The Boys Presents: Diabolical (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

One Plus One Equals Two

Ladies and gentleman,
please welcome to the stage
the latest, and might I say,
greatest, addition to the Vought
crime-fighting family
The Homelander!
- MADELYN: Not since Soldier Boy
has Vought been
so excited to work
with a superhero of
The Homelander's caliber.
Hello, friends.
REPORTER: The Homelander, what made you decide
to join up with Vought?
I, uh Um
Say, you guys ever hear
of the Whitehall Tigers?
What? No?
Ah, that's okay.
That was my team back as a kid.
Back then, I only wanted
to do two things,
play baseball and play baseball.
HOMELANDER: Every night on the farm,
playing catch with my dad,
I'd dream of the big leagues.
Hitting a homer
at Yankee Stadium.
Heck, I would've settled
for just warming the bench
at Yankee Stadium.
What I'm saying is, my baseball
career didn't exactly work out,
but Vought? Well, Vought is the
big leagues for someone like me.
A chance to use my gifts
to help make the world
a better place.
- New York's a lot rougher
than a Whitehall
baseball diamond.
How are you getting ready
for everything
this city can throw at you?
- HOMELANDER: Great question.
Vought's teamed me up
with someone I've idolized
my entire life.
My friend and yours,
- Black Noir.
This was supposed to be
your big debut.
Your big moment.
And he puts Noir
up there with you?
You should be fucking upset
about this.
If Mr. Edgar believes
Black Noir can teach me
Noir is not there to teach you.
He is there to watch you.
Make sure you follow the script.
Make sure you don't screw up
and embarrass the company.
And bring you in if you do.
And do you think Noir wants you
in his number one spot?
Not likely.
Being on stage--
all those people
who wanted to be you,
or be with you, or fuck you--
it felt good, right?
That's the future
I'm building for you,
but you need to take it.
Don't let some murderous,
mute psycho get in your way.
We should drop the "The."
Just "Homelander" is better.
TV REPORTER: The group, calling themselves
the Chemical Liberation Front,
have taken eight hostages
at the Cruz Chemical plant
on Staten Island.
The hostages are said to all be
Cruz Chemical managers
and executives.
The CLF also released
this footage an hour ago.
We didn't want to do this,
but Cruz left us no choice.
Their toxic poisons
drift into our schools,
our parks, our homes,
and cause this.
Until they close this
fucking cancer factory,
we're not fucking going anywhere!
HANDLER: Hold position.
Black Noir on route.
ETA 14 minutes.
MADELYN: Don't let some murderous, mute psycho
get in your way.
These hostages
don't have 14 minutes.
I'm going in.
HANDLER: Wait, Homelan
- HOMELANDER: Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm sorry, but you'll
need to stay here
- until the authorities arrive.
- Ah!
- Ow! I can't breathe.
- You'll be fine.
You wrapped a metal pipe
around my chest.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Ted! Ted, help!
- Liz? You okay?
- LIZ: Help me!
[GROANS] Oh, God,
you broke my fucking nose.
And you, I'm afraid,
broke the law, Mister.
Ah, fuck you.
Clown-suited piece of shit.
CLF LEADER: Ted? Can you check on Liz?
She's not answering. Ted?
Fuck! That means someone's here.
We got to get fucking ready.
[GASPS] I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
- I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
- Shit. Okay. Here we go.
Please, we just work here.
We don't make any decisions.
My name's The
My name's Homelander.
And I'm not here to hurt anyone.
Don't come any closer.
We'll kill them.
Whoa, ho, ho, ho. Easy, friend.
I understand you're angry,
but this
this violence is no way
to effect change.
So put your guns down
and let's talk.
Just stay back. I'm warning you.
Fuck you, you facist fuck!
Violence is never the answer.
Now, if you come peacefully,
I'll make sure your cause
is discussed
at the highest level.
If you don't get the fuck
out of here,
I'll kill him.
No, but
y-your gun's useless now.
It's over.
This thing will still fucking
explode if I pull the trigger,
so get the fuck back!
You know, friend,
it's hard to hold a gun
when it's 500 degrees
No, you idiot, it'll ex
You weren't
You weren't supposed to do that.
That was you!
What the fuck do you think happens
when you heat up a fucking gun,
you stupid fuck?
I I didn't know.
We weren't gonna hurt anybody.
We were trying to save lives.
Oh, fuck, my hand.
SHARON: What kind of fucking
superhero are you?
No, no, no. Stop.
I just need to think.
Y-You're all being too loud,
- and I need to think.
- SHARON: You're a fucking
fascist murderer and
Shut up!
No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Don't don't be afraid.
This is their fault.
They're the bad guys.
I-I'm the hero. You love me.
You're a monster.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Fuck.
Oh, God. Oh, pl-please Oh
- [CRYING] God
- No, no, no, no.
They they made me do that.
I didn't want to,
but they made me.
I can explain, okay? Uh
They had guns, see, and-and
He murdered everyone.
He killed everyone.
No, no. You
You don't fucking understand.
Oh, this is perfect, isn't it?
You're gonna use this
to get rid of me, aren't you?
Keep your spot as
Vought's number one hero.
Well, you know what?
That's not gonna happen.
I'm not gonna let you
or anyone else
take my future away from
Come here.
I made one fucking mistake, and
you're gonna hang me over that?
You just don't want
the competition, do you?
But let's be honest,
it's not really
a competition, is it?
Your time's over, Noir.
It's my turn.
I paid my fucking dues.
It's since Jesus, fuck!
Oh fuck.
They had a bomb.
I covered it with my body,
but the blast was too great.
We searched the rubble.
Sadly, we're the only survivors.
I failed you, all of you.
No, no. What are you
You risked your lives for us.
- We're grateful to you.
Thank you, but
those poor hostages,
they were the real heroes.
Well, not exactly the rollout
I imagined for you, but
you handled it well.
Believe it or not,
even with everyone dead,
your ratings went up.
Good. That's good.
You know,
- you were wrong about Noir.
- Was I?
He had a few things
to teach me after all.
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