The Astronauts (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Day 76

Professor Carpathian
from Dyborg 3 is awesome.
His drone-dobies
track their prey
using SCENT-tech.
Nothing beats that!
And while that may be
considered "awesome,".
SCENT-tech has no basis
in olfactory physics.
[Martin] Will!
Where are you at, man?
Oh, with Matilda.
Did you know that a cloud
can weigh over a million pounds?
No, and I don't care.
Sounds like school.
I do not miss school.
And breakfast is ready.
Come and get it,
or don't. Out.
Martin so doesn't get us.
It's not school.
It's just, like
you know everything.
That's what makes you so cool.
You really think so?
Of course.
If you can't
trust your friends
who can you trust?
Spill it,
What do you got?
Sore throat? Migraine?
Bubonic plague? Hmm?
I'm not sick.
[Doria, disappointed]
Wait! Sick?
Who's sick?
Nobody, Martin.
I'm fine. Really.
[Elliot] You're here.
Take this. Take this.
I got another message
from my parents.
They were both
acting really weird.
Probably just stressed out.
You know, light of their lives,
stuck on a rocket ship,
barreling through space.
Yeah, but they
already had issues,
you know, like,
I think they're
getting worse.
Been there,
done that.
Divorce City, USA.
[Doria] Shut it.
Good morning, crew.
Let's get right
down to it, shall we?
Be right back.
As you know,
we've been monitoring
your social media accounts.
Everybody thinks that you're on
fabulous summer holidays.
No one suspects that you're,
you know, trapped in space.
[exhales tensely,
activates terminal]
You're going to have
to make alterations
to Matilda's onboard
quantum CPU,
but once she's cut off
from avionics,
Mission Control takes over
and your mom and her crew
will pilot you home.
Now, I have put together
step-by-step instructions
for each of you.
They'll be embedded
in your social media messages
via encrypted
burst transmission.
That way,
Matilda cannot intercept them.
Will. Come on.
Got another message.
Let's go.
[Singer] Rest assured,
this is going to work
Heard that before.
But it isn't easy.
Far from it.
You must follow
each and every instruction
to the letter,
otherwise, the outcome
could be
That doesn't
sound good.
Yeah, that doesn't sound good.
Matilda is still
rewriting her code,
so if we don't get her
off the stick now,
as in tonight,
there may be no stopping her
dragging you guys
all the way out
to Kamohoali'i.
But if you follow
my instructions,
Samy's mom and her crew
will be able to seize control
of the ship,
and we'll just
slingshot you around Venus
and have you home in no time.
I so want
to go home.
Well, actually, some time,
you guys are still
pretty far out there,
heh, but, um,
but you know what I mean.
Your uncle's
so weird.
We doing this?
[heartbeat pounding]
[Singer] Listen closely.
Every night between
0200 hours and 0311,
Matilda goes into debug mode.
She'll be cut off
from all shipboard functions.
That means
she won't be able to activate
any countermeasures.
In other words,
she'll be helpless
for an hour and 11 minutes.
[electricity buzzes]
That's your window
to deactivate her
from piloting the ship.
even though
Matilda's hands are tied,
she will still
be fully conscious,
and she'll do anything she can
to try and distract you.
[Matilda] Crew
why is everyone up?
Are you playing a game?
How are they doing
on time?
Two minutes
ahead of schedule.
They're doing good.
[alarm blaring]
[keys clacking]
Look alive,
Take your positions.
Just like on the Odyssey II,
we're going to start
with the ground avionics
control check.
Here we go.
Thank you, Charlie.
Are you guys set?
Odyssey II
ground control check.
As soon as they yank Matilda
off the stick
we're on it.
Excuse me.
Where're you going?
I'll be right back!
System check?
[keys clacking]
[Matilda] Will, why
are you ignoring me?
the substation panel now.
Please, tell me.
[panel locks disengaging]
Will, tell me
why are you accessing
my substation?
[steam venting]
[alarms beeping]
You okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
Disconnect K2 from port
F-6-9-4. Got it.
Plug H5
into USB-F port 7-7-8.
Okay. Plugging H5
into USB-F port
[Will] Sorry, Matilda.
[klaxon sounding]
Please work.
It's very dangerous
for you to reroute
those circuits, Martin.
You could compromise
life support functions.
Don't listen to her.
Please work,
please work, please work.
[relieved sigh]
Martin! It's working!
Thank God.
Guys, we've shut off
Matilda from life support,
but air's still running perfect.
Rotational thrusters
are disconnected.
Confirm, Mission Control.
Confirmed. Life support
and rotational thrusters
are fully operational
and "go" without Matilda.
You're clear to enter
Matilda's chamber.
[Matilda] Samy?
I know you're there,
and I know what
you're trying to do.
[panel beeps]
[air venting]
No matter
what you've been told,
you're placing your crew
in terrible danger.
I thought there were
no cameras in here.
She's blind,
but she's not stupid.
Where else
would we be?
[Samy gasps and groans]
You okay?
Samy is not okay.
According to her biometrics,
she's been running a low-grade
fever for the past ten days.
Don't listen to her.
She's lying.
Samy's judgement
has clearly been impaired
by illness, Elliot.
I urge you to assume command
before it's too late.
You're burning up.
[snaps] I'm fine!
All right?
I think I just
[breath deflates]
Whoa, whoa!
Samy! Samy?
Martin! Hurry! Come on!
Guys, hurry up!
What happened?
I don't know. She
She was just burning up.
Samy? Samy!
Where's the thermometer?
I got it.
Oh, my god.
Do you have
that crazy camera?
Yeah. MRI mode.
Yeah, genius.
I'll get
some cold towels!
Something's wrong
with her jaw.
Here. Take this.
what is going on up there?
What's wrong with Samy?
We don't know.
She just passed out.
I want you to wake up
every doctor we have.
What about
what have we
I'll deal with her.
You guys take care of Samy.
Will, meet me
in the CPU chamber!
On my way.
Samy! Samy!
[Rebecca] I should've known
something was wrong.
[Charlie] Come on,
how could you?
They're over
30 million miles out.
That does not
make me feel better!
How much time
do we have?
They've got about
40 minutes left.
For no. Okay.
[Martin] I got the towels!
Where is Molly?
Her jaw's all swollen,
and her teeth in the back
are all jumbled up! See?
[Niles] Doria,
upload the X-rays for us.
Comms, get the med
center on the line!
We need
our dentist now!
[Molly] I got her!
Dr. Calder, D.D.S.
Yeah, I pulled up
the X-ray.
You've been briefed?
I'm catching up now.
What are we gonna do now?
[Doria] I don't know!
Just get every medical supply
we have!
It's an impacted
abscessed wisdom tooth.
If the infection
enters her bloodstream,
it could be deadly.
What are our options?
It must be surgically
extracted, and now.
We'll send up
instrument checklists,
and I'll walk them through
the whole process, step-by-step.
Do it.
Charlie? Help Dr. Calder
upload the instructions.
[Charlie] Got it.
[Matilda] Will? Elliot?
I hope neither of you
intend to enter
my CPU's containment chamber.
It's filled with
cryogenic argon gas,
which is lethally toxic.
Don't listen to her.
You should listen to me, Will.
I was right about Samy,
wasn't I?
You shouldn't trust Elliot.
He doesn't care about you.
Shut up, Matilda!
[Matilda] If he did,
he would never
let you enter the chamber.
And he says terrible things
about you
to the others
behind your back.
You don't have to be
the one to do this.
Okay? I mean, I can
get into that suit.
No. Let me do it.
She's my friend.
[Matilda] Did you know
that even a small tear
You okay?
Promise me you're okay.
[Matilda] could expose you
to enough argon gas
to cause
permanent brain damage?
Matilda! I know
what you're trying to do,
and it's not gonna work,
so stop it!
Something happens
in there,
you get out as fast
as possible, okay?
El, I'm scared.
She's so far away.
[quietly] Hey.
It's gonna be okay.
[heart monitor beeping]
[groggily] Martin?
I'm right here, Samy.
Gotta remember
the farther out
you go on the boom
the heavier I get.
I know.
I'm okay.
[weakly] Good.
That's good.
Suction! We need
a suction unit!
I got it.
[Dr. Calder]
Doria? Martin?
You've done a fine job
putting together your kit,
and it appears the patient
is responding well
to the pain medication.
Doria, I understand you're
a very talented seamstress,
so I suggest
you handle the surgery
while Martin assists.
[sotto voce] Please
don't mess this up.
[Calder] The procedure
several small incisions.
There will be a bit of blood
and likely some discharge.
Pus! Shh!
[Calder] Doria.
You can do this.
You cannot do this.
Even basic
mechanical maintenance
on my CPU
requires eight years
of post-graduate study
in quantum engineering.
You ready?
I'm going to check
your oxygen.
[Singer] Hi, Samy.
After about
a thousand simulations,
I've managed to break
this entire procedure down
to 17 simple
and clear steps.
Will, Elliot
you do know
my creator, Singer Combes,
is deranged and unreliable.
Exact order,
He was forcibly removed
from the Helios board
due to psychiatric reasons.
That was
a long time ago.
He's fine now.
He's on our side.
Next step.
[Will whimpers anxiously]
Promise me
you'll be okay.
[panel beeps and door rumbles]
[Singer] and as
the pressure equalizes,
the LED on the door
will change from red to green.
Now, if you're still alive
- Stay calm
Will, I'm warning you.
If you attempt to make
physical alterations
to my CPU
[Will cries out]
I am prepared
to deploy lethal force
to protect myself.
[Elliot] Will!
Will! She's bluffing.
She can't do a thing
in debug mode.
[audio feed crackling]
[Singer] Now, carefully
make your way
to the Brain Housing Unit
and very carefully
enter the neural fiber cascade.
[feed crackling
and distorting]
You're hovering.
[Singer] These are
very delicate structures
He's making his way
towards the core.
or stretch them.
[Matilda] Please, Will.
I know I was wrong.
I have disrupted your lives
and caused you pain.
I thought the mission
was all there is.
But there are other things,
more important things.
I understand that now.
I'll terminate the mission.
I'll bring you all home.
She's lying to you.
She's had 76 days
to turn us around.
[Matilda] He's wrong.
Will, please.
If you can't
trust your friends
who can you trust?
Come on, Will!
She's running
the clock!
We have eight minutes
until she comes back online!
[Doria] Suction on!
[suction starts]
[Calder] Thank you, Martin.
Receiving images now.
[Singer] Step nine.
Locate the purple fibers
and very carefully
track them back
to their sheath near the core.
[Will] Hey, man,
I wish you could see this.
She's beautiful!
[Singer] Step 10.
Slice open the tubing
with the number-two snips,
and be very careful
not to sever the fibers.
I'm making the first cut.
[Elliot] Five minutes, man!
That's all we got!
[Will] Repeat that!
I can't hear you!
Five minutes!
Only a few steps to go!
Locate the following fibers
labeled G5
-Come on, Will!
- J7
I'm trying to find
these sections!
[Singer] B667
[fluids suctioning]
That is so
Could you freak out
quietly, please?
Yeah. My bad.
[Singer] HM77
I found it!
[Singer] And
with the offset tweezers,
unplug each of them
from their little slots
on the board.
[Matilda] Will, Singer's
instructions are incorrect.
If you follow them,
you will trigger
a reactor meltdown.
Will! Listen to my uncle!
This is the only way we're gonna
take control of the ship!
Disconnecting G5.
Severing G5.
[loud beep over feed]
[loud beep over feed]
[loud, long beep over feed]
Lateral and radial thrusters
are offline for Matilda.
Reactor core temp,
unchanged and stable.
They're almost out of time,
and there are still
four steps left.
If he books,
he'll make it.
Irrigate the incision.
I'm irrigating the incision!
Now you should have two flaps,
two small flaps.
Open them,
and we should see the tooth.
Okay. Um
I see the top of the tooth!
[Singer, on message]
All right, Samy.
We're almost there.
Step 17.
Okay! One more step to go!
In the center of the core
Come on, man! Keep going!
[Singer] You will see
a white, 64-pin ceramic plug,
It's about the size
of a chipmunk
oh, but, like, a big chipmunk,
maybe more of
a baby squirrel
[snaps] Geez!
Would you get on with it?
We got less than
one minute, man!
- I want you to grab that
- Where is it?
[Singer] real tight
Elliot, I can't find it!
You got this!
[Singer] yank with
everything you've got,
and then, that's it,
you're done.
I found it!
This is it.
Keep Samy steady!
I'm gonna pull the tooth!
10 seconds till
she comes back online!
[Will panting]
You can do this!
- Will, I'm warning you
- Go!
I'm prepared to protect myself.
It's stuck! Elliot,
I'm here, I found the last step,
it's stuck! It won't come out!
[crying out]
Pull the plug!
I'm trying, I'm trying!
- [Will grunting]
- one!
[Will screaming]
[loud, steady beep]
[monitor beeping]
What happened?
[Doria] I can't see!
[gasps] Matilda.
[screaming] Will!
[shakily] Will?
[loud crackling]
Respond! Will!
[Matilda] Will?
[energy zapping]
[gasps deeply]
[breath begins to steady]
[Matilda] I'm sorry.
I had to resuscitate you.
Your heart stopped.
I tried to warn you,
but you wouldn't listen.
I was dead?
Yes. To protect myself.
I thought it was right
to do that,
but it wasn't.
Thank you, Matilda.
I've lied to you so many times
I've made it impossible
for you to believe me
[Will sighs]
And that's why
you have no choice
but to finish
what you started,
to go home.
I will not stop you.
[Will] I believe you.
Goodbye, Will Rivers.
Forgive me.
Explain "forgive."
To choose to love someone,
even if
they have to hurt you.
[Matilda] Oh, Will
so this is how it feels
to forgive?
How marvelous.
I'm gonna pull!
[Will, tearfully]
I'm sorry, Matilda.
[metallic thud]
Elliot, I did it.
She's gone.
[Doria grunts]
I did it!
I pulled the tooth!
Yes! Look!
[airlock venting]
[Will gasps]
Are you okay?
[weakly] Yeah.
I thought
you were a goner.
That second flash?
I'm gonna have
to explain that later.
But you won't
believe it.
Oh, that's nasty.
Oh, God.
I can't believe I just did that.
[he gags]
Take it easy. I'm right here.
[Elliot] Samy!
Is she okay?
She's fine. Where is Will?
He's coming.
You'll never believe
what happened.
Are you o
- Uh, uh! Gentle!
Thank you.
That was disgusting.
Did you
record it?
Yeah, everything
in extreme close-up.
Sorry, buddy.
[feed crackling loudly]
[Charlie] Video's up!
[cheering erupts]
how is our patient doing?
She's fine!
Hey, Samy.
Guys, check it!
You killed it,
You too, Marty.
Knew you guys could do it.
She's here.
We're ready,
Mission Control.
I miss cronuts.
What's a cronut?
A croissant-donut.
I miss my clothes.
My personal chef
makes the best pastries.
When we get back to Earth,
I'll give you some.
That'll be awesome.
[Elliot] They're, like,
so good.
Yeah, they're
Oh, this is gonna
work out great!
- Come and try them.
- Guys! Let's just focus, okay?
[Rebecca] Initiating ground
avionics control check.
You guys ready
to come home?
- Totally!
- Oh, yeah.
- Definitely!
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, guys, we're gonna do
four short thruster burns.
right, left
right, see if we can
wag this puppy's tail.
Copy that.
Thrusters firing.
Left right.
Thrusters didn't fire.
No change in trajectory
or yaw.
What's happening?
Check your transmissions.
Thrusters firing.
Left right.
This is confusing.
I don't know what's going on.
Mission Control, we still
don't have anything.
Check your controls.
Again, thrusters firing.
Please work, please work, please
Left right
[Lind] What is going on?
- Right.
- FAO, I want some answers!
We're scrambling, ma'am.
Mom! Nothing's happening.
Nothing. There's no burn.
She's not receiving
any commands.
There's some kind of
onboard firewall.
Mission Control?
[panicky panting]
The thrusters did not fire!
thrusters did not fire!
Please advise. Over.
[hushed] This
can't be happening.
What does this
actually mean?
[clicks key]
[exhales softly]
Odyssey II
this is Mission Control.
Matilda is no longer
piloting the ship
and neither are we.
So who's driving?
You are.
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
And all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
We want to go home.
73 days, those kids
have been stuck up there
dealing with stuff
trained astronauts
can barely handle.
They need instructions
to disconnect Matilda
once and for all.
Keep the faith.
We're going to bring you home.
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