Ten Percent (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Dan Bala's office, Ollie speaking.
Yes, so it's Dan, are you sure
I'm in the right place?
Uh, I don't know, where are you?
Sheila's cafe in Newham.
Yep, that's it, apparently.
Okay, well
-Wish me luck.
-Oh, my God, I so do.
Comes marching over to me,
my face is all red, all red.
He says, "I'm not gonna pay you,"
I says, "Well, which one are you?"
-So, nice place.
Started coming here when I did
my research for The Knowledge.
Yes, of course. Great film.
-Been a regular ever since.
No, I can see why.
So, anyway, um,
it's great to finally track you down.
You're not answering your phone.
-Yeah, well--
-'Cause there is something--
-Nope. Sorry.
-Okay, well, so,
Jenny Salmon has been in touch.
-Jenny Salmon?
-What about?
-About Bond obviously.
-James Bond?
-I know who he is.
-So she wants to meet you.
She wants to meet you tomorrow.
Is it just me, or are you
under reacting to this news?
-Davey, got a lady who wants to go
-to Bermondsey. You interested?
-Yeah, I'll be right there.
Great. Sorry, mate,
I can't really do this.
Uh But, David
Did she say Bermondsey?
-David, wait.
-Sorry, Dan,
I just can't really do this right now.
-Hop in, love.
- No, but this is real.
I can tell. They're really serious.
This could be it.
-Okay. So, you're driving a cab.
So that means you want to talk about that?
-It's complicated.
I'm not an actor anymore, Dan. I quit.
Take care of yourself, yeah?
-Yes, hi.
I take it no one knows what this is about?
-Of course not.
-What the fuck
-is a mood meeting anyway?
-Christ knows.
Um Okay, before Dan gets here,
he doesn't know about it,
but for his party,
I've told everyone that it's after work.
Yes, and I will let
everyone know about that.
Let everyone know about what?
I'll tell you as soon as I know.
Okay. What the fuck is a mood meeting?
-Nobody knows.
-Of course not.
Oh. Okay, great.
-Hi, hi.
Happy Monday, everyone.
Right, yeah. So
Okay, so No, so, wait.
Anyone know where Julia is today?
-She's not here?
-No, she isn't.
Wow, Julia is never not here.
I know, right? Jonathan?
Uh No. No, no. I don't know, sorry.
Okay, so Misha,
you want to take the notes for this?
-Okay, great.
'Cause we are gonna
wanna remember this day.
-Are we?
Dan, you want to maybe
take the floor here?
Yes, sure. So, it's not actually confirmed
yet, but-- So, the thing is.
-We got Bond.
-So great.
I mean, I wouldn't say
we've got Bond, exactly.
You guys are so British.
Well, thank God someone is.
We make this happen.
So who is it then?
-Well, again--
-It's David.
-David Harewood.
-Well, of course it is.
They want to go in a new direction.
Of course.
Jenny Salmon is coming here
to meet with him tomorrow.
Dan, That's fantastic.
-No, Congratulations.
-Yes. Thank you.
-So wonderful.
-No, it is.
Bloody hell, Dan, tell your face.
A great moment
in the Nightingale Hart story.
And I have some breaking news just in.
Oh, my word. Things are happening.
You should know that Jeremy and everyone
at UWT are thrilled about this.
And we've just got an email,
right now,
he wants to be here for this himself.
-Who does? Jeremy?
He's gonna be flying in tomorrow morning.
He's flying from LA just for a meeting?
-I know.
-I mean, honestly.
-Unbelievable, right?
- Yes.
There's the carbon footprint for one.
He and Jenny go way back,
which could be neat for us all.
-Yeah, well
-This is so exciting.
This phone number
is unavailable, please hang up
Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding.
-Oh. Hi, yes.
-How are you?
-I guess you must be pretty busy.
It comes down through messages
Yes and I'm sorry.
It's been really full on.
Yes. So what, are you?
I'm not shooting today.
I was coming in for a meeting.
-I've been thinking,
I nearly called you over the weekend.
-I don't think this is working.
-For me, I mean.
-I'm coming in to see Stella.
I phoned her,
she said we'd talk and take it from there.
-It doesn't mean--
-No. It's fine.
I'm busy actually. Really busy.
In fact, I should be going.
-Give my love to Stella and--
-Please, can we just--
-Yes. Okay, good.
Yeah, they've moved the Eight Days
pitch meeting to the morning.
-I don't know why they didn't explain.
-Gonna have to move Tilda.
Maybe Thursday, if she can do it.
Or, well, you know
Okay, yeah, sure, I'll ask.
I was wondering if you wanted
to come with me?
-Yeah, I mean,
you basically wrote
the fucking pitch document.
I mean, I thought
Margaux was going with you.
Yeah. No, she's not.
So it's three o'clock.
Oh, absolutely. It's all in here.
You get there on time,
you go in and you're brilliant, yes?
Yes. Well, steady on.
I would be there but I have something
I can't move tomorrow.
Anyway, you don't need me, do you?
So that's okay.
This is your appointment with--
Kirsten, I don't think you've met Simon,
I should introduce you.
Lovely to meet you.
Yes, you too. Hi.
Simon's one of our oldest
and most gifted clients.
Old certainly.
That's enough to be getting on with.
Kirsten's come
all the way from America.
Oh. Well done.
I hope you'll be very happy here.
Thank you.
Right, but if he does come
into the café again,
can you give me a call, please?
-Okay, great. Thanks.
Okay, no. Still unavailable.
-How's it going?
-Uh Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-What's going on?
-What's happened?
-David's gone off grid.
-Off grid?
-I know.
What do you mean, "off grid?"
It started with this film
he was doing about a cabbie.
-The Knowledge?
-Yes. So now,
I think he thinks he is a cabbie.
Didn't they wrap it up weeks ago?
David does go deep, we know that,
but this time I think
he's gone a bit too deep.
Okay, you need to get him
back again and fast.
-Yeah, I do know that.
-We so do.
I mean, what the hell
are you still doing here?
-Hi. Mr. Hope?
Yeah. Hi.
Great. Well, the owner's home,
-So should we
-Yeah, great.
-Hello, Mrs. Nightingale.
-Right. No
-Charlotte, please.
-Oh, Christ.
It's all right. I'm her husband.
Soon to be former husband.
-We're working on that.
Right. Okay.
So this is the porch.
As you can see, south facing--
Actually could you just give us a moment?
Absolutely, yeah and I'm happy to
Charlotte, please
just five minutes, that's all I ask.
Okay, look, it's 25 years
we're talking about here.
Didn't you say five minutes?
-Even that's long enough.
All right, okay.
-I love you.
Yeah, look, I know you don't believe that,
I know you don't want
to hear it but anyway
I know what I am.
We both do, and I can be better.
I, I, I want to deserve you.
I want to be that person.
But I am just,
I'm so tired of not being him.
If, if, if you just give me
the chance to show you,
because without that, without you
I don't know who I am.
You're right, I do know what you are
and I don't believe you.
I don't even know if you believe yourself.
Hi. So I thought I'd just hang around.
If you want to be better, Jonathan,
then be better.
Not for me, for yourself
and for anyone who still loves you.
In the meantime, I really think
I need to get on with my life.
You know, sometimes--
-No, please don't.
-Right. Okay.
Dan. How the hell did you find me?
Call it intuition.
I gave Sheila at the cafe 50 quid
to tell me where you were.
-Can I get you a drink?
-Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred?
I'll have a pint of bitter.
-Two pints of bitter, please.
-So, busy day?
Yeah, not bad.
Had a couple of airport runs actually.
Right, great.
Actually. Sorry to-- I can't do this.
-Do what?
-I need to understand.
I've been your agent for ten years.
Twelve, actually.
Fuck. Yeah. Anyway, I need an explanation.
That's all.
He just had this joy to him.
I mean, he didn't have much.
I mean, little bungalow in Canvey Island.
His wife, Jean, amazing woman.
And his cab. It was all he needed.
I didn't know any of this
when I first met him.
I just got into his cab
and we started talking
and he was just most people, you know?
And I was going through
a bit of a rough time, what with,
-you know, everything.
And I just remember thinking,
"What the fuck am I doing?"
I wanna be you, you know.
I wanna be living your life.
Well, you have been him.
-The fuck am I doing?
It's just a fucking film.
It's a brilliant piece of work.
It's really moving. I've seen the cut.
He let me borrow his cab, you know,
just to do a bit of driving unofficially.
-Just do a bit of research.
-He just took me into his life.
And I just, just couldn't stop.
Christ, I mean, is any of this even legal?
Probably not. I don't know.
-Look, with tomorrow--
It's just, it's just a meeting.
It's not a commitment.
It's you auditioning them, really,
if you're not sure.
I really don't think
you've got anything to lose.
Plus, if you do go, I might not get fired
and that might be
a great 40th birthday present.
-It's your birthday?
-Yes. Well--
-Why the fuck didn't you say so?
-Hey, hey! Hey.
-No. David, David--
-Hey It's his birthday!
-No, don't tell everyone--
Happy birthday to you
See you next week. Bye.
-Thank you.
- Bye, love.
The thing is I always do this.
Get scared I'll fuck everything up.
Have you told her how you feel?
-Well, I think she knows.
-Think she knows?
I mean, I hope she does.
Something Michael used to say.
It's not complicated.
You always know how you feel.
Look, you're 40.
-Well, I'm--
-You're 40.
Yes, right.
How much time have you got to waste?
Uh, well--
Promise me.
Promise me you're gonna tell her
-how you feel.
I wasn't sure
if you were going to be here.
Didn't feel right to go to your house.
-I don't blame you, if he sent you--
-No, he didn't.
It's absolutely typical of him
and completely out of line--
No, he didn't send me. He doesn't know.
Well, anyway.
I don't know why I'm here, really.
I tried to get him and Luke
to talk to each other,
but it just went wrong.
You can't fix other people's lives.
-I know.
-One day you might understand that.
I do understand that.
I'm young, but I'm not stupid.
Of course not.
Everyone says it's not my fault.
-Fine, I don't know anymore.
But it's like, I've destroyed
the family I never had,
and that's not fair.
Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Don't add, don't add that.
Woman, don't you know
with you I'm born again?
-Hey, guys.
Hi, Kirsten.
I have rice tea in your office.
So this is the day.
-It so is.
Kevin, can you get Dan on the phone?
I'd love to check in with him
about David, but he's not picking up.
-So where actually are you?
-I'm here.
-Everything's fine.
-Kirsten's been trying
-to get ahold of you.
-All right.
She wants to talk about David.
That's all right. I've got him. He's here.
You found him?
He stayed with me last night.
Oh, my God.
We went to the pub. Everything's fine.
That is so great,
because Kirsten's got
this crazed look about her this morning
if she found out there's something wrong,
she might actually freak out.
Nobody wants to see that.
Hello, Dan?
Hello? Dan, are you there? Daniel?
Well, I guess the first thing to say is,
thanks for coming in.
Thanks for letting us look at this.
-Oh, no. Of course.
-Well, we absolutely loved
-the pitch document.
-Oh, good.
There is one thing I wanted to ask you.
-Something that's not--
I'm not sure if it's quite hitting
at the moment.
-So, you've got this incredible story.
A ticking clock, this sense of danger
at any moment, incredible characters
-and it's all true.
-But with Margaux herself
We celebrate people like her
who decide to put themselves
in these extreme situations
-again and again and again.
But then I guess there's another part
of me that's thinking, why?
I mean, I absolutely hate
the term origin story, so forgive me,
but I think I do want to know
about what it is in her background,
-her emotional life
-Her emotional life?
That makes someone like her decide to--
-Well, it's not a decision.
You don't make a decision to breathe.
-If you've been to one of these places
and you've seen the life and the death
and the hope and the futility of it,
you're not gonna come back
the same person.
You don't have time to worry
about things that don't matter.
The things the rest of us
think about all the time.
And you know, you need people in your life
who understand that and who
accept you for who you are
and who are going to love you anyway.
Right. Yes.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
-My God.
Got enough noise in my head this morning,
what we need to do is think.
I'm sorry, "we"?
All right, what's happened?
He's only lost James Bond, that's all.
-He had him, but he escaped.
I haven't lost him.
I just don't quite know where he is.
-We'll never find him now.
-But he's trained to evade.
-Ollie, shut up, please.
Fuck it. I don't know. I'm in such a fog.
He was going on about
his character in The Knowledge.
The actual guy he based it on
in Canvey Island.
He's got a bit obsessed with him
and there was some singing
and a pickled egg.
-Wait, Canvey Island?
-Yeah, why?
That's where he lives in the film.
Is it? Yeah, okay. That's all I remember.
Have we got a copy of the script?
-Oh. Right.
-Can I help you?
-I was looking for Julia.
Does Julia live here?
It's all right, Mama. I'll deal with it.
Tell him to go away.
We don't want it, whatever it is.
What are you doing here?
Well, okay. So, firstly,
I wondered if you might like this.
They look quite good today,
it's interesting. They don't always.
Yeah, here it is.
He mentions it here. St. Anne's road.
-Okay. St. Anne's road, Canvey Island.
-Where's Dan?
-He's just popped out, Stella.
Oh. Have to have someone else
look after him then.
-Who? Mathias?
-Yes. Only for a few hours.
I'll be back later.
I'd love to, I'm just so busy.
Me too. Yes, I'm really sorry, Stella.
-I mean, obviously, I'm not taking him.
Busy with what?
I could take him if you want, Stella.
But you can't stand dogs.
Right, but it's Mathias, right?
You don't think of Mathias as a dog.
Of course he's a dog,
How do I know you'll look after him?
I mean, I don't know.
Maybe he can look after me.
I mean, it would be lovely
if you came back. If you want to.
I mean, it's Dan's birthday party later
if you wanted to come to that.
I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen.
No, of course.
What happened that night
was real, you could feel it, too.
-Well, yeah, but--
-You know, you could.
I know you better than anyone else does.
Yeah, yeah I know
but, I mean, the thing is
Look, I'm not quite sure how to put this.
But if you think about
what happened, I'm sorry, no.
I mean, what nearly happened,
it could be really serious.
-It is serious.
-No, I mean, really serious.
'Cause even though we--
I mean, even--
Look, I mean, if anybody found out about--
-You're scared.
-Yes, you are.
-No, no. I'm not scared.
Scared I'll tell someone
and you'll go to prison.
-Well, no. What?
-I'm not gonna do that.
-This isn't about power.
-No, I know.
It's more important than that.
So, if I do you come back,
it's not going to be
because of a bloody custard tart.
I'm on the A13.
I'm just going past Basildon.
That's good.
I never thought
I'd find myself uttering those words.
You should be coming towards
an exit for South Benfleet.
Yes, I am. This is getting
more exciting by the minute.
Will this actually work?
- Trust me.
This is so going to happen.
Yeah, sorry, Ollie. I think you
lost me there at "trust you".
-I'm Simon.
-Yes, Simon. Hi, how are you?
I'm terrifically well. How are you?
Great. So you're quite early actually.
Absolutely, yes. I'm sorry.
No, it's fine,
but you've got an hour
if you wanted to go--
No. That's very kind of you,
-but I'll wait, if that's all right.
-Sure, yeah.
There's tea and coffee over there
if you wanted to make yourself something.
-No, that's fine. Thank you
-Okay, cool.
Terribly nice to meet you,
if I'm allowed to say that.
Yeah, you too, Simon.
So I'm just turning
into St. Anne's road now.
-That's good.
-We're sure it's right
-'cause the golf course is at the back?
-But we don't know which house it is.
Okay, wait. I've got it.
-He's got a white door.
-White door.
Yes. Exterior bungalow
with a white door slightly ajar.
-White door, white door.
'Cause I was worried you'll be vague.
Okay, here we go I can see it.
76, St. Anne's road.
-This is so Bond.
Okay, hang on, or 51, or 83.
-Or 19 or
-It's a bungalow, isn't it?
-They're all bungalows.
You'll just have
to knock on all the doors.
-We're so going to do this.
Hi. What you guys doing in here?
Looks fun.
but I never thought I'd end up
with a mission to rescue James Bond.
Hang on, is that someone in the room?
It's not Kirsten, is it?
Wait, what did he mean,
a mission to rescue James Bond?
What do you say
we just get out of here for a bit?
Stella Hart?
So, how are you?
How have you been
since we saw you for the biopsy?
I've been fine, I think.
I mean, I don't know how I am.
I thought you'll tell me that?
Right, yes. So I think
the first thing I want to say
is that you did absolutely the right thing
-in going to your GP about this.
I know it's not an easy thing to--
No. Never mind all that.
Just get on with it, please.
Okay. Okay.
Let's do this, huh? Let's go back.
Come on. Come on, Mathias.
- Hey, Kirsten.
I just got in, I'm here at the airport.
I just wanted to check in.
-It's great to be in the same
time zone as you again. It's been a while.
-Listen, if you got a moment,
I wanted to check in
with you about this afternoon.
Uh, absolutely.
I would so love to touch base
with David before the meeting.
-So lovely to see you.
-So, the Crown. It's very exciting.
Jessica's looking forward to meeting you.
Great. Well, me too. Me too.
-How'd it go?
Yes. I mean, excellent, yes.
Simon, for an actor,
you make a dreadful liar.
Stella, I'm so sorry. I can't do this.
Don't be stupid. Of course you can.
I knew this would happen.
So did I. Why do you think
I got a cab ride around here?
Oh, my God.
Stella, forgive me. How did it go?
I'm fine.
What was that thing I said to you?
Live the life you've got.
What? For God's sake, slow down, woman.
You're making absolutely no sense at all.
Hi, please tell me you're Jean.
-I am, yes.
- Thank God.
-You okay, love?
-Yes, yes.
Well, how can I help you?
No, I'm here to see Michael.
-Yes, or David.
Oh, love.
-Intuition or Sheila?
Uh, Jean.
Wish you'd told me.
When he died
I just wasn't really prepared for it,
you know?
It's like losing my dad all over again.
I still have his cab.
I just thought
I might keep on bloody driving it.
So I just spent half an hour with Jean.
She made me a cup of tea
even though I didn't want one.
And she said that she'd never seen him
happier than when he was working with you.
He got to teach David Harewood
how to be a cabbie.
He couldn't get over it,
'cause in the end
you are David Harewood,
whether you like it or not.
-Where is he?
If I could have
the last hour of my life back--
But you can't.
Don't be stupid. Where is he?
I'm sorry, Stella.
I'm so useless. I'm stupid.
It's a bit late for that now.
We all realized that a long time ago.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
Oh, my gosh. This is Robert,
he's a hero. Without him--
Never mind. It's my dog. How is he?
He's fine. He'll be okay.
Oh, my God.
We were worried
he might have broken his hip,
but he's a tough little fellow, isn't he?
-Of course, he is.
-There's some bruising,
which will take a while,
but essentially he'll be fine.
Thank you so very much.
Come here.
Come here.
Oh, Stella.
It's all right.
-You have no idea.
-It's all right.
-How long we got?
-Three o'clock, so just under an hour.
-What do you reckon?
-Keep the fight, Dan.
-Hang on, I left my car back--
-Fuck your car.
Yes, sir.
Look, whatever you decide,
you know I'll back you, right?
I don't want you to feel
like I forced you into this.
Actually, you know what, you're right.
Maybe we should just leave it.
-Get in the fucking cab.
Right, yes.
remember was it, was the post Oscar
This is a great day for me.
I hear so much about this place,
but this is my first time
within the hallowed halls, if you will.
I hope it'll be a good day
for all of us, right?
Absolutely, yes. It's so exciting.
-Hey, guys.
-Oh, my word.
-Welcome to Nightingale Hart.
-There she is.
Jenny, I don't know if you've met Kirsten.
Hi, Kirsten.
Jenny. So great to meet you.
Kirsten and I go way back in LA.
And now she is our ambassador in London.
Oh, not really.
Honestly, I can't tell you--
Jenny, hi. Jonathan Nightingale.
-And Jeremy.
-Hey, Jonathan.
-So great to meet you.
Welcome to Nightingale Hart.
-Yes, well, anyway.
-We're here a little early
I think you know,
I have a hard out at 4:45.
-Absolutely. We're aware of that.
So should we go
to the meeting room, Kevin?
So, David's not here yet.
-He is--
-We're actually waiting
on an ETA from Dan on that.
-Okay, great.
Why don't you follow, I'll catch you up.
Okay, what's happening?
-Where's David?
Where to start?
Don't bother with the start.
Just tell me.
Jenny's got a hard out at 4:45.
- Yeah.
Okay. So, Dan is
on his way here with David in a cab.
-Okay, great. So how far away are they?
So, Dagenham at the moment.
Right, okay.
Come on, come on.
This is not great.
We're stuck behind a bin lorry.
Should we pull a U?
It's blocked in every direction.
So we currently have
23 minutes till we lose Jenny.
-Yes, thank you, Kevin.
Okay, okay. Here we go. Here we go.
This is fucking ridiculous.
And then, as you know,
we're just setting up
a production arm here
with a terrific adaptation of Eight Days
by Margaux Mart--
And we have just attached
Clémence Poésy, which is just so exciting.
Yes, I'm going to
have to go in ten minutes.
Yes, so I think I'll just step out
and check on David's ETA.
Absolutely, we should do that.
Shall we do that? We should do that.
Let's do that right away.
Right because we all know, not even
James Bond can keep Jenny Salmon waiting.
Oh, my gosh. That's literally so true.
Okay, so where are you now?
-We've gone about ten yards.
-How are we doing?
-Not great.
Okay, 'cause I think
it'll blow any second.
We did our best,
but I think we just gotta tell them--
Okay, okay. Right.
What? Okay but that's red.
-No, but that's red.
-I know but fuck it.
-No, no, no.
-It's all right.
-No, we're gonna die!
Don't worry.
Dan, what's happening?
-Okay eight minutes, guys.
-Shut up, Kevin.
Look, whatever happens,
we have done everything--
-Oh! Okay.
That's all right.
All right? It's not even a road!
-How long have we got?
-Uh Seven minutes,
but we're in a fucking garden.
Don't kill anybody.
Wilson Square brings you
onto Great Mulberry Street.
-Exactly, yes.
-You can't do this.
Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry.
-Okay, so you're going to--
-Sorry, can I do this?
-Oh. Sure.
-You're gonna be turning left
-as you come out of the square.
-Copy that.
We should put this on your spotlight.
-You'd be going hard right.
-We'll not make it.
-God, it's a fucking car crash.
- What?
Sorry, that came out wrong.
Jenny, I just want to say
I am so sorry about this.
I'm sorry, too.
I flew over to be here myself.
We so want to make this happen
and this is not who we are.
-Oh, shit.
-Oh, my God. She's leaving.
So, just to say, Jenny,
they are really not far away.
-That's such great news, Jonathan.
My dad used to say,
not far away is another way
of saying close enough.
Sorry. I don't know what that means.
-I arrived early,
I've waited for over an hour,
I have another meeting to get to.
If you could just call me a cab, please.
Sure. Absolutely.
-Okay, we're 500 yards away.
- Okay, no, no, no.
She's not at Nightingale Hart.
She's getting picked up from Mount Square.
-Morton Square?
Right, copy that.
-Oh, my God. There she is.
- Shit, shit, shit!
No, no, no!
-Excuse me.
-I'm so sorry.
-This is an emergency.
-Oh, my God, it so is.
-Jenny, Hi.
Uh, this one's free if you want a cab.
What is going on?
Might take a while to explain.
I need to be in Chelsea in 20 minutes.
Hop in, love.
Actually, I'm going past Chelsea.
David Harewood.
At your service.
What are you guys up to here?
This ride's on me.
I'm not actually sure I believe this.
This was all some kind of
set up all along, right?
Well, sometimes you've just got
to go the extra mile, Jenny.
Stella, darling.
Oh, not too bad, you know?
I've just been getting myself some milk.
So, that's something.
Stella, really, I don't know what to say.
There's nothing to say.
I'm very pleased for you
and on we go, yeah?
Absolutely, darling, Stella. On we go.
Happy birthday dear Dan
Happy birthday to you
Hey, happy birthday, Dan.
Well, cheers.
It's not every day you get
to celebrate your 40th
by being James Bond's agent.
-Hang on
-I gather Jenny had a great time
-in the cab.
She loved it.
I don't think she gets out much.
Yes, well, cheers anyway.
I'm not going to make a speech.
-Oh, my God, speech.
-Keep it short.
So, I just want to say,
thank you to team Nightingale Hart today
and every day, really.
I can't think of any bunch of people
I'd rather be stuck with.
-To being stuck.
-To being stuck!
To being stuck.
Hi. So can I ask you something?
-I got this weird phone call earlier.
-Someone from Working Title?
-Oh, right.
Is it something to do with you?
I was going to tell you.
She said she'd read the script.
I had a meeting with Karen
about something else
You told her I was his agent.
I didn't know what else to say.
I mean, if anyone's going
to represent Luke, it should be you.
How can I be anyone's agent?
I don't know anything
about how to be an agent.
Well, we'll find out, won't we?
We'll find out.
They really are quite nuts, aren't they?
-They sure are.
-But I don't know,
I guess however they do it, right?
-When in England.
I'm thinking maybe
this calls for a celebration.
Here in my hotel,
is a pretty good restaurant.
I don't know if it's the jetlag,
or the champagne, or the height up here,
but whatever it is,
it's really good to see you again.
Oh. So Misha told me
about the call from Amazon.
-That's pretty good news, isn't it?
Yeah. yeah, it is. Yeah.
What are you doing now?
Yeah, I don't know.
How about go for a drink, or a meal?
I mean, it's my birthday,
plus, I haven't got anything else to do.
Ah, right. Good luck. You're on.
So I was thinking, you know,
the table you booked at La Bouchee
-when Ye-Jun was going to be coming over.
-Was that--
-Yeah, I canceled it.
Oh, right. Yeah, good.
Thank God. Thanks for reminding me anyway.
Yeah, no. Of course.
I really didn't expect to see you here.
Ollie phoned me. He said,
he really thought I should come.
-Did he?
-Look when I saw you yesterday
and I was coming in to see Stella,
I thought that if you weren't my agent
maybe it might just be easier.
Yes, no. I get it.
You thought what might be easier?
Dan, what are we gonna do?
-Oh. Hey, Stella.
They're keeping him in overnight.
-Oh, my God!
-He's fine.
I'm picking him up in the morning.
Anyway, I thought you'd like to know.
You're off then, are you?
Yes. I think so, yes.
Good grief. It's not even dark yet.
-I know
-It's still light.
-It's been quite a day.
They're doing a nine o'clock screening
of Casablanca at the BFI tonight.
-I'm a member.
You can usually just turn up and go in.
You know, I have never seen Casablanca?
What do you mean? That's ridiculous.
I'd love to come, but I can't I'm afraid.
-You can't?
-I have to go to a dinner thing.
Yes. This'll be Jeremy then, will it?
I'm sorry.
No, that's all right. Please yourself.
If I were in your position,
I know what I would do.
It's ridiculous not to have
seen Casablanca.
Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.
What time did you say it started?
Nine o'clock.
We could have a drink in the bar before.
I've never been to the BFI either.
You haven't lived.
No. Maybe I haven't.
Can I say, I think you have made
absolutely the right decision here.
I hope so. So excited.
Well, it's going to be an exciting evening
for you. This is a very
Uh, I just wanted to catch you
before you left.
Uh, yes.
I wanted to tell you that we had
a really great meeting with Amazon
and I think they might be interested.
Okay. Well, I'm glad.
Look, it's all right.
I'm not here to try to stop you,
but I wanted to give you back these.
Okay. I'm not going to fight it.
You know, you should go away.
You should go away
for five months and it'll be good
and I will still be here
when you get back.
I mean, I should've known really,
I've read your fucking book.
Just promise me
you'll look after yourself.
I intend to.
And anyway then when you come back,
you've got my keys now anyway, so
All right.
-Good luck.
Thank you. You too.
-Don't fuck it up.
-No, I won't.
All right, well. So, see you.
See you.
I went to the hotel.
They said you went back.
I'm a bit fed up of phones.
I had a phone call
from the estate agents this afternoon.
Right, yes.
I said we'll get back to them
by tomorrow morning.
The people who made the offer
need to know.
-Okay, Charlotte, I--
-No, this is me now.
Yes, right. Okay, sorry.
Things are never gonna be the same again.
I don't know what will happen,
I'm still thinking,
but if there was ever a world in which
you being in my life in some shape or form
was even the remotest possibility,
now's the time to tell me
if there's anything else I need to know.
Because if there is,
let's just call it a day now.
I'm never going through this again.
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