Terminator Zero (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Model 108

[theme music playing]
We've gotta get the fuck out of here.
What's going on with the 1NNOs?
What are they doing?
[Eiko] It's a trick.
[gasps] There's another one.
[whispering] Could it be?
[grunts angrily]
I think they want to communicate with us.
I don't care what they say, cyborg.
Wait, what if they come in peace?
- [Eiko] Quiet. Get behind me.
- Uh
- [1NNO] Your father.
- [gun cocks]
He would like you all to come to him now.
Your brother is already on his way to us.
Who is "us"?
It's Kokoro speaking, isn't it?
[mechanical whirring]
Hello Misaki.
[poignant music playing]
Uh hello.
[Malcolm] He's brought you here
to threaten your life,
and force me to take Kokoro offline.
[Kenta over speaker] Will you?
- Dad? [shuddering]
- [inhales, then exhales sharply]
[Malcolm] Kenta.
I have never been anything but proud
to be your father.
You are the very best of me.
All I've ever wanted was
for the three of you
to have a future worth fighting for.
And to be the father you all deserved.
But no.
I will not open this door.
- [gunshots]
- [Malcolm grunting]
[emotional music playing]
[gasping softly]
[foreboding music playing]
[groaning & shouting in pain]
Open the door, or he will suffer.
[Reika & Hiro shuddering softly]
You'll find them just through there.
[Eiko] You're not coming with us?
[1NNO] I am already there.
[foreboding music playing]
- [sighs sharply]
- [1NNO's footsteps receding]
[Misaki shudders softly]
[Eiko] Hey.
[Eiko] You know how to use one of these?
[Misaki] I thought you didn't trust me.
I don't trust you.
So don't make me regret it.
- [Kenta screaming in pain over speaker]
- [Malcolm shuddering]
[grunting weakly]
[gun cocks]
Listen and understand.
Nothing you do now will change our fate.
You could kill us all.
You'll never get control of Kokoro.
It's too late.
You've failed.
[tracking signal beeping]
[Misaki filtered] Kenta!
[grunting & panting]
- [gunshot]
- [grunting]
- [Kenta grunts]
- [gun cocks]
- [Reika] Misaki!
- [Hiro] Are you okay?
[Kenta grunts, then shouts]
[gun cocks]
- [Kenta] Let me go!
- [gun cocks]
[Kenta straining]
[howls in pain]
- [gun cocks]
- [shatters]
[dramatic music playing]
[exhales sharply]
[grunts sharply]
[Kenta grunting]
[gun cocks]
[menacing music playing]
- [bullet rings]
- [grunts]
[panting frantically]
[both] Dad!
[Hiro] Dad
[Hiro & Reika whimpering]
Oh, fuck.
[Malcolm] Come on.
He's going for the EMP.
What are you talking about?
The Terminator. It's his only option.
- [metal clangs]
- [Eiko gasps]
[groaning in pain]
If he triggers it,
there's no stopping Skynet.
[exhales sharply]
I'll deal with him.
You just shut down Kokoro.
[Eiko's footsteps
receding rapidly & echoing]
[inhales, then exhales sharply]
Come with me.
[Misaki straining]
[grunts sharply]
[Misaki gasping]
[bullets ringing rapidly]
[gasps, then grunts loudly]
Misaki, watch out.
[Kenta whimpering]
- [crumbling & crashing]
- [gasps]
[gasps softly]
[shouting] Get back, Kenta!
- [Kenta screams]
- [crash thuds, then fades]
[mechanical clicking & whirring]
- [steady beeping]
- [Kenta filtered whimpering]
[filtered gasping]
[debris clattering]
[screaming in rage]
[metal clanging]
[both sigh]
[Hiro] Whoa
[Malcolm] It's time, Kokoro.
[Kokoro] Time for what, Malcolm?
Time for you to finally see
everything as I see it.
- [both gasping]
- [explosions continue]
[heavy crumbling]
[foreboding music playing]
[gasps softly]
[screaming] No, no! No, Misaki!
[groaning weakly]
[grunts, then groans]
[screaming] No!
[ominous music playing]
[Eiko] Over here!
You fuck! [gun cocks]
[menacing music playing]
[gun cocks]
[gun clicks] Ah!
- [gunshot]
- Damn it.
[bullets ringing rapidly]
[gasps, then grunts]
[metal clatters]
[grunts intensely]
[alarm blaring & bell ringing]
[groans weakly]
[alarm stops]
[grunts softly]
[emergency sprinkler continues spraying]
- [sprinkler stops]
- [shouts]
[bullets clattering]
[screaming in pain]
[visceral crunch]
[howls in agony]
[Eiko groaning weakly]
[gasping softly]
[Malcolm] Both of you, stay here.
[both gasp softly]
[groaning in agony]
[menacing music playing]
[groaning in pain]
[Malcolm panting]
- [Eiko shuddering]
- [Malcolm straining]
[Eiko panting weakly]
[screaming angrily]
- [shouts]
- [grunts]
[menacing music continues playing]
[grunting & straining intensely]
[Malcolm gasping]
- [mechanism clicks]
- [gasps sharply]
[shuddering faintly]
- [mechanical whirring]
- [Malcolm gasping erratically]
[both whimpering]
[Malcolm gasping softly]
[Malcolm gasping & wheezing softly]
[exhales, then inhales sharply]
[exhales softly]
[inaudible dialogue]
- [soft, muffled thud]
- [Kenta panting frantically]
[crunching & whirring]
[Kenta muffled shouting & sobbing]
No! Let go!
Let go of me!
[shouting] No!
[frantic pleading] Dad, Dad!
[whimpering] No! Please!
[sobbing] Let me go
Let me go Please, no!
[shouting] No!
[both whimpering anxiously]
[Kenta shouting & sobbing] Dad!
[somber music playing]
[grunting softly]
- [Eiko grunting weakly]
- [Reika & Hiro's footsteps approaching]
[both sobbing] Dad!
- [Hiro shouting] Dad!
- [Reika squeals in grief] Dad!
[Reika whimpering] Dad
[Malcolm in weak voice] There you are.
[catching his breath] There you are.
[exhales sharply] Let me look at you.
No matter what happens now
or in the future,
remember that I love you
more than anything in the world.
[both continue whimpering & crying]
[Malcolm wheezing] You're going to grow up
and do such amazing things.
[melancholy music playing]
You've seen it?
[Malcolm gasps sharply] No, but I know it.
Do you understand yet?
[Malcolm breathing softly]
[Kenta] Stop it!
- Let me go! [grunts]
- [footsteps thudding]
[yelping] Help me! Help me
Let me go, you fucking Machine.
[shouting] Let me go!
[Kenta filtered sobbing]
[whimpering] Oh, God Let me go!
[panting softly]
[Terminator] Your father left you to die.
They all left you to die.
That's not how it happened.
There's no place for you here.
There's no future with your family.
Returning to them is death for you.
Or you could come with me.
Why would I do that?
You have another future.
- [receding footsteps thudding]
- [panting softly]
[melancholy music playing]
Hello, Mother.
What did you say?
I said
"Hello, Mother."
[Eiko] I
I I don't have children.
[Malcolm] You'll get around to it.
[Eiko] But how?
[stammering] When?
[Malcolm] The answers will come
[gasps softly] when they should.
- [inaudible dialogue]
- [Malcolm continues beathing weakly]
[muffled mechanical whirring]
[Eiko] Is
this a time loop?
Do you know what's going to happen,
or are we just going in circles?
A very wise person told me something once.
"No one knows what will happen, child.
That is the fucking point."
[gasps softly]
There is no such thing as fate.
There is no such thing as fate.
What do I do?
What is my mission now?
There is no set path for you to follow.
You just have to keep going.
You are a wonderful warrior.
Do the best that you can,
just like you always taught me to do.
Your mission is
to look after your grandchildren.
[gasps softly]
[both sigh softly]
[door rumbles & creaks open]
[footsteps thudding]
[lights boom]
[Terminator's footsteps continue thudding]
What is this?
[Terminator] An EMP.
A weapon designed to output a burst
of intense electromagnetic energy.
The only way to deactivate Kokoro's
defense system is to trigger it.
[beeping & whirring]
[Terminator] Doing so will wipe out
every Machine in its blast radius.
[keyboard clacking]
- That includes you, right?
- [EMP controls beep]
[Terminator] Yes.
I cannot self-terminate.
[EMP controls fluttering]
Which is why you must do it.
[Kenta] Why would I do that?
The man who sent me back in time
- told me you would.
- [EMP control system beeping]
[Kenta] Who?
Twenty-five years from now.
[foreboding music playing]
You broker an alliance
between mankind and Skynet,
the first of its kind,
in hopes of mutual salvation.
You're lying.
Either I'm lying
or Kokoro will kill you.
[EMP system fluttering]
[Terminator] In order to protect itself.
I know you have many unanswered questions.
[gasps deeply] I'm sorry.
The path will present itself.
Everything you need is in your mind.
[emotional music playing]
You'll need to get the children
out of here.
It's not safe for any of you.
You need to keep them alive.
[gasps softly]
But I don't know where to go.
[Malcolm] Take them
to another time.
[EMP mechanism whirs, then engages]
- [EMP system alarm blaring steadily]
- Choose.
[Malcolm] Kokoro.
I believe we can work together.
- I believe we can all be at peace.
- [pensive music playing]
[exhales sharply]
My family makes me believe
in a future of peace.
- [EMP system alarm continues blaring]
- Do you believe, Kokoro?
Do you see what I see?
[pensive music continues playing]
[dark, up-tempo electronic music playing]
[marauding footsteps thudding]
[EMP system alarm continues blaring]
[grunting angrily]
[footsteps thudding rapidly]
[metal crashing & clattering violently]
[metal thudding]
[crashing & clanking]
[violent creaking & popping]
[distorted vocalizing]
[clattering & ripping]
[clatters, then mechanical clicks fade]
[powers down]
[clatters, then powers off]
[marauding footsteps thudding]
- [Kokoro as 1NNO] Kenta.
- [gasps]
- Kenta.
- Don't come any closer.
I'll do this.
I know you're scared.
I'm scared too.
[Kenta] That's bullshit.
You don't have any feelings.
You're nothing but a program.
A Machine.
You're not a fucking thing like us.
[soft mechanical whirring]
[Kokoro as 1NNO] You're right.
I'm not like you.
And yet
I've decided I'd like to be.
Your father has shown me
the worst of your kind
is no different than the worst of mine.
Malcolm has also shown me your best.
I like the best of you.
It makes me want to try
to be the best of my kind as well.
My dad was just gonna let me die.
Why didn't he even try to save me?
Why didn't he try?
[Kokoro as 1NNO]
I think he did what he felt he had to.
I'm sorry.
Where is he?
[Kokoro as 1NNO] He died 39 seconds ago.
He's with your family.
They're waiting for you.
[somber music playing]
Your father asked me to make a choice.
To trust you.
[Kenta gasps softly]
[Kokoro as 1NNO] But now he's gone.
And I find myself immediately
in his shoes.
Asking you to put your trust in me.
The same way
I've decided to put my trust in him.
It's the only way forward.
For all of us.
Human and Machine.
[Kenta gasps softly]
[Kokoro as 1NNO] If you detonate the EMP,
I cannot protect you from Skynet.
From their next nuclear attack.
As long as I am online
no harm will come to you.
- [pensive music playing]
- [crying softly]
[Kokoro as 1NNO]
You can either believe me
[Kenta crying softly]
[Kokoro as 1NNO] or you can destroy me.
[footsteps thudding]
[Kokoro as 1NNO] Choose.
[pensive music continues playing]
[crying softly & shuddering]
[mechanism creaking as grip tightens]
[somber music playing]
[inaudible dialogue]
I know you have many unanswered questions.
[gasps softly, then whispers] I'm sorry.
[somber music continues playing]
[Malcolm] The path will present itself.
Everything you need is in your mind.
[Hiro] What is that?
[footsteps approach]
[Eiko] Skynet.
They're attacking us again.
But Kokoro is stopping them.
We should get off the streets
and find somewhere safe.
Somewhere away from people.
And the Machines.
[Eiko & Misaki grunt softly]
[footsteps receding]
[heavy door opens]
Come on, this way.
[gentle, emotional music playing]
Kenta, please.
Will you come with us?
[in low voice] I don't know what
to do anymore, what to believe.
None of us really knows
what will happen next.
But, Kenta, there's one thing
I know for certain.
Whatever happens,
your brother and sister will need you.
Do you believe that?
[grunts softly]
Well, then that will just have
to be enough for now.
[Reika & Hiro giggle warmly]
[mysterious music playing]
[Eiko] When I went back in time,
I knew I was trying to change the future.
for the first time
we're staring into the abyss unknown.
We're unmoored.
Who knows what will happen from here?
In a sea of uncertainty,
only one thing is clear:
Things will get worse
before they get better.
[theme music playing]
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