Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Be Mine

She's gone--
my daughter.
So now it-- it's over.

You're one of those girls,
aren't you--
from the group home?
They come and go
so much next door.
Dirty girls.
Man: Theresa Barlow-- you still
sure that you never saw her,
never crossed paths with her?
This is Theresa.
I see a man looking for you.
I'm trying to
remember something--
something from my past.
What if I was running
because I did something--
something worse
than everything else?
Was it you?
[ Holiday tune playing ]
Hey, Marnie.
Can I come in
a little late tomorrow?
I think Kit has kind of a
-I don't know, surprise for me.
It's my birthday,
and I have a feeling
that he's got something
something planned.
-For my birthday.
It's your birthday.
Oh, you should have said.
Yeah, I can't refuse young love.
I can't hold it back.
-So I can come in late? Yeah?
Yeah? I love you.
I love you all so much
even if you forgot my birthday.
All: Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday,
dear Karen ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Man: You're changing
your story.
Are you saying I'm lying?
I'm saying you're giving me
a different version
of a story
that you've already told me.
They were happy for me.
Marnie was worried about you.
You said she thought he was
cutting you off
on the people
that care about you.
No, you said that.
I said they were happy for me.
You want to believe that they
were happy for you,
because to believe
otherwise makes you feel like
you can't trust yourself.
Do you trust yourself?
I think you've been suppressing
the memories
that you find traumatic.
I think you've erased
the moments
that you don't want to remember.
Don't go out with him tonight.
Come out with us.
I never see you outside
of work anymore.
Or maybe those things
never happened
the way you think they did.
So, they think I did it.
Well, they must, or they
wouldn't want to talk to me.
So does it make you happy?
I thought you wanted
to be punished.
I thought you wanted
to be guilty.
I want to remember--
that's what I want.
Well, the FBI's gonna do all
they can to help you do that.
I've told them, and you,
everything that I could.
You told us everything before
they found a woman's skull
that had been bashed in
by a heavy object
i-i-in the same location
that a serial killer was living
at the same time
that the serial killer
was living there.
If you lied to me or them about
what happened about any of it,
I promise you you're gonna
go back to prison
and you're gonna serve your
whole term and the FBI's gonna
charge you with further
obstruction of justice.
Why are you being
such an asshole?
Why aren't you helping me?
Why aren't you telling them
that you believe me?
Well, I guess my judgment's
all messed up.
I'm in love with you, remember?
-Come on, Pete.
-You're on your own.
-Just the way you like it.
[ Car engine starting]
Pete, come on.
[ Lawnmower engine starts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Lawnmower engine droning ]
Bringing the place
back to life, huh?
-I love it.
-No, Saul.
-It's time to move on.
[ Pounding ]
I don't want to live
in a mausoleum anymore.
[ Doorbell chimes ]
I'm-- I'm--
I'm sorry about Theresa.
Well, I wanted an answer.
Be careful what you wish for,
You, uh, you leaving again?
Can I crash here for a while?
Uh-- uh, are-- are you serious?
I mean, me-- me and the roaches?
Let's do this.
You, me, and the roaches.
Yeahyeah. Yeah.
-Yeah? Yeah?
[ Rain pattering,
thunder rolling ]
Theresa's still in--
she's still here.
I couldn't do it.
You need to make a choice.
I can't.
She's got nowhere to go.
I thought you liked her.
I hate her.
-Get rid of her.
-It's not that easy.
She trusts me.
That's how it's easy.
Get rid of her, you understand?
Or I will.
You're back.
I was starting to worry
about you.
You shouldn't worry about me.
[ Gasping ]
Who are you?
I'm a seer, too.
And you are in great danger.
This collar is from her cat--
the woman I need
to warn you about.
I have a-- a-- a--
a client-privilege situation.
-You smoke?
She came to you as a lamb,
asking for help, but
she is a wolf
and she means to do you harm.
[ Dog barks ]
[ Growls ]
If I were to break privilege--
the sacred terms
by which I'm bound
What would you want to know?
What she told you.
So I can keep you safe.
She said she doesn't remember.
But her cards were bad.
The devil was in her cards.
She hurt a girl.
A girl with a necklace.
She was in the snow.
She had a rock.
The rock had blood on it.
And Death was was in the cards.
Her past is filled
with violence.
[ Insects chirping, birdsong ]
Good morning, mama.
You come here every day?
To talk to my mom.
Make sure she knows the Festival
of Saints is coming.
She like the festival?
It's the night the dead
comes back.
I'm making sure she knows
to come back.
I called you because
I found this.
It's Jess'.
Do you know
what her passcode is?
Because there might be something
on it that could help us.
How'd you get it?
I don't--
Somebody gave it to me.
Who's the girl in the photo
with the two of you?
She's in the hospital.
She got appendicitis.
That's what Miss Diana said.
I need you to help me, Jay.
There's something happening
to the girls from the house,
and I have a terrible
feeling about it.
So I need you to watch
what goes on there,
but you have to be careful, OK?
Where in Biloxi you gonna
send Tina's stuff?
'Cause I want to see her
when she's out
from the hospital.
Tina's my last true friend.
Tina's with Jesus.
Bad appendix.
I can't help you no more.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
-Tina's with Jesus.
-Because of the appendicitis.
-Is that what they said to you?
She is with Jesus! She is!
No, that's not what this is.
Then why ain't you
saying something?
Why ain't you looking after us?
-I can't.
-Jessie and Tina are gone.
You got her phone,
so you better do something.
You better be a good person!
I'm trying.
Jessie might have used my
birthday for her passcode.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
What, so you're just gonna
ignore me now?
You walked out on me
the other night.
-Not a word of apology.
And now I guess
you need something.
-That's why you're here, right?
-I'm trying to talk to you.
[ Thunder rolling ]
I don't know what happened.
She came to me,
and I didn't let her in.
And then when I found her,
she'd been stabbed.
And you been sitting on this?
Knowing that there's someone
out there who did this?
Emma, what's wrong with you?
There's not a reason on Earth
that could stop you
from reporting
two girls are dead.
I have a history.
I could lose my daughter.
I could lose Freya because of
it-- because of my past.
Because you're in
witness protection.
When I checked out
your landlord,
I got curious about him
and how you'd be involved
with a psychiatrist.
He works for the program.
Emma Hall doesn't exist.
You got no social media--
So I know you're not her.
But I don't know who you were
or why you're hiding.
My name is Karen.
My boyfriend
killed nine women.
The police thought that
I was involved,
that I helped him
or that I killed them myself.
So I can't risk them finding out
who I am,
thinking that I'm somehow
connected to these two girls.
-Did you?
Did you have something
to do with them?
-Not any of them?
I can't remember.
There is something that won't
unlock, so nothing makes sense.
And they say that it's, like--
that it's PTSD,
that it's because of something
I saw, something that happened.
Something you did?
I hope not.
We're all booked up, sir.
I'm not looking for a room.
I'm looking for an underage girl
who was in one of your rooms,
and I'd like to see
who she was with.
Somebody call you?
I don't know why they would.
We don't have any trouble here.
And I can't disclose information
about our clientele.
The girl is dead.
Changed my mind.
I'd like to book room 308.
That room's not available, sir.
It says here it's unoccupied.
It's under special arrangement.
What arrangement?
I'm not at liberty to disclose.
You've had a wasted journey,
'Less you got a warrant.
But I guess you traffic cops
don't have a lot of those.
[ "Vad Hande Med Dem?" by The
Brian Jonestown Massacre plays ]
[ Phone ringing ]
It's me.
So W-what are you
gonna do now?
Now that it's all over.
Well, it's not over.
You need to know what happened
to your daughter.
No, I don't need to know
any more answers.
beautiful head was smashed
apart by a monster's hammer,
so, nope,
I don't need to know any more.
I don't need to know
anything ever again.
Why did you call me, then?
Oh, yeah.
So, does-- does anyone,
apart from me,
know who you really are?
'Cause it's hard, isn't it?
To live with so many things
you can't talk about?
Uh, my circle's relatively
small, but I manage.
Who's in your circle?
[ Laughs ]
It's me, isn't it?
[ Laughs ]
I-- I am your circle.
[ Continues laughing ]
Are you on drugs, Mary?
I don't think it's appropriate
for you to call me
when you're high.
Uh, we'll speak in the morning.
I don't-- I don't want to speak
in the morning.
I-- I want to know how,
when-- when you have a secret
that big,
w-who can you ever be close to?
Tell me how, John.
How do you--
How do you manage
what you've done?
Don't do drugs, Mary.
We'll speak when you're sober.
John? John!
[ Hangs up ]
You ready yet?
I want you to go.
And then I want to burn
the sheets
so I don't
have to smell you anymore.
[ Groans ]
Don't don't be scared.
I don't-- I don't mean
nothing by you.
Wait. Hey!
[ Door closes ]
What you doing here?
Uh, I'm-- I'm staying here.
But you got a book deal.
It's research.
All right, um Hey, man,
you see a girl go by?
A girl?
Yeah, about 15.
I-I did.
I think she went into the room
down there.
It's still open-- the door.
OK. All right, thanks, John.
I just want to talk to you.
Don't be frightened.
I'm gonna come in, OK?
I could've sworn I saw her
come in here.
Did you see this?
Man, this stuff is about Emma.
Who's in this room?
[ Unzips ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Ringing ]
Man: Who's this?
Hey, Emma, you seen my comb?
I know I had it.
Every time I set it down,
it goes.
Hello, Emma.
I don't thank you enough
for all you do
for us
for our family.
It's God's work I do.
And He thanks you through me.
Through our daughter.
I just want her to be safe.
Who was the girl--
colored her hair?
Emma Hall.
Well, hello, handsome.
Lana, I'm here for work.
I'm a writer.
I have crazy hours.
There's gonna be nights where
I work and days when I sleep.
Could you put a note in--
"Don't need to clean my room
while I'm here"?
Sure can. I wish all our guests
are so amenable.
[ Both chuckle ]
I will tell you a secret.
I can be very, very demanding.
I don't believe that
for a minute.
I need to shower.
Well, when you party like that.
With you.
Oh, my God. I'm gonna die.
[ Shower running ]
I think we should get a dog.
I don't know why
I never had one.
Well, then, let's get a dog.
Or a cat.
Let's have a baby.
[ Laughs ]
Oh, Adam, if--
if you really want a baby,
I don't think
this is gonna work.
I-I-I just want to build things
with you.
You do?
Do you really love me?
Goddamn, I do.
When you came to see me
in Minnesota, I
I wasn't at a spa.
I did something
when I was there.
Mary, it-- it--
It doesn't matter, OK?
Screw Minnesota.
I hurt someone.
Well, then, they deserved it.
She didn't.
I did something terrible.
I just need to-- I--
I need to be able to talk,
and I feel like what you and I
have, it means that I can--
I can-- I can tell you anything.
You-- you-- y-you
You didn't actually h-hurt her,
did you?
-I mean, you-- you couldn't.
You couldn't do that.
Right. Yeah.
It was just a disagreement,
that was all.
[ Knocking hard ]
Did you bring the cops here?
-I saw somebody come in here.
There's no police here, ma'am.
-We can't have the police here.
-[ Claps ]
That's right.
He did come in here looking for
a young woman
who was working here.
I think she didn't
have her papers.
They're cracking down on that.
Illegal labor.
So you do smoke.
S-Sentimental value.
-My mom.
What are you gonna do?
About the woman? About Emma?
I was sent here to keep you
all safe.
All you vulnerable women.
It's Tom-- leave a message,
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Hey, it's me.
I'm just, um,
checking to see
if you found anything.
And, um,
checking that you're OK.
Do you use kisses?
Just trying to be
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Switch clicking ]
[ Tom groaning ]
[ Groaning ]
I wanted to warn you
about your girlfriend.
She isn't really Emma at all.
She's actually a very, very bad
person named Karen Miller.
-[ Muffled ]
-What's that?
Look, I really need to get her
to open up to me,
and I feel like, um,
she'll be more giving
when she's all alone.
What do you think?
[ Muffled screaming ]
[ Key turns in lock ]
I don't believe it. Look at you.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Did you do it?
The things they said
at the trial?
What do you want from me?
I am trying to make
sense of things.
Something happened, Marn.
My-- My memory got messed up.
We all thought that you were
lying when we heard that
at the trial about your memory.
You never had problems
about your memory.
Marnie, what did you mean
when you said,
"Don't go out with him tonight"?
What do you think I meant?
We all saw it, what he was.
No, I don't believe that.
I don't.
I would've known
if it was that obvious.
I would've had an-- an--
an instinct.
But you didn't,
and he killed nine women.
And you're saying
that you knew that?
I'm talking about him
screwing that missing girl.
I was there one night.
He must have had your key.
That's why I said,
"Don't go out with him tonight."
It was after my birthday, right?
Honey, mnh-mnh.
It was a month
before your birthday.
Marnie, it's not possible.
He didn't know her then.
Your man-- the tattoo artist--
right next to her.
So one of you is lying.
She is the missing girl,
isn't she?
The one you both said
you knew nothing about.
You need to tell someone.
You owe it to the girl.
You owe it to her mother.
Oh, God!
[ Thunder rolls,
cellphone vibrating ]
Yeah, this is Mary Barlow.
[ Doorbell chimes ]
Can I help you?
[ Infant crying within ]
Look, I hear you, and I totally
appreciate what you're saying,
but right now,
I'm gonna ask you to let me deal
with this way in the way
that I feel best.
-Get off the phone, Pete.
-Look, right now--
Emma's here.
From the cabin.
Our cabin.
The one you said you sold.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Lisa, we're gonna talk
about this, but right now--
You have 10 minutes,
then I want her out of my house.
Go after her.
You should go after her, Peter.
I want to talk to you
about the remains.
I killed her.
I smashed her head in
with a rock
because I was jealous
-because she was seeing Kit.
-Emma, no.
You didn't kill Theresa.
She's the thing that
I can't make sense of. It's her.
Listen to me,
they ran a DNA test
on the remains, OK?
It wasn't Theresa Barlow.
It was a woman that went missing
four years ago in Minnesota.
Her name's Amy Walker.
Do you remember?
Do you remember Parker
mentioning an Amy Walker?
They just sent me a photo.
I want you to see it.
You recognize her?
[ Gasping ]
No. No. No! No! No!
No! No!
Aah! Make it stop!
-Mary, what the hell?
It's not her.
The body in Minnesota.
It's someone else.
She's not dead.
She's still out there!
Our little girl
is still out there!
[ Laughs ]
[ Thunder crashing ]
[ Starts ]
[ Thunder crashing ]
[ Music playing ]
Girl: Tell me a story!
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