The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Royal Academy

Huh? Did I oversleep?
Master Cain!
I was late in waking you on the big day
of your academy entrance exams!
Yeah, but there's still plenty of time—
Please eat your breakfast right away!
I'm sorry I was so underprepared!
If you end up late because of me,
I'll regret it forever!
Seriously, Sylvia, it's fine.
I won't be late.
Okay, I'll be going now.
Take care, Master Cain!
Good luck on your exams!
I knew I'd make it in time.
I'm a reincarnated noble with
off-the-charts abilities
that let me instantly go
anywhere I've already been.
But since this is the big day of my entrance
exams, I ended up using those abilities.
Of course, this is a secret to everyone!
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"The Royal Academy"
Your name, please?
Sure. It's Cain.
All right, your exam number is 285.
Please take seat number 10 in classroom A.
Thank you.
Huh There's no one I know on this list.
I wonder why. Even the kids I met
at the debut party aren't here.
Maybe Teles and Silk are in a different room.
The entrance exams will now begin.
Anyone found cheating will be
immediately ejected from the premises.
You have two hours. Now
Lucky me!
Reading, writing, and arithmetic
will be easy with my knowledge
from my previous life,
and the history questions are
all things any noble would know!
You there. Are you sure
you can afford to relax?
It's only been thirty minutes.
Oh, I'm fine.
I've already finished the whole thing.
And stop.
Everyone, pens down. Leave your
answer sheets where they are.
This class will now proceed
to magic ability assessment.
Ooh! Magic?!
Now, all of you,
choose a target and direct
your strongest spell at it.
Excuse me. Can we use our full power?
Yes. There is a defensive barrier
around this training area,
so it safe to any level of magic you can.
And begin!
Here I go!
Appear here now, reveal in
darkness, amplify the light
Fire Ball!
Oh, yeah. That's about how powerful
most twelve-year-olds are.
Since she said we can use full power,
I thought about using Inferno
That'd be dangerous, though.
Number 285!
Begin your incantation, please.
What is that?!
Fire Bullet!
You said it'd be safe to use any
beginner-level spell at full power
since there's a barrier
What just happened?!
I-I used Fire Bullet.
No beginner-level spell is this powerful!
We need to make sure there
was no one beyond that wall!
This area is no longer usable!
Proceed to the swordsmanship exam!
Sorry about that.
The swordsmanship exam will now begin.
As special guests today,
the adventurers' guild has sent
these A-rank adventurers
to lend you their support.
Hey! It's Claude!
What? Cain, what are you doing here?
I'm twelve now, so I'm
taking the entrance exams.
Ah. I'll be your opponent, then.
Uh, no, that's quite all right
Why not?!
Are you refusing an invitation
to train with Claude,
the highest-ranked examiner here?
Uh, no, I just
Claude has chosen you,
so you will train under him.
In that case, Claude, I look
forward to learning from you.
Sure, Cain. I'll assess
what your skill level is,
so come at me with all you've got!
Since he's A-rank,
he's clearly pretty skilled.
You can even use Boost?
Looks like I'm gonna get
to have some real fun here!
S-So fast
I can't even see what's going on!
Wow, Cain! You're strong!
Stronger than any of the examiners here!
Claude, this is an exam!
Please don't put so much force into it!
This is starting to get fun!
I'll also use Boost!
This is why I just can't quit battling!
Not that it's a problem since
it's me fighting him, but
You'd break any of these other
kids' bones with one hit!
All right! That is quite enough!
What do you think you're doing?!
Having a mock battle of that intensity
is making our other students
wither on the spot!
Oops, did we take it a little too far?
Oh, well. Cain, that's it for today.
But let's accept a quest together sometime.
And then we'll Okay?
I'd rather decline, if that's an option
Aw, why?
That's enough!
I've seen your skill, so this exam is over!
You can go home now. Come back on
the day we announce who passed.
I'm sorry.
I'm home.
Welcome home, Master Cain!
How were the exams?
No problem. I finished them all just fine.
I did everything right,
so I should make it in.
I thought so!
In that case, we'll have a party
today to celebrate your acceptance!
It's too soon for that.
Not at all! I want to apologize
for my failure this morning, too!
Seriously, it's all right—
See? You're a growing
boy with a big appetite!
I'll cook enough to feed ten tonight!
I'll start preparing right away!
Sylvia, I can't eat that much!
What is the meaning of this?
Well, the examiner told me to
use my magic at full power.
She said it would be fine since
there was a barrier set up
I knew I probably shouldn't use
intermediate or emperor-level magic,
so I only used beginner-level
but I destroyed the barrier
along with the target.
You can use emperor-level magic?
Yes, but I can't predict what may
happen to my surroundings if I do.
Could I try it out somewhere?
Absolutely not!
That wasn't just an act, was it?
Of course not! You should know
that's out of the question.
Pardon me. I'll try to be
more prudent in the future.
Incidentally, Cain
Where did you take these exams?
Both Telestia and Silk said they
didn't see you at the exam site.
Huh? Well
I checked in at the south entrance,
and I took the exam in the
room they directed me to.
Cain, you do know why the
academy has a north entrance
and a south entrance, don't you?
Yes. The north entrance leads
to where the nobles live,
and the south entrance leads
to where the commoners live.
And which entrance did you use again?
Of course, the south
Exactly. There was a receptionist
at the north entrance for nobles.
And the exams are conducted
in completely different areas!
You took your exams with
the commoner children.
Telestia was furious that
she didn't get to see you!
And the headmaster of the
academy came to talk to me.
Let's Go Back in Time
You see, we had a bit of a problem
with this year's entrance exams.
What's the problem? Can't you just
announce the results as usual?
This happens every year.
The thing is, a commoner child got
a perfect score on the written exam.
That same child destroyed
the training area,
and fought on equal footing
with an A-rank adventurer.
Duke Eric! This is no laughing matter!
I bet that child's name was Cain, wasn't it?
But why do you know that, Duke Eric?
Oh, my stomach
Of course it was Cain.
Even more reason you should
just let the results stand.
Sounds like Cain sure put
on quite a show, though.
I bet Prime Minister Magna will be shocked
when he sees the repair bill later.
And with that said
I have the repair bill right here.
How many times have I warned
you not to overdo it?!
I'm sorry.
Well, no matter.
The results will be announced today.
Go and see them for yourself.
Oh, there you are!
Congratulations, Cain! You're top of the class.
Teles is second, and I'm third. See?
Father told me, you know.
You checked in at the south entrance
and tested with the commoners, huh?
And you destroyed the training area!
That was a big "oops," all right.
And Teles isn't here today,
but she was angry because she
didn't get to see you on exam day.
I'm gonna get chewed out again
Well, look forward to
seeing me in my uniform!
If I don't see you at the entrance ceremony,
I'll make you sit on your heels!
Right this way!
Everyone who passed,
check in at reception on this side.
It's Sister Reine!
Sister Reine! Long time no see!
Cain! Cain! Cain!
It's been so long! You haven't
been to our mansion in ages!
Good for you!
You passed with flying colors!
And top of the class, no less!
That's my Cain!
Good luck with your speech
at the entrance ceremony!
Yes! Didn't you know?
Every year, the top-scoring
student gives a speech.
What?! Really?!
I'd rather have Teles do it
You can't! It's already been announced!
Good luck!
Fidget, fidget
Fidget, fidget
Fidget, fidget
I'm home.
How did it go?!
I passed at the top of the class.
I'm so glad! I'm so glad! I'm so glad!
Remarkable, Master Cain.
How surprising that you scored the highest.
No, I had faith that Master Cain could do it!
We must celebrate tonight!
I'll cook enough to feed a hundred!
I'll start preparing right away!
Look forward to it!
If I eat that much,
it'll be my stomach that fails.
She's happy, that's all.
I know. She's just on
the wrong scale with it.
But an occasion like this
is reason to be happy.
And Then
This is the south entrance,
and this one's north!
Father and Mother came to see me!
Master Cain!
Good morning, Master Cain.
Teles, Silk. Good morning.
I look forward to studying together.
Cain, that uniform suits you too well.
You two look great, too.
Who the heck is he?
Isn't that Princess Telestia?
And Duke Santana's daughter, too.
How dare he get friendly with them!
The boy in the middle is so dreamy, though!
We will now commence the
Royal Academy entrance ceremony.
First, representing the new
students, Cain von Silford.
Yes, sir.
Pleased to meet you all.
I'm Cain von Silford.
On the day of the exams, I mixed
up the north and south entrances,
and took the exams separately
from the rest of you.
But I'm grateful to this very
generous academy for forgiving me
and treating me the same
as the other students.
Just as the first king said that
all people of this kingdom share
an equal right to be educated,
I plan to make friends at this academy
without regard for my
bloodline or anyone else's.
I'm sure I'll be depending
on you all for a lot.
I pray we'll all get along well.
Now, this is very short notice,
but His Majesty the King is present,
so we'd like a few words from him.
Father is here?
Everyone, congratulations
on entering the academy.
I know there are some new students
this year who are quite irregular,
so I have come to speak in person.
I'm sure it will be a
challenge for you teachers,
but I hope you'll all do your best!
Why do I feel like I'm being warned?!
"Irregular," he says! I like that!
Simple though it may be,
it is my sincerest hope that
all new students will display
vast growth and effort here.
Thus I welcome and congratulate all of you.
Now, the rest is up to you!
Cain! Cain!
You're late!
Over here!
What happened?
The king kept telling me
over and over to be careful.
All right, take your seats.
Starting today, I'll be
your homeroom teacher.
My name is Elka von Portlay.
Before starting classes, you will all
need to choose your course of study.
Please think carefully
about your future path.
I gotta go for adventuring!
You can't!
You're already a land-owning noble, you know.
You'll need to learn all kinds
of things about nobility.
Make sure you choose the nobility course!
Don't sulk, Cain.
You can just choose adventuring
along with nobility.
Oh, yeah! We're not limited
to just one, right?
Okay, I've decided!
I'll go for nobility, adventuring,
magic, and magic items!
What are you two choosing?
I think I'll choose nobility
and internal affairs.
Why internal affairs?
Well, of course
so I can manage your future
domain, Master Cain
I guess
I think I'll choose nobility and commerce.
I want to study whatever will be
of help to your future domain!
Thanks, you two.
I can't say much about managing a domain yet,
but I'll work hard for both of you.
Of course! I look forward to it, Cain!
Of course! I look forward to it, Master Cain!
Well, c'mon!
What's the deal?
Those cat ears
What is a beastfolk commoner
like you doing in Class A?
A duke's son such as myself is
a much better fit for Class A!
That's right!
Go home right now!
If you hadn't come to this academy,
I would've been in Class A!
Drop out of school right now!
Why are you starting fights
on our first day of school?
Nobles and commoners are to be
treated equally at this school.
That has nothing to do with a
noble as highly ranked as me—
Baron Cain!
What's going on?
At this school, not even a high-ranked
noble has the right to say that.
Yet you're
On top of that, this girl is my friend.
Your friend?!
B-Baron Cain, you're a noble, too!
Why are you siding with a commoner
and not a fellow noble?!
Noble or commoner makes no difference to me.
I side with my friends.
Hmph! If you're siding with
a commoner over a duke's son,
I'll just tell my father and get
him to ruin her entire family!
R-Ruin them?!
What's this? What are you ruining, exactly?
M-Miss Silk?!
Might I ask what is going on here?
P-Princess Telestia?!
Nobles cannot exist without commoners,
so what you just said is quite problematic.
Do I need to report this to my father?
N-No! What I said a moment ago was wrong!
I'm very sorry!
I'm not the one you should apologize to.
Would you not agree that you need to
apologize to the one you were harassing?
I I would like to tell
you that I'm s-s-s-s
Parma, I'm sorry it took me
so long to realize it was you.
Not at all! Thank you so much!
I'm so glad I'm attending
the same school as you!
It's a shame I couldn't make
it into your class, though.
No, Class A is plenty impressive.
If there's anything you don't
understand, just ask me.
I'll be happy to help.
Okay! I appreciate it!
Excuse me, Master Cain. May I?
You two seem awfully close.
Perhaps we need to have a talk?
Cain, you sit on your heels
and wait right there.
Huh? On my heels?
Just do it! On! Your! Heels!
Might we have a little talk?
Just what is this secret meeting about?
They're hitting it off. Is this the
start of some weird new alliance?
Also, how long do I have to sit like this?!
You're an interesting kid,
just like the old man said!
I like you.
Why don't we have a little chat?
Who's that?
Your legs are going numb, aren't they?
I'm waiting in the library. Come see me.
Well, come on, get in here. Let's talk.
Well, I'm here
Do you take sugar?
Uh yes
Wait, who are you?!
And how is there coffee in this world?!
I've been waiting for you to come
here, Cain von Silford-kun
Also known as Shiina Kazuya.
Here you go. Coffee with sugar.
You really are a child.
Not going to drink it?
Relax. It's not poisoned or anything.
This is good!
I haven't had any in nine years,
so it's off-the-charts good!
Next time, "Training."
I'm confident in my vocal training!
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