Tabbar (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


I told you never to come back here.
How did you get in?
Madam, I've had enough
of your bossing around.
He's my father.
Where were you in last 5 years?
You show up now when you need his
signatures on the property papers.
Look, don't come
between father and son.
According to the Law, I can
come and meet him whenever I want.
Tell her, Omkar.
Apart from teaching,
do you work here too?
Will you follow me here too?
No, I am here on official duty.
Tomorrow I'll come for you.
I don't trust Policemen.
They get so busy protecting people
that they forget they have a family.
Here you go.
'I don't know about other Policemen.'
'But I Omkar Singh will
always look after my family.'
I've also signed below.
if there's a network in your mobile
then call Happy.
Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.
Lucky! Lucky!
Lucky, what happened to you? My boy.
Lucky, get up!
Lucky, get up!
- Lucky
- Sargun.
Sargun. Let's go.
Sargun? Sargun.
Happy, are you okay?
How did you get hold
of Maheep's consignment?
This stuff!
He got this consignment from Delhi.
How is Maheep related to this?
It's our bag
You can take your share if you want.
Speak, Ahuje?
I'll tell you everything.
What the fuck?
I thought some cartel
killed Maheep, but
I was making Maheep's
video viral for nothing!
I spent millions
of rupees on channels.
You made that video viral!
But to what avail?
If the body had reached Pakistan
then the media would've
kept playing that viral video,
and I would've won.
You can still win.
if the drugs are recovered from Ajeet
we'll be safe.
But who will benefit from all this?
Who gets the seat?
Think about it.
Continue doing what you were doing?
Keep this back in his car.
I don't know if we
can put it in his car again.
But, we can plant it
in his Basra farmhouse.
What happened, Happy?
Why? Why do you care?
Sorry, papa.
I made a mistake.
Doesn't matter.
What happened?
Come on. Let's go.
Where is mom?
She wasn't feeling well.
I left her at the hospital.
I must take food for her.
Come in.
Come here.
Let me hold that.
- Doctor, how is patient Sargun
- All her vitals are normal.
It's just a panic attack.
The counselor is on his way.
Why counselor?
For mental treatment.
Through talking.
Your wife and you must tell the
counselor everything about the shock.
The counselor will
help you deal with it.
Yes, there's some Lucky
in your family who is dead.
No, he's not dead.
He's met with an accident.
-Don't worry, the counselor will
handle everything. -Okay.
Dr. Sethi will come in half an hour.
I see
And how is Lucky?
Yes, we've patched him up.
God bless you, dear.
My son is fine.
That's how he should be.
It's all I want.
- Come, Sargun.
- Where is Lucky?
Let's go, Sargun. Come on.
We cannot stay here.
Come on.
Tegi was telling the truth that day.
I dropped out of UPSC coaching.
I don't want to be an IPS.
Never wanted to.
I tried really hard for six months.
I would study day and night
but I couldn't cope up.
I always wanted to
start my business.
I dropped out of coaching
and borrowed money.
But I lost that money too.
I was coming home to tell you this.
I don't know why
but I had a drink before
getting on the train.
Then I met Maheep.
He was snorting yellow
stuff in the bathroom.
I saw him keeping the
yellow stuff in his bag.
And our bags were completely similar.
When the station arrived
I don't know what came over me.
I was drunk.
I intentionally took his bag.
But when he wound up at our home I
realised what a big mistake I had made.
Sorry, papa.
It's all my fault.
I am to be blamed.
Get up.
We're getting late.
We've to go plant the bag.
Come on.
I am coming.
Right away.
I forgot to give your
mom the insulin injection.
So I'll be right back.
You two get the key's from Happy's
office and meet me at the farmhouse.
Sister, open the door!
Look at the water coming out
No one is opening the door.
Someone go around
the back and take a look.
-What happened? -I don't know
what's come over sister-in-law.
First, she was washing our car.
Now she's not opening the door.
Look at the amount
of water coming out.
- Sister!
- Sargun!
- Go around the back.
- Sargun!
- Sister!
- Sargun!
- Sargun!
- Sister!
What are you doing, Sargun?
I can't see it.
I can't see it.
There's blood everywhere.
I can't see it.
Let me clean it.
Let me clean it.
Let me clean it.
- No Sargun!
- Let me clean it.
- Sargun, there's no blood.
- Let me clean it.
There's no blood, Sargun.
There's no blood, Sargun.
She's unwell and fell asleep.
She's asleep.
I'll take her to the
doctor in the evening.
Thank you very much.
Fine, brother. Don't hesitate
to ask if you need anything.
Of course.
Apologise for the inconvenience.
Come on.
Come on.
Papa, how is mom now?
She's fine. Don't worry.
I am responsible for her condition.
- shall we hide it here?
- No
it shouldn't look so convenient
when the Police raid.
Let's hide it in the harvester.
Give me the bag.
Papa! Papa!
Stay there.
Papa! Papa!
Leave him!
You can crush them later.
Let's first complete our deal.
Here you go.
Sir he killed Maheep, not us.
He's right.
He killed your brother.
What rubbish, you knucklehead?
Yes, your bodyguard Multan
had learned the truth.
He's the one who got him killed.
Shut it down!
What nonsense is this?
We're talking nonsense?
He's the one who forced me to
make Maheep's video in Delhi.
We didn't know he planned to
kill Maheep after making the video.
Yes Otherwise,
we would've never done any of this.
Yes, the greed for
200,000 made me blind.
They've lost their minds seeing
death so close. Talking nonsense.
Imagine, Ajeet sir,
I'm a smalltime shop owner.
What will I get from
killing your brother?
And look at him.
He's brought papers to make
sure you drop out of the elections.
What will I get from
killing your brother? Tell me.
Bastards I've never
seen such a vile breed.
Shoot him!
They are like bloody hyenas.
They cannot be trusted.
No, sir, we didn't
If you don't kill them, then I
Put the bodies in the car.
You guys are coming along too.
Who interviewed you?
Bhanu bhai.
Happy! Happy!
No. I beg you.
No, no, no
Why did you kill my brother?
Tegi accidentally took Maheep's
drug packet thinking it was a phone.
He arrived furiously at our doorstep.
He drew his gun.
But your brother
had a very short temper.
If he was a little calmer
then he would still be alive.
What the
What the fuck?
I couldn't take a chance.
So I mixed this poison in your water.
Forgive me.
Fuck you!
Thank you very much.
Don't worry about a thing.
They will be absolutely
fine in the morning.
'I killed Lucky'
I made the first move.
I attacked him with a knife first.
I am ready to pay for my crimes.
Leave my family alone.
Punish me.
The number you've called is currently
unavailable. Please try again
Give me the phone.
Give me the phone.
Lucky was going to forgive me.
Give me the phone
Maheep's here.
You were saying, who
will testify at the court?
Maheep will
He'll say that he fired first.
He'll testify.
everything is fine now.
Nothing is fine.
If everything was fine
Then they would've left me alone.
Give me the phone.
I want to talk to Lucky.
Give me the phone.
- Sargun
- Give me the phone.
I want to talk to Lucky.
Lucky is dead.
Lucky is dead.
That's nonsense.
That's nonsense.
That's nonsense.
Sargun no.
Everything is fine now.
Everything is fine now.
Everything is fine.
Lucky is here.
He is drinking Lassi that I made.
I made some for Happy and Tegi too.
Where are they?
The boys will come soon.
You're lying!
You're lying.
No, Sargun.
You're lying.
You're lying.
Where are my children?
You're lying.
Where are you?
I am not lying.
They will return tomorrow.
Our children are fine.
You killed my children.
- You killed my children!
- No, Sargun.
- You killed my children!
- Sargun! Sargun!
- You killed my children!
- Sargun!
Sargun! Sargun!
Everything is fine.
Our children are fine.
Everything is fine, Sargun.
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine, Sargun.
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine, Sargun.
I can't see it.
Just give me some time.
Just a little time.
Time won't fix anything.
This can only be fixed
when we'll tell brother Jagtaar
that don't look for Lucky.
We killed him.
No, Sargun.
When Tannu will find out
that we killed brother Sunil.
When the Police will find out
No, Sargun.
that we killed Maheep.
Otherwise, these three
won't leave me alone.
No, no, no
They won't leave me alone.
They will keep bothering me.
- They won't let me live.
- Sargun.
- They won't let me live.
- Sargun, no, no
Sargun, you said that Policemen
don't take care of their families.
Now when I am taking care of us
why aren't you supporting me?
Why are you backing out?
Everything is fine now.
Everything is fine now, Sargun.
I'm hungry.
I'll make something.
Carrot pudding.
Carrot pudding it is.
Is this the Police Station?
I want to file a report.
We made a big mistake.
Yes, I am speaking from Jalandhar.
Yes, Unwillingly
we killed three people.
We've committed a sin.
A grave sin.
First is Ajeet Sodhi's
brother Maheep Sodhi.
"Everyone talks of separation."
"Separation is supreme."
It's delicious.
"Who knows"
"Who knows not the pangs of separation."
"Who knows not the pangs of separation."
"Is dead indeed."
"Everyone talks of separation."
"Separation is supreme."
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