The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[wind blowing]
[Eric] This place's gonna
drive us crazy.
Manu drowned and they said nothing.
Don't you want to blow up
the whole place?
We have to do something.
Go up to Mara and say: "You see,
Manu isn't at the beach
writing postcards".
Tell them about the satanic cult
so they admit us into an asylum?
[footsteps fading]
[Paul] Amaia.
I can't stop thinking how
you and I were in the laundry,
while he was floating in the river.
Manu and I had plans, you know?
Don't hug me like that again.
[kid] Look, snow.
[monks singing in distance]
# Inferno
# Inferno
# Infer
# Infer
# Inferno
[organ melody]
# Infer
# Inferno
# Inferno
# Inferno #
[Virginia, shallow breathing]
[Luis] Let's watch that fever.
Go into town
for more medication.
Yes, to town.
You must warn the police.
-It's important.
-[Celia] Mom.
They've been here.
It's a sign!
Don't go in the woods. They're there!
Another girl is going to die.
[tense music]
[Virginia moans]
[wind blowing]
[opening theme]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[Arturo] Good.
Thank you.
[door opens]
He'll arrive tomorrow night.
My blessings.
You're the only one
who can have my cell emptied.
Why did you do it?
You've left me no choice.
[Elias] No choice?
I'm sorry, Father,
I don't understand.
You'd understand
if you hadn't strayed
so far from our vows.
Father, I know
recent events have
filled me with doubts but
My feelings
Your feelings don't
interest me at all!
Always so arrogant.
The mission is to serve the Lord.
Assume your insignificance.
You're nothing but a soldier of God.
Father, amongst my things
there's something I need.
It's a flash drive.
He commanded them, "Take nothing for
your journey;
neither a staff,
nor bread, nor bags, and no money".
It's important, Father.
The sanctuary at Montesclaro
is expecting you.
You'll leave tomorrow.
You'll spend the next year
in penance.
Isolation, silence, and solitude.
That'll bring the humility you need.
[melancholic piano melody]
I'm so sorry, really.
Thank you.
Good morning.
Did you rest well?
[Ines] Yes.
With the pill you gave me,
I slept deeply.
You see the snow?
Brings back so many memories
You, so tiny, on your tippy toes.
You'd ask me to make you big snowmen.
Enormous ones.
But it doesn't snow in Lisbon.
You said we lived in Lisbon
when I was a kid.
But we traveled a lot.
You, your mom, and I
Ready to take me to school, dad?
[Dario] Mmhm.
I'll grab my things and we'll go.
I'm ready.
Let's go?
[playing random notes]
[flips switch]
The keys weren't working
on any computer
and I came to try here.
I shut you out of the system.
Arturo said you're going on a trip.
The Prior saved me the trouble
of having to fire you.
Have a safe trip, Elias.
I'm late, Mara.
I don't want to miss my last day.
Listen to me.
Don't bother, Elvira.
Nothing you say will change
what you did.
Forgive me if you
imagined I was perfect.
What I hadn't imagined
is that you'd lie to my face.
I'm sorry.
what happened between us
It was the truth.
That was the truth, but not the rest.
I'm sorry if I messed up.
Give me a reason
to believe you, Elvira.
Just one reason.
Did you know that standing
to receive a teacher is something
the Roman soldiers did
before Julius Caesar.
It's a sign of respect.
And I thank you for that.
Has a teacher ever thanked you?
In this boarding school
students are treated
as if they were a single creature
with many legs, arms, and eyes
But each and every one of you deserve
the same respect
as the teachers you stand before.
Don't forget it.
Today is my last day of class.
And, well, I didn't want
to leave without saying
that every time they say
you're here because you're scum,
they're lying.
Every time you're told no one
out there needs you, it's a lie.
Every time they belittle you,
they're wrong.
So, don't believe them.
Don't let them do that.
Rebel against it.
And now, let's read Julius Caesar.
It was him who wrote
"Tell your master that in Caesar
only Caesar commands,
and no one else".
And you? What're you doing here?
Where did you escape from?
[boy] No I didn't escape.
Don't lie.
I have to deliver this
to brother Elias.
No one else was able to do it?
If you have a message, go deliver it.
Don't just stand here.
Off you go!
[footsteps fading]
[Elias speaking Latin]
[mouthing] After class,
let's ask Elias for help.
[mouthing] Ok.
[knocking on door]
-[Elias] Come in.
-[door opens]
[door closes]
[Elvira] "Elias,
meet me one last time.
I have the proof you need".
Translate this. I'll be right back.
[strong wind blowing]
[striking door]
Why are you here?
Elias, you'd be doing yourself
a big favor
if you gave up your prejudices.
You have a bias
against medical advances.
Did Elvira send you?
I got locked in!
That would break your heart.
-Right, Elias?
What breaks my heart
are those kids being used
as guinea pigs.
Look here, Mara.
I won't stop until
this boarding school is shut down,
until all these kids
are back with their families
and until you're in jail.
[Elvira] Thank you, Pelayo.
[Mara] "And after I'm in jail,
what will you do?"
You really going
to live a year in solitude?
In absolute silence?
You could start over, Elias.
Far away from here.
With whoever you like.
Get yourself a good lawyer, Mara.
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[bell tolls]
[footsteps approaching]
-[tense music]
[Paz] Where has Elias gone?
I need your help.
[tense music]
[Amaia] It's you.
What's up with your head?
Where did you get this?
From my father's office.
But there's no sound.
Let's see.
"You promised me you wouldn't.
You've forgotten.
You've given up.
You've given up. You've given up.
You promised me you wouldn't do it".
Who are you talking about?
[librarian shushing]
What happened?
An accident.
I don't remember anything.
What do you remember first?
Walking up in my bed.
Here, at home.
And there he was.
Your father.
He told me he was my dad.
-Wait a second.
It's the rune of death.
The Raven's Nest symbol.
All members have this tattoo,
and put it in places
that are important to them.
[librarian shushing]
[whispers] They're killers, Ines.
They killed Alba.
And Manu.
-[student crying]
What happened?
Elias is dead.
-[Eric] Elias is dead.
-But how?
-No one's said anything yet.
-Where are the teachers?
-[Eric] I don't know.
Our companion, Elias
has taken his own life.
I can't believe it.
[crying] I can't
[Mara] It's tough news
for everyone to take.
Elias was a legit guy,
and people like him
can't stand it in here.
Earlier in class
he already knew he was gonna do it
so, he was saying goodbye?
[kicks locker]
[intercom] "All students must
return to class immediately.
Class has not been cancelled.
School affairs will
-continue normally."
-[Paul] Sorry.
Where did you find that?
It was in the forest.
What's going on here?
Screw normality!
Elias was the only one
who cared about us!
Get down from there now!
[tense music]
[yelling] Paul!
[Amaia] Paul. Paul.
Look at me.
You ok?
Come on. Hurry.
[commotion continues]
[door closes]
You looked like a zombie.
My sister got off the bus.
I saw the tickets in her bag.
I know her.
She regretted leaving
on bad terms and got off the bus.
Well, where is she now?
I don't know.
In the forest.
Luis found her bag there.
Since last night?
I saw lights in the sky.
They summon the Raven's Nest.
I have to talk to Mara.
[door opens]
-Enough already!
Everyone get to class!
[student] Fuck this!
[yelling] Principal!
[knocking on door]
Mara, it's urgent!
Please, I need help! Mara!
[Amaia] Paul, what's up?
What did she say?
I didn't talk to her,
but I have to go to the forest.
I have to find Adele.
Ok. Not through the kitchen,
it's closed.
Dining hall.
[Amaia] If we'd gotten
that door open
What door?
There's a secret door
that leads to the Raven's Nest.
And an exit to the forest.
But we can't open it.
Wait, I'll help.
[Paul] Fuck, that's it.
[Amaia] Here.
No, we won't fit through here.
I hadn't noticed this before.
Dude, help us?
[Ines] They're musical notes.
A melody.
According to the myth,
music put the monster to sleep
and the way to hell
was left wide open.
So, if we sing it'll open?
Like "abracadabra"?
There must be a way.
The church organ is on
the other side of that wall.
Are they connected?
This is crazy.
But what if it works?
[Tripi] Hey, you.
Going to get your daddy
to take you home?
Leave me alone.
Let me go!
[Tripi] You'll see what happens
to the rest of us.
[knife drags on floor]
[breathing heavily]
Have you seen Amaia and Paul?
[kid] Screw you!
[sirens wailing]
-[Mario] Party's over.
[police radio beeping]
You really think music will open it?
[Paz] It better,
because we've got nothing else.
Ines, please, hurry.
-[Mario] Who's there?
-[Amaia] No.
-[Mario] Open up!
[barking in distance]
-[Paz] Fuck, what now?
-No, Paul!
He's crazy.
[Mario] Open up now!
Fuck you.
[organ melody plays]
[Mario] Open this door!
-It's opening!
Holy hell, it's working.
-[stones moving]
[melody continues]
-We're meant to fit through here?
-I'll fit.
Open up now!
[organ melody]
[melody stops]
-Come on.
-We need to get in now.
-[Amaia] Ok. Paul first.
-[Eric] Go.
-[banging on door]
-[Paz] Fuck!
Where are the others?
I don't know.
[Amaia] Where does this lead?
[Paz] I can't see.
[Eric] Where are we going?
[Paul] The stairs end here.
[flicks lighter]
Here's something.
Come on.
[intriguing music]
What is all this?
What happened?
They say he killed himself.
[Elvira crying]
[Elvira crying]
[sirens wailing in distance]
[voices over police radio]
[indistinct conversation]
[Mara] "Your behavior has
been disgraceful."
At the next school council
At the next school council
we'll decide on disciplinary action.
This won't stand.
I won't tolerate
any more misbehavior!
You'll learn to accept
the consequences of your actions.
From this moment on, nobody leaves
until this mess is cleaned up.
I don't want to see a single
remnant of this chaos!
Starting now!
You ok, love?
[Ines] Mhmm.
Get your things and let's go home.
I'm staying.
I should be with people my age.
As you always say.
Take care.
What happened?
Four of them escaped.
-Four of them escaped.
[water trickling]
Do you hear water?
There must be an exit by the river.
-[Amaia] Paul!
-What happened?
Paul, are you ok?
[Eric] Paul!
[Amaia] Paul!
-[Paz] Paul!
-[Amaia] Say something, Paul!
[Paul] I'm ok!
You have to come down!
You have to see this!
[Eric] Hey!
Guys! Over here!
-Paul, we see you.
[Paz] Let's go!
[Paz] Good lord!
[Amaia] This place is full of water.
[Paz] The hell is this?
The Raven's Nest.
-You ok? Are you hurt?
-I'm ok.
[Eric] Fuck, this is creepy as hell.
[Paz] I can't breathe well.
Where's the forest?
We have to find Adele.
I'd like to come with you.
[Cavilla] Are you family?
She's nobody.
-[engine starting]
-[sirens wailing]
[gates closing]
[phone vibrating]
That's not possible.
I took them to the bus myself.
Is that the monk?
We've got work to do.
The autopsy.
No trace of water in his lungs.
He was dead before
he ended up in the river.
He has four bullet wounds.
And the tranquilizer darts
found by the river?
No sign of the substance in the body.
Perhaps they belonged to a hunter.
Are you taking his personal items?
I'll take them.
[footsteps approaching]
[pouring drink]
[corking bottle]
Safe trip, Elias.
[phone vibrating]
Ok, on the way.
[tense music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[tense music continues]
[Paul] Shit, fuck.
Dead end.
I'm really dizzy.
Eric, hold this.
Let's go.
[Paz] Careful.
[Eric] Hey!
-I see the light.
-[Paz] Coming.
[Eric] This way.
-[Eric] There's a way out! Come!
We're going to find your sister.
[Paz panting]
[shouting] Adele!
[together] Adele!
[Amaia] Adele!
-[Paz] Adele!
[vehicle approaching]
[closes door]
[vehicles passing]
She's been in the forest
since yesterday.
And could be dead, fuck!
[Mario] The rangers are
looking for your sister.
If anything happens to Adele,
I'll make your life a misery.
Didn't I tell you to shut up?
[tense music]
[wheels slipping]
[door beeping]
[Paul] Adele!
Are you alright?
What happened? Are you ok?
Are you hurt?
I escaped.
Manuel helped me escape.
[Mara] What happened?
Adele, are you ok?
[mysterious music]
[Adele] I saw Rita.
[Adele sobbing]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appearing constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
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