The 8 Show (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[whimsical music playing]
[siren wailing]
[girl] Mom?
- [mother] Yes?
- [girl] Why are we going home?
They said I have
to stay at the hospital to get better.
[mother] Well, you can get better
at home too.
It's been a long time since
you've been home, honey. Right?
[girl] Mm… But I like it here.
- [vehicle door slams]
- [girl] They have a bed and it's warm.
[1st Floor] Well, guess what.
Daddy fixed the heater.
It won't be cold.
Now up we go.
[man] Let me help.
- [mother] Oh, thank you.
- [1st Floor] Let's go home, huh, Da-in?
[Da-in] What about you, Dad?
[1st Floor] You get home first.
Okay, sweetie?
- [1st Floor] And I'll be there in a jiffy.
- [mother] Oh, thanks.
[whimsical music continues]
[horns blaring]
[whimpers softly]
[1st Floor] You go on ahead, Da-in.
[engine starts]
[horns blaring]
[tires squeal]
[breathing shakily]
How could they do such a thing?
She's got a rare disease.
- We can't afford it.
- Yeah, but still, they can't do that.
I mean, how does a hospital
kick out a sick little girl?
Damn it, they don't
care if she lives or not.
Thank you for letting us use the car.
[colleague sighs]
Taking the subway
would've been hard for her.
She's more comfortable in the car.
Oh, and… please don't forget my favor.
[whimsical music continues]
Is there even a chance you'd reconsider?
You know
how much your daughter loves you, right?
[1st Floor sighs shakily]
[horns blaring]
- [tires screech]
- [music stops]
[whimsical music resumes]
[phone vibrates]
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues with static]
[music fades]
[4th Floor, echoing]
Would you please wake up?
[muffled, echoing] Wake up…
[echoing] Come on! Hey!
[water sloshing gently]
[echoing] You gotta stay awake.
[panicked breathing]
Hey, you gotta get it together!
- It's time for the escape plan!
- …escape plan…
- Hey! Hey, focus! Come on now! Let's go!
- …let's go…
- [clearly] You gotta focus!
- Huh?
-[Jin-su] Focus…
- [gurgles]
- You awake now?
[Jin-su] A… a… awake.
Drink some water first.
- There.
- What escape?
- What are you saying?
- Sh!
All right,
no screaming, no acting surprised,
and no going crazy, okay?
You can change rooms if you want to.
Listen to this.
It costs a billion won.
Sounds familiar, right?
Do you remember how 1st Floor always said
he had to make a billion won,
no matter what?
God, I had no idea
that money was for that.
He's honestly a real strategist.
He had a secret scheme all along
to change rooms, you know? [giggles]
[suspenseful music playing]
It was 1st Floor's idea
to come together, as a group,
so that we could overthrow 8th Floor's
tyrannical rule over us
once and for all, you know?
To end her Machiavellian reign over us.
Of course, 1st Floor suggested that,
since I'm the one risking my life
for everyone as the liaison,
that I should get first pick
of the room that I want.
He basically offered
that I take 8th Floor's.
I just…
I couldn't say no to an offer like that.
If you like the plan, if you accept
the agreement, then flare your nostrils.
We have more people.
Don't you think it's better
to attack her together?
I doubt she'll actually
shoot us with the gun, you know?
- [gunshot]
- [8th Floor giggles]
[8th Floor] Bang!
[suspenseful music continues]
Isn't this just so sexy?
How it splatters, all that blood.
It's very avant-garde, I would say.
I wanna shoot something for real.
And not just tin cans.
I wanna shoot someone.
[4th Floor laughs nervously]
Ah… oh…
[both giggling]
[4th Floor sighs]
I think it could be better…
to shoot… everyone…
"…and end the show."
[mimics 8th Floor's giggle]
Her exact words.
Ugh. I was so scared that
she would actually shoot me.
Don't even think about
going up against that crazy woman.
We need to tread carefully with her.
[Jin-su] What if…
we attack during the night?
Yeah, well…
she doesn't really sleep at night, though.
But why?
She… just paints a lot.
There are already paintings
that she's titled Numbers 5 to 9.
I bet she's watching us even now
through the surveillance camera.
We have to get her during the day.
She plays golf out in the square
when the sun is out, usually.
[gasps] Oh! Good shot! Good shot!
That was so good!
Did she… buy any additional weapons?
Coco's a new addition.
[7th Floor] Co…co?
[4th Floor] Mm-hmm.
Although it's small,
that thing will really hurt you.
- [4th Floor] After golf, she takes a bath.
- [8th Floor] I'm getting better every day.
That's right, you really are.
It's impressive, actually.
- [4th Floor] That's our only chance.
- [8th Floor] Thank you!
[4th Floor] It's the only time
she puts down her gun.
That's when we can rush in,
take away the gun, and attack her.
This, of course, will lead to a fight.
- So we need someone to take the lead.
- Oh, this is nice.
I'll do it. Yeah, yeah. I can do it.
Oh, uh…
Um… well, there is another issue.
Huh? Wh… what other damn issue
could there be?
Well, there's nobody
who can come and untie you.
[Jin-su] Huh?
'Cause she'll be golfing, you know?
'Cause I… I gotta go caddy for her.
That was such a great shot!
- [squeals]
- [Coco yaps]
[shakily] 5th Floor. What about her?
[5th Floor] Hmm?
What are you doing out here?
The sunlight is so nice, isn't it?
[Jin-su] She's the only one
who's free to make a move besides you.
You have to convince her,
no matter what it takes.
Listen, 4th Floor…
you're the only hope we've got.
5th Floor, you know who I am, right?
You're our sweet 4th Floor, of course.
- [chuckles] That's good.
- What is?
[4th Floor] Um, can you come with me?
I mean, you've been
by yourself a lot lately,
and we have some stuff to catch up on.
Why don't we have a chat?
[gasps] Oh, you got my favorite plates!
Yeah… I nabbed 'em from 8th Floor's room,
because I thought you would like it.
[4th Floor chuckles] By the way,
how did you end up coming here?
You look like you were well-off.
I read people pretty well. [laughs]
I was well-off.
[4th Floor sighs]
And then… I just squandered
all the money I had.
But how?
I was married
to a very rich and famous dermatologist.
[somber music playing]
But he'd always disrespect me, and he…
he would cheat a lot.
At first, I went out
to blow off some steam.
But I couldn't help but be drawn
to a stranger's kind words.
He asked me to lend him some money.
So I mortgaged the house
and my husband's building,
and gave him the money.
When I could finally see things clearly,
my husband had already sued me,
and I had absolutely nothing left.
[4th Floor] What a… motherfucker.
It was me who was the fool.
I can be quite, uh… delusional,
it turns out.
Okay, so once you get outta here,
just go after the bastard yourself, huh?
With the amount you got,
getting a hit man should be nothing.
Uh… Oh my gosh, um,
that sounds like fun the way you say it.
Oh, 4th Floor, thanks.
[Jin-su] 4th Floor convinced
5th Floor with all her heart.
She told her what 1st Floor
planned to do with a billion won
and how everyone was going insane
from the psychological torture.
She made it sound
even more tragic than it was.
Is there any way I can help with this?
Just do what I say,
and we'll be fine, all right?
[tearfully] Okay. Whatever it is.
Oh! Oh no…
- [gasps]
- [5th Floor sniffles]
[sighs] I just…
I just have one condition.
- [whispering]
- [intriguing music playing]
[Jin-su] Finally, it was D-Day.
[dramatic music playing]
- [sighs] All right! Let's go golfing!
- [Jin-su] Plans were tangled from the go.
Shall we take a day off?
My Coco looks tired as well.
[4th Floor laughs awkwardly]
Well, then… then all the more
reason you should exercise, I say.
[chuckles] Same goes for you, Coco.
The more lethargic you feel,
the more you need to move around. [laughs]
Come on, now, sweetie.
Aw, who's a good doggie?
Let's go over there.
- Ah! Listen. Hey!
- [8th Floor sighs heavily]
I set up the hazard
and the course is all ready to go.
It's gonna be so much fun!
[Jin-su] Thanks to 4th Floor's quick
thinking, our plan was back on track.
Oh, also, I'm curious…
What did you talk about
with 5th Floor last time?
[4th Floor] Sorry?
[8th Floor] Well, you guys
were crying and hugging each other.
- I almost came in there.
- [gasps] Ah! Oh, yeah.
You watched all that?
We were just listening to each other's
old stories, and stuff like that.
[chuckles nervously]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [8th Floor gasps]
- Oh, nice shot!
Unnie, your swings are excellent today!
What do you call this swing?
My gosh, seriously. [gasps]
Oh wow, you're just like Pak Se-ri.
Here, let's take it up a notch, huh?
[1st Floor whimpering]
- [groans]
- [5th Floor grunts]
[5th Floor] Are you okay?
I'm okay, yeah.
- [clapping]
- [4th Floor] Whoo!
Where did the ball go?
It must've gone really far.
Goodness, it went super far.
You're not kidding. [chuckles]
Unnie, um… I think
one went that way earlier. You see?
- [8th Floor] Over there?
- Yeah, over there. Over there…
Oh! Right there! [chuckles]
It's that one, right?
That was such a great shot! [giggles]
[tense music playing]
[2nd Floor grunts]
[gasps and groans]
[both grunt]
[5th Floor] Come on. Up you go.
[yelps] Hold on.
My legs… [groans]
Oh… it's 'cause
you haven't used your legs in so long.
Stretch your legs out.
[4th Floor gasps] Whoo!
Oh my God, your swings today are amazing.
Seriously, they really are.
- [8th Floor] You think so?
- [barking]
- [8th Floor] What's wrong, Coco?
- [barks]
[continues barking]
Oh! [laughs]
- [8th Floor] Are you okay, Coco?
- Yeah. It's all right, you're okay.
It doesn't sound like it's okay.
[Coco barking]
- [sighs]
- [5th Floor gasps]
- [Jin-su groans]
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- 5th Floor, I'm so sleepy.
- You okay, 3rd Floor?
Pull yourself together.
I got a lot of pain in my shoulders.
- I can't seem to get up…
- We just have 7th Floor to go.
[groans] God, I can't get up, seriously.
- I might fall asleep…
- No, no, no, you can't do that.
- We gotta go. Come on. Come on.
- [groans]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
- [5th Floor] Oh, hide! Hide, hide!
- [barking]
I can't keep going, 5th Floor.
3rd Floor, we gotta go.
We're almost there.
[barking continues]
Huh? Uh, Unnie, wh… what's wrong?
I think I just saw someone pass by.
[4th Floor] Hmm?
Where? I… I don't see anyone.
- [5th Floor] Keep climbing, go. Go!
- [Jin-su] Right now? [sighs]
[Coco barking]
[4th Floor] Ah, maybe 5th Floor
was out for a second earlier.
[giggles] Isn't that right?
Oh, gosh, look how smart Coco is!
What's wrong, Coco?
- Huh? Coco…
- Coco?
Coco, where are you going?
Wait, you're almost done with the round.
[moaning] Oh! Ah!
I-- I'm having a seizure!
Oh, I'm dying! [whimpers]
[sighs] Oh God, this girl…
Unnie! Let… let me go with you!
[Coco barking]
Coco, where are you going?
- [barks]
- Coco?
Oh! 3rd Floor.
- 3rd Floor, come here. We have to hide.
- What?
- [Coco barking]
- Oh, gosh.
Come on, in here.
What's wrong, Coco? Where are you going?
[4th Floor panting] Unnie!
I'll kill that little shit…
[dramatic music intensifying]
[Jin-su gasps]
- [muffled screams]
- [8th Floor] Coco!
- [yapping]
- Coco?
[muffled yelling]
[5th Floor] Oh!
[6th Floor yelling]
[muffled yelling continues]
[gasping] Unnie, Unnie! Oh, no!
- [barking]
- [muffled yelling]
[6th Floor groans]
- [muffled groans]
- What's happening in this room?
Unnie! Unnie!
Thank you for coming.
The parking lot is full.
Please turn right and--
Excuse me, ma'am!
Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm afraid you can't park your car here.
[driver] Sorry, I'm busy.
I'll be out in like, ten minutes.
Ma'am, excuse me, There are
actually more spots on the lower level.
I said I'd just be a few minutes, jeez.
Look, I'm a VIP customer.
You know how much money I spend here?
Wait. You…
[laughs] It is you.
- Is this your job?
- [driver] What is it?
You know her?
Seriously? She went to school with us.
The loudmouth who said she'd be
a K-pop star. The poor thing.
[both giggle]
Come on, we don't have time for this.
Well, I mean, in a way, she's moving to
the beat. Her dream came true, I suppose.
[friend] She had her debut
out in the parking lot!
[driver] Did you see her?
I was shocked. She was like… "Ooh!"
- And all like that…
- Hey! Stop it! People might see!
[both laughing]
[tires squeal]
Goddamn bitch.
Oh, sh… shit.
I… I should've done that earlier.
[7th Floor groaning]
[all panting]
What about your golf session?
Oh, yeah, that.
- Well, I got a hole in one, turns out.
- [7th Floor] Huh?
[5th Floor] Why isn't she waking up?
It's about time.
[4th Floor] I didn't kill her, did I?
[snoring softly]
I think she's just sleeping really hard.
- [grunts]
- [Jin-su sobbing]
[whimsical music playing]
[all sobbing]
- [snoring]
- [all laughing]
[5th Floor] Oh!
[Jin-su] I don't know why we cried.
Somehow, seeing the sunlight
brought us to tears.
It was a true liberation.
6th Floor, our biggest threat, could
no longer move due to his back injury.
8th Floor was tied up with Coco.
Her weapons, including
the Taser gun and the pistol,
were in our hands now.
We were… finally…
Sorry, but before we go on…
We had a deal, remember?
Would you mind if I did it now?
What deal? What are you saying?
5th Floor, uh…
helped us out under one condition.
[5th Floor] Give me
a medical scalpel blade,
some gauze, bandages, styptics,
anesthetics, antibiotics, disinfectants,
and a pair of medical gloves, please.
[6th Floor breathing heavily]
Huh… Wh… what?
What… what is it?
Uh… wh… what are you doing?
- Noona, hey, wait. Damn it. Wait, come on.
- [undoes zip]
Uh… Hey, hey, hey…
Wh… wh… why are you doing this? Huh?
- [man 1] You are who I think you are?
- [6th Floor] Sorry?
- [woman] Hello.
- [man] 1 Do you have a pen?
- [woman] Oh. One second.
- [man 1 chuckles]
Could I, uh… get an autograph?
- [6th Floor chuckles] Gosh…
- [man 1] Yeah? You are him, right?
I was a huge fan before.
You were the king of stealing bases.
- [woman] We're big baseball fans.
- [man 1] We really are.
[6th Floor] I see.
Oh… okay. All right, sure.
- Right…
- [woman chuckles]
- [6th Floor] Your names?
- [man 1] Oh Seung-jun.
- [woman] And Cho Min-ah.
- [man 2] What's the mileage on this?
- [Min-ah] Thank you!
- [man 2] You don't wanna make money?
- [Seung-jun] This is so cool!
- [Min-ah] I know.
[Seung-jun and Min-ah] Thank you!
- [6th Floor] Sure thing. Bye.
- [both] Thank you!
[Seung-jun] How funny
to run into him here.
[Min-ah] I know. He's so nice!
[man 3] Happy?
[6th Floor] What?
[man 3] Are you happy signing
autographs and stuff?
[6th Floor] Well, it's just…
[man 3] You're pretty cheerful,
signing autographs
when you got kicked off the team
for illegal gambling.
[6th Floor sighs] Damn it.
- [man 3] Damn it?
- [6th Floor sighs]
[man 3] What? You gonna beat me up too?
Hey, do you realize
how many cars you've sold this month?
You need to get on your game here, okay?
- Get your act together, all right?
- [6th Floor grunts]
[man 3] Jeez…
That motherfucker.
[man 3] What?
- [man 3 groaning]
- [6th Floor grunting]
[6th Floor] Wait, my pants. Why are you…
Aah! Wait, wh… what are you doing?
- [Jin-su] 5th Floor's one condition was…
- Hey!
I'm after 6th Floor.
I'm gonna get my revenge
and castrate that man.
- [clattering]
- Ah! Oh!
My God! The anesthetics! You…
You didn't use the anesthetics?
- It--
- [slicing]
- [screaming]
- [squelching]
[6th Floor wailing]
[5th Floor] I treated him perfectly
using antibiotics,
so he should be able to walk around
without a problem.
[Jin-su] Ahem.
[Jin-su] I proposed that we used
8th Floor's money to switch rooms.
1st Floor, however, replied calmly.
[1st Floor] I saved up money
for this very moment.
I want to do this
with my money, if nothing else.
Of course. That's so manly of you, Oppa.
[Jin-su] Pretty girls are Unnie
and high rollers are Oppa, is that it?
We agreed amicably on all the rooms.
4th Floor would become 8th,
and 8th would come down to 4th.
And 1st Floor, who had dreamed
of this moment, would become 6th.
Everyone else was happy
with where they were.
I'd be lying if I said
I didn't want a higher floor,
but everyone was rational,
and we reached an agreement.
With no one to protect us,
we created our own ending
of poetic justice.
I'd like to…
change rooms.
[4th Floor chuckles]
[1st Floor sighs shakily]
[clears throat]
I'm confirming, yes.
Huh? Wh… what's this?
Why is there an envelope?
- [4th Floor] Huh?
- [5th Floor] What is it?
[4th Floor] Wh… what does it say?
What… what…
What on earth… does it mean?
- [5th Floor] What?
- [1st Floor] Huh?
What… what does…
Uh, what does this mean?
- [5th Floor] What? What's wrong?
- I… I don't…
[7th Floor] Those fucking bastards…
- [5th Floor] What?
- [Jin-su] What's the matter?
- Tell me.
- [1st Floor] It… it says…
"If the show is still in progress,
you can always purchase and own rooms
with your prize money."
"You can purchase each room at the prices
listed at the bottom of this paper."
- The 1st floor, ten billion won.
- [4th Floor] Huh?
[Jin-su] 2nd floor, 20 billion.
3rd floor, 30 billion.
The 8th floor, 340 billion.
[gasps] Wh… what?
- [Jin-su] We didn't understand at first.
- [Vivaldi's "Summer" playing]
[Jin-su] We were right in thinking
we could change rooms if we wanted.
However, we had only purchased
the instructions on changing rooms.
And for an exorbitant price, at that.
After seeing the prices,
everything became so clear.
Yes, the rooms
were available for purchase.
But in reality,
there was nothing we could buy.
In other words, our fates were sealed
from the very beginning.
Then… what… what… what do I do now? Huh?
- [5th Floor] Oh, no, 1st Floor.
- [4th Floor] Aww.
[Jin-su] We had thought
the Fibonacci sequence of the prize money
was nothing
but a facade of grandeur by the hosts.
But in truth, the prize money,
and the price of each room,
delineated the natural order
and justice of the show.
The golden ratio in the eyes
of the creator, watching us from above.
Oh, no, no, no…
All the, uh… the money I saved…
My money… [gasping]
- [5th Floor gasps]
- What should we do? 7th Floor?
Yeah, hey, what, uh, should we do?
Hey, hey, 7th Floor? Come on!
Hey, come on, please!
Can you please say something here?
[man] Mr. Yu, you don't seem
to know the audience very well.
Just as people spend money
on delicious cakes such as this…
[7th Floor] Hmm?
[man] They spend money
so they can be happy.
So why do you insist on
portraying the real world?
People are sick and tired
of their reality.
That grand message
you're trying to get across?
They know it already.
They all know. But it's not fun.
We need to throw them something
that's fun and entertaining
to watch, you know?
With all due respect, sir…
wouldn't that be
an insult to the audience?
Oh, Mr. Yu, I took you
to be a pretty smart guy.
And I suppose you're not.
My dear Mr. Yu,
I remember back in the day,
you were such a big shot.
Give me a call, you know,
when you wanna make something fun,
uh, and not stuff like this.
This was just so… boring to read.
[man] What kind of a title is Downfall?
[7th Floor] I don't know.
I don't have a clue about any of this.
I just pretended to have the answers.
And I don't. I'm fucking clueless.
We're getting screwed over
by all these guys.
There's really no way
to change the rooms, is there?
[Jin-su] Ah, shit.
[man 1 sighs] I guess the boss
made him do a double shift on his own
because he didn't wanna hire anyone.
What a cheapskate, trying to save money…
[man 2] I heard he won't make it
if he doesn't get surgery right away.
[man 1] He doesn't have insurance, either.
[man 3 scoffs] That's some bullshit.
God, those broke idiots.
[laughs] Exactly.
He apparently dozed off
because he was overworked.
- But why did he have to ram my car?
- [2nd Floor sighs]
He needs surgery
by tomorrow at the latest, right?
I'll do it.
If he needs someone…
Whether he needs money for surgery
or a settlement, I'll take care of it.
Tell them to go ahead.
end it now.
[Jin-su gasps]
[breathing heavily] We can…
We can gather our earnings
and share with 1st Floor, right?
Can't we? Huh?
There's nothing more we can do here.
- [4th Floor sighs]
- Let's get outta here.
[all sighing and breathing shakily]
[Jin-su] Oh…
[somber piano music playing]
[1st Floor] No.
[4th Floor gasps]
[1st Floor] Nobody move.
- [4th Floor] 1st Floor!
- [1st Floor] Not… not like this.
I can't end the show like this.
Don't you agree? This… this is wrong.
[2nd Floor] 1st Floor--
- [gunshot]
- [all scream]
[shuddering] Stay where you are.
I'm dead serious, nobody move!
[4th Floor whimpering]
3rd Floor.
- [5th Floor gasps]
- [1st Floor] Tie up 2nd Floor.
Use the tape.
[4th Floor] Oh, God…
[1st Floor] Hurry up.
7th Floor, tie up 4th Floor.
Just make it happen now!
[8th Floor giggling]
This place is so much fun.
I love it! [laughs]
Did you see?
Did you see how much time we got?
Isn't this just the best?
[rock guitar music plays on speaker]
[man] Goddamn it, what the heck?
- [woman 1] God, she's here again.
- [man] Such an attention seeker.
[woman 2] Who?
[woman 1] Oh…
a washed-up performance artist.
Since no one hires her anymore,
she does her own shows,
and now she's, like,
hundreds of millions in debt.
[man] Now that she's broke,
she's performing here without permission.
- Call the police. She's making a racket.
- [8th Floor] Whoo!
[squeals happily]
[somber piano music continues]
[shrieks and laughs]
Aw, why don't we stay longer, huh?
[laughs] Let's do it! Let's stay!
[Jin-su] We were a captive audience,
waiting for a performance.
[piano music continues]
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for your patience.
I now present to you
a special performance that I've prepared.
I hope everyone enjoys.
[dramatic music playing]
[4th Floor and 5th Floor gasp]
[5th Floor] Oh, 1st Floor.
[8th Floor] Oh! [giggles excitedly]
- [2nd Floor] 1st Floor!
- [Jin-su] 1st Floor!
- [2nd Floor] Be careful!
- [6th Floor] Damn it.
- [7th Floor] 1st Floor!
- [5th Floor] Oh, no…
1st Floor, it's dangerous!
- [Jin-su winces]
- [4th Floor shrieks]
[5th Floor gasps]
[Jin-su gasping]
- [8th Floor giggling]
- [5th Floor] No! 1st Floor!
- [Jin-su] Just come down!
- [5th Floor] Are you okay?
- [1st Floor] It's okay.
- [6th Floor] You insane bastard.
- [1st Floor grunting]
- [5th Floor gasps]
[6th Floor] Come down!
- [7th Floor] Please!
- [8th Floor] Whoo!
- [6th Floor groans]
- [5th Floor] What's he doing?
- [6th Floor] I told you to come down!
- [5th Floor] Please just come down!
[foreboding music playing]
[breathing shakily]
Oh my God…
Is he doing that to get more time?
- Huh?
- [8th Floor giggles]
- You can do it, 1st Floor!
- [5th Floor] Oh dear!
- Oh, what do we do?
- [4th Floor gasps]
[5th Floor] Whoa!
[gentle music playing]
- Aah!
- [5th Floor] 1st Floor!
- [2nd Floor] Be careful!
- [4th Floor screams] No!
- [1st Floor groaning]
- [7th Floor] 1st Floor!
- [5th Floor] Oh, no!
- [7th Floor] What do we do?
[5th Floor] Hold on tight!
- [metal creaking]
- [1st Floor groaning]
- [5th Floor] Oh!
- [Jin-su] 1st Floor!
[8th Floor shrieks]
[Jin-su] Hold on tight!
[4th Floor and 5th Floor scream]
- [1st Floor wheezes]
- [4th Floor] What do we do?
- [1st Floor gasps]
- [5th Floor] Oh, what do we do?
- [2nd Floor] Hold on.
- [4th Floor] Hold on tight!
- [7th Floor] Be careful!
- [5th Floor sobbing]
- [5th Floor] Oh my God!
- [7th Floor] The fire…
- [4th Floor] Someone has to catch him!
- [grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music intensifies]
[5th Floor] Oh, no!
[panicked shrieking and sobbing]
[grunts] 1st Floor!
- 1st Floor! Hold on.
- [1st Floor groans]
- [wheezing]
- [5th Floor] Oh!
He… he can't stay here.
He… he needs to go to the hospital.
1st Floor. Can you breathe?
[2nd Floor] Open the door!
Open it, you bastards!
He's going to die! [grunts]
- [Jin-su panting]
- [2nd Floor grunting]
- Hey, hey, give me whatever you got.
- [banging]
I will buy everything you've got
just so we can end the show!
Anything. Just give me anything!
- Whatever's the most expensive. A diamond!
- [5th Floor] 1st Floor, breathe!
[Jin-su] A gold bar,
anything to use up all this time! Fuck!
Please hurry! [sobbing]
[gasps] Wow.
[gasps] We got 1440 hours?
[shudders] Motherfuckers.
God! Come on, please!
- [5th Floor] Oh my God! Oh my God!
- [7th Floor] Fuck!
[Jin-su] What? What… what is this?
I can't believe it…
Look at all of you
desperately trying to save him.
How can something like this not move you?
That's why I said…
the way it's going,
it's likely that we may
never leave this show.
[6th Floor chuckles]
[tense, dramatic music continues]
[5th Floor gasping]
1st Floor, open your eyes.
1st Floor, wake up! You can't give up!
- 1st Floor! [grunting]
- Please, just stop this!
What more do you bastards wanna see here?
- Huh?
- [5th Floor gasping]
1st Floor!
1st Floor, just a little longer.
[5th Floor and 7th Floor sobbing]
[7th Floor] Please try to wake up!
A blackout.
[suspenseful music playing]
[5th Floor] 1st Floor!
1st Floor, please breathe.
1st Floor, breathe.
[1st Floor wheezing]
- [sighs]
- [1st Floor groans]
3rd Floor?
[5th Floor gasps]
[wheezing, gasping]
Hurry, 3rd Floor!
Hey, stop that!
Hurry! Come on, hurry!
[ominous music playing]
Shit, the stairs…
[5th Floor] Oh, he, he… he got them all.
- 1st Floor!
- [7th Floor] We're almost there.
- [5th Floor] Hang in there.
- [7th Floor] It's okay!
[2nd Floor panting]
- [6th Floor grunts]
- [8th Floor] Oh! I don't wanna leave!
[panting heavily]
We're invisible now. What'll you do now?
What more can you fuckers do?
- [6th Floor grunting]
- [2nd Floor sobs]
It's still locked.
- [7th Floor whimpers]
- [5th Floor gasps]
[elevator machinery clanks]
[intense, pounding music playing]
[steady bleeping]
You motherfuckers.
[Jin-su panting]
[music stops]
[Jin-su] When we finally
showed them nothing,
that's when they set the time to zero.
[lock clicks]
- [somber jazz playing]
- [Jin-su] 1st Floor!
- The door's open! Let's go, let's go!
- [5th Floor] 1st Floor! Oh!
- [1st Floor wheezing]
- [5th Floor sighing]
[4th Floor] 1st Floor…
- [7th Floor] 1st Floor…
- [5th Floor sobs]
[5th Floor crying]
[grunts] I just…
I wanted to climb out of this hole.
- [5th Floor sobs]
- [sighs]
[1st Floor] I've been
at the bottom my whole life.
- [wheezing]
- [5th Floor] 1st Floor.
Someone like me
shouldn't become greedy like I did.
You'll be fine…
- Don't lose consciousness, all right?
- I'm so sorry…
- [groaning]
- [7th Floor crying]
…to my daughter.
I'm so sorry, everyone. [gasping]
Oh my God, I'm sorry…
[7th Floor sobbing]
[5th Floor] 1st Floor…
What an emotional way to end this thing.
Not bad, honestly.
[Jin-su] Hey, you fuckin' sons of bitches!
[gun clicking]
[somber jazz continues]
[projector whirring]
[crowd begins applauding]
[loud applause and cheering]
[whooping and whistling]
[applause and cheering continue]
[applause fading]
[applause fades]
[projector whirring quietly]
"Congratulations. The prize money
will be wired to your bank account."
[wistful soundtrack music from
Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin playing]
[music fades]
[Jin-su] About two and a half months
had passed
while the eight of us
were absent from society.
In the show, we saw
all kinds of criminal activity
and horrific events
that no person would ever believe,
even if they were explicitly told.
But naturally,
the world would remain oblivious
to the fact that
these things ever took place.
[wistful music playing]
Since it's your first time here,
let me sign you up.
- Let's see the barcode.
- [bleep]
- A three-month-old bitch.
- [audience laughter]
All right. Next.
- [bleep]
- A husky…
- [laughter]
- Now, no fighting…
[Jin-su] At first, the shock
of witnessing 1st Floor's death,
the infinite amount of money,
and the fact that life is so short,
utterly destroyed me.
I struggled to come to grips with life.
Also, my body demanded I sleep all day,
as I was so sleep-deprived
from all the psychological torture.
I slept day in and day out.
I had the same dream over and over.
I dreamt it so many times
that I wasn't sure
if I had really been to such a place,
if I had really met those people,
or if any of it had even happened,
to the point of disbelief.
But I was staring at the sheer
amount of money in my account,
which wouldn't have been there
if none of it had been real,
and I slowly stopped thinking about it.
About the identity of the hosts,
who were thorough enough
to deduct half of my prize money
for shooting at the surveillance cameras.
- About the cruel people on the top floors.
- [sobs]
About 1st Floor's death.
It all started fading from memory.
[doorbell rings]
However, we couldn't forget.
We must never forget.
Even if everything else faded away,
we had to remember one thing.
So I had to gather the participants.
Despite not knowing their names,
ages, jobs, or anything else,
I still had to find them.
And there was only one way to do that.
It was time I used up this
abundant amount of money I had.
Somehow, we had to hold
a funeral for 1st Floor.
We had to remember him.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
[music fades]
[whimsical music playing]
[2nd Floor] Am I the only one?
[Jin-su] No, uh…
[5th Floor gasps]
[4th Floor] Mm.
[Jin-su] Have some more.
I found 1st Floor's… family.
What? How'd you do that?
Well, I was looking to plan the funeral,
and there aren't
a lot of circus troupes here in Korea.
it didn't take long.
[5th Floor] I see.
But they thought that 1st Floor was
actually working somewhere overseas.
What do you mean?
I met with 1st Floor's wife, and…
she said a colleague of her husband's
came to see her.
He told her that,
since he came back to Korea first,
1st Floor asked if he would… visit her.
On top of that, he gave her a passbook
with a lifetime's worth of money.
Who was it, you think?
She told me he was a man in his 30s.
Apparently, he spoke really well,
was wearing glasses, and had, um,
his hair pulled back all… all neat.
- [5th Floor] Ah…
- [4th Floor] Oh.
-[chuckles] I guess it was 7th Floor.
- [4th Floor] Right.
- [2nd Floor sighs]
I was the one who said I'd give him money.
I couldn't find his wife, though.
I knew it.
You know, I said before
that 2nd Floor isn't the smart one.
[man] Excuse me.
Um, this is 1st Floor's funeral, right?
And the chief mourner is… 3rd Floor?
[Jin-su] Yes?
Yeah, there's a flower wreath delivery.
But uh… what's with the names here?
6th Floor?
[5th Floor] Yeah.
He must be doing well,
judging from that arrangement.
I'm surprised it wasn't 7th Floor.
[4th Floor chuckles]
So it's just us,
the lower floor people, huh?
Come on. He might not have seen the ad.
I'm sure that if he had known…
I mean, he did go see 1st Floor's family.
Oh, right, uh, here.
Have you… seen this?
- Take a look.
- [4th Floor] Huh?
[5th Floor] 8th Floor.
It says "This is not art."
[Jin-su] 8th Floor was an artist?
Actually, what she does
is performance art.
[Jin-su] 8th Floor had hired an excavator
at night and destroyed an art gallery.
"Song Sera, a performance artist…"
- [Jin-su] She posted the title on a sign.
- "…destroy an art gallery."
[Jin-su] She had to spend all her money
to compensate for the damage done
to the gallery and the artwork,
and was arrested.
Hmm. I knew it'd end badly for her.
Prison, though? That's wild.
[Jin-su] And just like that,
we went our separate ways.
We didn't ask anything about each other.
Not where we lived, or how things were.
We simply encouraged each other.
[wistful soundtrack music from
Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin playing]
1st Floor.
Would it make any difference if
we tried our hardest to live a good life?
Damn this world…
[music grows bolder]
[music crescendoes]
[music fades]
[quiet traffic and street sounds]
[horns blaring]
[sounds intensifying]
[sounds fade]
[gentle piano music playing]
[Philip's colleague] Ah!
So this is how it ends. At the funeral.
You've finally come to your senses,
Mr. Yu. Nice work.
Had a feeling you'd come up with
something that was worthwhile.
It's one heck of a story!
[laughs awkwardly]
But at the end there, you didn't say much
about the top floor guys.
I wanna know how they turned out.
[Philip] Yeah, well,
I'm still debating that.
The audience won't want
the top floor people to turn out well.
They'll feel more at ease that way.
Yeah, well,
I guess you have a point there.
Our lives are pretty great though, huh?
You know what? I was in this show too.
It almost gave me a heart attack
just reading it.
That's how I've made so much money,
you know?
Just kidding!
You're not saying that… this is real?
Did you participate in this show?
Oh, well,
of course not.
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
It's not real.
- A fictional story.
- All right.
You've got my full support on this thing.
Let's make something great. Okay?
Yeah, of course.
And hey, it could even lead to a sequel.
- Right.
- [chuckles]
[music fades]
[solemn jazz playing]
[gentle piano music playing]
[music fades]
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