Tandav (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


The good old Delhi winter
and a bottle of rum!
It takes me back.
Lovely. Lovely.
Ms. Maithili Sharan…
Time has really changed you, Maithili.
That's the thing about time, Gurpal.
It changes everyone.
I used to think we're different.
I was always the dirty one.
I used to think that even if I go wrong…
you, despite being in politics,
never will.
But they got the better of you as well.
Stop beating around the bush, Gurpal.
What do you want?
Four hours before Devki had died,
you had received a
phone call from the hospital.
The caller had informed you
about the plan to murder Devki.
But you did nothing.
Well, the thing is…
you guys don't have any other proof.
I can guarantee it!
And as far as I know you, Maithili…
you must've definitely
told Anuradha about this.
And that means…
and Anuradha…
knew about the plan to murder Devki
hours before it actually happened.
But you guys didn't do shit.
You should know better, Gurpal.
I wouldn't come this far…
if I had no proof.
If you really had any proof…
you wouldn't have dragged your ass
all the way out to Old Delhi!
It's over, Maithili!
And if you want to save
your sorry ass…
you'll have to rat Anuradha out.
-Don't stoop so low--
We have stooped far enough, Maithili.
This could've been worse for you.
But I haven't done anything.
Because I'm a gentleman.
And because of the relationship
we've shared in the past.
What do you want?
I want.
The punishment for murder is the same…
for the murderer
and for his co-conspirators.
You're intelligent enough
to take the right call.
In the game of chess,
a king may or may not fall.
But his pawns and his lieutenants
fall way before the king does.
your parents still live
in Dehradun, right?
Shri Vihar, Bungalow number eight?
Is Samar with you?
He isn't answering my calls.
I'll try calling him.
Sometimes, when I see us,
I hope ten years later…
you and I don't end up
like Anuradha and Devki.
compare me to my dad!
Fuck you, Samar!
Fuck you!
What happened?
What did Maithili say?
Nothing yet.
What did you do?
What was I supposed to do, ma'am?
I intimidated her.
We'll know tomorrow
if I've been successful.
They're bluffing.
They have no clue.
An anonymous phone call is all they have.
They don't even know if
the person calling them
was an accountant,
a watchman or a doctor.
So, Pathak was telling us the truth.
But how did they know
about the Aconite?
I don't get that either.
But I've seen her face.
She's terrified.
Can we confirm that the doctors
haven't told them about Aconite?
-Why aren't you answering the call?
-Mind your own business.
Try calling her again.
-Hello, Sana?
She's in the bathroom.
Who am I speaking to?
I'm her sister.
What the hell!
Yeah, Shiva?
Hey, Sana!
Where are you?
You have a sister?
Do you have something
important to say?
No, I-- Well--
I wanted to tell you that…
I'm contesting the election.
But the party has expelled us, right?
I'm forming my own party, Sana.
We already have two members.
You can be the third.
That's an abrupt call, Shiva.
"Abrupt" decisions have
always been his style, Sana!
I'll talk to you guys later.
Did you know she has a sister?
I'm pregnant, Kailash.
That's really kind of you to tell me.
Because half the city
already knows about it.
What do you mean?
Zee news, NDTV, ANI,
everyone's asking the same question!
"Are you in a relationship
with Sandhya Nigam?"
I don't understand.
Do they know that I'm pregnant?
Anita knows it as well, Sandhya!
She has been calling me all morning!
And these news channels calling me at the
exact same time cannot be a coincidence.
But how could they know?
You must've told someone!
Because you obviously don't
care about the consequences.
Why would I do it?
What are you saying, Kailash?
-Why would I tell anyone--
-My fucking career's on the line, Sandhya!
This is not your college romance!
So, I got pregnant all by myself?
Tell me!
-Was it all my fault?
-Ideally, you shouldn't be here right now.
Have a look!
There will be cameras all over
the place in the next ten minutes!
Why are we hiding it?
Let's just tell everyone!
My divorce is complete as well!
But mine isn't!
Why did you lie?
I needed some time, Sandhya.
Why did you lie?
As soon as I get a divorce,
Anita will be out on the streets
protesting against me!
When will you do it?
We'll discuss it later.
You need to leave right now.
What if I say I don't want to leave?
Vishnu will be here soon.
He'll drop you off.
You aren't worried about
my health either, right?
Sandhya, come on!
Let's just get through this day.
I made a mistake!
I accept it, alright?
"Sandhya, please!
Everything will be alright!
Just get a divorce.
We'll get married.
Everything will be alright."
What do you want?
What do you want?
The back door.
There's something Jigar told me.
And I thought it was bullshit.
He said, "When a man from a lower caste
dates a woman from the higher caste…
all he's doing,
is exacting revenge…
for atrocities spanning centuries…
on that one single woman."
And I thought it was bullshit.
Sir, you must postpone the elections.
Ma'am, elections cannot be postponed!
The candidates who
have filed their nominations
will contest the elections
in the normal course!
Excuse me, sir.
One of our candidates is dead.
The presidential candidate is in jail.
And the others--
You know it, sir!
You can go talk to
the dean if you wish to.
I will not be postponing this election!
Sir, why bother conducting an election?
Why don't you just declare
that CJLD has won the election?
Mind you language!
We know you are here
to serve your masters, sir.
And the constitution of our university
says that this is your decision.
Dean office doesn't have anything
to do with student body elections.
Rule 23B.
Secondly, if there's a death of a
candidate during the elections…
his party as well as all the other parties
can renominate their candidates.
It happened in 1986.
It could happen again.
Well, that's what the court would say.
And there's one more rule, sir.
A rule that's mentioned in the book,
but you guys always forget.
Democracy, sir.
And the youth in a democracy…
can shatter the mightiest of foundations.
are you going to be the
presidential candidate for SAI?
No, sir.
That's Imran.
I'm starting my own party.
-Long live…
-Long live…
-Revolt against…
-Revolt against…
-Revolt against…
-Revolt against…
-Long live…
-Long live…
Today, once again,
I stand here before you.
You already know what my concerns are.
I won't repeat myself.
And I promise you, that if I win…
your problems won't
repeat themselves either.
And yes…
whether I win or I lose…
I won't let them reduce the
number of seats in this college.
When I look at every single one of us,
I see anger.
I see rage!
And shrewd men have been
using our very rage against us!
What do we do with our rage?
We use it to share memes on WhatsApp.
We use it to oppress those
lower than us on the food chain.
Not anymore!
We are gonna use our rage ourself
for our own bloody selves!
We have two parties against us.
Both have their own history.
CJLD has a giant backpack
on its drooping shoulders
stuffed to the brim with cash.
Who am I?
My shoulders are empty.
But my eyes are full of rage.
And my name's Shiva!
I'm the embodiment of this rage!
Hardworking laborers from my state,
toil in every corner of this country.
And you guys refer to them as, "bhaiya".
I am but one of those laborers,
toiling and scraping through.
We all are!
And this is our rage!
And this rage…
is gonna let itself out through…
(The dance of fury)
This is my party.
I hope to see you guys at the
presidential debate tomorrow.
-Long live…
-Revolt against…
-Revolt against…
Prisoner's name?
Chetan Kranti.
Your name?
Sana Mir.
You can't see him.
The meeting hour is on Tuesday, right?
He hasn't mentioned your name in his list.
Ma'am, I need to meet him.
Can you please try asking him?
We can't do that, ma'am.
He has named ten visitors.
You aren't one of them.
Ma'am, please.
Please, try and do something.
Can you please check once?
I'll try.
Have a seat.
Go on.
Home minister Kailash Kumar is accused of
abusing his position to get
Ms. Sandhya Nigam the top job at VNU
because of their personal relationship.
It is important to note
that two professors,
senior to Ms. Nigam,
were vying for the job as well.
Hitesh Aggarwal, Headline News.
Jigar's girl is being troublesome.
Why are you here, Sana?
This isn't as simple…
as you think it is, Chetan.
There's a…
big plan unfolding here.
I'll tell you everything.
What is this plan?
Sana, tell me!
What the fuck is going on?
What the fuck do you guys want?
Thank you…
for everything you've done.
Your girlfriend…
What's her name?
And she's not my girlfriend.
She's being a pain in the ass.
Don't worry about her, Samar.
She's a bit restless and…
her life's pretty complicated anyway.
Tell her…
to control herself.
Our party wasn't formed yesterday.
CJLD is the most stable
party in this college.
If you guys…
vote for CJLD…
I promise you…
I will resolve every
single one of your issues!
-Long live! Long live!
-Long live CJLD!
-Long live! Long live!
-Long live CJLD!
-Long live! Long live!
-May I speak, my friend?
My time's running out.
And the truth is,
I just didn't have the time.
I filled the form yesterday…
and tomorrow is the election day.
And this election is
really difficult for me.
Because I obviously have to
fight a strong party like CJLD.
But I also have to fight SAI's Imran…
who is my best friend.
How can I stand here and tell you
to vote for me and not him?
Because the lad's a bloody gem!
But there's a problem.
The party banner he stands under…
has expelled two of Imran's best friends.
One's right here on stage
fighting the good fight.
The second is right there with you.
Because we chose…
not the party…
not the friendship…
but the truth!
That was our fault!
And if this is a fault that
deserves a punishment…
you can deliver it tomorrow.
Thank you.
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
I'm really nervous about tomorrow.
Don't worry.
You'll do well.
I don't know if this is
the right way to say it.
But you know me.
I can't twist my words.
I just blurt whatever comes to my mind.
And I think you already know this.
I love you, Sana.
Say something, dude!
You could go with the classic,
"We're just good friends."
Try and remember.
You were the one who conducted
Mr. Devki's postmortem, right?
Yes, it was me and Dr. Sooraj.
He's a fucking asshole.
-Where did you meet Maithili?
I didn't meet her.
I just…
called her.
I was really scared.
we don't have any proof.
I've sent you a recording.
Since the time this world was created…
the human life on this planet
has revolved around two things…
But this world has
another very important law.
And that is… karma.
We don't have any evidence
against Samar, Maithili.
And without any evidence…
we won't be able to play
this game for a long time.
Do you ever feel…
About what?
You could've…
stopped it.
You could've saved Devki.
Everyone has to die someday, Maithili.
I must have done something right.
It must be due to some good karma…
that we got our hands
on this evidence.
Yeah, but…
what happened was wrong.
There is no right or wrong, Maithili.
The destiny…
is all there is.
You have to suppress your guilt.
Sometimes, I wonder…
who's more wrong…
Samar or us?
I had had enough, Maithili!
You know it.
I had to beg for every little thing.
I was tired of listening
to people say…
"She's 'close' to Mr. Devki.
That's the reason she's here."
I've slogged ten times harder than any
of these chumps to be where I am today!
But no!
I was always "The muse".
"The other woman."
I was always the outsider, Maithili.
That's it!
I didn't want to be an outsider anymore.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
In very simple English…
"For every action…
there is an opposite reaction."
Newton's third law.
You might feel that…
someone's screwing you over.
Sometimes, humans screw nature.
And sometimes, nature screws humans.
It's all about balance.
And as long as this balance is maintained,
the world will keep on moving.
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