Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Light and Shadow of Gangnam

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[tense music playing]
[engine roars]
[phone vibrates]
Yeah. What's going on?
[Sun-kyu] Bro, I can't get through.
They keep disconnecting me, though.
Anti-debugging software, for sure.
It's happening with other sources too.
Like I'm trying to get
through a turtle defense.
Keep trying anyway.
I'm going to the team leader's house.
He's not answering his phone at all.
[engine rumbles]
-[industrial press squeaks]
-[effort grunts]
[thrilling music playing]
[heart thumps]
[press clonks loudly]
[sharp exhale]
[engine clicks off]
[relieved sigh]
[motorcycles approaching]
How about that?
[biker 1] Yeah.
-Your club?
Motorcycle club,
who do you usually ride with?
I'm a free agent.
[biker] "A free agent"?
You wanna be riding on pack
while your man drives.
A woman riding alone
could be dangerous, eh?
I like a woman with some moxie.
You should join our club.
Oh, she is something.
And hey, you know, I'll be nice to you
since you're such a fine noona.
You're my type.
[tongue clicks]
Let's go. She'll call me.
-Hey, wait.
I knew I liked you.
What the
[biker 1 gasps]
If I join this club, do I get a pretty guy
to ride on the back of my bike
instead of a bloated whale
like you, noodle butt?
'Cause I'm in, if so.
Now, if you ever talk shit
like that again to a woman,
I will crush your helmet
while you've got it on.
-Got that?
-Yes, ma'am.
And don't think I won't know
what you're doing when I'm not around.
Even from a boat off the coast,
I'll know the difference
between you taking a leak or a dump.
Clean up your helmet and get out of here.
If you leave even a single piece of it,
I'll stick it so deep in your throat,
you'd choke whenever you eat.
You've heard of pollution, right?
-I have.
-I'll be checking. See ya!
[engine roars]
-[shower running]
[sweet music playing]
Oh, great. I'm looking pretty today.
Good, good, good, good, good.
Shall we go for hangover soup?
Our drinking stretched
into the early hours.
This hotel has great soup for a hangover.
Hi, sweetie.
[doorknob clanks]
Why haven't you been answering your phone?
Came all the way here
'cause I wasn't answering?
-What do you think?
-Oh, relax, big guy. I'm good now.
Oh, and I even tried drinking water.
When was that, sir?
About a day after I left your house.
No problems drinking water since.
[elevator chimes]
[doors slide open]
[button clicks]
[uneasy music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
Yeah, all right.
[line ends]
There's been another death.
[dark music playing]
[satisfied moan]
Isn't it great?
Oh, yeah.
It could be because it's made in a hotel,
but this soup is absolutely delicious.
[giggles] That's the beef broth.
-And the portions are big too.
-My Joong-gan,
whose name translates
to "middle of the road",
although I see nothing moderate.
"My Joong-gan."
Oh, you're making me giddy.
I wanna keep the party going.
[both giggling]
[Jun-hee] So this hotel,
it belongs to your daughter, then, right?
Right. She even owns
the restaurant we're in.
All of her properties
have a hangover soup restaurant.
It's a way of honoring our family's roots.
Astounding for someone so young.
The husband who walked out
and went missing, was he wealthy?
Maybe left her all the money he had?
Not even close.
Ugh, the guy's got nothing.
I was honestly surprised
he had both of his balls.
[clears throat]
My daughter was never good
with school, I knew early on.
In grade school, it took her a year
to learn her times table. [scoffs]
-Isn't that a drag?
-It's heartbreaking.
So I came to the realization
that it was pointless
and I allowed her to stop studying.
As you know, I had
a butcher shop in Majang-dong.
So I took her with me,
so she could at least handle
the money at the counter.
Oh, well, that was a different story.
Suddenly, she was multiplying
double-digit numbers.
I knew then that money
was what she understood.
Good of you to realize it too.
After she finished high school,
instead of sending her to college,
I gave her the money it would have cost,
plus everything she had earned
from working at the butcher shop.
[Joong-gan] A hundred million
in seed money to use as she pleased.
Just wait, I'll turn this
into a billion within three years.
And then in five, four years,
another five billion.
What, with insider trading and tax fraud?
[gasps] Of course not.
What, then?
What will you start with?
I'll buy all the beef bones
at your butcher shop
and I want you to charge me your cost.
I'll open a hangover soup joint.
That'll take 30 million won.
I'm gonna use another 30 to buy stock.
I'm thinking of buying
a forest with the rest.
My god.
That hangover soup restaurant
could not have been a greater success.
And the stock she had purchased
increased by ten times
in a mere three years.
And then that forest,
you'll never believe this.
A developer bought it
and put up an apartment complex.
-[Joong-gan chuckles]
It's like positive energy
had aligned with the stars
around my daughter at that point.
[both chuckling]
She didn't just sell the forest,
she built the high-rise
and founded her own
construction company in her own way.
Let's do this.
[dogs barking in distance]
Smug bitch
[groans, thuds]
[Joong-gan] She single-handedly brought
the entire construction site
-under her control.
-Come on, you chickens.
-Come at me.
-[Joong-gan] Those men were out of luck.
Everything my daughter touches,
like Midas, is guaranteed to turn to gold.
By age 24, she had
a net worth of 10 billion.
Here's the billion I promised.
[Geum-ju] Oh, and thanks
for everything, Ms. Gil.
[wheels rumble]
Return ten billion to me
within five years.
I'm reinvesting.
Not in my daughter, but in her businesses.
Okay. You got a deal.
At least ten billion
in five years' time, huh?
Your conditions?
Well, one thing I'd like to do
is quit the butcher shop in five years.
And you can give me an allowance.
What do you say
to 50 million a month until I die?
Can you handle that? Not too difficult?
Of course not.
As they say, "Money begets money."
It's crazy how her investments
turned to gold.
Also, you know what, it gets even crazier.
Bong-go and Geum-ju
took a vacation to Kenya together.
Because Nam-soon wanted
to see elephants and lions and such,
they ran into a cabbie there
who had actually been a regular
at the soup joint that she owned.
And as it turned out, he was the chauffeur
driving Korean diplomats around.
Then he tells her that a fire
had broken out
and that the ambassador's residence
was toast.
So Geum-ju bought it, damaged as it was,
and the Korean government
sold it for a song,
so she could build a summer home.
Okay, so?
Well, wouldn't you love to know?
I'm dying to know.
[Joong-gan] Okay, so
[phone vibrates]
-Hold on just a second.
-Come on.
Um, yes, hello?
Jeez, for god's sake.
What the heck happened, then?
What? Receive the Brave Citizen Award?
I'll pass.
Not interested at all.
This is our last breakfast at the hotel.
[gloomy music playing]
I'm gonna miss this soup. It's so good.
Here, hon.
[Ji-hyun] Try some of mine.
[tableware clinking]
So, um, found a place yet?
Yeah, I move in today.
You know, I really think you've changed.
-How so?
-You've lost all your warmth.
I'm not sure if it started with the cash
or if it started when you decided
to become an actor,
but you're totally different.
[spoon clinks]
[deep inhale]
Ms. No, listen.
The time has come for our relationship to
to end.
How can your love just be gone like that?
'Cause the only certain thing
about love is it's uncertain.
Is there another girl?
No, it's not like that.
I don't go girl to girl.
I don't even like having
to transfer trains on the subway.
Then why are you okay with just
ending our relationship then, huh?
It's because I don't need
to protect you anymore.
The reason that I liked you
and the reason that we got together,
well, was 'cause we pitied
each other, right?
And now, we don't really need each other.
I would much rather go back to the time
when we had to share a single gimbap.
You're all alone on that one.
I never want to go back.
-[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello, sir.
Ugh, they want me at the police station
to receive a Brave Citizen Award.
-That's annoying.
-Uh, yeah.
So tell me. What happened next?
Your daughter and the house,
the one from the ambassador,
what happened?
Relax. Desperate is not
a good look on you.
Joong-gan, hey.
-Don't touch that dial.
-[irked grunt]
-We'll return after these messages.
-[Jun-hee] Gah!
[cool music playing]
[door closes]
[Na-young] Welcome, everyone.
At this time, we'll start Geumju Group's
fourth quarter director's meeting.
We have here with us today
the chief executive officers
of Geumju Financial Holdings,
Geumju Hotel,
Gold Blue, Geumju Daily,
and Geumju Construction.
We also have in attendance
the group heads of legal,
of public relations, and of accounting.
Thank you for joining us today.
The head of accounting will now present
this quarter's financial report.
Thank you. Financial results
of our fourth quarter are as follows.
[uneasy music playing]
[woman] Try taking just one more.
You will definitely see results.
Congrats on joining the corporate team.
Okay, listen. You need to stop
doing those tests to check my strength.
Because I'm not a fan.
Okay, sure.
You can rest assured
I won't ever test you again in any way.
I'd like to know.
How did you get to be so strong?
Were you trained in some special way
when you were in Mongolia?
[Si-o] Is that it?
Or maybe it's some kind of diet?
[Geum-ju] Don't ever tell him
that your strength is derived
from a matrilineal family trait.
I'll tell you in good time.
All right.
We'll move slowly.
On another note, um,
I really should tie up
some loose ends at the warehouse.
I'll be back after I talk to Mr. Heo.
See you.
[door opens, closes]
[line dials]
[camera shutter clicks]
[phone vibrates]
Hey, Gang Nam-soon,
how come you weren't answering?
I was worried sick.
I aced their test, so now I will
be working for Ryu Si-o directly.
The corporate relations team,
or something like that anyway.
We're definitely getting closer here.
But what test? Proving what?
[Nam-soon] He tested my strength.
What do you mean test it?
Mm-hmm. Anyway, I passed it.
It was super easy.
[Nam-soon giggles]
I squished the industrial press
that was supposed to squish me, you know.
He pressed you with an industrial
He's completely insane! That asshole!
Now, look. I'm going
to do my job here, all right?
Just concentrate
on the investigation, okay?
[incoming call beeping]
Gan Home-sik,
I'll call you back a little later.
Nam-soon, are you there?
-Yeah, what's up?
-[Yu-gwang] Tsetseg.
Hello, it's Mr. Heo.
Shouldn't you be working?
I ate 100 raw eggs,
like you recommended, and
it won't stop spraying out of both ends.
Meaning what?
Vomiting and diarrhea.
Over and over non-stop.
Ew, that's gross.
[Yu-gwang] I think I need
to be admitted.
Tsetseg, the problem is this part-time guy
from Logistics Team 3,
Hong Jeong-ho, he died yesterday.
-And I'm Well, I'm dying
myself right now.
Do you think you can go in my place?
How did, um, how did he die?
[exhales] I don't know, really.
I got a feeling you should get
to the police station right away.
Hang on. Give me a sec.
[grunts, deep exhale]
The address is
[stomach rumbles]
I have a big-picture strategy
in the pipeline.
First, we're rebranding
the Geumju Daily as Geumju Media.
Then there's a cable provider
who's deep in the red, TGV.
We'll take over them too.
Is it really worth taking over
their company's loss?
Isn't it about time
I lost a little money for a change?
I've got to waste and lose a little.
I have to be able
to convince the public that I'm human.
That would do it too.
And the name we'll give it
is Geumju TV, of course.
[Nam-soon] Died from excessive work?
[Officer Yeo] He had bad credit because
his credit card debt exceeded 40 million
and it looks like he was working
every job he could.
He had reported a wanted person
and he even reported
someone for littering,
basically doing whatever brought in money.
During the day, he was working
at Doogo most of the time.
At nights, he was
a paid designated driver.
Around the holidays,
he worked at late-night bars.
He was working at least 16 hours a day.
But by the time he'd finally
paid off his debts,
he'd already been evicted
for failing to pay rent.
It's a vicious cycle.
Are there other Koreans
who are also that poor, then?
I thought this was the type of country
where you can have a good life
if you work hard enough.
-At least that's what I've always heard.
It's probably because
you're from Mongolia, but you're clueless.
[Officer Yeo] Korea is not some utopia.
It's just another country on Earth,
same as any other country.
And there are a lot more poor people
than there are rich ones.
Uh, do you know Does he have any family?
He has a younger brother
still in high school.
Looks like his aunt has custody.
Oh, the family has, uh,
they waived their right of burial,
so it will be handled by the state.
So where can I find his aunt?
[Nam-soon] Warehouse worker Hong Jeong-ho
has died from overworking.
I'll start tomorrow.
[phone clanks]
[phone beeps]
[door opens]
Has a warehouse worker passed away?
If you knew that,
why would you not say anything?
Sir, he wasn't working full-time here.
He worked part-time.
He wasn't a permanent hire.
He had only been here for two months.
And he had several other part-time jobs.
It didn't seem important
enough to concern you
I decide what's important!
It's not your place to decide.
[Sang-cheol] I'm sorry, Mr. Ryu.
I assure you, we'll fix it.
One of our employees died
and our brand image
is the only thing that matters to me!
And the press?
The reporters have all been handled.
So the news won't run it.
[Sang-cheol] And even if they do run it,
Doogo won't be at the center of it,
I'd been assured.
[sharp exhale]
Why did this guy have to die here?
It's such a pain.
[tense music playing]
[door squeaks]
Hi there.
Good afternoon.
Can I help you?
Hong Jeong-ho was a friend.
[aunt] "A friend"?
So you're Jeong-min, right?
Please would you use this for his funeral?
I'd also like to pay
for Jeong-min's school and allowance.
So I can help you give him a good life.
What's your relationship with Jeong-ho?
[aunt] Why help us like this?
Wanting to help
doesn't require a special relationship.
Jeong-min, I lived in Mongolia growing up
after I lost my Korean parents.
And even though
my blood relatives are gone,
I was still loved very much.
And because of those guys,
you know, my life still turned out great.
I want to pay that forward.
And help you to live well.
[emotional music playing]
Don't cry. Come on.
In Mongolia, we never cry
when we lose our loved ones.
Because we believe tears
block the path of the departing soul.
So don't cry about it, hmm?
I really appreciate it.
Please contact me here,
if you need anything.
What should I call you?
My name?
Gang Nam-soon.
[serious music playing]
Galchi's on the monitor.
[Seok-ho] Name, Shin Gang-su. Age, 37.
This guy has no prior rap sheet
or criminal record, whatsoever.
And he also, apparently,
attended a ballet school in Russia.
[Seok-ho] Yeah, this guy's kind
of all over the place.
His bank statements show
that he's been getting paychecks
from the Heritage Club
as one of their employees.
He earns big, over 20 million won a month.
But I'm still not that sure
what he does there.
What's the "Heritage Club"?
An ultra-exclusive private club
for the upper class.
Only for the top 0.01 percent.
Sounds like
it's for high-net-worth individuals.
It's a club for movers
and shakers to connect.
Politicians and financiers.
So who's orchestrating it?
This woman.
[Seok-ho] The Heritage Club madam
and Ryu Si-o, the CEO of Doogo.
Well, we looked into it
and he's in the club too.
[deep exhale]
What can I do to get
a search warrant for Doogo?
You need evidence, dude.
I wouldn't be asking if I had that.
We have no way up the ladder
with Baldy dead. That's what's wrong here.
Everyone downline is also dead.
Could we request that Doogo be audited?
We could.
You know, Hee-sik,
you're being very informal today.
-Huh? Eh?
-Huh? Eh?
-I was talking to myself. Sorry.
-Actually, we were having a conversation.
[phone vibrates]
[Nam-soon] Shall we go
for a drink tonight, brother?
-She wants to get a drink.
-Gang Nam-soon? Can I tag along?
I'm very sorry. But you cannot, sir.
Oh, so now you're calling me sir.
Drinks later, huh?
-[glasses clink]
[indistinct chatter]
This is black raspberry wine.
[Si-o] Anytime you want
to feel happy, have a glass.
I swear, you'll feel
like you're in heaven.
[man] What's this?
[Si-o] These are ties.
A modest gift. But I hope you enjoy it.
[heavy breathing]
[eerie music playing]
[Nam-soon] Gan Home-sik.
You said you would have to come later.
Jeez, how much have you already had?
Alcohol is really strange.
Bitter and yet, uh, also sweet. [chuckles]
What's your reason for drinking?
It couldn't be because you're hungry.
What? Man, no!
Why would I drink if I was hungry?
Look, I can finish this case.
So I want you to step back.
What are you saying? We've just begun.
Ryu Si-o is a dangerous man.
I can't have you around him at all.
I'm not worried about that guy.
He's the one that should be worried
'cause I'm dangerous.
Dude, come on.
That guy is in danger. Not me, yo.
Gan Home-sik.
One of the guys in the warehouse
I used to work with, he, um
He died yesterday.
[somber music playing]
Yeah, I heard from Officer Yeo.
And he was
the one who reported
that Ri Hwa-ja was over at Doogo.
So does that mean that Ri Hwa-ja
had something to do with it, then?
I looked into it for that exact reason.
Turns out he was overworked.
There was a black box recording
that showed how he died.
He was constantly drinking
those energy drinks,
so he could stay awake.
How could someone die from that?
He died because he worked too hard.
I think no one deserves a death like that.
Families can only become rich like yours
when there are other people
with a whole lot less.
Capitalism is like a gambling table.
It's a zero-sum game.
You can only win if someone else loses.
Both shadow and light.
Where light goes, shadow will follow.
I'd like to jump into that shadow
and become the light for all.
And I I'm going to make things right.
I think you can.
I'll help you, then.
[sweet music playing]
Such a good guy.
There you go. You're being cheeky again.
Oh, and
If you study that,
I'll teach you to drive.
Wow, that's a whole lot of pages.
With those rosy cheeks, you
you look pretty.
[bell chiming]
So you're into rosy cheeks?
You're gonna love it in Mongolia.
I would, huh?
Maybe I should plan a vacation, then.
Why do that when you can just ask me out?
[bell chiming]
That cheeky humor of yours.
[clears throat]
[in Mongolian] I love you.
I love you.
[in English] So what's it mean?
[in Mongolian] I love you.
[in English] Hey, stop. Hang on.
Thanks for everything.
You all right?
Hop on.
-[Nam-soon gasps, giggles]
-[Hee-sik grunts]
Being up here reminds me
of the horse I used to ride.
He used to carry me
on his back same as this.
Are you comparing me to a horse?
Are you gonna keep
on being this cheeky, huh?
[both laughing]
Giddy up!
[Hee-sik] Woo-hoo!
-[Ms. Cho] Right? It was great, wasn't it?
-[Min-gyeong] It's so pretty.
[Ms. Cho] Oh! My husband is so kind
to let us borrow the boat.
Being on a yacht
has really lifted my spirits.
There's nowhere quite like Busan
to boost your mood.
-So true.
-Am I right?
Yeah, sure you are.
So, ladies, should we head
straight to the course?
-Great! That's a lovely idea!
Lately, I've been extra lucky.
Every put just goes straight in.
-I'm gonna hit a hole-in-one.
-Just a birdie for me.
[Ms. Gong] Shall we start?
My goodness, what is it that's
got you all in such high spirits today?
Bread Song.
That man knows how to do his job.
And he's already doubled my money.
-Doubling is nothing for Bread.
-[Min-gyeong] So good.
-He's so amazing!
-[ladies chuckling]
[Ms. Cho] Oh, Bread.
-[Ms. Cho] Nice shot.
-[Min-gyeong] Nice.
[Ms. Gong] Nice shot.
[Geum-ju] Isn't he a scammer?
-A scammer?
-[ladies giggling]
Oh, Ms. Hwang, this isn't our first rodeo.
Then tell me you don't actually believe
that he was a hotshot on Wall Street.
I don't care if he made it up.
How can you not care about that?
He gave you a totally false identity.
To be fair, he never told us
that he used to work there.
It's more like a persona that we made up.
-Oh, good job, unnie.
-[Ms. Gong] Thank you.
Don't you think that we tried
to research him?
[Ms. Cho] There was just
nothing on the guy at all.
He's like a ghost, completely untraceable.
Yeah, well, that's exactly
what's so strange.
How can a person stay
completely untraceable in this world?
-I mean, is he really a ghost?
-Who cares how the sausage gets made?
Thanks to Bread, we all have
plenty of sausage to go around.
And he manages paper companies too,
using borrowed names.
-[ball clonks]
-Nice birdie.
-I'll take it.
Have you looked into those borrowed names?
What's there to look into
when we're the ones picking the names?
[disappointed sigh]
Do you know how many homeless
are happy to let you
borrow their name for a million?
Scores of them are all over our city.
His name is Bread,
even on his business cards
and he spells it "Bread"
as if it were pizza, and not "Brad"
like the actor, Brad Pitt, you know.
That's ridiculous all by itself.
Who calls himself Bread anyhow?
[Ms. Gong giggles] Right? It's hilarious.
That's just Bread's sense of humor.
It's exceptional, really.
What with a name like Bread.
And I asked him why
he spells his name that way,
and he just loves bread.
That's what he said.
And apparently,
he could live on bread alone. Hey!
Choco pies too.
What's with the choco pies?
I have no idea.
Choco pies aren't the issue, hmm?
I didn't really think to ask.
Are you gonna swing or not?
-[ball whistles]
-[ladies gasp]
[sharp inhale]
Oh, man, that was careless. Dang it.
[coy laughter]
Did you see it go?
Oh, well, this is a magic putter. [laughs]
Who makes it, though?
-Now that's a putter?
-Oh, gosh.
-What brand is it?
-Is it pure gold?
[indistinct muttering]
[Ms. Gong] You think they have it online?
I think it's some kind of limited edition.
-[Ms. Gong] Oh, it's an import.
-[Min-gyeong] Really?
-Gosh, it's nice.
-[Ms. Gong] You're telling me.
[Daniel] There's no way to find out who
this man is with the information we have.
This Bread Song is a mystery.
Who is this Bread character?
Is he actually a ghost?
[phone vibrates]
[Daniel] Please send me
a photo of Bread Song.
A photo?
How can I get
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Please send me a photo of Bread.
[phone vibrates]
Ugh, what a bonehead.
He has no comedic timing.
[tongue clicks]
[deep exhale]
[Geum-ju] I meant a photo
of the human Bread, the man.
Bread. The Bread man. The Bread man!
"The Bread man"?
Why does she need a photo of him?
[photo vibrates]
[Hong-do] Why do you need a photo of him?
[Geum-ju] It's just that he's
my type.
[disgusted groan]
Oh, boy, Hwang Geum-ju.
What are you even doing?
Have you lost your mind?
[phone vibrates]
-[woman screaming]
[keys clink]
That woman is so offensive.
I can only assume that she's a stalker.
I mean, how could she possibly know
that Ms. Gong and I
were going to meet there?
[Bread] Unless someone
sent her my coordinates.
[gulps in discomfort]
Did you tell her where I was at?
Not me.
A scammer, she said?
I'm not some scammer at all.
This is defamation of character.
Well, sir, I did get
to know her a little lately.
-Hong-do, listen.
You can't get all buddy-buddy
and close with someone like that.
Mr. Nam, keep yourself busy.
Yes, well, she sent
her company's financial statements
for the last three years.
-She wanted to brag, apparently.
That woman's so unlikeable.
Her wealth is on the level
of Sheikh Mansour.
It's so large,
it is practically impossible to quantify.
Luckily, I've got sources everywhere.
-Quit stalling. How much are we talking?
-[deep inhale]
We're talking about tens of trillions.
Her global income tax was 200 billion
and not including corporate.
And you know all this because of me.
[clears throat]
-Oh, really?
-And she's not married or dating anybody.
Hmm, interesting.
She gave me the impression,
well, that she was interested in you.
Yeah, so
Ah, these women, I tell you.
Hot dang. Good god.
[upbeat music playing]
-[Hee-sik] Give me your hand.
-[Nam-soon] Okay.
[Hee-sik] This is a special watch
with tracking device,
so I can always see you where you are.
-Plus, it's got a built-in spy camera.
It's like I'm straight out
of a spy movie, hmm?
I say it a lot, I know,
but just don't be overly cocky.
Okay, don't touch anything.
And remember to point your wrist
directly at what you want
to record with it.
And when you're in the bathroom,
turn it off here.
-Oh, god! Oh, Jesus!
[deep exhale]
[rhythmic drumbeats]
What's up? What's up? What's up?
I'm Tsetseg.
I hope we get along.
Where's my desk?
[phone rings]
[clears throat]
Good morning.
[Si-o] Tsetseg, can I see you
in my office, please?
Okay, I'll be right there.
[phone clanks]
See you guys!
[door opens]
[door closes]
You cannot share files.
Read the hard copy
and then destroy it immediately.
If Mr. Yoon gives you a printout,
commit those to memory.
Those are the people
that you'll be working with.
I get it.
So then, who are all of these guys?
These are our partners in Korea
who help me with the business.
International clients come later.
If this is the work I'll be doing,
how come you tested my strength?
I just don't get it.
You will, eventually.
Basically, no one
can do this work other than you.
The work is very dangerous.
So fear can't be an issue.
Strong people have no fear.
And that means
they're willing to do anything.
Is that so? [chuckles]
-Why do you laugh?
-Should I cry?
[playful cries]
[Nam-soon chuckles]
Ah, if you're all right with it,
just call me Si-o.
Oh, yeah, Si-o?
[thrilling music playing]
[Nam-soon] Could you print these people
out for me, so I can memorize them?
It takes a while
for me to memorize things.
Yeah, sure.
I think it would be better
to go by an English name
while you're here.
Hillary is good.
-[Nam-soon] Mm-hmm.
Khan is what my dad is called,
so, uh, so my name
in Mongolia is Khan Tsetseg.
Because there, your dad's name
becomes your surname.
So then I guess it's
Hillary Khan.
[sharp exhale] Sounds great.
Yeah, I like it. Let's use that.
Why is he staring at her?
"Just call me Si-o."
Is he just gonna change
his last name to Clinton?
Seriously? What's this guy's deal?
What's up with you right now?
[Hee-sik] Wait, where are they going?
[Nam-soon] Where are we headed?
[Si-o] You'll find out when we get there.
Where is that jerk taking her next?
Dude, what's your deal?
Let's go. We tracked Madam Kim
of the Heritage Club.
Yeah, okay.
[engine revs]
"Jung Dae-cheol, TBO Executive Director."
"Kim Gi-yeol, Vice Minister
of Economy and Finance."
"Atty. Kang Hye-jeong,
open bracket, managing partner
of the law firm, Atlantic Ocean,
close bracket."
Do you need to say it
out loud to recall it?
Mm-hmm. Yes, I do, Si-o.
Is it too much for you?
No, you're good. Keep going.
So hey, have you noticed
that Jung Dae-cheol and Kim Gi-yeol
look like they're almost the same person?
I don't know. How can I tell?
If you're unsure about it,
you can just call them "ma'am" or "sir."
"Sir", huh?
Old man?
[singing in Korean] Old man ♪
What is it? ♪
Have you seen a chick with a leash ♪
I left in the backyard? ♪
I did ♪
[in English] Sing it, Si-o!
Sing it from your heart.
[in Korean]
My old age was bringing me down ♪
So I ate it to replenish my energy ♪
Well done, great job ♪
[in English] Now, take it! Come on, Si-o!
[in Korean]
My old age was bringing me down ♪
-So I ate it to replenish my energy ♪
-So I ate it to replenish my energy ♪
Well done, great job ♪
Well done, great job! ♪
-[in English] Well, isn't that nice?
-I expected no less from my hubby ♪
That's the madam, right there.
[Young-tak] There, who's that woman?
[Nam-soon] "Yang Hui-sook,
Seonghwang Party assembly member."
How did you learn a Korean folk song
living in Mongolia?
Oh, from my teacher
for Korean, this old chick.
Singing's the best way
to learn a new language.
[singing] Ga, na, da, ra, ma, ba, sa ♪
Ah, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa, ha ♪
[upbeat music plays on radio]
Oh, Jun-hee, we should get out and dance.
-You wanna dance right now?
-Mm-hmm, we should.
In the middle of the street, this traffic?
Yes, of course.
The Americans do it
in their films, you know.
Yeah! Who cares what people think?
Look at the weather! It's gorgeous.
-Mm-hmm. Fine, I'm convinced now.
-All right.
Oh, so nice.
[classical music playing]
-[Jun-hee] Joong-gan, dear.
-[Joong-gan] Yes?
My sweet Joong-gan whose name translates
to "middle of the road"
though I see nothing moderate.
Yes, my dear Jun-hee, whose name
is super trendy despite his age.
Would you like to live together?
[gasps, chuckles]
Oh, my goodness.
Now that the engine's warmed up,
you wanna floor it.
I think we go through life
not knowing where we're headed
or where we came from.
There's really no reason.
We should follow our hearts together.
Oh, you romantic.
She's going in.
[mysterious music playing]
Wait a sec. Are sure that's here?
Looks like the Heritage Club, actually.
Hold up. This guy here.
Didn't Baldy get his mask from that guy?
Yeah, same guy.
Hello and welcome, Mr. Ryu.
This is my new lobbyist moving forward.
Introduce yourself.
Uh, yes, hello. I am Hillary Khan.
Marie Kim. Hello.
Madam, your responsibilities
will go to Tsetseg.
Hillary, I mean.
Hey, what is the place we're in?
It's one of the places
you'll be taking your meetings.
Teach her mahjong as well as cards
and games, all of them.
All right, sir,
but can I just have a word?
Wait for me outside.
Yes, sir.
[uneasy music playing]
Who on earth is she?
I just said.
She's my new lobbyist.
And what do you mean
"all of my responsibilities"?
To what extent do you mean?
Paul as well?
She's going to be
the newest part of my circle.
She didn't become strong
after taking our drug.
She was born strong.
God hand-delivered to me
exactly what I need.
I disagree.
These are my responsibilities.
I will not give them up that easily.
You got it, sir?
[sneaky music playing]
If you're going to work for Mr. Ryu,
you gotta know how to drink.
[bottle opens]
Have a drink.
[dark music playing]
How can you protect Mr. Ryu
if you're really that trusting?
You'll take alcohol from anyone?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
It had a small amount of tetrodotoxin,
so for the next three hours,
you'll be paralyzed entirely.
[suspenseful music playing]
Another test, huh?
[comical music playing]
[Nam-soon groans]
That was the strongest drink
I've had in a while.
Although not as bad as the time I ate
a stone that had been heated by a fire.
Khorkhog is a dish made by cooking
the animal with stones inside it.
I remember being super hungry
and scarfing everything down
and I ate a stone
I thought was a dumpling.
Yeah, so poison like this is nothing.
-[Nam-soon] Have a seat.
-[clears throat]
[gasps, thuds]
[tense music playing]
[vehicle honks]
[Young-tak] Hey!
Come back!
Clinical trial is completed.
I tried it myself.
And it's perfect.
Look, everything's okay.
Ah, oh!
[Nam-soon] Drink up. Drink up.
[liquid pouring]
Bread Song.
Ms. Hwang.
Oh, good.
[Geum-ju] "Name, Kim Jeong-suk.
Born 1983, Seoul.
Graduated from Jeonghwa U.
Worked as a fund manager
for Inyeong Securities."
Ah, I see.
Send the IP address to Inspector Kang.
Yes, ma'am.
[line dials, rings]
I'm sending the data on Madam Kim
like you asked, so take a look.
Capitalism is about money, you know.
You'll notice the difference
in the quality of the data
as it was paid for.
Do you know anything
about the Heritage Club?
I better.
Because I'm a member there.
[Geum-ju] And that's where
I crossed paths with Ryu Si-o.
Ryu Si-o is in a Russian crime group,
Pavel, it's called.
-"Pavel," huh?
-[Geum-ju] Yes.
[tongue clicks]
And where is my Nam-soon right now?
[comical music playing]
-[glass clacks]
[groans, faints]
[zooming music playing]
I see zero bugs around here.
[phone vibrates]
[Tae-ri] Today's assigned deliveries
have been completed.
[thrilling music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[sings in Mongolian]
[door closes]
Si-o, madam's passed out.
I'm drunk and it's my turn to pass out.
A unilateral decision.
Go home. It's all right.
Mm-hm. Catch you later!
[foreboding music playing]
Nam-soon, are you okay?
You need a hospital?
Nah. It was such a good time, actually.
-What was?
-Being a spy.
I got footage of the whole Heritage Club.
I'm sure that place
has something to do with the drugs.
The message on the Madam's phone
was so sus.
I'll go back to the office tonight.
I'll bring us back a customer list.
Security won't be cool
with you just walking in and taking it.
I got it. I can do it.
I'll use my access key to get in,
and when I do,
I'll get the master key card.
What if you get caught? Then what?
Because this is nothing
like the warehouse.
Is that how clueless you think I am?
I'll be dressed up.
No, no. Fully disguised.
I won't be recognizable.
And if I run away, no one will catch me.
Even if I get caught on security cameras,
there's no evidence.
Just like we can't find any kind
of evidence on Doogo, you know?
Uh, so, uh
What's your disguise?
I got this one too.
Who's your girl?
Gang Nam-soon, got it?
-[both sigh]
All right, we have to hack
the video system anyway.
So we'll, uh, track your smartwatch
and send you messages in here
-[Young-tak] Yeah.
-I can't.
I have planned it already. Sorry.
[dark music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Seok-ho] Galchi's on the monitor.
Name, Shin Gang-su. Age, 37.
[Seok-ho] This guy has no prior rap sheet
or criminal record, whatsoever.
Ryu Si-o.
[mysterious music playing]
[Geum-ju] What the hell?
He's not a ghost. He's Hong Gil-dong.
Gosh. Bread Song.
What on earth are you doing there?
Oh, god.
God, why did I put her in this position?
And right into the office of Si-o.
Nah, nah, nah.
I bet she'll have
a pretty big trick up her sleeve.
Some disguise. Special equipment.
Like something you can't imagine.
[Young-tak] Like something you'd see
in Mission Impossible.
Where you need the funds
in place first or she won't use it.
If you combine Agent Gang's strength
with her mother's wealth,
the force of it all will just, bam!
[action music playing]
[Young-tak] She gets through Doogo's
state-of-the-art security system
with equally cutting-edge spy gadgets
and extreme acrobatic agility.
[spooky music playing]
[cool action music playing]
[Young-tak] She is an exceptional spy
who can get past any security system
using her dazzling dexterity
and her dynamic and nimble brain.
Mission success.
[funky music playing]
[wire clonks]
[tense music playing]
[in Russian] Who's there?
Get over here!
[wind blows]
[yells in anger]
[uneasy music playing]
[container clacks open]
[tense music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[in English] Good evening.
[sweet music playing]
Jun-hee, I
You're where?
In Korea?
I made it!
["SUPERPOWERS" by ITZY playing]
We've not been able
to get anything from Ryu Si-o's computer.
[Hee-sik] The corporate relations team,
let's search there.
[Nam-soon] What did you wanna talk about?
[Jeong-suk] I can't figure out
how he's become so captivated by you.
[Jun-hee] I'm going to stop caring
what other people think.
I'll just try harder for you.
[Geum-ju] What's Mom going to do?
She's about to become an adulteress.
[Joong-gan] Is your dad coming to Korea?
Answer me.
[Hee-sik] I'm gonna try
to get inside the Heritage Club.
I'm sure there will be
some clues there too.
You can give it a go.
[Si-o] But you'll lose.
You know Ryu Si-o, don't you?
[Geum-ju] Where is he now?
[Si-o] I need you to kill someone.
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