Suburrterna (2023) s01e08 Episode Script


MAY 31, 1990
Watch me hit it.
- Yeah. I bet you can't.
- You can do it.
Get down, Ercole!
Starting tonight,
we Anacletis are in charge!
The Bonatestas and Lucianis
don't count for shit.
Where you running to, Vito?
You're the only one left!
Oh God.
There can't be three families in charge.
You're pathetic. Now what?
I'm getting rid of every one of you.
There can only be one family.
Yours ain't the one.
Gueri, please let me go.
I promise you'll never see me again.
Not even once.
I'll mind my own fucking business!
Please, please.
I'll mind my own fucking business.
I swear.
I know you don't have the balls,
or you would've done what I did tonight.
But don't think about growing a pair now.
If you do,
I'll find you and finish the job.
Vito, what do you want?
I wanna make peace.
But first, we're gonna kill
my asshole grandson.
After that, we're back in business.
You're gonna kill him
when you can't even find that dickhead?
Ercole's an ass, but unlike you,
he tried to risk his neck out there
in one way or another.
He failed because I was there,
but he tried.
- What point are you trying to make?
- You're done.
You and your grocery family.
Goodbye, Vito.
Ange, I know that you're not sleeping.
We still need to talk.
Are we gonna keep playing
three-card monte here?
I have an appointment.
I can't be here all day.
Leave. Me and Ce
ain't gonna tell you shit.
You won't tell me shit?
- We're not telling you shit.
- Oh yeah?
Oh, look who finally showed up!
So, care to tell me what happened? Hmm?
I'm talking to you.
It's none of your business.
See, that's where you're wrong.
Your business is now my business.
- I'm not gonna tell you.
- That's fine, Damia.
You have some important business
to attend to tonight though.
Before this is over, I'm trusting you
to get rid of Spadino for good.
But I'll be handling both of them for now.
- You gonna kill 'em or what?
- No, I'm not.
Why would I do that
when I can make them fight each other?
They'll be too busy
to come to the Vatican.
You already tried your plan.
And you fucked everything up.
Let's talk outside, okay?
- What's so funny?
- Hey, you better watch your big mouth.
Come on.
If you come to our house
and start giving my family orders again,
I'm gonna choke you out
with my bare hands.
I'm sorry.
I was pissed.
We're doing something big, Damia.
It seems like
you're the only one in your house
who can even understand that.
Giulia told me
that your wife saved Spadino's life.
What's that about?
Start the car.
Where to?
Anywhere that's not here.
Are you happy we're together?
Why the sad face, then?
What's on your mind?
Grandpa Ottaviano
said it was your fault Mama passed away.
Why did he say that?
That's not true.
I really loved your mama.
You know that I did.
I don't know why Grandpa told you that.
Did you guys fight?
Everyone does.
Mama went through a hard time,
and I didn't notice.
I didn't help her.
She decided to leave us.
You're young,
but you understand, don't you?
Let's wake up Fabrizio
and have breakfast, huh?
Come in.
superhero takes us back to our villas.
They almost burned down our whole camp.
You come back
just to bust my balls, Guerino?
No, I came back
because I figured you needed my help.
Albe, someone's looking for you.
What the fuck is going on?
What happened to Miria and Ercole?
I don't know shit about those assholes.
All I know is that I got shot.
I'm surprised I'm alive. Understand?
You have any idea who shot you, then?
No, but I do know who's behind it.
Ercole Bonatesta.
And Cinaglia.
What the fuck are you saying?
I'm telling you, they teamed up.
They made a pact.
Yeah, I know about the fake deal.
It's a plan to get the stadium.
Yeah, but it's not a smoke screen.
They actually made a deal.
Albe, Ercole bought off Miriana.
She tipped him off about the coffin.
Then he got Cinaglia
to split the stadium. Understand?
Cina gave up on us, Albe.
They don't need shit from us anymore.
He's with Bonatesta.
They tried to get rid of me.
Then they tried to do
the same to you last night.
Less of us to split the pie.
I'm out now.
You should probably get out while you can.
You and me were pushed out
so he could move up.
We don't count for shit.
where the fuck you taking me?
You'll see. It's a surprise.
Aw, you got me a present for Christmas?
Sort of.
What are you doing with those two?
Just tell me what you wanna tell me.
I got Cerocchi on my side.
I made him a deal.
He's manipulating Cinaglia and Spadino
to go against each other.
A political move. Nice.
Well, we don't have
any other choice now, do we?
Yeah, whatever.
Damiano, don't tell me
you still don't trust me.
How are you, Albe?
Oh, I've been better.
Why? What happened?
You haven't heard?
- Just tell me.
- I'll tell you when I see you.
We're gonna see each other soon,
aren't we, Cina?
Did you forget we're signing the deal
at the notary tonight?
I remember.
Tonight, it's over.
I'll meet up with you later.
Come on.
Hurry up and finish your breakfast.
Well? Cat got your tongue?
So what do you think about it, huh?
Is this your prison yard?
It looks like the Quirinal Palace
compared to your place.
- This is all aluminum.
- Eh, it's missing the ocean view.
- You hear that?
- Yeah.
Follow me. Right this way.
Here we are.
There's still some boxes.
I just got it yesterday.
Oh, I forgot
all the outlet covers in the car.
I wanna show you how the chandelier works.
Hey, come on. It's not like
I don't have shit to do today.
It's fine. I'll just be a second.
- Oh! Hey! Hey!
- Let's go! Let's go! Come on!
- Hey, where are you taking me?
- Go!
- What the fuck's going on?
- Go!
Come on!
What are you doing with me, huh?
What's this about?
Were you sent by Cinaglia, huh?
You're his men, aren't you?
Look, there's no need for violence.
It's just a misunderstanding.
Are we going back to our house?
Can some of our friends come over?
Of course, sweetheart.
Everything's going back the way it was.
We'll hurry up and get home
so you can have all your things again.
Call up your friends tonight.
Maybe we can set up a time for you
to see them tomorrow.
Thanks, Papa, but you're going too fast.
You need to get to school.
- Please slow down.
- Don't worry, sweetheart.
Tell me where we're going.
We're in the middle of fricking nowhere.
Come on. Hurry up and do it, man.
Look at him. He's pissing himself.
Hello from Grandpa Vito, Ercole!
Oh! Ercole! Hey!
You're okay.
- Damia.
- What?
- They tried to kill me.
- I saw.
Who were they?
My grandfather's men.
It's because I'm doing things my way.
He wants to take you out
just because of that?
Stop it.
You saved my life.
Forget about it.
- You saved me, huh?
- Yeah, yeah. I got it.
Come on. Let's get going.
We have arrived
at the end of our daily service.
Dear brothers and sisters,
we pray to our Lord Jesus Christ
that he will stretch out his merciful hand
to all of his children
in this neighborhood, in this city,
and on the battered streets of this world
who are facing difficult times.
We pray for the least among us,
the dispossessed,
the people who are suffering,
for the sick.
We pray for those
who have lost their jobs.
We pray for the unemployed
that the light of our Lord
may brighten their days
and bring comfort to their troubled lives.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
The mass is over.
Please go in peace.
It looks like they made you resign.
No cardinal robe.
No burdens.
A simple priest.
Feel lighter?
You really are shameless.
And believe me,
I tell you that with no malice.
Don't pretend
that you won them over yesterday
with your clever speech, all right?
You didn't.
Don't think that you'll get
their support on all your projects.
Fiorenzo, I have only one project.
It's not about me.
We both know that you want
to elect the pope of the poor, the sick.
Your intentions could not be more clear.
Yesterday they chose you.
A man with no morals.
There's an abyss between us, Fiorenzo.
I have no ambition to promote myself.
I live and die here.
You're very persuasive, Armando,
but you know what they say.
"The devil won't be able
to hide his cloven hooves forever."
Not even he.
So we're basically
in bed with a fucking guy
who can't even
keep his own fucking family in line?
Think we can trust him?
Who says they're not gonna try
and take him out again?
- Oh! Calm down.
- Then us?
Calm down.
Take out who?
Yeah, not happening.
Okay, I'm heading out
to the notary public in a minute.
The stadium is gonna have a sign
that says the name "Luciani."
You like that?
Take it easy.
I promise we're celebrating tonight.
That's some imagination you got.
This soup right here? So damn good.
On the menu every morning. Right, Giulia?
I love it!
Where's Angelica?
I don't know. Haven't seen her.
She's not in our room.
- Did either of you see her leave?
- No, I haven't seen her.
I need to find her.
There's no time.
You gotta go to the notary.
My apologies, Your Eminence.
I was getting
the final documents in order.
Please, not to worry. I was admiring
the views from your windows.
- Can I offer you anything to drink?
- No, but thank you.
My pleasure.
The documents are all ready.
All that's missing are the signatures
and the final transfer of the funds.
We'll wait for the other parties to arrive
so we can finalize everything.
Notarizing won't take long.
We'll wait.
We can wait with patience and time.
I'm going out.
- Mrs. Fiorella is coming soon.
- Sure, okay.
Keep your eyes open.
Hey, look. Check this out.
I've been drawing a different suit
for my next superhero.
I think this one is way cooler,
and no cape!
Fabrizio, stop drawing
and do your homework, okay?
I don't have any.
I already did all my homework.
Wait, didn't Dad tell you?
He picked me up at school,
and I did my homework fast
so I could draw.
Yeah, right.
I bet you made a lot of mistakes.
You should double-check it
before you turn it in.
You're always screwing things up.
Go to your room.
You couldn't help
being a little shit, huh?
I'm gonna murder you
in front of your family
like you tried to do to me last night.
- What the fuck did I do?
- What did you say to me?
"Stay here, and don't fuck up."
"I gotta do this alone."
"See you tomorrow at the notary."
And then you had
the Lucianis ambush my family.
Albe, they came to the camp?
What a coincidence, huh?
I bet that phone call yesterday
wasn't even from her.
No, no, I really called him.
Vittoria, go to your room.
You even make your kids defend you?
Do they even know what you did to them?
Somebody's gotta tell 'em
the truth sometime.
Don't fucking take one step,
or I'll fucking shoot you!
Either you're fucking crazy
or you believed someone.
I saw Cerocchi.
I saw Cerocchi's shot-up car
and his fucked-up arm.
You should've taken him out
so it was just you and Ercole!
It wasn't a fake pact.
Ercole must have paid off Cerocchi
and then sent him to you
to fill your head with all this bullshit!
Shut your fucking mouth, you asshole!
I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!
Infamous is infamous forever!
So you blindly trusted Cerocchi!
Cerocchi instead of trusting me?
How do you not see
that he's trying to manipulate us?
He bet against our alliance,
knowing all he had to do was
put doubt in your mind
to make us wanna kill each other.
We're saving him the trouble.
I'm just sad
that he won the bet against us.
What the fuck are you doing?
I grabbed this
on my way back with the kids
so you could surprise your nephew with it.
It's the black licorice fish he liked.
That was a great story.
Guess I'm the asshole.
You pathetic piece of shit.
You fucked it up,
and you did it in front of my kids,
who had nothing to do with this at all!
Leave, Albe.
What are you doing
with the suitcases?
Let's go home. It's cold out here.
Alberto didn't shoot Nadia.
Why did you tell me that he did?
Tell me why.
Because I didn't just wanna see him dead.
I had to make sure he was dead to you too.
You've been carrying around
your fucking past way too long.
- He was already dead to me, Damia.
- That's a fucking lie, Ange.
You're always defending that guy.
You're always
saying nice things about him.
- Are you fucking high?
- Are you fucking high?
This obsession is
inside your head, not mine.
I was gonna shoot him.
But you didn't.
Because he wasn't the one
who killed Nadia,
and you knew it.
You're the one who's stuck in my past.
I just wanna be Angelica.
I do not need anyone.
- You can see the kids when you want.
- No, don't say that to me.
I love you. I love you to death.
Sometimes, even love isn't enough.
Be quiet. Don't move.
I think we've waited long enough,
haven't we?
Ms. Notaio?
At this point, the parties present
can sign the agreement.
The others will be considered absent.
Please give me a few minutes
to print the new contracts.
- Damia!
- Go, go, go! Get inside now!
Who the fuck sent them?
Cerocchi from northern Rome.
Go, go, go! Go!
Ce! Oh!
Damiano! Damiano!
Come on. You're fine.
You're okay. Don't leave me.
Please don't leave me too!
What the fuck am I gonna do without you?
- Please do something!
- Calm down.
- Do something.
- Calm, calm, calm, calm.
- Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet!
- Cesare!
- Cesare.
- Cesare!
- He's breathing. He's breathing.
- He's losing blood.
- Get the doctor. Go get the doctor!
- Damiano, there's so much blood!
- Hurry up!
- There's too much blood!
Get the doctor! Go! Hurry! Quick!
I didn't tell Fabrizio anything.
What, sweetheart?
Now I understand
what that man was talking about before.
I also understand
what Grandpa Ottaviano was saying too.
What did he say?
- For you.
- Thank you.
If we're in agreement,
we can proceed with the transfer.
Should I give your fund manager a call?
No need for that. I can call. Thank you.
Good evening, Giorgio.
We're set up.
Send the arrangement confirmation
to the notary.
Wonderful. Thank you.
Oh yeah!
What are you doing?
Going back to Berlin. Better for everyone.
For everyone?
You're all better off. Trust me.
When you told me at the cemetery
things could be different,
were you just bullshitting me?
You said you were gonna
help us fix the situation here.
I thought we were doing it together.
Have a good trip.
See ya.
The time has come
for heavy artillery, Felipe.
What for?
The Holy Father.
But that would cause
But then the entire Vatican would crumble.
Heavy artillery, Felipe.
Heavy but precise.
Only the roof will blow off.
Not the foundation.
I'm feeling what you're all feeling.
But if we give up now, we've already lost.
They kicked us out of our villas.
They bombed us here in the camp.
So the question is,
what do we want?
I've realized
that my place
is right here in this camp.
Right here with you.
I didn't realize this on my own.
I realized it because of him.
You're our brightest hope.
You're our future.
Thank you, Victor.
We're gonna take all of it back.
Because together,
we are stronger than they are!
The doctor says he's alert.
Look at me, Damia.
We trusted you, but Ercole screwed us.
He played us, Damia.
Get off!
Don't touch me! Get off of me!
It's my fault.
I been waiting for you.
Earlier today, I wanted
to call you about the companies,
but unfortunately, I had an accident.
I even lost my phone.
I wanted to share my great idea.
Anacleti, Luciani, Cinaglia.
I took them all out of the game.
I even managed to enlist
the army of the Church to support me.
Now, isn't that something?
Also, Dad didn't die
because he was a moron like you said.
He died because he wasn't like you.
Why'd you do this to me, Grandpa?
I'm the only one who truly understood you.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Please watch over his soul.
Guide your son back home,
our Father Almighty.
He is in your hands.
Learn your lesson, Ercole.
Be smart, and your life won't end badly.
Your father was an asshole.
If he kept quiet, he'd still be alive.
You have a choice, Ercole.
Be a moron like your pa or alive like me.
All my life, you've been saying
that I'm the son of an asshole, a moron.
You know the truth
better than me, right? Hmm?
But that night,
you fucked with Guerino Anacleti.
And you discovered
that you had no balls. Hmm?
You kept it a secret your whole life.
You made yourself so small.
You hid yourself in here cleaning chicory
while your son was killed like a dog
right in front of me.
They're too sweet.
You can't even do that right.
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