Suspect (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


This programme contains
strong language and scenes that
viewers may find distressing
What are you doing, Ryan?
What are you doing, Ryan?
You're very early
Danny! Jesus, Jackie.
This is some fucking house.
Bit of a stretch on an NHS salary.
My husband works in finance.
What are you doing here?
I've just been to see Christina,
for the last time.
Ah, that must have been
hard for you.
Can I come in?
Er, I'd rather you didn't.
II have friends coming over.
You have my sympathy, Danny. But
..I don't have time for this now.
Come and see me tomorrow
at St Josephine's
if you have any more questions
about the autopsy.
No, no, no, no
Let me come inside.
I don't wanna do this out here.
Do what?!
Everything we could possibly
have to say to one other
has already been said.
Everything relevant
and a great deal more.
Not quite everything.
This isn't appropriate,
you coming to my house like this.
It's intrusive, intimidating even.
Well, I'm here alone, after dark,
and you're behaving very erratically
like you were this morning.
Jackie, my daughter's dead.
I just thought you might have
the decency
to answer one simple question.
OK. Come on in.
Thank you.
You said there was no evidence
of foul play on Christina's body
when you carried out her autopsy.
That's correct. No clear evidence.
So what do you call
a torn frenulum?
It's entirely circumstantial.
Come on, Jackie.
You don't tear your frenulum
by hanging yourself.
Well, you can tear it any number
of ways. A fall, for instance.
Yeah, or when someone
puts their hand around your mouth
to suffocate you,
and you're fighting for your life.
So, which is it?
You didn't notice it,
or you noticed it
but didn't think it was significant?
Either way,
it suggests incompetence.
Well, I'm about to make professor.
So fuck you,
and your misogynistic bullshit.
You left it out on purpose?
It doesn't prove anything.
I know that. But surely it's enough
to raise a red flag?
To indicate that maybe
there's something more here
that might need investigating?
Don't mind me.
Stay there.
Is that your daughter?
My niece.
Do you have any kids of your own?
Mm. Billy, my stepson.
Is he at university?
He graduated last year.
What about your husband?
He doesn't like to be photographed.
Working late, is he?
He's overseas a lot.
I think you should leave now, Danny.
That was my friend on the phone.
She's going to be here shortly.
The more the merrier.
She'll be a witness, Danny,
when I complain to
your superintendent
about you harassing me.
You're not gonna be the only one
making a complaint, Jackie.
What was your intention
coming here, Danny?
What are you hoping to achieve?
A second autopsy be carried out by someone else.
That's not my call.
Whose is it?
That's up to the District Coroner.
Rick Rees? So call him.
Well, he won't pick up at this time.
Text him, then.
Tell him it's an emergency.
I already submitted my report.
Well, then, unsubmit it.
And on what grounds
would I be asking to withdraw it?
On the grounds that new evidence
has come to light,
which renders your initial findings
null and void.
I already told you,
a torn frenulum is circumstantial.
Do you know,
I spoke to a contact at CID
after your outburst at the mortuary.
Asked them to go back to the flat,
check they hadn't missed anything.
Make absolutely sure that there was
no evidence of foul play.
There was nothing at the scene.
And all the evidence
from my postmortem
points overwhelmingly to suicide.
I'm not talking about
the torn frenulum.
What, then?
I'm talking about the fact that
the pathologist who carried out the
autopsy was known to the deceased.
Which is surely highly irregular
..and grounds for a fresh
examination. Wouldn't you agree?
It really was a great performance
this morning, Jackie.
You didn't bat an eyelid.
Wasn't a performance.
Ah, don't go all bashful on me now.
We both know that's not true.
That's a very serious allegation
you're making.
You'd better be sure you have
the evidence to back it up.
The evidence is all around us.
What are you doing, Ryan?
What is this?
A video.
Taken at Christmas
when Christina went missing
and my ex-wife asked Ryan
to go and look for her.
And why would he bring her here?
If that's what you're implying.
Because his wife
had chucked him out again.
I meant, why would I let him?
Well, because he was blackmailing
her and you were in on it.
You can deduce all that from this?
It's the same rug.
I bet that there are half a dozen
houses that have rugs like that.
It's the same brand.
Very popular.
It's your voice.
It could be anyone's.
And it's your lover.
There's no use denying it, Jackie.
Thethe horseshoe pendant
in this photo?
Aw. He gives them
to all his favourite girls.
He's like a rutting stag, marking
all the does in his hareem.
It's not like that
It appears I know him
a little better than you do.
Don't tell me,
you think you're gonna be buying
a piece of land in Greece together
when his youngest leaves school?
You love him.
That's why you're covering for him.
Get out of my house.
Did he ask you to falsify
the postmortem report?
Now, Danny.
To leave out the one piece
of physical evidence
that would indicate foul play?
How dare you!
What, you've never done that before?
You've never written
a pack of lies at Ryan's request?
You've never pretended that
a young girl's death
was a drunken accident,
when really she took
a drug-fuelled nosedive
off the top of a tall building?!
Oh, that's an intriguing theory.
Beautifully stitched together
from some very loose strands
of highly circumstantial evidence.
It's just a shame that's
it's provably wrong
in one crucial respect.
It wasn't Ryan who asked me
not to mention
the torn frenulum
on the autopsy report.
What the hell are you doing here?
I could ask you the same thing.
Well, Dr Sowden texted me,
asking me to come over.
She feels threatened by you.
Frankly I don't blame her.
Have I threatened you, Jackie?
Well, you've made some pretty
outrageous allegations. Like what?
Erhe suggested that
Detective Sergeant Oakshot asked me
to leave out some details
from my postmortem report
that could have been interpreted
as evidence of foul play.
And you and I both know that
that's not true, don't we?
Because it was me.
We spoke at the mortuary
this morning.
Jackie told me Christina's lip
was torn,
but there were no other indications
of foul play.
She was convinced the injury was in
keeping with other evidence
pointing towards Christina's
rather chaotic lifestyle.
She wanted my advice as to whether
she should mention it in her report.
I told her not to.
Why?! Because I'm your friend,
Danny, and I knew this would happen.
You knew what would happen?
That I would try to find out
the truth?
That you would become fixated,
obsessive about some
tiny inconsequential detail
and that a lot of unpleasantness
might come to light.
And that people I care about
would get hurt.
So you're an expert on me you're fucking my ex-wife?
I'm sorry, Danny.
We were trying to find a time
..a way to tell you, but
you, you're so unpredictable.
Susannah was worried
how you'd react.
It's a crime, Richard!
Suppression of evidence.
Her lip is grounds
for reasonable suspicion.
Only for you.
For the rest of us,
it's a tiny detail
in a much bigger picture of
a young woman
with a substance abuse problem
who tragically killed herself.
No, no, no. No.
You need to order a new postmortem.
Bring in the Home Office. Oh, God!
That'sthat's not gonna happen.
You're Detective Superintendent,
they'll listen to you.
Christina's body's been released.
She's being cremated as we speak.
It's what Susannah wants.
It's a fucking conspiracy.
You You!
You're all in on it!
Listen to yourself!
Danny, it's a suicide.
Look, this has to end now.
You're in deep enough shit as it is.
Don't make it any worse
for yourself.
What? Attempted murder's
not serious enough for you?
Attempted murder?
She doesn't know.
Know what?
Ryan Oakshot's been
in an accident, a car crash.
They've had to put him
in an induced coma.
Are youare you all right? Here.
It seems like
you're not the only one
who's been having an affair,
Erm, do you want
a drink of something?
Er, do you have any brandy, or
Uh, it's in the bar.
I'm sure he'll be all right.
You were there Christina's flat.
Is it a compulsion?
Something you do instinctively?
Folding crisp packets. Here.
Shall I ask them to come in?
Um, maybe ask them to wait.
I'm sure DS Frater would prefer
to leave of his own accord.
Sure you'll be OK?
She threatened to expose you,
didn't she?
For falsifying that girl's
postmortem report.
For saying it was an accident
when you knew it was death
by misadventure.
Christina was getting out.
You knew that Ryan couldn't control
her any longer
..but he was too weak,
too sentimental to silence her.
But not you.
You couldn't take the risk
because of your
precious reputation
that she would come to me.
Did you wait for her outside?
After Ryan had given you
the bad news?
Can't have taken much
to force your way in.
She was in no fit state
to resist, from what I hear.
Easy enough to slip something
into her drink.
Some of her own merchandise, maybe.
Something you knew would
tranquilise her,
because you've come across its
effects before.
After that,
it's just a question
of getting your timing right,
I imagine.
Smother her when she's passed out.
Then quickly cut her wrist.
Make sure she bleeds
before stringing her up
to make it look like
she'd done it herself.
I bet if I look in your
bathroom cabinet,
I'd find some of those razor blades
that Ryan prefers.
But I don't suppose you had
to worry too much about any
of it, though
..because you were the person
who was going to be writing
the postmortem report.
Everything OK?
Um, yes.
But I think I've changed my mind.
Um, I will speak
to your colleagues after all,
Detective Superintendent.
Very good. Ready when you are.
You can't prove it.
It's over.
It's not over, Dad.
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