The A List (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

All That's Left of Us

-[indistinct chatter]
-[watch ticking]
[chatter continues]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[Alex] It was like she was pushing.
I could feel her trying
to get inside my head.
You won't remember this.
So, I just pretended like she did.
But with Dave, he really did.
I could see it.
Amber changed something in him.
Like Kayleigh and Jenna.
She did it to them, too. She
turned them into her followers.
Well, she's not turning me.
No way am I gonna be
some mindless Amber shadow.
She's powerful, though.
Even if she doesn't turn you, she can
do things to you. She can make you
see things that aren't really there.
She made me think I was back home.
Showed me personal things.
Things even I didn't know
how much I wanted.
She was trying to find out
what I knew about Midge.
Amber killed her.
She's covering up what she did.
Okay. If Amber did kill Midge,
why did she kill her?
she's crazy evil?
Or Midge knew something about Amber.
Something that Amber didn't want
anybody else to know.
Like how to stop her.
That old cabin was full of Midge's stuff.
Notebooks, maybe even a diary.
Let's go!
Morning! Thought I'd start the day
with a good old clear out.
Every last scrap of junk.
Look at it burn.
[narrator] Memories.
They're all that's left of us
when we're gone.
And when we're alive,
they make up everything we are.
There's times
I wish I could forget who I was.
But we can't control
which memories will haunt us.
I'll leave you guys to it.
Is he still annoyed about last night?
It was kinda harsh not letting him in.
Hey, I was trying to give
Zac and Kayleigh a chance.
We all know nothing's gonna happen
with him there.
Anyway, never mind Brendan.
What's your excuse?
You left my party
right before it even got started.
I've been kinda distracted.
Then it's time you got
your head back in the game.
[Alex] Are you sure about this?
Right now, she doesn't
even know that we're a threat.
We just gotta stay off her radar
until we work out our next move.
Maybe we can get
to the signal point and get help.
I'll go first, you wait here.
If she sees me with someone like you,
she's gonna know something's up.
You've just gotta
act like you don't like me.
-[campers laughing]
-[watch ticking]
Dev, come on!
So, a watch has your name on it.
It's just a coincidence.
We should hand it in.
No, it is mine, okay? I know it is.
I can't explain it.
It's like I've forgotten something big.
And I have to remember.
[Mags clapping] Listen up, everyone!
Today, we'll be making our very own map
of Peregrine!
Groups will fill out any natural features
in their square,
and when we put the squares together,
we'll have the whole island!
-I'll take the beach.
-Me, too!
[snaps fingers] That is the kind
of enthusiasm we want!
We'll be working in threes.
Everyone finish breakfast
and divide into groups.
[Dave] Let's take
your phones please, lads.
-[both exclaim]
-Where've you been?
-Getting ready. How do I look?
I realized, after last night,
I gotta make my move.
-Today's the day.
-Nah. I don't think so.
I stepped aside, like a hero,
to give you your shot with Kayleigh,
and you didn't even take it!
-Now, it's Brendan's turn.
-[Zac] What do you want me to do?
Well, we have to work in threes,
so I pick the girl,
-and you step up and be a wingman.
-Is there even someone you like?
-Petal, do you wanna work with us?
-Phones in the box, please.
-Why do you need my phone?
So no one can cheat on the task.
-GPS doesn't even work here.
-Alex, are you a team player or not?
-[Alex] This is getting seriously scary.
-She's winning. Midge's stuff, gone.
No ferries. No phones. No exit.
What do we do?
Come on, you're the science geek!
Work something out!
Okay. Knowledge is power, right?
To survive, we've gotta know
what we're up against.
Do we have any more leads on Amber?
-[Harry] Hey!
-[Mia] What, Harry?
You guys ran off without me!
Mags said we're meant to be a team.
We're not doing the stupid activity, okay?
Get out of here. We're busy.
You want me to do it by myself?
But it's a group task!
-And the woods here are really creepy.
-That's it!
What if we've been looking at this wrong?
We've been thinking that this is
all about
But what if alfafa is the symptom,
not the cause?
This whole island is full of freaky stuff.
Tooth trees, cracks in the earth
I've heard growling,
seen weird green lights.
-Ooh, about that--
-Not now, Harry!
Maybe they're all connected to alfafa.
Maybe they're
all a part of the same thing!
-But I actually know--
-Green lights? You think she's an alien?
How is that more ridiculous
than thinking she's a ghost?
I know what the green lights are!
Now, can I be on your team?
[Kayleigh] I packed your sun lotion,
sunglasses, scarf.
I'm so excited.
We get to spend the whole day together!
Thing is, I need to spend
some time with Dev.
You wouldn't want to get
in the way of that, would you?
Here, fill this in for us.
How about I hang back,
so I'm there if you need me?
-You won't even notice!
-Kayleigh? Get lost.
Thanks for inviting me to join you guys.
-I love exploring.
-[Brendan] Yeah.
I'm kind of an outdoorsman myself.
Yeah, Brendan's big into hills,
and streams, and
[Petal] Me, too!
Zac, didn't you drop something
back there? Yeah?
[Harry] It's a drone.
The green light was here.
That must have been what you saw
in the woods that night.
Do you think she's using them
to spy on us?
I wouldn't put it past her.
-Do we know who's flying them?
-We have a theory.
Wait a second!
I've seen this before!
And I know exactly where it is.
[Mia] You're right. It's the same symbol.
But there's no way in.
Why wouldn't a building have a door?
Because the way in
isn't where you'd expect it?
Okay, then. Let's get looking.
[Petal] The view is amazing.
Looks better from where I'm standing.
[chuckles softly]
[Petal] Oh.
Now we're alone,
there's something I wanted to say.
Please don't.
Sorry, it's just that you're not my type.
-Is it because Zac said I like flowers?
-'Cause I'm into all kinds of things.
-It's got nothing to do with that.
Whatever your type is,
I'm sure I'm closer than you think.
My type is girls.
Then maybe not.
Petal, wait, I'm sorry
if I made you feel uncomfortable.
You didn't. It's fine.
And I won't tell anyone,
if that's what you're worried about.
It's definitely not.
Recently, I kind of got let down hard.
-[Mia] So, how did you find this place?
-I was with Petal.
Kinda discovered it together.
Oh, you and Petal.
Secret woodland rendezvous. Makes sense.
-What does that mean?
-Really? Was I being too subtle?
It's not like that, okay?
Not for me, anyway.
If you say so.
She made a move on me,
and now we're not talking.
Wow. I wouldn't have pegged her
as the pushy type.
She wasn't pushy. Just
She caught me by surprise.
She messed it all up.
I didn't ask her to kiss me. I never did
anything to make her think that--
That you liked her?
So, you thought she was straight,
she thought you weren't.
-What's the drama?
-[metal clanking]
The way in's up here. I found a hatch.
[nervously] Oh, that's a long way down!
What do you guys think is down there?
So, what is it we're gonna find
at the beach, then?
It's where Brendan said he found
the watch. Might help me remember.
Or, backup plan, we go skinny dipping!
I don't see what the big deal is.
It happens all the time!
You lose something
and you don't even realize it's missing
till it turns up again.
If this is just an excuse
'cause you don't want to spend
today with me, then just say.
[Dev] No, it's not that. I swear.
But I've gotta figure out what's going on.
I remember my dad giving this to me
for my birthday,
but I don't remember bringing it here.
I don't remember losing it.
This is my favorite thing I own,
and I forgot it existed till last night.
How does that make sense?
When I try and think about it, it hurts.
I know I sound like I'm losing it,
but if I can just get to the beach,
I think I'll remember.
[Petal] I just really thought
we had something.
Oh, sorry, I can go.
Nah, it's not happening. She's into Alex.
You gotta remember, though,
it wasn't your fault.
You followed your heart.
As in, uh, "Alex" Alex?
[laughs] Yeah, Zac, keep up.
He's been into Kayleigh since day one.
He still hasn't made his move.
Hey, I was gonna talk to her today,
and you made me come and be your wingman.
Well, I think you should go for it, Zac.
It's worth the risk
if your feelings are real.
-You think?
-Okay, then. I'll go and find her.
Right now.
-Wish me luck!
-[Brendan laughs]
You know, I've never had a wingwoman.
Not a chance.
[ball bouncing]
-[door opens]
-[Mags] Dave!
-[stops bouncing]
The phone, I was just in the office,
it's in pieces!
We're cut off from the mainland!
Yeah, about that
my bad. [sighs heavily]
I was having a tinker, and
some of the wires got crossed.
-I wanted to see how it worked.
-Well, now, it doesn't!
Was there someone you wanted to call?
All right, then! No problemo.
Have we been here before?
We haven't. I know we haven't.
Why do I remember it?
This is impossible.
What's impossible?
[Dev and Mia laughing]
-[Dev] I'm winning! Yes, I am!
-[Mia] No, you're not!
I'm going crazy.
We've been to a beach before, remember?
You carried me from Peregrine Peak.
-It was just like this. You're confused.
-No, it's not just that.
A few days ago, I was in the woods,
and I got this burst of memories,
-of me and Mia.
It feels so real.
This is wrong.
This shouldn't be happening.
What are you talking about?
You shouldn't have remembered.
[Mia] Whoa.
It looks like some kind of old laboratory.
Or some kind of scientific base.
[Mia] What's this stuff got to do
with Amber?
-[Alex] Mia!
What, I was meant to keep saying "alfafa"?
He's followed us down into her
secret lair. I think the game is kinda up.
You think Amber has something
to do with this?
That's what we're trying to figure out.
Maybe she's some
freaky experiment gone wrong.
I could totally buy
she was grown in a jar.
You guys are winding me up, right?
Just shut up and look
for anything that links to Amber.
Whatever she's hiding
the answer has to be here.
[Amber] You don't own a watch.
You never found this.
You haven't remembered anything.
It's all gone.
Like it never was.
We should go. It's getting late.
Thanks for bringing me here.
You were right, it's beautiful.
No problem.
We must have lost track of time.
Uh, I think it's this way back.
[Amber] Kayleigh. Get lost.
[earth rippling]
[birds squawking]
Don't suppose you know what this is?
That's an external ribbon cable.
They don't make them anymore.
And this an old CPU cooler.
I got sick a lot as a kid
and had to stay in bed.
Mum used bring me
old bits of tech to fix up.
It made being stuck inside less boring.
If you say so.
Is Amber dangerous?
-Are we in danger?
-If she finds us here, totally.
But she won't.
Amber's like a cat with a bunch of mice.
Play dead and she gets bored.
We just have to lie low.
Sorry. I feel like I've been
kinda distracted today.
Just don't make a habit of it.
I like having your full attention.
You don't get mad, or annoyed,
or judge me.
And all this stuff that's happened,
you don't let it get you down.
I've never met anyone like you.
Try not to look so surprised.
So, they were tracking mycelium?
How plants talk to each other.
Plants communicate with each other
chemically, okay?
That's what they were studying here.
Apparently, there's some weird substance
on the island that affects that network.
They tested all the soil, but then
the logbooks just stop.
It's like they gave up and went home.
This place was abandoned.
Then, what's this got to do with Amber?
[sighs] Mia, the tech here's really old.
Like '90s old.
The experiments people were doing here
were long before Amber was born.
But you saw a drone.
That can't be left over from the '90s.
Someone's still watching this place.
[Alex] Well, whoever's flying
those drones, and whoever's lab this is,
I can't see a connection to Amber.
Are you kidding me?
We find a secret underground lab,
and you're telling me
it has nothing to do with the girl
with mind control powers?
This was all pointless?
Not pointless, just another mystery.
Well, I could not care less
about some old guys studying mud.
Amber is the one
who's turning people into zombies!
If we want to survive,
then we need to know how to stop her,
and I mean by any means necessary!
[Mia] No! Kayleigh!
-Come back!
-[Alex] Kayleigh, wait!
-[Harry] Kayleigh, please!
-[Mia] Kayleigh, come back!
-Come on, open the door!
-Come back!
-Kayleigh, please!
-Come back!
[Mia] Kayleigh! Don't tell Amber!
-[Zac] Kayleigh!
[Zac] Kayleigh!
[narrator] If you ask me,
nothing is ever truly forgotten.
[both laughing]
[narrator] Sometimes, it just takes
the right push to bring it back.
Kayleigh, are you okay?
Kayleigh, can you see me?
Zac, I remember! [panting]
We've been here before, all of us.
I remember everything.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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