The Agency (2024) s01e08 Episode Script
Truth Will Set You Free
[DALAGA] Go out again for any reason,
men in Khartoum will arrest your family.
Do I make myself clear?
You're okay.
You're still in London. You're safe.
[SAMI OVER PHONE] Nowhere is safe.
Let me think about this.
Let me work it out.
[HENRY] Someone closed distance
on Poppy like they were
about to run a kidnap.
Good thing our street team
was on deck, huh?
Start anywhere you like.
There are secret negotiations
taking place in London.
I believe Samia Zahir
to be of enormous value.
And you want us to recruit her?
I think we have to.
[BLAKE] She still in love with you?
- Yes.
- Can we use that?
- If I get the chance.
- I see opportunity here.
Langley would eat this up with a spoon.
Go get her.
Where's Coyote?
- [NOVIKOV] General Volchok.
- The Russians have him.
[BLAIR] Orekhov made contact
with Volchok today.
The target was isolated
with only three people present.
- Who's the third?
- His secretary.
Orekhov heard him call her Sylviya.
My name isn't Paul.
I'm here to tell the truth
so that when you leave this room,
you know the danger you're in.
What are you talking about?
Your colleague Osman.
He suspects me.
He's been following me.
He wants to know where I go, what I do.
If he keeps looking,
he'll discover who I am.
Who are you?
You're a spy.
Who do you work for?
The CIA.
My department sent me to Addis.
I had a mission, but I also had a life.
In that life, I met you.
I don't know what you're saying.
I never spied on you, Sami.
You were never a target.
When they ordered me to return, I left,
but I couldn't forget about you.
And when I heard you were in London
- I need to leave
- The people who brought you here,
if they find out who I am,
they'll assume you work for me.
You'll be killed.
But we can protect you.
- "We"?
- Samia
The fucking CIA?
Yes, the fucking CIA.
The CIA knows about you,
they know about the secret talks
here in London.
How do they know?
Because I told them.
You spoke to a foreign agency?
- I tried to fix it on my own.
- You've killed me.
I couldn't, now I need
- No. No. To protect me?
- to protect you.
The Agency needs to know
about the negotiations.
They know the Chinese are in the room.
They need someone in the same room, too.
So you want to use me.
In exchange for protection.
You lying piece of dog shit.
- I will never
- Samia, listen to me
I will never betray my country.
They will find out about us,
and when they do,
your country will arrest you
and torture and kill you.
And when they arrest me,
they will be wrong,
but my conscience will be clear.
How about yours, Paul?
Or whatever your name is.
- Please, Samia
- Let go of me.
take a day.
Let go.
- Sami.
- I said let go.
I told you nothing.
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me ♪
Oh, my heart ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Blindness ♪
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me, yeah ♪
Oh ♪
My love ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Oh, love is blindness ♪
Oh, blow out the candle ♪
Blindness ♪
So, what did he say?
Um, they don't want me
missing any more seminars.
And your visa?
I behave, be a good girl, do my studies,
it will be fine.
Let's go.
Terrible fucking day.
It started off bad. Look at it now.
- It's not over.
- Martian screwed the approach.
Contact was clean, offer was made.
- Ball's in her court.
- What am I supposed to tell Langley?
I promised them ears in the room.
- What if she blows the whistle?
- Well, they pack up their tent,
- hop the next camel and move.
- Yeah.
The next time we hear about it,
it's gonna be on the news.
And the history books.
Not helpful.
how did the Chinese get
so far ahead of us on this one?
This one?
Better in English
so no one understands us.
If you leave,
the general will find out
we meet here once a month.
What do you want?
Tell me what you do for General Volchok.
I'm his secretary.
I bring posts, answer phones,
type emails.
Do you clean his glasses?
I don't understand.
We need something you have access to.
Something he always has on him.
Does he wear a ring?
A watch he takes off to wash?
This is crazy.
He sees and hears everything.
He probably knows you are here.
Just get us something we can use.
Trust me,
and nothing will happen to you.
I promise.
What is that worth to me?
[BOSKO] So I'm supposed to
believe this is a total coincidence.
The Chinese have
their largest military base
outside of the mainland in Djibouti.
They're letting
these Houthi pirates do this.
[RICHARDSON] Well, even if it is
coincidence, we're still fucked.
Now the Chinese can say
they need security
for their shipping routes.
More attacks, and they suddenly
want a port further north.
And if this peace deal gets signed,
then every cargo box through the Suez
passes under the nose and guns
of the Chinese Navy.
Planes from a carrier in Port Sudan
could hit any European capital.
Yeah, in case you forgot,
that's you guys.
- Not us guys. You.
- So you want, you want us
to try and push China around?
No, I want you to sit there
in your tweeds and do nothing.
[CHUCKLES] I don't know if you heard,
but London hasn't been able
to make the Chinese blink
since the 1800s.
[CHUCKLES] It's your Great Game now.
I'm here to blow on your dice.
We got to get in that room.
What the hell's he doing here?
Huh? Oh, Bosko wanted
a China wonk to discuss
this whole Sudan mess with.
British liaison tapped Richardson.
That a problem? Thought you guys
[BRITISH ACCENT] were mates?
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
[NAOMI] You think he might
take her to Iran?
Rose is bright, same level as Jerome.
She's been around longer than me.
And what are you gonna do?
I don't know. I can't scare her off.
Rose isn't a total pussy like Jerome.
Do what you were trained to do.
Get close, be a friend,
work out where, when and how to strike.
[HENRY] His assistant took this,
sent it to us.
We've, uh, we've made
a like-for-like match.
If we're a go,
we can age and patina them
to make them look identical.
[MARTIAN] Will the assistant, uh
[BLAIR] Mrs. Sylviya Barazna.
Will she hold up?
Hard to gauge.
Can't you guys just track his phone?
[MARTIAN] He uses a burner
he changes every few days.
His entire staff isn't allowed
to bring phones near him.
[BLAIR] My read is, she's more
scared of him than us.
- But she sent the picture.
- Right.
If she was concerned before
that we could compromise her,
now she knows we can.
She can't back out.
So, how do we protect this woman?
What do you mean?
[BLAKE] I mean, what if she blows it?
What if Volchok has cameras in the room?
What if he makes the boots?
If at any point
he suspects she betrayed him, what then?
Then she's on her own.
[BLAIR] This plays. We got her.
We're good.
- We are.
- [HENRY] Dr. Blake.
Coyote, a covert operative for
the United States government,
is behind enemy lines
and about to be handed over
to a hostile agency.
So on the one hand, I have
the future peaceful relations
between nuclear armed superpowers,
- and on the other
- I know what's at stake.
So we're good.
Hola! I brought wine
But don't get too excited.
You want nice wine? I need a raise.
Oh, and I brought this.
The wine is dry.
The macroseismic forces, very dry.
- Ooh!
Oh, fuck yeah.
Why's Reza so excited about Oslo?
Nobody cares about Oslo, do they?
Well, he's not in Europe long.
It's a, um, "boondoggle."
Has he asked you to go, too?
To Oslo? Yeah. Sorry.
I-I know he asked us to do this
together, but I'm going.
Check you.
And you didn't even have to lose
a million games of squash.
- Or lick his butthole.
If he offered you Iran,
what would you say?
Has he asked you to go?
What would you say?
He doesn't take women.
Mm, what if he did?
He's asked you to go, hasn't he?
You just want me to help you decide.
Tell me what you'd do.
I would fucking go.
You'd go?
Come on. The opportunity?
Once in a lifetime.
Hell yeah, I'd go.
He asked me yesterday.
What did you, what did you say?
Rose, that's amazing.
[SIGHS] Yeah, but you're sad
it's not you, though, right?
Fuck this shitty vino.
Get your coat.
We're going out to celebrate.
- Wait, wait, slow down.
- Come on.
- We've got work to do.
- Damn right we do.
On the dance floor, bitch. Let's go.
Baddadan, baddadan, baddadan ♪
Baddadan, baddadan, baddadan ♪
What the fuck, girl?!
Cute barman with the fingernails.
Two-for-one deal.
Wait, how do we know it's not Rohypnol
and we're not gonna end up
tied up in his basement?
- I'll bring my own rope. Relax.
I already took a half. They're legit.
You're a beast.
You literally have no idea.
Fire in my body ♪
[MAN] Hey!
[POPPY] Oh, my God. Dad.
You scared us.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Cunningham.
This is embarrassing.
You said that you'd text
if you were coming home?
My bad.
Dude, put some clothes on and leave.
[MARTIAN] Whoa, no.
You two go back to bed.
It's cool. I think I'm gonna go.
- See you at college, Poppy.
- Right. Yeah.
What happened to Luke?
Shut up.
[DANNY] Don't you find it shitty?
Like, having to prove your worth?
I don't need to feel that.
I'm a grown woman.
[ROSE] We are.
We are grown-up women.
I feel like I'm being tested
all the fucking time.
I think you put way too much
pressure on yourself, girl.
[DANNY] It's not me.
It's patriarchal capitalism
and the military
- industrial complex.
- Military capitalist thing.
[HIGH-PITCHED] You look like
a little mouse when you do that.
Oh, shit.
Oh, I haven't done that in ages.
[SNIFFING] Oh! Oh, that's nasty. Oh.
Tell me something
I don't know about you.
- Like?
- Anything.
- What makes you happy?
[DANNY LAUGHS] What makes you sad?
Sad? Um
My mom has multiple sclerosis, yeah,
so she wants to euthanize
herself in Switzerland,
but my family are Catholic
so they won't let her do it
because God and hell
and eternal damnation and all that shit.
Whoa. Buzzkill.
Bitch, what part
of "What makes you sad?"
wasn't gonna be a buzzkill?
[LAUGHS] Yeah, good point.
All right, your turn. [SNIFFS]
- Okay.
- Hmm?
- Um
- Mm-hmm.
Are you?
- Are you fucking with me?
- Sad.
Come on.
- [LAUGHS] Sad.
- Come on, is that it?
- Happy.
- Sad.
- Get off me.
- So, can I call him Dan or?
- Dad, Dad, please.
Is it a thing? I'm just
- Just what?
- Proud.
Yeah, 'cause that's what a girl
wants to think about
when she's having sex.
How proud her dad is.
I love you, Poppy.
I mean it.
You're growing up into a cool adult.
A great person.
Hmm. I get it.
You're going away again.
No, I'm not.
It's just, this is how you spoke
before you went away last time.
You said that everything was okay
and we were all gonna be
okay and then
I'm not going anywhere.
For now.
Samia. We are waiting.
[DALAGA] regarding the division
of the Western Darfur region,
you will find our suggestions
on page four, appendix number six.
May I have a glass of water?
Obviously, we can't agree to this.
On what grounds, sir?
With respect, let's be specific.
The allocations
or the historical claims?
The Masalit tribes
straddle the Chad border.
Get this wrong, you risk
international conflict.
We're here at the invitation
of the Chinese.
We agreed to negotiate in English.
Our, uh, guests have asked us to
conduct our affairs in English.
- Samia?
- Samia.
Paul Lewis works for the CIA.
They know everything.
They tried to recruit me.
At the university.
At the Royal College
in Mr. Kent-Jones' office.
I was right outside. You didn't tell me?
I'm telling you now.
What exactly did they ask you?
That I give them
the details of the negotiation
in exchange for protection.
What did you tell them?
Be precise.
I said, "Fuck off."
You didn't want their protection?
How did they react?
They gave me 24 hours to change my mind.
I can go back and accept.
How could they know
I would be here doing this
long before even I did?
I need to stop this
from being catastrophe for you.
Where is your phone?
- In my bag. I turned it off.
- Leave it off. Don't use it.
Put it in your room.
I'll get you another one.
Abdel will take you back.
Stay there while we get you a flight.
A flight?
You're going to Khartoum.
If Paul Lewis does anything
to get in contact,
let me know.
The American tried to recruit Samia.
She just told me.
Well, we need to move the negotiations.
- [GUO] Cairo. I'll arrange it.
- How long do you need?
Two days.
- I'll pass it on to our people.
Take care of the girl.
We'll take care of the rest.
Just tell me, what's the play here?
Be sharp, follow my lead,
join in at the chorus, don't fuck us up.
[BRITISH ACCENT] Gwendoline Evans?
- Yes?
- Fiona Grant. We spoke on the phone.
We're from Assist UK.
What a lovely home you have.
- The perfect country cottage.
- [GWENDOLINE] Thank you.
It was my father's gift to my mother.
[LAUGHS SOFTLY] So many happy memories.
- Hmm.
- Now, my husband's out
at the optician's in Chipping Norton.
I thought it would be better
if we talk alone.
Hmm. I understand completely.
Why don't we tell you a little about us?
Assist UK was founded in 2004.
Our foundation works
with people suffering
chronic and terminal conditions.
Uh, we offer legal advice
and even financial
or-or practical support
for people who believe
they should be able to choose
how and when to make
their final journey.
Well, I'm so grateful to you.
I've been sure about this
for a long time.
[NAOMI] Mm. Well, my colleague
can give you details
of exactly how we can help you.
[DANNY] You're going
to murder Rose's mom?
Don't be ridiculous. A Swiss doctor is.
- Fuck me, Naomi.
- I'm sorry,
is this outside of your comfort zone?
If whacking Mrs. Tiggywinkle
is a bridge too far,
don't worry, there are
plenty of other jobs.
P.S., that was a bullshit
performance back there.
It's a good thing we were up against
a sweet old lady, not the IRG,
or we'd both be dead.
Tell me where I fucked up.
You got too close.
Two circles.
One for friends, one for targets.
They never mix.
A target is an enemy.
That makes Rose's mom an enemy
of you, your country,
of the Agency.
Our enemies shut up,
get out of the way, or die.
[LAUGHS] You should put that
on the website.
Oh, we make sure people know.
- [VOLCHOK] Sylviya.
The bulk of the collection was stolen
during the sack
of Beijing's Old Summer Palace.
The figures, I mean.
The British looted for a week,
murdering the court,
their children, servants.
Stripped it and set it on fire.
Burned for almost a month.
Ah, the good old days.
The Americans did as you said.
Tried recruiting her.
Did they now?
Well, it's quite a predicament.
I'm sure your office will have a view.
The Yanks have revealed their hand.
Loggerheads. Ugh, horrid word.
Where does it come from, I wonder?
Well, I-I must dash.
Let's hope there's a third way, eh?
A mutually beneficial,
longer-term plan for all of us.
Evidence and IDs of two Russian agents
working in the U.S. Energy Department.
You must really want this to happen.
We do have our own ways
of applying pressure.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
But if you're referring
to all that saber-rattling
in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait,
it's not playing.
We thought Guóanbù
were more subtle than that.
- That was nothing to do with us.
- No, of course not, no.
And all this in there belongs to us.
[NAOMI] Martian ask you
to prepare a report
on Samia Zahir?
Yeah, he did, but not much turned up.
And when did he ask you?
Uh, about two weeks ago.
What was the exact date?
18th April. Uh, morning of.
Why? Is there a problem?
Hello, Mr. Kent-Jones's office.
[SAMI] Hello, this is Samia Zahir.
I saw Mr. Kent-Jones yesterday
and we agreed to meet again tomorrow?
Yes, of course, Ms. Zahir.
Uh, let's make you an appointment.
Uh, does 11 a.m. suit you?
Eleven? Yes.
Brilliant. Uh, we'll see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
[MARTIAN] Simon, what's up?
[REGULAR VOICE] Hey, yeah, I got a bite.
Uh, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Yeah. She's supposed to
We need to talk. Now.
Send someone else.
You're too close. You can't see it.
This is routine. She'll come in.
If you don't see it, that is
reason enough to step back.
- You aren't running this, Naomi.
- It's lucky for you I'm not.
Meaning you asked Simon to run her ID
the day before you bumped into her.
Simon's mistaken.
Because it's Simon who's
all over the fucking place.
You are making mistakes
I've never seen you make.
You're not my handler anymore.
No. Because you are
no longer in the field.
You have a nice, cozy desk job.
I have seniority.
Then make the right call.
[HENRY] Say it again, take your time.
Now. Right.
[WHISPERING] We got a bogie
coming in from Beijing.
We'll bait and switch and see.
Hey, were you part of that, that walk-in
at the Ecuadorian embassy?
[HENRY] Three suitcases guy?
[GUO] Good morning, gentlemen.
I'm here representing Dr. Samia Zahir.
I'll be speaking and acting
on her behalf
on all matters from now on.
Okay. Sit down.
[GUO] Your clumsy recruitment attempt
is endangering
a fragile peace process
You're in our sphere. We have protocols.
You shouldn't have gone
behind our backs.
[GUO] Your agency leaks like a sieve.
You know if either side
finds out about what happened,
they'll put an immediate stop
to the talks.
Oh, so the generals
have not been informed yet?
They'll receive an abridged
version of the facts.
- Ah.
- Routine investigation
has established Dr. Zahir
had been in contact
with a suspected CIA agent.
And thanks to Chinese diligence,
the issue was neutralized
before it became a problem.
As a precaution, Dr. Zahir
will no longer be present
and the negotiations will now be moved.
[BOSKO] Moved?
To where?
- Somewhere else.
- Hmm.
So, what do you expect us to do?
Absolutely nothing.
While you get a port on the Red Sea.
Divulge the information that you have,
and there will be
diplomatic consequences,
both public and private.
- Okay.
All right, well, thanks for coming in.
I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you
because I don't give
a rough fuck about diplomacy.
I work in intelligence.
I find it, I create it,
I buy it, and I sell it
with the Saudis, the Brits,
the Israelis, the whole world.
I bought the phone
that led to Bin Laden.
You want nothing from me?
Nothing has a price.
Nothing is extremely fucking expensive.
Russians. Two.
Working in the U.S. Energy Department.
[MARTIAN] The Great Game.
Played by nations.
China, Russia, United States,
Britain, Iran, Saudi Arabia.
A marketplace for human currency.
We all speculate.
An individual's price fixed according
to the rise and fall of the market.
[ROBINSHAW] You're good.
Your story, I mean.
You never contradicted yourself.
You hesitated at the right times.
You look like you're telling the truth.
And the machine confirms it.
Question is, do we buy it?
The flat heart rate.
The perfect breathing.
The fake confusion. The sweat.
The "can I have a glass of water?"
Or are you just
a really talented liar, hmm?
Should we push your talents?
Why is the Agency
interested in this man?
[MARTIAN] Who called the play?
My friend, when you've lost,
just move on.
Someone told you how to play this
and it wasn't Beijing
and it wasn't Khartoum.
Who was it?
I don't know you, but my advice?
Find a new fuck.
I asked you a question.
No one leaves until you answer it.
Or what? I do anything here
and I'm clean.
You really ready to die for her?
Let's see.
You know, in a 35-year career,
a surgeon will make
17 incorrect decisions
which will have fatal consequences.
- You didn't make the mistake.
- Maybe not.
Maybe she did.
A woman is dead.
For zero gain, zero intelligence.
The thing keeping me up tonight
isn't "Did I make a mistake?"
It's "Now I have no line
to get Coyote back."
If we can't,
more people than Sylviya die.
Maybe a lot more.
We are going on a trip.
They say travel broadens the mind.
These are my best soldiers.
Some of them I found in prison. Asylums.
Some of them I wish I never found.
Whenever we stop for a bite
to eat, a bathroom break,
one of them is coming
and getting in with you.
He is locking the door,
and by the time we arrive
to our destination,
your mind, trust me,
will have broadened.
Bon voyage, Coyote.
Bilal? Would you please
follow me to fill out
the registration forms?
And then you can join Dr. Zahir
- in the lounge afterwards.
- Good evening, Dr. Zahir.
I'm Captain Rogers. Please
follow me through the lounge.
Osman will be coming soon.
I want you to come with me now.
I've been ordered to return home.
They can't force you to leave London.
Request political asylum,
I'll make sure you get it.
- For what reason?
- Persecution.
Torture. Threat of execution.
Do you know what they do
to traitors' families?
We can work out how to fix that
if you stay.
If you leave, I can't do anything.
I came to try to rebuild my country.
That's why I'm here.
Do you think I would disown my home now?
I would
I would rather die.
You can't leave.
[WHISPERS] I don't know who you are.
Then find out.
Find out.
[DALAGA] Go out again for any reason,
men in Khartoum will arrest your family.
Do I make myself clear?
You're okay.
You're still in London. You're safe.
[SAMI OVER PHONE] Nowhere is safe.
Let me think about this.
Let me work it out.
[HENRY] Someone closed distance
on Poppy like they were
about to run a kidnap.
Good thing our street team
was on deck, huh?
Start anywhere you like.
There are secret negotiations
taking place in London.
I believe Samia Zahir
to be of enormous value.
And you want us to recruit her?
I think we have to.
[BLAKE] She still in love with you?
- Yes.
- Can we use that?
- If I get the chance.
- I see opportunity here.
Langley would eat this up with a spoon.
Go get her.
Where's Coyote?
- [NOVIKOV] General Volchok.
- The Russians have him.
[BLAIR] Orekhov made contact
with Volchok today.
The target was isolated
with only three people present.
- Who's the third?
- His secretary.
Orekhov heard him call her Sylviya.
My name isn't Paul.
I'm here to tell the truth
so that when you leave this room,
you know the danger you're in.
What are you talking about?
Your colleague Osman.
He suspects me.
He's been following me.
He wants to know where I go, what I do.
If he keeps looking,
he'll discover who I am.
Who are you?
You're a spy.
Who do you work for?
The CIA.
My department sent me to Addis.
I had a mission, but I also had a life.
In that life, I met you.
I don't know what you're saying.
I never spied on you, Sami.
You were never a target.
When they ordered me to return, I left,
but I couldn't forget about you.
And when I heard you were in London
- I need to leave
- The people who brought you here,
if they find out who I am,
they'll assume you work for me.
You'll be killed.
But we can protect you.
- "We"?
- Samia
The fucking CIA?
Yes, the fucking CIA.
The CIA knows about you,
they know about the secret talks
here in London.
How do they know?
Because I told them.
You spoke to a foreign agency?
- I tried to fix it on my own.
- You've killed me.
I couldn't, now I need
- No. No. To protect me?
- to protect you.
The Agency needs to know
about the negotiations.
They know the Chinese are in the room.
They need someone in the same room, too.
So you want to use me.
In exchange for protection.
You lying piece of dog shit.
- I will never
- Samia, listen to me
I will never betray my country.
They will find out about us,
and when they do,
your country will arrest you
and torture and kill you.
And when they arrest me,
they will be wrong,
but my conscience will be clear.
How about yours, Paul?
Or whatever your name is.
- Please, Samia
- Let go of me.
take a day.
Let go.
- Sami.
- I said let go.
I told you nothing.
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me ♪
Oh, my heart ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Blindness ♪
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me, yeah ♪
Oh ♪
My love ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Oh, love is blindness ♪
Oh, blow out the candle ♪
Blindness ♪
So, what did he say?
Um, they don't want me
missing any more seminars.
And your visa?
I behave, be a good girl, do my studies,
it will be fine.
Let's go.
Terrible fucking day.
It started off bad. Look at it now.
- It's not over.
- Martian screwed the approach.
Contact was clean, offer was made.
- Ball's in her court.
- What am I supposed to tell Langley?
I promised them ears in the room.
- What if she blows the whistle?
- Well, they pack up their tent,
- hop the next camel and move.
- Yeah.
The next time we hear about it,
it's gonna be on the news.
And the history books.
Not helpful.
how did the Chinese get
so far ahead of us on this one?
This one?
Better in English
so no one understands us.
If you leave,
the general will find out
we meet here once a month.
What do you want?
Tell me what you do for General Volchok.
I'm his secretary.
I bring posts, answer phones,
type emails.
Do you clean his glasses?
I don't understand.
We need something you have access to.
Something he always has on him.
Does he wear a ring?
A watch he takes off to wash?
This is crazy.
He sees and hears everything.
He probably knows you are here.
Just get us something we can use.
Trust me,
and nothing will happen to you.
I promise.
What is that worth to me?
[BOSKO] So I'm supposed to
believe this is a total coincidence.
The Chinese have
their largest military base
outside of the mainland in Djibouti.
They're letting
these Houthi pirates do this.
[RICHARDSON] Well, even if it is
coincidence, we're still fucked.
Now the Chinese can say
they need security
for their shipping routes.
More attacks, and they suddenly
want a port further north.
And if this peace deal gets signed,
then every cargo box through the Suez
passes under the nose and guns
of the Chinese Navy.
Planes from a carrier in Port Sudan
could hit any European capital.
Yeah, in case you forgot,
that's you guys.
- Not us guys. You.
- So you want, you want us
to try and push China around?
No, I want you to sit there
in your tweeds and do nothing.
[CHUCKLES] I don't know if you heard,
but London hasn't been able
to make the Chinese blink
since the 1800s.
[CHUCKLES] It's your Great Game now.
I'm here to blow on your dice.
We got to get in that room.
What the hell's he doing here?
Huh? Oh, Bosko wanted
a China wonk to discuss
this whole Sudan mess with.
British liaison tapped Richardson.
That a problem? Thought you guys
[BRITISH ACCENT] were mates?
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
[NAOMI] You think he might
take her to Iran?
Rose is bright, same level as Jerome.
She's been around longer than me.
And what are you gonna do?
I don't know. I can't scare her off.
Rose isn't a total pussy like Jerome.
Do what you were trained to do.
Get close, be a friend,
work out where, when and how to strike.
[HENRY] His assistant took this,
sent it to us.
We've, uh, we've made
a like-for-like match.
If we're a go,
we can age and patina them
to make them look identical.
[MARTIAN] Will the assistant, uh
[BLAIR] Mrs. Sylviya Barazna.
Will she hold up?
Hard to gauge.
Can't you guys just track his phone?
[MARTIAN] He uses a burner
he changes every few days.
His entire staff isn't allowed
to bring phones near him.
[BLAIR] My read is, she's more
scared of him than us.
- But she sent the picture.
- Right.
If she was concerned before
that we could compromise her,
now she knows we can.
She can't back out.
So, how do we protect this woman?
What do you mean?
[BLAKE] I mean, what if she blows it?
What if Volchok has cameras in the room?
What if he makes the boots?
If at any point
he suspects she betrayed him, what then?
Then she's on her own.
[BLAIR] This plays. We got her.
We're good.
- We are.
- [HENRY] Dr. Blake.
Coyote, a covert operative for
the United States government,
is behind enemy lines
and about to be handed over
to a hostile agency.
So on the one hand, I have
the future peaceful relations
between nuclear armed superpowers,
- and on the other
- I know what's at stake.
So we're good.
Hola! I brought wine
But don't get too excited.
You want nice wine? I need a raise.
Oh, and I brought this.
The wine is dry.
The macroseismic forces, very dry.
- Ooh!
Oh, fuck yeah.
Why's Reza so excited about Oslo?
Nobody cares about Oslo, do they?
Well, he's not in Europe long.
It's a, um, "boondoggle."
Has he asked you to go, too?
To Oslo? Yeah. Sorry.
I-I know he asked us to do this
together, but I'm going.
Check you.
And you didn't even have to lose
a million games of squash.
- Or lick his butthole.
If he offered you Iran,
what would you say?
Has he asked you to go?
What would you say?
He doesn't take women.
Mm, what if he did?
He's asked you to go, hasn't he?
You just want me to help you decide.
Tell me what you'd do.
I would fucking go.
You'd go?
Come on. The opportunity?
Once in a lifetime.
Hell yeah, I'd go.
He asked me yesterday.
What did you, what did you say?
Rose, that's amazing.
[SIGHS] Yeah, but you're sad
it's not you, though, right?
Fuck this shitty vino.
Get your coat.
We're going out to celebrate.
- Wait, wait, slow down.
- Come on.
- We've got work to do.
- Damn right we do.
On the dance floor, bitch. Let's go.
Baddadan, baddadan, baddadan ♪
Baddadan, baddadan, baddadan ♪
What the fuck, girl?!
Cute barman with the fingernails.
Two-for-one deal.
Wait, how do we know it's not Rohypnol
and we're not gonna end up
tied up in his basement?
- I'll bring my own rope. Relax.
I already took a half. They're legit.
You're a beast.
You literally have no idea.
Fire in my body ♪
[MAN] Hey!
[POPPY] Oh, my God. Dad.
You scared us.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Cunningham.
This is embarrassing.
You said that you'd text
if you were coming home?
My bad.
Dude, put some clothes on and leave.
[MARTIAN] Whoa, no.
You two go back to bed.
It's cool. I think I'm gonna go.
- See you at college, Poppy.
- Right. Yeah.
What happened to Luke?
Shut up.
[DANNY] Don't you find it shitty?
Like, having to prove your worth?
I don't need to feel that.
I'm a grown woman.
[ROSE] We are.
We are grown-up women.
I feel like I'm being tested
all the fucking time.
I think you put way too much
pressure on yourself, girl.
[DANNY] It's not me.
It's patriarchal capitalism
and the military
- industrial complex.
- Military capitalist thing.
[HIGH-PITCHED] You look like
a little mouse when you do that.
Oh, shit.
Oh, I haven't done that in ages.
[SNIFFING] Oh! Oh, that's nasty. Oh.
Tell me something
I don't know about you.
- Like?
- Anything.
- What makes you happy?
[DANNY LAUGHS] What makes you sad?
Sad? Um
My mom has multiple sclerosis, yeah,
so she wants to euthanize
herself in Switzerland,
but my family are Catholic
so they won't let her do it
because God and hell
and eternal damnation and all that shit.
Whoa. Buzzkill.
Bitch, what part
of "What makes you sad?"
wasn't gonna be a buzzkill?
[LAUGHS] Yeah, good point.
All right, your turn. [SNIFFS]
- Okay.
- Hmm?
- Um
- Mm-hmm.
Are you?
- Are you fucking with me?
- Sad.
Come on.
- [LAUGHS] Sad.
- Come on, is that it?
- Happy.
- Sad.
- Get off me.
- So, can I call him Dan or?
- Dad, Dad, please.
Is it a thing? I'm just
- Just what?
- Proud.
Yeah, 'cause that's what a girl
wants to think about
when she's having sex.
How proud her dad is.
I love you, Poppy.
I mean it.
You're growing up into a cool adult.
A great person.
Hmm. I get it.
You're going away again.
No, I'm not.
It's just, this is how you spoke
before you went away last time.
You said that everything was okay
and we were all gonna be
okay and then
I'm not going anywhere.
For now.
Samia. We are waiting.
[DALAGA] regarding the division
of the Western Darfur region,
you will find our suggestions
on page four, appendix number six.
May I have a glass of water?
Obviously, we can't agree to this.
On what grounds, sir?
With respect, let's be specific.
The allocations
or the historical claims?
The Masalit tribes
straddle the Chad border.
Get this wrong, you risk
international conflict.
We're here at the invitation
of the Chinese.
We agreed to negotiate in English.
Our, uh, guests have asked us to
conduct our affairs in English.
- Samia?
- Samia.
Paul Lewis works for the CIA.
They know everything.
They tried to recruit me.
At the university.
At the Royal College
in Mr. Kent-Jones' office.
I was right outside. You didn't tell me?
I'm telling you now.
What exactly did they ask you?
That I give them
the details of the negotiation
in exchange for protection.
What did you tell them?
Be precise.
I said, "Fuck off."
You didn't want their protection?
How did they react?
They gave me 24 hours to change my mind.
I can go back and accept.
How could they know
I would be here doing this
long before even I did?
I need to stop this
from being catastrophe for you.
Where is your phone?
- In my bag. I turned it off.
- Leave it off. Don't use it.
Put it in your room.
I'll get you another one.
Abdel will take you back.
Stay there while we get you a flight.
A flight?
You're going to Khartoum.
If Paul Lewis does anything
to get in contact,
let me know.
The American tried to recruit Samia.
She just told me.
Well, we need to move the negotiations.
- [GUO] Cairo. I'll arrange it.
- How long do you need?
Two days.
- I'll pass it on to our people.
Take care of the girl.
We'll take care of the rest.
Just tell me, what's the play here?
Be sharp, follow my lead,
join in at the chorus, don't fuck us up.
[BRITISH ACCENT] Gwendoline Evans?
- Yes?
- Fiona Grant. We spoke on the phone.
We're from Assist UK.
What a lovely home you have.
- The perfect country cottage.
- [GWENDOLINE] Thank you.
It was my father's gift to my mother.
[LAUGHS SOFTLY] So many happy memories.
- Hmm.
- Now, my husband's out
at the optician's in Chipping Norton.
I thought it would be better
if we talk alone.
Hmm. I understand completely.
Why don't we tell you a little about us?
Assist UK was founded in 2004.
Our foundation works
with people suffering
chronic and terminal conditions.
Uh, we offer legal advice
and even financial
or-or practical support
for people who believe
they should be able to choose
how and when to make
their final journey.
Well, I'm so grateful to you.
I've been sure about this
for a long time.
[NAOMI] Mm. Well, my colleague
can give you details
of exactly how we can help you.
[DANNY] You're going
to murder Rose's mom?
Don't be ridiculous. A Swiss doctor is.
- Fuck me, Naomi.
- I'm sorry,
is this outside of your comfort zone?
If whacking Mrs. Tiggywinkle
is a bridge too far,
don't worry, there are
plenty of other jobs.
P.S., that was a bullshit
performance back there.
It's a good thing we were up against
a sweet old lady, not the IRG,
or we'd both be dead.
Tell me where I fucked up.
You got too close.
Two circles.
One for friends, one for targets.
They never mix.
A target is an enemy.
That makes Rose's mom an enemy
of you, your country,
of the Agency.
Our enemies shut up,
get out of the way, or die.
[LAUGHS] You should put that
on the website.
Oh, we make sure people know.
- [VOLCHOK] Sylviya.
The bulk of the collection was stolen
during the sack
of Beijing's Old Summer Palace.
The figures, I mean.
The British looted for a week,
murdering the court,
their children, servants.
Stripped it and set it on fire.
Burned for almost a month.
Ah, the good old days.
The Americans did as you said.
Tried recruiting her.
Did they now?
Well, it's quite a predicament.
I'm sure your office will have a view.
The Yanks have revealed their hand.
Loggerheads. Ugh, horrid word.
Where does it come from, I wonder?
Well, I-I must dash.
Let's hope there's a third way, eh?
A mutually beneficial,
longer-term plan for all of us.
Evidence and IDs of two Russian agents
working in the U.S. Energy Department.
You must really want this to happen.
We do have our own ways
of applying pressure.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
But if you're referring
to all that saber-rattling
in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait,
it's not playing.
We thought Guóanbù
were more subtle than that.
- That was nothing to do with us.
- No, of course not, no.
And all this in there belongs to us.
[NAOMI] Martian ask you
to prepare a report
on Samia Zahir?
Yeah, he did, but not much turned up.
And when did he ask you?
Uh, about two weeks ago.
What was the exact date?
18th April. Uh, morning of.
Why? Is there a problem?
Hello, Mr. Kent-Jones's office.
[SAMI] Hello, this is Samia Zahir.
I saw Mr. Kent-Jones yesterday
and we agreed to meet again tomorrow?
Yes, of course, Ms. Zahir.
Uh, let's make you an appointment.
Uh, does 11 a.m. suit you?
Eleven? Yes.
Brilliant. Uh, we'll see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
[MARTIAN] Simon, what's up?
[REGULAR VOICE] Hey, yeah, I got a bite.
Uh, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Yeah. She's supposed to
We need to talk. Now.
Send someone else.
You're too close. You can't see it.
This is routine. She'll come in.
If you don't see it, that is
reason enough to step back.
- You aren't running this, Naomi.
- It's lucky for you I'm not.
Meaning you asked Simon to run her ID
the day before you bumped into her.
Simon's mistaken.
Because it's Simon who's
all over the fucking place.
You are making mistakes
I've never seen you make.
You're not my handler anymore.
No. Because you are
no longer in the field.
You have a nice, cozy desk job.
I have seniority.
Then make the right call.
[HENRY] Say it again, take your time.
Now. Right.
[WHISPERING] We got a bogie
coming in from Beijing.
We'll bait and switch and see.
Hey, were you part of that, that walk-in
at the Ecuadorian embassy?
[HENRY] Three suitcases guy?
[GUO] Good morning, gentlemen.
I'm here representing Dr. Samia Zahir.
I'll be speaking and acting
on her behalf
on all matters from now on.
Okay. Sit down.
[GUO] Your clumsy recruitment attempt
is endangering
a fragile peace process
You're in our sphere. We have protocols.
You shouldn't have gone
behind our backs.
[GUO] Your agency leaks like a sieve.
You know if either side
finds out about what happened,
they'll put an immediate stop
to the talks.
Oh, so the generals
have not been informed yet?
They'll receive an abridged
version of the facts.
- Ah.
- Routine investigation
has established Dr. Zahir
had been in contact
with a suspected CIA agent.
And thanks to Chinese diligence,
the issue was neutralized
before it became a problem.
As a precaution, Dr. Zahir
will no longer be present
and the negotiations will now be moved.
[BOSKO] Moved?
To where?
- Somewhere else.
- Hmm.
So, what do you expect us to do?
Absolutely nothing.
While you get a port on the Red Sea.
Divulge the information that you have,
and there will be
diplomatic consequences,
both public and private.
- Okay.
All right, well, thanks for coming in.
I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you
because I don't give
a rough fuck about diplomacy.
I work in intelligence.
I find it, I create it,
I buy it, and I sell it
with the Saudis, the Brits,
the Israelis, the whole world.
I bought the phone
that led to Bin Laden.
You want nothing from me?
Nothing has a price.
Nothing is extremely fucking expensive.
Russians. Two.
Working in the U.S. Energy Department.
[MARTIAN] The Great Game.
Played by nations.
China, Russia, United States,
Britain, Iran, Saudi Arabia.
A marketplace for human currency.
We all speculate.
An individual's price fixed according
to the rise and fall of the market.
[ROBINSHAW] You're good.
Your story, I mean.
You never contradicted yourself.
You hesitated at the right times.
You look like you're telling the truth.
And the machine confirms it.
Question is, do we buy it?
The flat heart rate.
The perfect breathing.
The fake confusion. The sweat.
The "can I have a glass of water?"
Or are you just
a really talented liar, hmm?
Should we push your talents?
Why is the Agency
interested in this man?
[MARTIAN] Who called the play?
My friend, when you've lost,
just move on.
Someone told you how to play this
and it wasn't Beijing
and it wasn't Khartoum.
Who was it?
I don't know you, but my advice?
Find a new fuck.
I asked you a question.
No one leaves until you answer it.
Or what? I do anything here
and I'm clean.
You really ready to die for her?
Let's see.
You know, in a 35-year career,
a surgeon will make
17 incorrect decisions
which will have fatal consequences.
- You didn't make the mistake.
- Maybe not.
Maybe she did.
A woman is dead.
For zero gain, zero intelligence.
The thing keeping me up tonight
isn't "Did I make a mistake?"
It's "Now I have no line
to get Coyote back."
If we can't,
more people than Sylviya die.
Maybe a lot more.
We are going on a trip.
They say travel broadens the mind.
These are my best soldiers.
Some of them I found in prison. Asylums.
Some of them I wish I never found.
Whenever we stop for a bite
to eat, a bathroom break,
one of them is coming
and getting in with you.
He is locking the door,
and by the time we arrive
to our destination,
your mind, trust me,
will have broadened.
Bon voyage, Coyote.
Bilal? Would you please
follow me to fill out
the registration forms?
And then you can join Dr. Zahir
- in the lounge afterwards.
- Good evening, Dr. Zahir.
I'm Captain Rogers. Please
follow me through the lounge.
Osman will be coming soon.
I want you to come with me now.
I've been ordered to return home.
They can't force you to leave London.
Request political asylum,
I'll make sure you get it.
- For what reason?
- Persecution.
Torture. Threat of execution.
Do you know what they do
to traitors' families?
We can work out how to fix that
if you stay.
If you leave, I can't do anything.
I came to try to rebuild my country.
That's why I'm here.
Do you think I would disown my home now?
I would
I would rather die.
You can't leave.
[WHISPERS] I don't know who you are.
Then find out.
Find out.