The Assassins (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

From Here We Will Rule the World

Don't worry!
As if I know you
as if I know you
Hassan is good at physiognomy
he looks into the eyes of someone
in front of him and interprets him
-You are the baker's son.
-he feels his weakness
May life and destiny be
prolonged with my lady
she's afraid to become
a silent mother after all these years
and the minister manipulates the Caliphate
and his needs and deficiencies
Those who lack your competence,
sincerity, and knowledge
will always find them ranked above you
secrets of sciences like
alchemy, astronomy, and others
make Hassan do amazing things
he divides into two in front of your eyes
he whispers in your mind
-in your dream.
-Didn't you see me in your dream at all?
he appears in your nightmares
Hassan Al-Sabbah took advantage of the
miracles mentioned in the heavenly books
A pledge with darkness
Are you going to choose light or darkness?
-Hassan agreed to it since he was a child
Great secret lies in the darkness
Hassan believes his goal is noble
anything justifies for its sake
Kill him!
The day that Nizam Al-Mulk
imprisoned Hassan Al-Sabbah
he thought it was the day of his end
he doesn't know it's
the beginning of a legend
-the public and kings will talk about it.
-"Where has Hassan Al-Sabbah gone?"
"Episode Eight"
"From Here We'll rule the World"
Wait for me
as I expected, I found it here
as if my soul smelled it
What's this plant?
It's magic plant
It's the plant of the other world
A horse that eats will walk
for days without getting tired
but if you burn it and inhale its smoke
You'll fly with the smoke
wherever you want and dream
-Dream about what?
-Whatever you want
If you want gardens and rivers, you'll go
If you want palaces and maids
if you want to go to heaven, you'll go
-Like alcohol?
-No, no
alcohol makes your
blood boil in your veins
but its smoke makes you
feel lighter and more peaceful
I knew it in jail. I was pointed to it by
someone who was tortured with me
its smoke alleviated
all pain and suffering
What's its Islamic ruling?
Once its smoke enters my
chest, I am beyond any Islamic ruling.
You committed many mistakes, Nizam Al-Mulk
You've placed your friend
in a precarious state position
and then you discovered his betrayal
and then he escaped from your prison
three mistakes in a row,
it's hard for me to accept.
It is your right, my lord
I am at your disposal
and ready for any punishment.
No, the punishment isn't now
The punishment is if your
friend reappears one day
considers standing as
an enemy against the state
That won't happen as long as I'm alive
because I won't let him live to
achieve his malicious purpose.
I hope so
because then, I'll make you pay
for all your mistakes once and for all.
What's the price of
a shelter for three strangers?
Shelter without money!
A stranger's shelter is money.
You seem more generous than
the Seljuk Sultan and the Abbasid Caliph.
Sultan and Caliph?
We only hear about them
we're far away from Isfahan and Baghdad.
Excuse me, I need to check on my family
You have a sick child.
How did you know?
Do you mind if I see him?
Please, go ahead.
Ask for permission.
By the grace of our Imam
Bring milk.
Come here.
Are you okay?
You have a son who will be
a hero that people will be amazed by.
My lord, my lord you possess a secret.
The guardian of era is
responsible for all people
-I am just one of his servants.
-How can I repay your favor?
A good prayer from you is enough
remember us well
remember that three
of Imam's beloved and Ahl al-Bayt
have just passed by your place.
Who forgets the honorable!
We're close by
-we are Alamut Castle's guests.
-Alamut Castle?
If you need anything
we're there.
Hussein is stubborn and feisty
he needs to get in, enough playing.
I couldn't handle him, and
his brother also encouraging him.
As stubborn as his father
God help our lord Hassan and may
he return safely from his journey.
God willing!
I'm not afraid for him from danger
he and danger are friends
I'm just afraid for him from himself
This is hard for me to understand
Hassan will certainly reach his goal
to reach that goal,
he can sacrifice everything
even his comfort and health.
If Hussein is like his father
then he wouldn't quit
his stubbornness at all.
That's why I wish to have a daughter
to spare me from living
with these stubborn men.
Our lady
we received messages from our lord
he reassures you and says that he
finally got out of the oppressor's prison
we will see him very soon.
Where are you going, Yahya?
I apologize.
If you behave foolishly
and insult and hit everyone
who touches you in the market again
I won't spare you.
I will disfigure you
and make you crawl and beg
in the streets of the nearest city.
Listen well to my final
warning and understand it!
He will actually do that.
I'd prefer to be disfigured poor and free
than to be a maid and toy in men's hands.
You think the disfigured beggar is free?
You are naive, you barely
left your mother's lap once.
Use your head, Nourhan.
Maybe God will place us
in the hands of a compassionate man.
I'll be fasting from speaking
starting from tomorrow, Zaid.
So what should we say
when we speak, lord?
This castle is on a high mountain
it is a hard-to-reach fortress
Gather all the information about
the castle and the shepherds
share that our lord sends
greetings and herald you
Peace be upon you.
peace be upon you too.
-Give her money.
Thank him and tell
him I don't need charity.
We're all brothers in Islam and one
should help his brother, it's your right.
Who are you?
Men of God who rely on him
Coming to tell you that if the Sultan
and the unjust minister forgot about you
God never will
if you and your children need anything
Come to the Alamut Castle
and ask for our lord.
Nothing is faster than woman’s talk
The story of the three ascetics
will travel around the mountain.
Three ascetics distributing
money to people
They are guests at
the prince's Alamut Castle.
ask about their sons, the males
herald them and give them weapons
tell them our lord is waiting for you.
Our lord is waiting for you in the castle
he promises you paradise
and promises your children the Dominion
Will they come here? How do they appear?
Those are three men who give
children money and pray for them
they'll fulfill anyone's needs.
We'll wait for them here, even
if I have to stay till dawn.
Visit our lord in the
castle for three nights
the first two nights you
ask for his prayers and leave
the third night, you stay
when he looks and smiles at you
draw your weapons and take over his castle
Aren't you pleased that
he saved you by escaping?
Saved me?
I wasn't supposed to enter
your house again, Omar.
I swear that he saved you.
You fled the burden of
killing Hassan Al-Sabbah.
If I could kill him a thousand times
I will do it, Omar.
How did he escape
from the Sultan's prison?
He didn't just escape
he escaped and took his jailer with him.
Smart, deceptive.
You should have put a deaf
and mute guard on his prison.
His escape might be a good thing
because revenge on him would be bigger.
Also, killing a prisoner you hold
is different from killing him
while he is free and on the loose.
I really want to understand
what that word means!
Revenge is a language only understood by
men who are born to face challenges.
What are you facing, Omar?
Your feelings?
Your fears? Your concerns?
What I face, neither you nor
Hassan Al-Sabbah can confront it, Tusi.
I am facing myself
that's something none of you can bear.
If you could bear it
You wouldn't have become Nizam Al-Mulk
nor him become Hassan Al-Sabbah.
The greater jihad
Jihad al-Nafs comes
after the lesser jihad.
Do you understand me,
poet of time and era?
after you struggle
and fight all your enemies
and triumph over them
what will you do?
You'll die.
You'll die and become dust, Tusi.
That's the fate of men
struggle and death
and reckoning
the balance is set up
and there will be a weight for
men in this world and the hereafter
Can you bear all of this?
Struggle, death, reckoning and balance?
To discover at the end that
you're nothing on the balance?
If in your perception life is nihilism
then what's the point of it?
If I were to ask that question freely
a thousand scholars
would rule my execution
you'd be the executioner.
If you are to incite the masses
So, why wouldn't I?
or do you want to ask
and live safely, Omar?
There is no safety, Tusi
Safety is the first thing one loses
when they come into this world.
Anyway, I did not come to debate
your philosophy of existence.
I came to ask you one question only.
Which one of us three is right?
Me or you?
or Hassan Al-Sabbah?
We three
are wrong.
I am the slave of my fear
You are the slave of power
and Hassan is a slave to himself.
A lost battle for the three of us
There is no victor, Tusi.
I wonder, how is Nizam Al-Mulk snow?
He's definitely thinking
of a way to avenge.
I know.
Finally, you have broken your fast.
Not willingly
when the sky became
clear, I had to inform you
that those three
escapees will rule the world
from there we will rule the world.
I'll take you to a prince in Alamut Castle
I swear
If you make any of your moves
I will kill you and bury
you under his castle
do you understand or not?
She understands very well.
The journey will take some time
eat, and wash your bodies
wear the new clothes
think carefully about my last threat
either you obey me, or you will die
that's it
even disfigurement became a waste on you.
Come on, get up.
Who owns Alamut Castle?
Alamut Castle is owned by a Dailami
Prince, who bought it many years ago
escaping the world in it
How is he?
When the guards get what
they asked for the castle
say that he is a strange man
living his life between
amusement and regret
one night he prays and do his dhikr
and one night he gets drunk
suddenly, he runs atop
the castle, screaming
he has maids from all over the world
he cries out in remorse loudly
sometimes, he treats the
guards and servants like family
one time, he imprisons them
another time, he tortures them.
He must have many guards.
No, not many
their leader is a Nishan man
he is a sad, yellow man
who is always hungry
but there are three strong
knights inside the castle
Jowan, Barqash, and Homeel.
Poor man, prince Mahdy.
The supporters and preachers
have arrived, my lord.
Welcome, beloved ones.
You are the ones who
answered the call of truth
and believed our dawah
at time when truthful people are few.
You just need to obey
and it's upon us to fulfill the promise.
Your children are my children
they will be brought up in the castle
they will learn astronomy,
mathematics, and horsemanship
will be a guarantee to their families
for entry into paradise.
The money we have is not ours
It's for the dawah
we don't seek money
neither are weapons
we need nothing but a dagger or a sword
the rest is to be distributed
only to those in whom you trust.
From here, the whole world will know us.
Disappear into the mountains
wait for the promise and signal
a flame lighting the top of every castle
at the time, you surround it
The first one is Kardkouh Castle
then fire will appear
over the Alamut Castle
then begins the great promise
the promise of victory
and the resurrection of enemies.
Go forth with the blessing of God
and devote yourselves to obedience.
After the appearance, comes concealment
until the time of revelation.
Prepare yourselves to
be rewarded with heaven
because I herald you
I am the owner of the key to heaven!
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
-Praise the Lord.
Who are you?
We're guests who rely on God's will
you're the three ascetics,
the shepherds were talking about, right?
-If permitted we'll rest in castle's shade
-Not allowed!
Sleeping over here is prohibited!
Everyone return to his place!
Everyone return to his place!
A Nishan man
the kind with many kids
You transport food and drinks
daily to the castle on your shoulders
you sleep smelling the food you
carried, dreaming about eating it.
Who are you?
You stay up late nights
sleep during the day
your wage can't afford even
a delicious meal you wish for.
unfortunately, whenever
you return to your wife
You neither make her happy
with money nor with health
you return again standing
in front of the castle gate
sad and broken
What do you want from me?
Go and talk about us to your lord
tell him that the three
ascetics know everything
Go on, man.
The three ascetics
Your reputation wraps
the castle's mountains
May God exalt you, prince
we're far from being ascetics
we are less than that.
Denial of asceticism
means that the asceticism is true.
May our God increase
your good expectations
But everyone is talking about you
Why is our lord silent?
Our lord is fasting from food and speaking
he only speaks by divine permission
As God wills!
As God wills!
Then where are you from?
where you are heading to?
We are on a journey with our lord
we search for our hearts in it
a journey from God to God
Oh God!
I'm very happy with you, from this moment
you will be my guests
until our lord speaks
I will find my happiness
in our lord’s words
right, lord?
My lord
there are some shepherds outside
wanting to greet the three
ascetics and get their blessings.
Let them in
the lord’s guests
are my guests
take them to the best rooms
and offer them the best food and drink.
Our lord does not want
to be in a confined place
he only wants to be close to the sky.
As God wills!
As God wills!
This is the true asceticism
the true asceticism.
God bless you, my lord.
What's the holdup?
At this rate, it will
take us months to arrive.
-The load is heavy.
-Wait, wait.
After all, the prince won't be
interested in the ones not so pretty.
You, get down!
You too.
Where are you taking us?
You and your fate, I don't want
to carry unnecessary weight.
-What about us?
-Stay were you are!
Shame on you!
It doesn't matter of you die
-or whatever happens
-Take us with you!
-Shame on you!
-I seek refuge with God!
Isn't it time for you to speak, lord?
It's time.
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
It's cold tonight, my lord, the prince
may we light a fire?
Of course.
Light the fire to keep our lord warm.
-My Lord.
The number tonight is greater
for three nights, each night a larger
group comes than the group before
-Not now
-Breaking the heart of a poor man
my lord, the prince, is greater
than breaking his neck.
Let them enter quietly and leave quietly
because I have something for our lord.
Your command, my Lord.
For your exoteric to match
your esoteric, my lord, the prince
you must attain righteousness.
Guide me, our lord
how do I attain righteousness?
In the name of God, most
gracious, most merciful
"Never will you attain the righteousness
until you spend from that which you love"
"And whatever you spend"
"indeed, Allah is Knowing of it"
God Almighty is Truthful
What I understand from your words, lord
is that you want money for charity?
I want you to spend from which you love.
You have to give away
your most precious possession.
What is my most precious possession?
The castle.
Your silence was prestigious, my lord.
Nice joke.
No jokes, my lord, the prince.
The castle is truly
your most precious possession
to attain your God's
satisfaction and purify your heart
you must relinquish it to the beloved ones
it's not right for Hassan Al-Sabbah
to take something
with the sword of modesty.
This is the castle's price.
Leave in peace.
Guards surrender arms and
continue to serve us in the castle
so they can reveal the secrets to us.
I think my lord, the prince
is in a better state.
You've experienced Mahdy's generosity
but not his wrath yet.
You'll know everything in a moment.
Welcome, beloved ones.
Here is the new Dominion.
Here is the beloved one's
heaven and the enemies' hell.
Here is the new universal order.
There's no room for mistakes.
No one should love himself
more than the objective.
Here is the throne of the
new state that we all serve.
Whoever serves his purpose and desire
has nothing but death in this
world and hell in the hereafter.
Even if that person is me
or one of you, or one of our sons.
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