The Bad Kids (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Ju Wai Ren

Hi soda please
have you seen this kid before
You haven't even looked at the photo
He's about this tall
Dark and skinny
What's with the kid
A rebel
Have you seen him
Kids nowadays won't listen to us
Parents are out of ideas sometimes
If you aren't tough with them now
when they go out into the real world
they won't be able to handle it
You have to teach them a lesson
You can go check the beach over there
It's summer time
Kids love playing on the beach
Well Thanks
It must be hot with a hat on
I have the money
How will the transaction go
At the Xinhua Bookshop
2:00 PM the day after tomorrow
I'll see you then
-Have you seen him -No I haven't
-About this tall -Nope
-Thanks -Not at all
Hey Look
Remember me?
You're a dead man
Drop it
Drop it
On your feet
Let go
What're you doing
What're you doing
Who do you think you are
Get lost
What the hell is wrong with you
You keep lying to me
Now you're fighting other kids
You wanna end up like your dad don't you
Do not talk about my dad
What did you just say
I said Do not talk about my dad
Come with me to the station
Are you still police now
How dare you fight me
Who do you think you are
Why do you get to control me
What makes you think you can do that
Mind your own bussiness
Poker Queen
Here he comes
You're Poker Queen
So you're here
Monthly rate is 10%
That would be 24000 yuan for each month
Is there any problem
What are you putting up as collateral
I have an apartment on Binjiang Road
I brought the property certificate
How long do you need the money for
Three days
Three days
We don't do business under 3 months
It's just a temporary thing
Please do me a favor
Well how about this
I'll count it as a month
You pay the principal in three days
The interest in a month
There'll be penalties if you're overdue
Let's have a toast
For Xin
Thank you for helping us with this
When my brother is better
I'll bring him to thank you in person
Don't mention it
You two are my best friends
I'll have another buddy
when Xin is cured
To Xin Get better soon
Thank you Chaoyang
Give me a cigarette
Do you smoke
One of those days
Even mosquitos are sleeping
You already sound husky Don't smoke
Drop it if you can't smoke
I've got a really good hand
with two clubs
Mr Chen
Don't you have work tomorrow
You can take a day off
Who played that card
Isn't your wife waiting at home
It's so late
Well she's cooking soup
It's really late
I'm gonna open the shop in one hour or two
Let's take a rain check
Tomorrow it is then
I'll go home for the soup
Let's go
I'm going home for the soup
See you Mr Chen
Ma'am goodbye
Shall we go home
You go ahead
I have something else to do
What's that
I'll stay with you
I'm gonna crash here tonight
Then I'll sleep here too
Can't you just give me a break
Is your son the only person
that can give you a break now?
This is exactly what he wants
No one believes me
No one
Believe what
Believe what you said
That Chaoyang killed Jingjing?
I don't care
Whoever took my baby girl's life
I'll take his
I dare you try it
Two tickets to Ha City please
Which date
Here's the money
Hi A ticket to Guangzhou please
-Thanks -One ticket to Shenzhen
Thank you
Excuse me
What ticket did the kid buy just now
Why do you ask
I'll have the same
Did you get the tickets
You keep them
I'll get to see Xin again soon
Now let's go back
The number you have dialed is unavailable
It has a whole new look
The northern Shaanxi is prosperous now
Are you tired Here
Have some water
Slow down
Why are you being so considerate
Why can't I be considerate
After a few days of retirement
I've realized something new
What's that
I'm listening
Don't you find it a little bit boring
after retirement
I'm not bored
I have Lele to look after
groceries to buy and food to cook
But what about when her parents
send her to school?
What do you do once she starts school
I'll focus on dancing then
It helps me keep fit
and prevent dementia
Go dancing with me
Alright I'll go with you
I'll learn okay?
Come on
Come on
Speaking of which
is there anything else we can do
other than dancing
like something more youthful
What are you getting at
Wait a second
I'm applying to be Yan Liang's custodian
Are these enough
There's a band-aid on the shelf
Can you pass it on
How did you get that
Your sister cut me with a knife
Is Shan from the fish market
still collecting fees from you?
He doesn't dare
Not after knowing
I'm your brother-in-law
Where's Jingjing
Is she asleep
What does Zhu Yongping think
He doesn't believe that his son did this
I'm the only one suspecting him
but I have no evidence
54 55 56
57 58
59 60
How're you doing
Dad how long was that
One minute
I told you you could do it
Wait till you can do 90 seconds
Then we can swim across the Pearl River
I wanna a reward
What reward do you want
No problem I'll go get one for you
You keep practicing
Don't slack off
Keep practicing
Are you Zhu Chaoyang
Did you kill Zhu Jingjing
Did you kill her
What're you doing
You let go of him
Are you crazy
You're out of your mind
Get up Get up
Are you alright
Just kidding
I'm gonna tell your sister
Are you okay
It's okay now
Should I walk you in there
No thanks Dad
Do you have money
Okay then Don't be late
That was an awesome punch
I am really something aren't I
Zhu Chaoyang
I'll always be here for you
You don't have to be scared
Go Don't be late
What's wrong
Don't worry
I've checked the whole place
Count them
I'm gonna go upstairs
Stop Someone's shoplifting
What happend
A girl stole a book
Heading that way
Where's that kid
Lost her
Have you met her before
Let's go back
Are you sure
About what
It's nothing
It's all over
Excuse me
Is this the book she stole
Thank you
The cover got stained
I can pay for the book
It's okay
We can handle it
Thanks a lot
Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang
What a coincidence
-How are you doing -Captain Ye
Hi Are you here buying books too
Ms Tang asked me to come here
for some exercise books
Did you finish the exercises
I gave you last time?
Mr Zhang
About that
I've talked to her mom
and she thinks the summer is almost over
so we'd like her to take a rest
So you know
Kids need to take a break sometimes
I don't agree with too much tutoring either
So you don't have to reschedule for her
It's all right
Ye Chimin is very bright
She's gonna be fine
Mr Zhang we'll leave you to it
We're gonna go look around upstairs
See you Mr Zhang
Ye Chimin
Yan Liang
I can choose something else for you
Those exercises are too basic
-Come on -Thank you Mr Zhang
Your brother-in-law is pissed
at what you did at the pool
Go crash at the factory for a few days
When he calms down
you go apologize to him
I'll need to borrow your car
-Sir -Yeah?
The welfare house has replied
to your custody application
Have a look
Here Have some noodles
No I'll pass
Gonna head back to the station soon
It's my shift today
You were never so diligent when I was around
When you were there I could take a break
That was fast
Did you find the kid
Are you familiar with the beach area
Isn't that
Binhai Precinct?
Is he there
Do you want me to look around
No No
I'll do it myself
Aren't you heading back to the station
Gonna be the commander aren't you
Okay then
Take your time I'm gonna head back
See you sir
Check please
-Alright -Wait
Wrap up another beef rice noodles
Keep the money at your place
It's much safer than here
No problem
I'll take it with me
and meet you here tomorrow
What's this
I wrote down what I wanted to tell you
Can you wait till we leave Ningzhou
I'll read each and every word of it
I hope you can be happier from now on
If you are having trouble
don't hesitate to call us
See you tomorrow
See you
Keep running
Get off of me
Get off of me
Tell me the truth and I'll let go of you
I wasn't lying
I wasn't lying
If you don't let go of me
I'll tell everything to my dad
If it's true that you killed Jingjing
your dad's gonna be dead too
Good night ♪
my wounded lover ♪
Good bye ♪
Good night ♪
Child in abyss Good bye ♪
Tonight ♪
is the last night ♪
Our hearts unite ♪
We'll meet again ♪
In the realms of bliss ♪
In the realms of light ♪
Good night ♪
my cruel brother ♪
Good bye ♪
Good night ♪
child in chaos ♪
Good bye ♪
Tonight ♪
is just the night ♪
Our souls are untied ♪
We'll freely glide ♪
through the darkness ♪
to the unknown side ♪
Don't ever wake up ♪
Don't ever wake up ♪
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