Stupid Wife (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


I dreamt that I was once again
that girl from college,
and all that I am living now
was nothing but a dream.
Interesting, but in this dream
did you feel cheerful, relieved, anguished,
happy, how did you feel?
It is as if I was getting
used to my life now
only to realize later that
none of it was real.
It seems that you have finally
begun to enjoy your life now,
Is that it?
But there are times when
I feel profound anguish,
and I don't know what it is!
It is as if there is
something very important,
something that is very painful,
and I have no idea what it is.
I got it.
Okay, if you could
give a shape to this
thing that is very painful,
what shape would you give it?
but that hurts a lot.
Yes, Luiza, giving shape to our pain
is a step towards beginning
to coexist with it.
Because everything that is
shapeless is much more frightening!
Does it make sense to you?
Yes, It does!
The good thing about all of this is that
my relationship with
Valentina is much better now,
I think I'm learning to
to like her, you know?
I'm coming to terms with
the idea that we are married,
even though this is all new,
it's great!
Does it hurt?
I'm going to put some medicine here,
but it doesn't hurt a bit, okay?
It's okay, isn't it?
I'm almost finished here.
What happened?
Nothing much, he was
just running around outside,
stumbled, didn't you, son?
He fell,
then he got a little scratchy here,
but he's alright now.
But now we have put the medicine here,
and it is well taken care of.
Just hand me a piece of bandage
that is over there, please.
I'm going to make
a bandage here.
Done Luiza?
Will you hold this one for me?
One more piece, right, Leo?
Ask mom for another piece then.
Give me another piece?
We're almost done here.
Very well,
it didn't hurt at all, did it?
It was nothing, fine!
Now, what are we ready for?
To go outside,
and play!
Come on, then!
Shall we go, Luh?
Let's go outside to distract him a little!
I think we'd better stop.
Do you see this?
Don't you like it?
Let's go upstairs!
Come on!
We took Léo out to play,
he stayed there with the toys,
in that playground near my house,
I know! I know which one!
He loves it!
He keeps playing, and
playing until he is exhausted.
It's hard to get him exhausted!
But I had planned it that way.
Then I put him to bed.
AndLuh was super loving yesterday.
Loving, huh?
Yes. So I said,
"Oh, let's have some wine and stuff!"
Wine, huh? Always with this suggestion.
It finally happened then?
So it's real, it finally happened!
Yes, it finally did!
I mean it,
after such a long time without
without touching Luiza,
withoutwithout kissing her,
I couldn't stand it anymore,
I was so horny, you know!
Especially you, who had
such a busy sex life!
And, man, it wasit was pretty crazy
as it felt as if it was the first time!
And in a way I think it was, you know?
By the way that everything happened!
Oh, it was amazing!
But, tell me, why were you worried?
I had another crisis yesterday.
It was hard.
Then again yesterday, I was, like, taking
care of a little scratch on Léo's knee,
It was no big deal,
but when she looked at it,
she froze.
I didn't understand anything!
Well, but wasn't it just a scraped knee?
Yes, it was, but
my head works differently.
I don't know how to explain
it to you, it is
Have you talked to the psychologist?
Not about yesterday, no!
II don't really understand it, but
it's as if this is
a trigger for something that is unresolved.
Look, Tina,
don't you think it's about
time to tell her everything?
Even the doctor said that it is possible
as long as we take it slowly.
I won't do that.
Just imagine,
if she already felt bad after that story
that Augusto made up about the divorce,
imagine what would happen if
I tell her everything that happened.
Don't look at me like that!
I think that you should tell her!
I can't agree with this lie, mom!
What do you want us to do then?
Tell Luiza everything just like that?
No, but to keep making up
that you are breaking up,
covering up one lie with another,
oh, for God's sake!
Baby, calm down!
Don't ask me to calm down!
You know I don't like it
when you ask me to calm down!
Calm down! You know that your
parents didn't want this either!
But it is going over the edge,
you know that,
and I don't want to lie about this anymore!
I agree with that!
Luh deserves to know the truth.
I know Sarah,
but it is a difficult subject.
It can't be solved like this.
It's not that simple!
Yes, it is that simple!
If only Valentina hadn't been so insistent,
we wouldn't be going through this,
and neither would Luiza!
It's not Valentina's fault!
It was an accident!
I'm not comfortable either
with pretending to everybody
that I am divorcing your mother!
But what else can we do?
As long as your sister does not
recover her memory naturally,
we will have to keep it up!
Are they going to Valentina's parents?
Apparently, they are traveling tomorrow.
Maybe it will be good for
Luiza to take this trip then!
Our medicines are in here.
I will take my camera so
we can take some pictures!
There is a monkey hanging on me!
My love!
Are you excited?
Are you going to take the monkey?
There's a monkey here, look!
Oh, let's put that monkey in the bag,
so we can take him to
visit grandpa's house?
We're here!
It is nice, isn't it?
Come on!
Come, my son! Let's give grandpa a hug.
Let's give grandpa a hug! Grandpa!
Come on, give me a hug!
Oh, my love!
Where is Duque? Duque?
We will see him soon!
Hey, daddy!
Hey, my daughter!
I missed you so much!
No kidding!
That's what you call me, don't worry!
Here we all know about
your situation, it's okay!
Who wants to see Duque?
I do!
I do!
I want to see him too! Let's see Duque!
Catarina, called.
She said that she is at the office now,
but will be here soon!
Is that okay?
Thank you!
Let's see Duque!
Let's do it! Wow!
These two!
I'll take your suitcase out of the car,
and put it in your room, okay?
Why do you say that it is my room?
Aren't we sleeping together tonight?
Do you want us to sleep together?
Okay, good!
Hey you,
can you teach me how to photograph?
remove the cap.
I know that, huh, Valentina!
Oh, do you?
I do!
Is this the camera you used
to photograph that beautiful,
wonderful model?
Oh, is that so?
Yes, but that one I didn't just photograph!
What else did you do?
Many things!
Many things
I even married her!
Hey, mom.
Hi, Luiza.
How are you?
I'm okay. How are you?
I'm doing great!
Thank you for asking.
Valentina, can you come over here
and help me with dinner?
This picture was taken
about six months ago.
Is that so?
You came for lunch.
I remember that you and Valentina
wanted to go fishing, just the two of you,
but Léo insisted on going with you.
Every time I see pictures of
us together, I
I see that we really were
very happy!
Has Valentina always liked children?
geez, she and Léo get along so well!
Always! Always! If it was up to her,
you would have several children,
a soccer team!
It's unfortunate that
after what happened, I
don't think you're going
to want to, are you?
What happened to us?
Dinner is ready!
Let's go?
Whoa, let's go, shall we?
Let's have dinner.
Come on!
What kind of dessert is that?
It's no big deal!
It's strawberry with meringue,
but you love it!
Aham, you always eat more than once!
It's been a long time since we gathered
like this, everybody together!
That's right, Dad!
What about Léo?
Does he know what he is going
to be when he grows up?
Of course not, Mom! He is just a child.
Well, it's at a young age that you choose the right path in life!
Isn't that right, my love?
Mom, please!
Catarina, dear,
hand me the plate, please!
Leo will be just like his grandma,
a respected lawyer!
It's not because I made
a mistake with Valentina
that I'm going to make the
same mistake with Léo too!
You're always covering up for her!
And I am left as
the bad person in the story!
Stop with that!
Not today, OK?
But I must say it,
your brother is there,
increasingly successful in his company!
Then you go and quit the law school,
to keep up with this nonsense
of being a photographer!
I like what I do!
But liking it doesn't
put food on your table!
This work of yours, how much
do you make monthly anyway?
Enough for me not to need
a penny of your money!
Oh, Valentina,
give me a break!
Spare me from your ideas of independence!
You think I don't know that your
father has been helping you financially?
I helped at the beginning of her career!
I helped to buy her first camera.
Now she does everything by herself!
She takes care of her life,
and she takes care of her son!
Only God knows how, right?
And Léo, does he study in
a suburban public school?
Because if it is in the school that
you and your brother studied,
you can't pay with the money you
make from this backyard studio!
Enough is enough!
I had enough!
Leave it!
Let me talk to her!
Excuse me!
I'm sorry about that!
Every time I come here,
I promise not to let myself down,
only I can't do it!
How can she not realize
that it hurts you, huh?
She does!
She does it on purpose!
It has always been this way.
After we met,
and started dating,
you gave me courage
to do everything I loved!
To do all the things that I
wanted to do, you know?
So, that perfect daughter of hers,
no longer exists.
The only one left is this rebel here!
Look at me!
It's okay to stand up for what you believe.
I'm here!
Thank you.
Only you can calm me down.
I have an idea.
Will you come with me?
Wait! Wait! Wait!
This here
Yes, it's the tree house!
Our shelter! Our own private world!
Welcome back!
Shall we?
It's been a while since we've been here!
It's a little dusty.
But this is the best place in the world!
This picture here is my favorite.
You didn't know you were pregnant yet,
but I already had my hand on your belly.
I'm not feeling very well!
What's wrong?
Look at me, what are you feeling?
Luiza, look at me.
Luiza, look at me! It's alright!
Luiza, talk to me!
What happened?
Hey, I'm here with you!
Come back here!
Look at me!
Luiza, stay with me! Stay with me!
It's alright!
Luiza, look at me!
What's wrong?
Please, look at me.
Stop touching me!
My love, what is happening?
Calm down! Calm down!
Calm down! Luiza, calm down!
Luiza! Luiza, stop this car!
Get out of this car now!
Get out of this car, Luiza!
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