruff, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
I was selfish and wasn't thinking about
what's really important you.
I want you to sing your song tonight.
[exclaims] Thank you, Metz!
[Nash] Love all the happy hugs,
but if we don't get going,
there's not gonna be a concert to sing at.
Let's hurry. Come on.
[all cheering]
Sap-shakes here!
Get your sap-shakes!
All flavors! All colors!
Uh [chuckles] where are they?
-[speaking Poobian]
-[speeders whirring]
-Yeah! Whoo!
-[RJ beeps]
[imitates vinyl scratching]
[audience cheering]
Go for it, Bruff.
Mic's all yours.
[audience cheering, applauding]
-[Kai] Yeah!
-[Nash cheers]
Hello! Sorry, we're late.
We're The Ku-Bops, and we like to rock!
[vinyl scratching]
I used to wander
All by myself ♪
Made my way alone ♪
[all cheering]
Till I wondered
"Hey, you know what?" ♪
What, what, what? ♪
Going solo ain't much fun ♪
So glad ♪
You've got my back ♪
You've got my back ♪
Best friends ♪
We stick together ♪
Ooh, I had no idea Kublop Springs
had music like this.
Looks like people are having
a great time, Nash.
Thanks, Master Z.
Couldn't have done it without my friends.
I think someone's trying
to get your attention, Nash.
Come play with us, Nash.
-[audience] Yeah! Whoo! Yeah!
-Oh, no. I I
-[giggles] Okay!
Go, Ku-Bops! Whoo!
I'm in the band
I'm in the band ♪
Yeah! Go, Nash!
I'm in the band ♪
Yeah! ♪
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