The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Kristy's Big Day

KRISTY: When you think of weddings,
you think of flowers, champagne,
grown-ups crying
because they're happy,
which doesn't make any sense.
But weddings are about
more than all that stuff.
They're about love, commitment,
what happens when you join two people
and their families together forever.
Unless someone changes their mind,
which they do all the time.
We're all children of divorce, Kristy.
Get to the good part.
Just do whatever she says.
Prepared for marriage already. Okay.
Do you, Karen Amaryllis Brewer,
take David Michael Thomas
to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Wait, what's his middle name?
David Michael Thomas.
So, three first names.
Weird, but I do.
And do you, David Michael Thomas,
take Karen Amaryllis Brewer
to be your lawfully wedded wife?
As long as it's just pretend.
So now, by the power vested in me
by the state of Connecticut,
I now pronounce you husband and--
Kristy, can you take the kids outside
to play, please?
We haven't even kissed yet.
And I didn't get to break the glass.
It's not a Jewish wedding, honey.
But it would be cool to smash something.
Yes, it would, outside.
Which would be a better place
for the ceremony.
Yes, but six generations of Brewers have
been married in this room, apparently.
So I'm not gonna be the one
to break that tradition.
Wait, what's that on your head?
Grammy Brewer brought them from the vault.
Yes, for me,
to borrow.
If you lose one stone on that tiara,
you're gonna be paying for that out
of your allowance for the next 700 years.
It's very heavily insured.
Aren't you a little old for a tiara?
- Tell it to the queen.
Oh, Charlie must be home.
KRISTY: My brother Charlie had been
saving up to buy a used car
- practically since he was toilet trained.
KRISTY: Finally, he found a 2007
Toyota Corolla he could just about afford.
This was not that car.
- Hi!
- Mom!
Mom, this thing has 248 horsepower
and four cylinders. And the smell
Mom, I want my whole life
to smell like this!
Well, you better start
changing your sheets more often.
Oh, come on, at Watson's house
we don't have to change our own sheets.
That's right.
Kidding. Kidding.
Um [SUCKS TEETH] this, babe--
this is not a used Toyota.
No, no, it is not.
I made up the difference.
Look, he's worked so hard
saving that money,
and he was so excited.
Look, Al gave me a great deal,
and my family's been buying cars
from him for, like, 50 years.
I wish you'd talked to me about it first.
I know, I know, but maybe you can think
of it as a wedding present from
From me to the kids.
To one kid.
Okay, but they can all go
in the carpool,
and it'll be very useful
for the whole family.
- CHARLIE: Yes, yes, yes!
- Hmm. All right.
- Why don't you take your mom for a spin?
- Yes, yes, here we go! Kristy, come on.
Coming with us! Here we go.
KRISTY: Heirloom diamonds? Luxury cars?
The Thomases were moving up in the world.
- A brand new BMW?
- What color?
Dark. Black, maybe. I don't know.
It's a little--
Chic? Fabulous? Sleek?
But at least now Charlie has to drive me
to and from all my jobs and club meetings.
It's my mom's condition
for letting him keep the car.
Yes! Carpooling for the win.
The environment thanks you.
I can't believe the wedding is tomorrow.
How is it going over there?
Fancy. Fancy flowers, fancy tent,
fancy food
They have this sushi bar where
they pick what kind of fish you get.
[LAUGHS] It's seasonal.
All I know is my mom is fighting
with the chef to label everything,
because Dawn's mom has
some crazy allergy to yellowtail.
- Can't eat it, can stay away from it.
Last year around this time,
my mom was fighting
with Connecticut Water and Power
to lower our bill.
And now Charlie has a BMW,
she has a tiara.
It's like I'm living
in an alternate dimension.
It's her wedding.
Let her be a princess for a day.
She deserves it.
Well, personally,
I'm grateful for a little luxury
before a summer of roughing it
at Camp Moosehead.
- Oh, my God, I'm so excited.
- So excited!
I can't believe I'm not going
with you guys.
Oh, please, you'll be at art camp,
at Yale, with Trevor Sandbourne.
Did you get your packing list yet?
Yeah, it's just art supplies and stuff.
What about you?
The basics. About a zillion
of those uniform T-shirts and shorts,
two sets of sheets, two sets of towels,
toiletry kit with soap, shampoo,
feminine products.
Feminine products? What, like makeup?
Are they telling the boys
to bring "masculine products"?
I think they mean, like,
pads and tampons and stuff like that.
Oh, right.
Well, I should go. Watson's taking me
to pick up my bridesmaid's dress.
What's it like? Give us a hint.
Well, it's yellow, and it's long,
and it's rustley.
It kind of makes me looks like--
A banana.
I look like a banana.
Come on, it can't be that bad.
I think you look great.
The only person in the world that thinks
I look great is Curious George,
- before he tries to eat me.
The fit is perfect. It's like a glove.
Or a peel.
All right, look, Kristy,
I think it's beautiful,
but if you don't want to wear it, well,
we'll just have to get you a new dress.
We have a new shipment
of Vera Wangs that just came in
and a Carolina Herrera that is to die for.
- Pale blue, it'll look perfect on her.
It is "to die for."
KRISTY: Yep, the Thomases were definitely
moving up in the world.
But there was so much
we were leaving behind.
Hey, buddy. What are you doing still up?
I can't find my pajamas.
Well, did you check in your bottom drawer?
I think Mom left some stuff in there
for you.
Everything's gone.
We'll never live in this house again.
Um, why don't you go find your pajamas?
I'll be in
in a minute to tuck you in, okay?
Could you be homesick
for a place you haven't even left yet?
Open your window.
I think my flashlight got packed.
It's okay. My dad lets me stay up
past nine p.m. now,
so it's probably okay if I use my voice.
I'm gonna miss this.
You being right next door,
talking whenever.
Me, too.
But at least
we both have real phones now.
Just get better at checking your texts.
- CHARLIE: Kristy, come on! We're late!
LIZ: Up here!
- I think I get what you're talking about.
- MAN: Yeah, it's gonna look fabulous.
- All right. I'm gonna trust.
- MAN: Mm-hmm.
KRISTY: Hey, Mom.
Oh, hey, baby! How are you feeling?
Fine, good. There's something I wanted
to tell you about the dress.
Does it look okay?
Apparently, Grammy Brewer is
very fond of yellow.
Chat later, please.
We got a lot to do.
- LIZ: Okay.
- Yeah, okay.
LIZ: I'll talk to you later, baby.
Okay, but
Okay, Dawn, let's go.
Okay. I wore this dress
to your cousin Natalia's quinceañera,
the night after your father said
he was filing for divorce.
- Bad juju?
- Maybe.
Okay, and I wore this one
to Stefano and Patrick's
commitment ceremony
right after I found out I was pregnant.
Too revealing?
Do you have anything else?
RICHARD: Knock, knock, knock.
Which of these do you prefer?
Well, my prom dress didn't fit.
I forgot to feed the turtle! Ugh!
We're gonna be late.
Does this shirt
smell like meat?
KAREN: You look like Cinderella.
KRISTY: I felt like Cinderella,
and for the first time maybe ever,
I sort of got why Claudia and Stacey
were so obsessed with clothes.
How's it going in there? Can I see?
What do you think?
You look so beautiful.
But what happened to the yellow dress?
It looked like a banana.
Watson said I could get a different one.
Don't you like it?
I think it's lovely, but
did you get a refund for the other dress?
It had already been altered,
but Watson said not to worry about it.
How much did it cost?
$800. I saw the price tag.
Kristy! That's outrageous!
I mean, since when do you care
about stuff like that?
Since I didn't want to walk down the aisle
in front of a million people
in a dress I hate.
Watson said I could get whatever I wanted.
You should have called me first,
both of you.
I did not raise you to be the kind of girl
that doesn't look at price tags.
He bought Charlie a car.
You're having a zillion-dollar wedding.
I get one lousy dress that looks
halfway decent on me,
and suddenly I'm a spoiled brat?
- I didn't say that.
- You know,
I didn't even want you to get married
in the first place.
Maybe I just shouldn't be a part
of your new fancy family at all.
Honey, it's gown time.
KRISTY: I knew I'd gone too far,
but there was something in me
that wouldn't let me stop.
Something angry
and now it was too late.
She's not here.
They're always late.
The turtle was too much.
What turtle?
I'm gonna get a drink. You want one?
Right, of course not.
Oh, I see Mary Anne.
- Hey.
- Hi!
You go first.
I don't know what to do with this.
- STACEY: Hi, Mr. Spier.
- Hi.
Hi, everybody.
Come right over here.
You look awesome.
Great job, bud.
Great job, Karen.
- SHARON: Oh, my goodness, we're so sorry.
- DAWN: So sorry.
- Hi, hi, how are you? We're so late.
- Excuse me.
What? I knew she'd make it.
KRISTY: She looked so beautiful.
So happy.
- KRISTY: But she wasn't looking at me.
You may sit.
It's okay.
This little girl thinks I'm a witch.
So in front of this room full
of witnesses,
I would like to say that she's right.
I am a spiritual practitioner.
Now, historically, the term "witch"
has been used to describe people,
primarily women,
who refuse to conform to society's
expectations of who they should be.
We got a lot of witches here.
- Am I right?
WATSON: Definitely.
When children tell you something,
believe 'em.
Now, let's get this party started.
We are gathered here today
KRISTY: I know parents get all mushy
about their kids getting married
and how it makes them feel all,
like "Sunrise, Sunset" or whatever,
but suddenly I was the one
thinking about the past,
about how lonely my mom had been,
how sad she used to seem
around all the other parents
the look on her face the day she told us
our dad was gone.
And all of a sudden,
my face was super wet.
- ESME: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
I did it! I broke the glass!
- Whoo!
Kristy, you look so pretty!
That dress!
- [LAUGHS] Turn around!
- You look gorgeous.
How do you feel?
Fine. I'm fine.
Um, have you guys seen my mom?
I think she's still doing photos.
Guys, look at that.
Oh, my gosh.
Think he'll propose tonight?
He has had, like,
one-third a glass of champagne.
- Anything could happen.
And now, presenting the happy couple,
Watson and Elizabeth Brewer!
They're really in love.
They are.
I wish Trevor was here.
I miss Toby.
He's probably a great dancer.
Stacey, you wanna dance?
Yeah, of course.
What about Toby?
Don't be such a baby.
- No, no, no, this way!
KRISTY: I kept trying to get a minute
alone with my mom.
I wanted to tell her I was happy for her.
That I was sorry.
It was never the right time,
and maybe it never would be.
Maybe she had just moved on without me.
I have cake.
- Nutella filling. No complaints.
Thank my Claudia.
How are you feeling?
Are you tired or
- We can go home if you want.
- No.
No, I am fine.
This important.
Being here,
people I love
is what matters.
Mmm! Oh, my God, this vanilla custard
- I don't even care if it's not vegan.
I just keep checking my levels,
because Sugar Town, here I come!
- I am so, so happy right now.
You okay?
Fine! Fine.
Did you ever find your mom?
You'll talk eventually.
She's not going anywhere.
Isn't she?
- Whoo! Ha ha!
Quick carbo load before the next hour
on the dance floor! Mmm!
- Mmm!
- Mom, no!
No, no, no, that's Nut-- that's Nutella!
- SHARON: Hmm?
- Hazelnut!
- What's the matter?
She's allergic to tree nuts.
Cashews, hazelnuts, all kinds.
So she made my mom freak out
over the fish,
but forgot to mention
she's allergic to nuts?
That's, like,
the most common allergy ever.
- There's an EpiPen in the car.
- It's all right, Dawn. I've got her.
- DAWN: Really?
- You stay. Enjoy yourself.
Your mother's in very good hands.
Oh, Richie. I'm just gonna stare at you
until my left eye swells shut.
- Okay, that's sweet, but
- I love you, honey.
now's not the time.
- My watch has ended.
KRISTY: I didn't say it,
but I felt pretty much the same way.
And then I felt something else.
Where you going?
KRISTY: Just like that,
at the worst possible time.
It was almost like nothing was different,
but then
MARY ANNE: Kristy, are you okay?
I guess it's my big day, too.
What did she
She got her period.
DAWN: It's natural.
MARY ANNE: Peel the back off
and then stick the wing things
on the outside of your underpants.
Oh, great.
You're all here.
Why wouldn't we be?
We're your friends,
and this is a big moment.
We've all been through it.
Now you can commiserate.
And bring your own
feminine products to camp.
- Yay!
How do you feel?
- Like I want more cake.
STACEY: Makes sense.
KRISTY: I couldn't believe it.
My mother was leaving.
When she came back,
she'd be a different person.
- Not just a mother, but a wife, a Brewer.
Dude, where have you been?
Mom's been looking for you.
KRISTY: And I never even
got to say goodbye.
- Kristy!
- Mom!
I've been trying to talk to you all night.
Me, too, but you were with your friends,
and there was so much going on,
and this limo driver was waiting,
and he's charging by the hour.
That's what you're worried about
right now?
- Yes.
Mom, I'm sorry.
No, sweetie, I'm so sorry.
This is all new for me, too.
I'm just having a hard time navigating it.
This is a lot of change
to go from just us to all this.
And I'm not great at change.
I thought that was my thing.
- Where do you think you got it from?
Everything I said is still true.
You have to be independent
and make it on your own, okay?
You are such a strong
little woman, Kristy,
and it's true that
I do sometimes expect more from you
than the boys,
because you're my favorite child,
- and if you repeat that, I will deny it.
I'm really glad you found Watson.
You are?
Of course.
Me, too.
But you are my whole heart.
- Don't ever forget that, okay?
- [LAUGHS] Okay.
Oh, I love you, baby.
Oh, I got my period.
What? When?
Just now. Don't worry,
it didn't get on the dress.
Baby, don't worry about the dress.
Are you okay?
Do you know what to do?
We took care of her.
Of course.
You always do.
Oh, you should go.
You don't want to miss your flight.
We're gonna leave in the morning.
We're staying at a hotel.
It's a little anticlimactic,
but I'm exhausted.
I love you so much, Mom.
I love you, too, my baby.
So much.
Oh, baby!
- I'm gonna miss you.
- I'm gonna miss you, too.
- I love you. Bye.
- Bye!
DAWN: Bye!
There you go.
She'll be back before you know it.
In the meantime, we'll all be together
at Camp Moosehead.
Art camp will be there next year,
and how many summers am I gonna have
with my best friends?
- WATSON: Bye, guys!
- GIRLS: Bye!
- WATSON: Have fun, but not too much fun!
KRISTY: I started The Baby-Sitters Club
to take care of kids,
but what I didn't realize is that it was
also to take care of me,
because we were more than a club.
- We were best friends.
KRISTY: There's only
one thing left to do.
- Get some more cake!
- Let's do it! [LAUGHS]
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
You are the light, and I will follow ♪
You let me lose my shadow ♪
You are the sun, the glowing halo ♪
And you keep burning me up
With all of your love, aww! ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now ♪
Boom, clap, the sound of my heart ♪
The beat goes on and on and on and on
And boom, clap ♪
You make me feel good, come on ♪
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