TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e08 Episode Script


Nice to meet you.
You must be Sanetomo Narita's son.
So this is Mido.
What's wrong?
That guy was there
when I opened up my Privilege.
Okay, can you stay inside
and be on the lookout?
Gobo, how are things on your end?
According to Shinozakin, there are
no suspicious people in sight.
We can communicate with the professor
using the Display Right
and Rika is with them as well,
so I'm sure that group will be safe.
So you're Mido? Right now,
there are two people with Privileges here.
If you behave, we'll only ask questions.
If you resist, we'll have to use torture.
What you want is information, right?
I don't mind giving it to you.
But first, you're going to have to tell me
about your situation.
-I will tell him.
You keep an eye on his behavior.
I see.
You really are Sanetomo's son, I guess.
Not only are you blessed with good friends
and opportunities, but you're also lucky.
But how interesting
Your father hasn't told you anything, huh?
What are you talking about?
You don't know?
Your father was one of the smartest people
within the organization.
I accepted his offer without complaining
because I doubted that I could outwit him.
I must say though,
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
It's amazing that you made it this far.
However, it seems as though most of it
was thanks to that guy, Sudo.
Just as I thought,
that guy was incredibly smart.
You know Sudo-senpai?
I am the one who stabbed him to death.
Mido, give us
all the information that you have.
Sure, as long as you don't get violent.
First of all, is the conclusion
that we came to correct?
For the most part.
I'm amazed that you deduced that much.
What did we get wrong?
It's just a trivial detail.
The method you used to get your answer
is incorrect, but that doesn't matter.
So the Emperor
is in Chiyoda Ward, correct?
That is correct.
If you know his specific location,
tell us.
He's in the ridiculously tall
Emperor's Tower.
It's a typical place a kid like him
would choose as a home base.
-"A kid"?
The Emperor is a 12-year-old kid.
The Emperor is a child?
Right now, the Emperor's Tower
is surrounded by a bunch of corpses.
The Emperor used his special right to make
them into puppets, or more like zombies.
There are tens of thousands of them,
so it's impossible to approach the tower.
And because of his Concealment Right,
it's not visible from outside the ward.
I can faintly see it, though,
with my Right to See.
As I thought, the Emperor is becoming
more paranoid about his safety.
He may be a kid,
but he's still the Emperor.
His defense is impenetrable.
There are a total of 666 special rights.
And now, most of them are
in the Emperor's possession.
But we still have a chance of winning.
That is why I'm sharing this information.
After all, if you guys do the work for me,
I can take it easy.
Then I can inherit all of
the Emperor's special rights.
So he plans to steal all the special
rights, including the Right to Collect.
Remember how the mailboxes
and dead bodies disappeared?
He used the Right to Collect.
Although, it apparently takes two days
to collect a large number of dead bodies.
Compared to that, my Right of Inheritance
activates instantly at all times.
As long as he dies once, I can snatch away
his special rights even if he's revived.
That's one perk of keeping me alive.
You can keep me as a backup plan
when you need to incapacitate the Emperor.
Wouldn't you rather choose someone who is
reasonable like me, over the Emperor?
Don't worry,
we're not going to kill you right away.
More importantly, are you saying that
we can win with Sane's Privilege?
Sanetomo Narita was a very capable man.
He was able to predict what would happen
to the detention camp far into the future.
After the mass escape, they started
only using children as test subjects.
Then someone obtained the Right to Collect
and became the Emperor.
Knowing that would happen, Sanetomo stole
a Privilege that would be a trump card.
That Privilege was
an Exception-type Privilege,
the Parental Right.
Parental Right?
All you have to do is look at a minor
and declare who has custody over them.
Once you declare it,
that minor can no longer
disobey their "parent"
and that "parent" will take over
all of their Rights.
Just by looking at his face and claiming
to be his parent, you can win.
Wow! If that's true, that's amazing!
For real!
No, think about it
Why would the Emperor lure me in
when I can defeat him the moment we meet?
Mido is obviously
setting me up to fight the Emperor.
I bet there's something that he can gain
by making me meet the Emperor.
If I lose against the Emperor,
nothing will change in Mido's favor.
If I win, what will happen?
The Emperor won't be able to
use his special rights anymore.
Then all Mido has to do
is find a chance to kill the Emperor.
Once we get rid of the Majority Vote,
Mido will have more freedom.
He must be telling the truth.
I came here to have
a meaningful conversation.
I know very well that you lured me here
because you wanted information.
It's called give and take.
You can turn down my offer, but it's not
like you have any other options.
Now you know how to take down the Emperor.
Once you have him under control,
you can do whatever you like with him.
If you can subdue him without killing him,
I won't get his special rights.
All I'm asking for
is a chance to gain something.
Isn't this an awesome deal?
Okay, I'll take you up on that offer.
But only if you answer all our questions.
I just love how greedy you are.
Hurry up and get it over with.
You said that he's collecting dead bodies.
Does he turn all of them into puppets?
How would I know? Ask the Emperor.
Do you know what the Emperor looks like?
I don't.
Usually, only the researchers who
oversee the procedure know the details.
But those idiots were so ecstatic
that they held a party to debut him.
So I'm sure everyone saw him,
unless they didn't attend.
By attending that party,
they exposed their faces to him.
They should have known that
they would be his first targets.
Is it true that your goal is to annihilate
all of humanity, excluding yourself?
That is true.
After all, that is my ideal situation.
All right, are you done asking questions?
One last thing.
If we need you, we'll contact you
on that device using the Display Right.
You'd better answer.
You're quite bossy, aren't you?
Whatever, I'll play along.
Are you sure, Sane?
Soma created that device
using his Right to Manifest.
It comes with an ultra-miniature
remote-controlled bomb inside.
We can track it using
Gobo's Display Right too.
If Mido goes against his word,
we'll bomb him using that device.
Whoa, that's brutal.
Ever since the Majority Vote started,
I've killed many people.
I already know I'm going to Hell for it.
So I'll take responsibility
for all the dirty work.
All right, Mido has successfully
left the building. Inform Gobo, please.
All right.
-No, wait!
-What happened?
Iruga! When did he get here?
Thanks for the warm welcome,
Saneatsu Narita.
Why are you here?
Don't worry. I'm not here to fight you.
I haven't even seen Mido since then.
Really? He was here just a second ago.
Oh, really? What a coincidence.
I came here to deliver the Command Right
to Narita-chan.
The Command Right? Did you say "deliver"?
Where's the owner?
I already told you, remember?
The owner died.
All right, let me explain.
So that's the gist of it.
I see. I'll believe you for now.
That's what I call a leader!
He kept his Command Right by preserving
his commands in letters.
It makes sense.
I've decided to give you these envelopes
and put my hope in you.
This is my last chance to carry out
Teppei-chan's justice.
I want to see
what his justice will accomplish.
But in exchange,
if justice cannot be served
I will annihilate all of mankind
for sure this time.
I'm counting on you, Narita-chan.
All right, come over here, Narita-chan.
I want to talk to you alone.
I'll tell you the four simple commands
that I'm going to entrust you with.
Don't worry. Let me go.
Those are the commands?
That's right.
Like I said, the commands will activate
just once, on whoever sees them first.
Make sure you use them wisely.
He disappeared!
He probably used his Division Right
to divide the space around him.
-Can you call over Omi and Gobo?
I have a plan.
Are you serious?
The Emperor is putting a lot of energy
into his defense.
We have to assume that he has taken every
possible defensive measure, or we'll lose.
This is our only way to catch him
by surprise and win.
It's hard to trust Ren Iruga, but it's
a make-or-break situation either way.
The Emperor is luring me in, even though
there are other ways to get rid of me.
I think he simply wants to meet me.
So the Emperor's plan is to
meet me and satisfy his curiosity
before killing me.
But of course, that is risky.
I can use my Parental Right and my friends
to either kill or defeat the Emperor.
Which means the Emperor must have
a way to counteract that.
So basically, we can't win
just by using force.
I'm sure he has some kind of special right
that nullifies physical attacks.
It's safer to assume that he's prepared
to negate my Parental Right too.
So we won't rely on my Parental Right
to defeat him.
The four of us will take on
the most important role.
It hurts me to ask you guys
to do this but
I need you to put your lives on the line
and help me.
Roger that!
-All right.
You mean five people.
-You were listening?
-Don't leave me out, Saneatsu.
How could you keep me out of the loop
while you guys go and risk your lives?
Don't be ridiculous, Saaya.
There is no reason for you
to risk your life too.
That's not the point!
We promised each other
that we'd do this together.
That we'd take down the Emperor
no matter what.
No matter what happens along the road,
I want to go where you go
and fight with you.
Thank you, Saneatsu!
We're only allowed to keep the laptop
until the end of today.
If there's another
Majority Vote tomorrow night,
worst-case scenario,
we might all be wiped out.
Tonight is our best shot.
We will take down the Emperor tonight!
So those are his puppets? How creepy.
And What in the world is that?
I'm sure Mido was
aware that the Emperor might have
a countermeasure for my Parental Right.
He knew from the start that we would have
no choice but to kill the Emperor.
So he's just using us
to his advantage, huh?
No matter what we do,
Mido will obtain the Right to Collect.
Then why don't we just blow up his device?
Like, for real.
We can't.
If Mido dies
and the Emperor collects his Right to See,
he'll be able to see our weapons
and plans.
That would be the end for us.
Plus, I promised not to do that.
Promised? Promised who?
So you're the leader?
I'm Saneatsu Narita. Nice to meet you.
We've got an update from Shinozakin.
"Found the Emperor's Tower.
It's located within Hibiya Park."
"It's taller than the Skytree."
"There are tens of thousands of puppets
roaming around Hibiya Park."
Tens of thousands? You're joking, right?
Calm down.
We expected there to be that many.
-Let me explain our plan.
Our four volunteers will split up
and divert the attention of the puppets.
Make sure you hold onto these cellphones
so Gobo can contact you.
Once we order you to retreat,
your job is done.
You can go your separate ways from there
and do whatever you please.
That's all?
Yes. You just need to act as a diversion.
But always prioritize your own safety.
-I was expecting something more dangerous.
-I'm so relieved.
That's all from me. Saaya, can you
show them to the break room please?
All right. This way, everyone.
Well then
Before we go into the details of the plan,
I want to mention something just in case.
I am officially naming our team "Sugini."
And as of now, our team will be disbanded.
-Huh? Disbanded?
-Please understand.
Is there anyone who disagrees
with this decision?
I refuse.
We're disbanding? Roger that.
Did you have to go that far?!
We will now create two new teams.
Team Saneatsu, which I will lead.
And Team Yagihashi.
Team Saneatsu will be made up of
me, Ryuta, Saaya, and Omi.
Everyone else will be in Team Yagihashi.
And we will now begin a joint operation.
Why are you making it
unnecessarily confusing?
Just shut up and follow his orders.
So what is this "joint operation"
you speak of?
We'll attack the Oi Thermal Power Station
and Shinagawa Thermal Power Station.
After temporarily stopping electricity,
we will infiltrate the Emperor's Tower.
Now let me explain the details
of this plan and each of your roles.
Gobo and Omi, can you please make sure
the cellphones are working?
We're seriously doing this?
We'll succeed
and take down the Emperor no matter what.
Saneatsu is counting on me.
It's my chance to be helpful!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime mission!
I'm fired up now!
Let's get going, Roach-hiko.
-Is that real?
-So that's
The Emperor's Tower.
-They're gathering around us.
-Don't worry.
I'll use my Visibility Right
to evade all the puppets.
It's so quiet.
But Mr. Shinozaki said that there are
tens of thousands of them in this city.
I guess they're only capable of
detecting those who approach them.
No wonder he can't use his army
of puppets to attack us.
But if the Emperor is so paranoid about
his safety, how is he okay with that?
The Emperor collects dead bodies
to make puppets, right?
Then what was he doing before he used
the Majority Vote to get all these bodies?
Was he all alone? But that can't be.
I was thinking about that too.
Mido actually gave us a hint.
The researchers at the detention camp.
Just as Mido had predicted, the first
Majority Vote took place within the camp.
The Emperor turned the researchers into
his puppets and went into hiding.
The Emperor then used these
researcher puppets to do his will.
I believe these first-generation puppets
are able to fulfill more complex orders.
Or more like, he made sure to keep puppets
who were able to fulfill complex orders.
Those puppets are running
the power station.
I see! I didn't even think about that.
Of course somebody has to be
managing the power station.
They must be operating
the water and broadcasting signals too.
These first-generation puppets might also
be working as the Emperor's aides.
-But only a few of them, I assume.
-A few?
Maintaining a lifeline isn't an easy task.
It must require a lot of puppets.
Since the Emperor himself is so powerful,
he probably only needs an attendant.
He really is a dependable guy, isn't he?
And I believe the puppets are exempt
from participating in the Majority Vote.
So we are able to confirm yet another
theory concerning the Majority Vote.
He can limit the extent of
the effects of the Majority Vote.
And that's exactly what he did
during the first day of the trial run.
It's 23:29!
It's time.
The laptop is scheduled to be
collected by the Emperor at 23:55.
And the next Majority Vote
will be announced at 23:58.
There is a three-minute window.
Most likely, he uses that time to collect
items and review the question.
We have to utilize this window
of opportunity to catch him by surprise.
We'll shut down his electricity at 23:55
and charge into the tower.
The operation begins at
Operation: Diversion
Operation: Power Station Raid
Begins now!
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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