Talentless Nana (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Talented vs. Talentless Part 3

After all this time,
only now does he reek of death.
Do his body parts that were
hidden from direct sunlight
take longer to decompose?
There might still be zombies left in the forest.
"Talentless Nana"
Should I have spared Yuka,
had her search the corpses' memories,
and tried to find out
what happened on this island?
Don't be stupid. I only
need to carry out my mission.
Everyone I come into contact with disappears.
And I didn't go to class yesterday,
either That's pretty sketchy.
My question shouldn't be,
"What happened to the bodies?"
Episode 8: Talented vs. Talentless Part 3
Rather, "How should I use them?"
You're Habu right?
Hiiragi? What do you want?
First Michiru, now you're bullying snakes?
Don't jump to conclusions! It's my talent!
I have to eat live reptiles to function.
Can you turn your bodily fluids to poison?
Yeah. Drives guys wild in the sack, too.
So what're you doing here?
Actually, I also spent the
whole night boinking someone.
Like a guy?
Dang, for a girlie girl, you're pretty skanky!
Where's your other half?
You know, the girl who can teleport.
That bitch is dead to me.
You stole my color contacts
They're missing from my bag
Look. See what I have to deal with?
How do you know it was me?
Jeez. I just borrowed her contacts.
Die, bitch!
But she does seem to regret yelling at you.
Right, Kaori?
She seems to have teleported away,
but why don't you stop hiding from her,
and talk things through with her?
Wh-What did you?
It hurts, doesn't it?
If you give me your phone's
password, I'll give you the antidote.
You bitch
Tell me.
Your phone password.
Unless you want to die?
Th Three, three, zero, seven, eight, nine!
Thanks for your cooperation.
The antidote
Talenteds like you are of a lesser priority.
But I have to clear Kyoya's suspicion of me.
Damn it. Teleportation.
I need to consider the best
timing for sending that text
Wait, if Kyoya is spying on me,
it doesn't matter when she dies
No, wait
Either choice I make comes with a risk.
This must be it.
If the wind were to blow
the case onto the floor,
it's possible my victim won't find it.
Is it poorly-constructed?
It only opens from this direction.
Okay. It's going to be another long day.
Where were you yesterday?
Yuka isn't here today either.
And I checked Shinji's room
earlier, but he wasn't there.
Hey, kid Do you know something I don't?
Yes. Yuka's dead
She's dead because of me.
Please, come with me.
I'll explain everything.
Michiru, Seiya, Moguo, could you join us?
S-So, Yuka was the
necromancer instead of Shinji?
Yes. And Yuka was the one who killed Shinji.
She wanted to kill him to make him hers.
Two nights ago,
I tactlessly revealed Yuka's secret to someone.
Then Yuka went berserk and
tried to use Shinji to kill me.
Oh, no!
But in the end, I managed to get through to her.
And I told Yuka that Shinji
still loves her, even in death.
And then
Yuka jumped off the cliff!
She said she was going
to be with Shinji in Heaven.
She told me to tell you all how sorry she is.
Nana- shan , it isn't your fault.
I have a request for you, Moguo.
Could you please burn Shinji's corpse?
W-Why me?
Please! He's calling out in pain as we speak.
You're okay with this, aren't you, Kyoya?
We can't exactly store him.
I have my reservations, but I guess it's okay.
I assumed he'd want to examine the body.
Okay, it's fire-time, baby!
It's more important that I watch
Hiiragi's every move at the crime scene.
Friendly Fire!
Hey, did you change up your catchphrase?
Could you take care of them, too?
Yuka had them chasing me all night.
They apparently died on this island a while ago.
How did they get here?
That I don't know.
But I assume they were murdered cruelly.
Is it okay if we burn them, too?
You want me to search the bodies that badly?
Oh, uh no.
Friendly Fire!
So you're just going to stalk me, eh?
You blew your chance.
Your little sister might have
been among the zombies.
I'm torn.
But I suppose we must tell
the others the truth about Yuka.
Please don't!
Yuka was an innocent victim!
I know what I heard in the forest.
What did you hear?
Voices of the enemies of humanity!
I heard them talking,
and one of their types possesses
people with vulnerable psyches!
So Yuka was being controlled?
Yes! Which is exactly why I was able
to get through to her in the end.
So the enemies of humanity were behind this!
Poor Yuka must have suffered greatly.
Not a bad plot twist for a manga.
Nobody asked you, buzzkill!
Well, if there is an intruder among us,
that possibility is likely
to make us hyper-vigilant.
So I'll go along with Hiiragi's
touching tale for now.
I'll take this opportunity to ask you all this:
Before and after Tsunekichi's
death, where was Hiiragi?
Where was Hiiragi when Yuka died?
It's the same with Nakajima, too.
Whenever one of us dies,
Hiiragi's whereabouts are always unknown.
Let's go!
What's wrong?
She's dead.
Her body is still warm.
Rigor mortis still hasn't set in.
She died within the last two hours.
Within the last two hours
Just what were you saying about
my whereabouts again, Kyoya?
What happened?
I came over to hang out and she was
Don't touch her!
But I have to save her!
We don't know how she died.
It might be dangerous.
But I have to try!
First Tsunekichi, now Kaori
What's wrong with this dog?
This bitch treated you like crap.
Okay. You guys calm everyone down.
Inukai, go get the giant
medical bag out of my room.
Hiiragi, stay here with me.
In front of me. In clear view.
And don't you dare touch that body.
This resembles Tsunekichi's death.
The same killer probably used the same trick.
She looks like she's trying
to gouge her eyes out.
It's poison.
It burns
Do something anything!
Are you okay now?
If only I were this easy to kill.
So poison won't kill him either.
But it certainly does torture him.
I'll analyze this poison later.
Anyway, this gyaru died by inserting
a poisoned contact lens into her eye.
We can assume this is a murder.
Also, this gyaru
Her name was Kaori Takanashi.
This gyaru wore color contacts all the time.
Her killer must have known this.
She wore them "all the time"?
Did you notice it in class?
I don't see a mirror anywhere near the body.
Meaning, she's so used to using these contacts
that she can apply them without a mirror.
Makes sense. Impressive.
What was her ability?
Um, short-distance teleportation.
You knew that, too, didn't you?
Why does that matter?
Look, kid, you skipped morning classes today.
Did you spend your morning in the mountains?
Yes. I was so traumatized that
it took a while to get back.
I say this as a joke, but,
this gyaru was in morning classes.
So you could have sneaked into her
room and poisoned her contact case.
It's entirely possible, right?
Correct, Sherlock.
But it's still just your "joke."
Since you can read minds,
I wouldn't be surprised if
you knew she used color contacts.
Why in the world would Nana kill Kaori?
You seem tired, but I'd still like
to ask you some questions.
We still have a lot of work to do.
I'm used to your sick jokes by now, Kyoya.
That's right. She's been constantly
on the move for the past couple days.
Okay, kid.
It's about time for you to slip up.
That gyaru apparently had a falling
out with her tan friend recently.
You mean Habu?
Michiru, wait, what's Habu's talent again?
It's poison She can turn
her saliva into poison.
Was she in class today?
No. She cuts class a lot, though.
She says she has to eat wild frogs and snakes.
Then Habu is our killer.
Let's catch her.
She wasn't there.
Oh, no did the enemies
of humanity possess her, too?
That trope again?
I heard the voice when
I was with you all in the forest.
The same voice that possessed Yuka's soul.
For the record,
when the gyaru died, you didn't hear
the enemy's inner-voice then, right?
Even though you seemed to hear
it clearly when Inukai was in danger?
Uh, well that's right.
Which means this murder was
carried out by a human being.
And this time,
Hiiragi was unable to say she heard
the enemy's voice for some reason?
The murderer set a trap this time.
No telling when that trap would go off.
So she didn't know precisely when it happened.
Well, forget it. I'm going
to search that gyaru's room again.
Shouldn't we look for Habu instead?
We can do that tomorrow morning.
In any case, she can't escape from this island.
The question is, what connection do
Habu, Hiiragi, and Kaori share?
If Habu was possessed by the enemy,
then she might already be dead, just like Yuka.
Tough break, Leader.
You and Kaori were friends, weren't you?
Were we friends? Uh, no
Now that you mention it
I did come to visit once.
I thought I'd lecture her about bullying.
I see.
Nana, you idiot Could you
possibly act more unnatural?!
I opened the window to the left
without hesitation or struggle.
A window without a handle
that's not supposed to open from the right!
In other words, I've outed myself.
He knows I knew the window
is faulty and sticks on the left side.
I've basically told him
I've been in this room before.
Guess that's a plausible excuse.
Kyoya must have witnessed my blunder
while he was writhing from the poison.
His physical and mental fortitude are
limitless Meanwhile, look at me!
Well. Guess this means
you were with her earlier.
Which means you could have read her mind
and you knew she wanted
her contacts Just a theory.
Kyoya! That's enough!
I hate to say it,
but I think Habu is the killer!
A cell phone?
This belonged to Kaori.
I'm surprised people use those.
When the supply ship comes,
"You stole my color contacts"
"How do you know it was me?"
"Die, bitch!"
they're distributed first come, first serve.
"It was me"
"I'm sorry"
"Die, bitch!"
Though they won't dial outside the island.
"I messed up. I'll put them on your desk
I didn't use them, btw
Got you chocolate too"
"I didn't use them, btw
Got you chocolate too
Also, I saw an EoH Scary shit, right?"
How'd you bypass her lock screen?
Fingerprints work, too. So I just had her, uh
Michiru, you're a trooper.
Let's see the last text
Three o' clock! It was sent at 3:04!
We were in the forest then, weren't we?
So you're saying Hiiragi couldn't have
sent this text while we were with her?
Th-That's right!
So please stop accusing
Nana, even if it is just a jo--
Stay back, Inukai.
I know Hiiragi is the killer.
Since you're still playing dumb,
shall I spell it all out for you?
Hey what's happening?
Why is everything so tense in here?
Perfect timing. I want you all to hear this.
I'm going to expose your leader's crimes.
K-Kyoya insists
He insists Nana was the one who killed Kaori!
Stay calm. No matter how suspect I am,
he can't have any solid proof!
Here's how it happened:
This morning, Hiiragi killed Habu.
Then she placed the poisoned
contact case in Kaori's room.
Then she waltzed innocently into class.
Was I the only person who
wasn't in class this morning?
Were you tracking everyone
else's actions today, too?
Habu left early in the morning
to hunt reptiles in the forest.
Which is where you were.
It only makes sense to suspect you first.
But why do you think Habu
is dead in the first place?
I've got a theory.
Habu's body was already burned to a crisp
by Moguo which, I recall, was your idea.
Making sure those corpses were all burned away--
that was a crucial point in your plan.
You would know I'd try to search the bodies.
The best place to hide
a corpse is in a mass grave.
You messed up her face to mask her identity,
then you put a boy's school uniform
on her. It's entirely plausible.
He saw right through me!
When you baited me to search
the bodies, that clued me in.
At that point in time,
I was still unaware of the murder.
So you knew I probably wouldn't recognize Habu.
So maybe your original plan
was to distract me with corpses,
so you could get rid of "it."
Get rid of "it"? Of what?
Of the evidence.
The definitive proof that connects you to Habu.
Habu's cell phone.
This last 3:04 text You sent it, didn't you?
Just cut it out already!
Even if I were the killer, why would
I need to send that kind of text?!
Because there was a possibility
you'd fail to poison her.
They're missing from my bag
How do you know it was me?
Die, bitch!
Habu and and Kaori were having a falling out.
And since they were friends,
Kaori would have known
about Habu's poison-powers.
If her stolen contacts returned
to her without explanation,
Kaori might be wary to use them.
So you sent her an apology text
to make her think everything was okay.
Son of a bitch He knows everything!
What about her phone's password?
How would I have operated Habu's phone?
You can read minds, can't you?
But I can't ask specific questions like that!
My power has its limits! It comes and goes!
Sometimes I can hear the inner-voices
of others, sometimes I can't!
Then you could have cut off
her finger and used her prints.
Or you tricked her into helping you.
It doesn't matter!
You still have it, don't you?
You have Habu's phone.
Ever since I first saw you today,
I haven't taken my eyes off you, kid.
Which means you had no time to ditch
the phone after you sent that 3:04 text.
Come to think of it, you've been
shoving your hand in your pocket a lot.
That was a long text Are you
suggesting I typed it inside my pocket?
You typed it in advance.
So all you had to do was hit "send" at 3:04.
Kyoya please stop.
I'm going to search you now.
Next episode: Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest.
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