Survive (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

The Weight

- Jane.
Oh, thank God!
- How long was I out?
- PAUL: Just maybe, maybe a few hours.
- Where are we?
- A cave.
I found some shelter.
We should be protected here.
- It's so dark.
- Yeah, it's a little freaky, but
we'll be fine.
- Thank you
for getting me out of there.
- No worries.
I need to tell you something, Jane.
I left you at the gate,
I changed my seat.
I saw your ticket and I changed my seat
to sit next to you.
Well, no one's ever
changed their seats for me before.
I'm not a stalker.
- Mm.
- [chuckles]
I just
was smitten
the moment I saw you.
- I I wanna tell you something.
The reason I did this
is complicated and
and, I guess, at the same time,
it isn't, you know.
I don't really know where to begin.
- You don't have to, Jane.
- Everybody loves Christmas, right?
- I guess.
- I loved it.
I loved that feeling
that you would get on Christmas morning.
I guess everybody does.
I would wake up early before my parents.
The house would be dark.
And I would sneak downstairs.
A lot of presents would be wrapped
neatly under the tree
and my mom would write, "From Santa"
on each one.
I was just I was one of those kids
who believed, like, truly believed
in him
in Christmas
that life was good and fair to everyone
who was good.
[breathing heavily]
- Jane. I'm so sorry.
- Our choice.
- Memories go both ways, though.
You must have some good memories
of your dad.
- Yeah. Lot's actually.
- Yeah?
He used to call me Pumpkin.
I miss that.
Nobody calls me Pumpkin anymore.
And he would lift me up
and let me put the star
right on top of the tree
when we were done decorating.
He gave me this
the night before he died.
- Oh, my God!
- You should feel special.
I've never let anyone hold that before.
- It's beautiful.
You know, it's funny
how one bad memory
will weigh on you for a lifetime
but a thousand good ones,
they just seem to
drift away.
- Maybe I should have seen it coming.
- You were a kid, Jane.
- I know. I know, it's absurd
but it's just the way you start to think
after a while.
- Yeah.
- Every shrink says the same thing,
"Don't beat yourself up,
you were 10, Jane."
- So, then,
why can't you forgive yourself?
- The hole in his head
I was I was too young to see that.
- Some moments we just
can't unsee.
- Thank you.
[upbeat music]
[thunder rumbling]
Yes, it's getting pretty bad out there.
- [Jane sighs]
- [grunts]
- You OK?
- Yeah.
- Is it your chest?
- No, no, I'm good.
- No, let me see.
- No, I'm fine.
- Let me see.
Oh, my God!
- Does it hurt?
- No, it's, it's fine.
- It doesn't really look fine.
- No, I'm fine. Let's go.
- All right Um, maybe we just
wait until tomorrow.
- No, I think we should go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe that's
maybe that's
We still have the pills.
Is it enough for two?
- Enough for what?
- Our exit strategy.
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