T.P BON (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

The Beautiful Girl on the Battlefield

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[tranquil instrumental music playing]
- [Yoko] Hey, Bon!
- Mm.
Hi, Yoko.
You don't look very happy today.
Something getting you down?
The social studies homework.
The interview.
You haven't done it yet?
It just seems so boring.
Asking old people questions
about what their life was like
when they were our age.
[downcast] I don't see the point.
I had fun. My interviews were a blast.
Imagine living without the internet,
or just trying to manage your social life
without a cell phone.
Why would I wanna learn
about such a boring time?
So you procrastinated
just because it sounded boring?
Yeah. And now I have to
talk to the 90-year-old
no one else wanted to interview.
[Yoko] Oh, yeah.
That's Ms. Akiko Shikishima, right?
She's quite sharp for her age,
and she's also very independent.
[grumbles glumly]
[Bon] Well, whatever.
It's still going to be a drag.
Plus, I have English homework to do too.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
How about if I come with you?
[music fades out]
[Akiko] Well, it took you
an awfully long time to come see me.
I'd presumed the assignment was over.
Oh, it's not. Here I am.
- All right. Come this way.
- [Bon murmurs hesitantly]
[whispers] See? She doesn't act
like she's in her 90s.
- [Akiko] Coming?
- [both gasp]
[both] Uh, yeah!
Yes, it's true.
The world was in great chaos
when I was your age,
and it was a challenging time to grow up.
Everyday life was a struggle.
There wasn't enough food.
There wasn't enough time
for fun or for romance.
"No food, fun, or time for romance."
[Akiko] But I'd fallen in love
with foreign language novels
by a very young age.
And that passion led me
to become an English teacher.
- Wow!
- "Then became an English teacher."
Hmm? An English teacher?
So you can read and write fluently?
- [Akiko] Of course.
- Really? Great.
Then I bet you can translate
these sentences for me.
Bon! What do you think you're doing?
That's so rude. You have no manners.
[Bon] What?
You can't possibly need help
for something so basic.
- Uh.
- [Akiko] Here.
[murmurs nervously]
Try to figure it out on your own,
and I will help you
if you get into trouble.
Huh? But that's not
[Akiko] You get working,
and I'll bring us back some tea.
- [Bon] Uh
- [shoji opens]
[grumbles glumly]
- [shoji closes]
- So unfair.
- Teachers are all the same.
- [chuckles]
Look at it this way.
Now you'll finish
both of your homework assignments.
[grumbles glumly]
It's kind of sad
when you really think about it.
[Bon] Hmm?
[Yoko] She lives in this lovely,
big house all by herself.
[Bon] Huh. Really?
Doesn't she have any family?
[Yoko] I don't think so.
Maybe she just outlived everybody else.
[Yoko] Maybe.
But she also never got married.
You know a lot about her.
Actually, my grandmother talks to me
about her sometimes.
[hushed] Keep this to yourself.
Akiko is the heroine
of a tragic love story.
She is? Really?
Mm-hmm. She was engaged as a young woman.
And then she tragically lost her fiancé.
She's been single ever since he
Hmm? Ever since what?
Uh, Yoko?
Mm Mm.
- [Buyoyon] Aha! Found you!
- [gasps]
My intuition was right yet again.
- [gasps]
- We've been looking for you, Bon.
What are you doing? Unbelievable.
Why would you just show up
in front of my friend like this?
Oh, settle down.
We've got Time Lock on, of course.
We've gotta go now.
We even brought your boat for you.
- [whoosh]
- [Bon] Guh!
So where are we going today?
[Ream] To Okinawa.
We're traveling back to May 25th, 1945.
[Buyoyon] It's toward the end
of the Pacific War.
[Ream] You've heard of
the Kamikaze Special Attack Corps?
They crashed their planes
into the enemy's battleships and died.
In other words, they were human bombs.
The kamikazes, huh?
In the very last stage of the war,
there were many young men
who died carrying out this special attack.
And when I say they were young,
I mean they weren't much older
than we are now.
We're to rescue Ensign Sakuragi
of the Imperial Japanese Navy,
who is taking part in the seventh attack,
called "Operation Kikusui VII."
[Buyoyon] Sakuragi was ordered
to join the attack on the American fleet
off the coast of Toguchi.
[Time Boats whoosh]
- [somber music playing]
- [Bon] This is awful.
[Ream] The naval bombardment at the time
of the American landing was fierce.
It's been two months since then,
and most of the main island
has fallen into American hands.
The Japanese forces
are desperately fighting
to defend the Shuri Line,
but it will be breached
before the end of this month.
- [Bon] You say it like it's nothing.
- [Ream] Because that's just history.
Uh Huh?
What's going on over there?
What are those black things?
- [distant explosions]
- [gasps] We've gotta hurry!
The kamikaze attack has already started!
[somber music continues]
[fighter planes rumbling]
[descending roar]
[murmurs anxiously]
[Bon] The planes are getting shot down
one after another!
We have to help them,
or they're all gonna die!
We're only looking for Ensign Sakuragi,
so stay focused!
Why would we pick and choose like that?
We gotta save everyone if we can!
On every falling kamikaze plane
and on every battleship under attack,
there are people on board!
[soldiers screaming]
[Bon] And each and every one of them
has a family back home!
- [Ream] Stop yelling at me!
- [Bon gasps]
You don't think I'm feeling
all the same things you are?
Uh. [sighs]
To save someone, we need a guarantee
from the Time Patrol Research Office.
We must avoid the risk
of changing history at all costs.
Nineteen hundred planes
went on a kamikaze mission
during the Battle of Okinawa.
And we're only here to save one of them.
It's horrible.
- [men straining]
- [soldier] Serg! Serg!
[Ream] But that's what we must do.
[heavy artillery fire]
[shell clangs]
- [explosion echoes]
- [gasps]
How could anybody deal with this?
Maybe I'm not cut out
to be a Time Patrol Agen
[Ream gasps]
[Time Boat whooshes]
Are you nuts? We're on a battlefield, Bon!
Hey! I just found Ensign Sakuragi!
Where is he?
Over in that plane!
[Bon grunts]
[Buyoyon] Any second now,
he's going to crash into a destroyer.
Then what are we waiting for?
[descending roar]
[both] He's been shot!
[dramatic music playing]
He's heading to the island.
He must've lost control of the plane!
[plane rumbling, sputtering]
Oh no. He's gonna crash into the mountain!
Time Lock on!
[ethereal thrum]
[both sigh]
I have to undo the Time Lock on Sakuragi.
[ethereal thrum]
[Bon] Hey. He's moving.
He made it. He's alive.
Whoa-oh! Uh!
[Bon] Oh no!
- [thrum]
- [melodic trill]
[Ream] I'll make him land in slow motion.
Good thinking.
His safe landing's been confirmed.
Time Lock off!
- [ethereal thrum]
- [zap]
- How is he?
- [Bon] Mm.
Well, his wounds aren't too bad.
Yeah. I think we can take care of them
with the instant healing agent.
[Ream] I think we've given him
enough treatment.
[Bon] Let's keep an eye on him
a little while longer.
If the Americans rescue him,
they'll send him home eventually.
[Buyoyon] Buyo.
[solemn music playing]
[groans softly]
[inhales softly]
[Bon] Look. He's awake.
[Ream] Seems he can't believe
he survived that crash.
- [distant explosion]
- [gasps]
I won't become their prisoner.
[Bon] Huh? Why is he checking his gun?
[gun cocks]
[both gasp]
- [Bon] Huh!
- [ethereal thrum]
- [Bon] Wait! Wait!
- [hurried footsteps]
I thought if we saved him,
he'd wanna live.
Japanese soldiers preferred to die
with their pride intact.
They couldn't endure the dishonor
of being captured by the enemy.
[ethereal thrum]
[pistol clicks]
[grunts, sighs]
[murmurs angrily]
[groans despairingly]
[grunts angrily]
[melancholy music playing]
[Ream] Where could he be going?
[music fades out]
- [distant birds calling]
- [insects chirping]
[Bon] I wonder if he's trying to regroup
with other Japanese soldiers.
[Ream] There aren't any.
The American troops have gained
complete control of this area.
[Bon] Well, he doesn't exactly look like
he's planning to turn himself in.
[somber violin music playing]
[flies buzzing]
[grumbles softly]
- [approaching rumble]
- [gasps, grunts]
- [rumbling distancing]
- [gasps]
[tense music playing]
Clearly, he has no interest
in surrendering to anyone.
[Buyoyon] We have to do something.
It's time.
- [Bon] Ensign Sakuragi.
- Stay back!
Uh, we're not your enemy.
We're here to help you.
But there isn't enough time
to explain everything.
Huh? How could these children
end up in a war zone?
[grumbles] No! Stop! Stop!
- [pounding]
- I must've hit my head when I crashed.
Calm down.
They're not really here.
[scoffs] And I don't have time
for hallucinations.
[both] Uh
[Bon] Please stop.
Listen to us for a minute.
[Ream] You're not going to
keep fighting, are you?
The moment your plane got shot down,
your job was officially over.
It's pointless for you to die now.
Because no matter what you do today,
the fighting in Okinawa
is going to come to end next month.
This will all be over soon.
The war is gonna end on August 15th.
[Sakuragi] What did you say?
Uh, well it ends
with the unconditional surrender of Japan.
Did you say Japan will lose?!
[all murmur in terror]
- How dare you? You bastards!
- [tense music playing]
Japan is a divine nation!
We shall prevail!
- [Ream gasps]
- Oh. I get it.
You! You must be an American.
Well I
I knew something was wrong.
You two, you're enemy spies.
[both] No, no, no, no, no!
- Liars!
- [both whimper]
[Bon] Aah!
- Stop right there! [pants]
- [Bon murmurs nervously]
Maybe we shouldn't have told him!
- [rustling]
- [Bon panting]
[Time Boats whir]
[Bon grunts]
Come back, cowards!
[breathing heavily]
[groans wearily]
[katana clacks]
[birds chattering]
- [crickets chirping]
- [bird hooting]
All right. I shall die
in this place, then.
I shall attack on my own with this sword
and die a glorious and honorable death.
[bird calls continue]
Oh, Akiko.
Are you at home
looking up at this same moon?
[beeping faintly]
[Akiko] What?
You leave tomorrow?
I ship out early,
so I have to pack tonight.
So soon? That's just not fair.
But that's the way it is.
It's the age we live in.
- [poignant music playing]
- [Akiko] Hmm.
[Sakuragi] Listen, Akiko,
I'm not saying
this is going to happen, but
please don't mourn me forever
if I don't make it back alive.
[gasps] Why would you say
such a horrible thing?
- [sobs]
- [Sakuragi gasps]
If you die, then I'll [sobs]
You're making this harder
than it needs to be.
- Please stop.
- [murmurs]
Look around.
How can I not want
to protect our beautiful country?
I would gladly give up my life to save it.
Come on. See me off with a smile?
[Bon grumbles]
This is what Ensign Sakuragi's
thinking about now.
It's transmitted
through the device I cast earlier.
[Bon] Hmm
What is it?
It's just that the cedar tree on the hill,
it looks a lot like the one
that was cut down in our village.
Oh! That's it. He's in my neighborhood.
Before all the housing complexes
were built.
Hang on.
That girl
He called her Akiko, right?
- Akiko Akiko
- Yeah. What about her?
I think I might know her!
That's Akiko Shikishima.
She's the old lady I was with today
when you showed up.
- [Ream] Huh?
- [Buyoyon] What?
[Time Boats whir, whoosh]
Well, if that's who she is,
she might save this mission.
Let's go find out.
[grunts] We should split up.
Look around. Search for clues.
[bright upbeat music playing]
[Buyoyon grunts]
I found them!
MAY 3, 1945
[Bon] No doubt about it now.
[both] Hmm.
[drone whizzes]
- [Time Boats whir]
- [Ream] All right. Now, back to Okinawa.
[music fades out]
[crickets chirping]
[Sakuragi] May 26th
of the Imperial Year 2605.
At 0300 hours, I, Ensign Takeo Sakuragi
of the Imperial Japanese Navy,
shall brave an attack on Naka Airfield,
occupied by American forces.
[exhales resolutely]
May Imperial Japan last forevermore.
[foreboding music playing]
[katana whistles, thrums]
Long live His Majesty the Emperor!
Long live the Empire of Japan!
Long live the Japanese Navy!
[man 1] Did you hear that?
- Hear what?
- Everybody up!
- [man 2] Shit.
- [rifles clacking]
Drop your weapon, and put your hands up!
- [Sakuragi] Aah!
- [man 3] Do you understand me?
- Drop your stinking weapon now!
- Aah!
[soft ethereal whirring]
[whirring continues]
[tender music playing]
[gasps] Aki?
- [gasps]
- Akiko! [chuckles]
It actually worked!
Their brain waves
transcended time and space
and were able to synchronize.
[drone whizzing, beeping]
[Bon] So is the older version of Akiko
in my time seeing Takeo like this too?
[Ream] Yeah.
As long as her time stands still.
What? The future?
How many years later?
The emperors already changed twice?
And for all of that time, I waited.
I waited for you for all those years.
- [poignant music playing]
- [sighs]
[man 3] What the hell
do you think you're doing?
Drop your weapon already!
This is bad.
They're going to shoot him at any moment.
I'm sure Akiko is doing her best
to persuade him.
She wants him to come home alive.
[birds chirping]
[children] Hi, Ms. Shikishima!
Yes, it's true. I became a teacher.
Although, that feels like a lifetime ago.
But being a teacher was so fulfilling.
Time just flies when you're surrounded
by children every day.
Of course, there were tough times too.
But I
I really have no regrets.
I was happy with the life I led.
[poignant music continues]
I see.
[Akiko] Except
[murmuring despondently]
[present-day Akiko] That life
[voices blend]would have been
so much better with you.
[Sakuragi sobs softly]
[murmurs, sniffles]
[poignant music swells]
[music crescendoes, fades out]
[katana whistles]
- [heavy gunfire]
- [Sakuragi grunts]
- [Ream gasps]
- You can't go!
But look what's happening!
Those should only have been warning shots.
Cease fire! Cease fire!
[shells clatter]
[Sakuragi breathes softly]
[soldiers murmuring anxiously]
[rifles cock]
[wind howls]
Holy shit.
Hold your fire!
- Put your guns down!
- [both gasp]
- [man 3] Put your guns down!
- [both giggle]
[poignant music continues]
[steady footsteps plod]
[Bon] Even if we only
get to save one person,
we're still doing something
completely amazing.
I'm glad you've come around
to seeing it that way.
And I'm proud
to be part of the Time Patrol.
[Time Boats whoosh]
[Buyoyon whizzing]
And of course, at her age, she's
Wait a sec.
- Huh? Huh?
- [door opens]
Sorry about that. What were you saying?
What was I saying?
When did you walk out of the room?
Oh, I'm sorry.
My husband is coming home early
with our granddaughter.
I'll have to help you with English
some other time.
- Okay. But I thought you were single.
- [Yoko grumbles]
- Bon, you never pay attention.
- [Akiko chuckles]
[both] Thank you for your time.
According to what my grandmother told me,
Akiko's husband went on a kamikaze mission
but miraculously came back alive.
[Bon] Oh. Really?
Apparently, he had a strange dream
where a young girl appeared
in the middle of the battlefield.
A strange dream?
We forgot to use the Forgetter again.
Something wrong?
Mm It's nothing.
[poignant music crescendoes]
So he said a beautiful girl
appeared on the battlefield, huh?
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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