The Animatrix (2003) s01e08 Episode Script

A Detective Story

A case to end all cases.
You know what I mean, Dinah?
I used to think being
a private detective was cool.
Like Sam Spade
or Phillip Marlowe, right?
But there's nothing cool left to it.
On top of that, both my fridge
and my bank account are empty.
Okay, Dinah, let's bet.
If it's another suspicious husband,
I'm out of this business forever.
-Mr. Ash, I have a job for you.
And you need me
to check on your wife, right?
I'm looking for a computer hacker.
This hacker goes by the alias Trinity.
That's all we know.
Well, it looks like we're still
in business, Dinah.
Fine. And who will I be working for?
-I can't say.
-You can't say.
Call me back when you can say.
That's not the way I do business.
It was a pleasure chatting with you.
Before you hang up, take a look
at your bank account balance.
I didn't get a good feeling
about the case.
But I had no good reason
to turn the guy down now.
This Trinity was well-known
in hacker circles.
A real artist by the sound of it.
The cops were always
one step behind him.
So I knew I could get that close.
Question was, could I get closer?
I had a few tricks up my sleeve
for getting to hackers.
While I was searching,
I found something strange.
Other detectives had been
on the case too.
And their investigations had all been,
shall we say, troubled.
One of the guys killed himself.
Another had disappeared.
Another went crazy.
So I paid the one
who was left a visit.
The crazy one.
Trinity doesn't exist, man.
He's not real.
He's a figment. A cipher.
A jabberwocky.
And who am I? Who the hell am I?
Did I mention he was crazy?
Chessboards, jabberwocky,
Red Queen
I started searching
all the usual hacker hangouts
for someone with
an Alice in Wonderland m.o.
Hacker bulletin boards,
anonymous mailboxes, chat rooms.
And it was in one of those
that I picked up Trinity's trail.
"Six brooks."
"I'll be there at 2005."
Of course!
Crossing the second brook
takes her into the woods.
Alice jumps the first brook
And then she boards a train.
Excuse me.
I knew this was some kind of trap.
There's a difference, Mr. Ash,
between a trap and a test.
You were testing me?
You made it. I'm impressed.
Flattery will get you everywhere.
I'm not here to flatter you,
I'm here to save you.
What just happened?
Mr. Ash, dream of having
an eye exam lately?
Yeah, how'd you know?
You've stepped
to the edge of the looking glass.
So then, that means I wasn't dreaming.
They hired me as a way
of getting to you, didn't they?
What the hell is going on here?
This is really crazy.
Now I understand what happened
to those other detectives.
They went nuts.
What are you doing?
What are you doing, guys?
Well, I've gotten out
of worse jams than this.
I am not gonna let them get you.
What's happening to me?
I'm sorry.
You didn't make it, Mr. Ash.
I wish
I could go with you.
I don't blame you, you know.
Everything that happened, Trinity,
it was all my fault.
All that Through the Looking Glass stuff.
Can't get my head around it.
I'm old-fashioned.
There's a difference between
a test and a choice.
For what it's worth,
I think you could've handled the truth.
It was just a job.
Goodbye, Trinity.
A case to end all cases.
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