The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Someone gave up, someone gave up

Where are you taking them? There's no
space left. Just a heads-up, I didn't know.
Put them wherever you want, even by yourself,
let them handle citizen calls, alright?
- I point, everyone stands.
- Full name and nickname.
Kirill Anatolyevich Sumatokhin, Sambo.
Ilya Olegovich Stulin. Rambo.
Joking around? Your nickname!
Fine, Terminator then.
Anyone slowing us down
will be the last to get arrested.
- Oh, look, the cop rat's here!
- Come over here!
I'll call back, it's chaos here.
And these guys too? Are you kidding me?
This is the OKOD. Sign what's
needed and get out. I'm in my office.
I'm here about Kolik.
The freak who raped Aigul.
You said you'd find him.
Tit for tat. You give us a villain-killer,
and we help you with your noble revenge.
Want some tea?
Isn't that your job?
Yeah, I get paid for it.
160 rubles. Plus 40 days off.
Just a second.
There's a guy from OKOD,
let him come to my office.
I took the plunge.
Caught the right guy.
Yes, you did the right thing.
We'll give you a commendation for this.
In another office.
I understand you.
It's a pity about the girl.
They're inhuman.
And they'll be punished.
But everything in its time.
First, I'll deal with you.
And with your former buddies. Yes!
Ah, come in, come in.
Come in, don't be afraid, take a seat.
- Can we talk this out?
- Definitely.
Marat, listen to this.
You say you found a pistol with whom?
With Valery Turkin, right?
- With Turbo, you saw it yourselves.
- Of course.
And Kiryusha claims he saw the gun with the
notorious Vladimir Suvorov, a.k.a. Adidas-Senior.
You're Adidas-Junior, he's the Senior,
quite a coincidence.
You're Junior and he's Senior,
what a twist.
Right, Kiryusha?
Come on, in your own words,
why should I do all the talking?
You think I've got nothing better to do?
I've got another villain with a
foreign gun uninterrogated, go on.
Adidas had the gun.
He offed Zheltiy.
It wasn't him, I swear.
"Dombitovsky" boys
beat him up over a VCR.
An ex-member told me.
Zheltiy slashed his ear.
And Zheltiy's brother took him down.
Who'd believe you? You're a nobody.
You're the nobody. We're both outcasts.
Why are you covering for those scumbags?
I'm not silenced, nobody spat on me.
Turbo kicked you in the face.
And I never planted a gun on anyone.
Alright, Kiryusha,
thanks, go take a break.
Handsome! Well done, sit down!
Let me see.
- That's it, off you go.
- Bastard!
Go on.
You believe him? He's trash.
I don't trust anyone, especially you.
You misled the investigation, Marat.
Frightening to think.
Did you really plant that gun?
And what about the
fingerprints, wiped them?
They're not just on the barrel,
but on every bullet.
Did you have the sense to wipe them all?
Alright then.
Forensics will come in a few days,
we'll find out.
Open up.
Wake up. Let's go for a smoke.
Look, it's not about you anymore.
I just can't handle it.
I honestly tried, but I'm not a saint, I
Your mom was a good woman.
Really good.
Drove her to their breaking point.
I can't do this anymore, that's it.
I feel sorry for Yulia, yes.
But you - you go.
Anyway, go on.
So! Wow!
My good man! Come here, come here!
Did you come here to pump up, brother?
- Just
- What, and I'm just Get undressed, lie down.
Come in.
Let's see how much you
can bench press, athlete.
I'll spot you, okay?
What, no Adidas? Not here.
How can we go on without Adidas? Huh?
Someone has to support the youth.
There! One! Like that.
What did you come here for, brother?
Looking for your own?
But they've been gone for a long
time. And they'll never be back.
You know why?
Because none of you here
are worth a damn anymore.
I'm cutting all of you off!
And from this day on - got it?
- no more "universam" guys.
Just trash!
Because you're all lawless.
Alright, alright, that's enough.
Get up.
Bring 100 rubles tomorrow.
- No way!
- What?
The coat stays with us.
Hey, brother.
How are you?
Listen, about this
Can you rummage through our room?
Look around the shelves,
my documents should be somewhere there.
Please take them out.
And take out some warm pants for me.
There's a bag with a ball,
can you throw in some stuff?
Whatever's there, just grab anything.
Maybe some food as well.
Bread, I don't know.
Don't forget some home preserves.
I mean, imagine,
I dreamt of cucumbers all night.
Such nonsense.
Anyway, if you find something else -
take it, you'll be a good lad.
The brass knuckles are yours now,
keep them as an inheritance.
Oh, and one more thing.
Here. Dad's having his
anniversary tomorrow.
Buy him something.
I don't know what. Maybe
Some cologne.
Here, this is for you.
Go on, brother. It's cold.
It's all because of you.
Because you wanted that VCR.
And they tormented her while you
apologized to Zheltiy on your knees.
She jumped because you
were too scared to speak up for her.
Go where you were going
without your cucumbers.
You damn coward.
I waited for you from Afghanistan, Vov!
And you
Just don't crumble it, okay?
Where are you taking that again?
If he wants to eat, he'll ask,
there's no doubt about that.
The path to the fridge is well-trodden.
Yeah, it's all there, right?
Of course, it is.
- He's not feeling well.
- So ill he can't sit at his desk?
No diarrhea, no fever.
Just doesn't want to, right?
Wants to roam around?
Eating, sleeping, and
crapping - that's what he wants,
nothing else.
- Do you have to use those words?
- What words should I use?
"He wants to poop," is that better?
- Who's there?
- Good evening, this is Denis from OKOD,
I'm here to see Marat.
Police. Again.
Another one has overstepped.
- Don't open it.
- What do you mean "don't open", how?
We have a certificate of honor for your
son, I wanted to present it personally.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- What do you have there?
- A certificate.
He helped detain a particularly dangerous,
firearm-armed criminal Valery Turkina.
Without regard for himself at all.
I still think, not in vain
the guy has a combative last name, right?
He just threw himself at him,
brought this bandit down to the ground.
He didn't even have
time to draw his revolver.
risking his own life,
he protected his comrades.
We will definitely commend him
at the school-wide assembly,
make a wall newspaper with his photo.
But I decided it's worth
personally handing it over.
Oh, no-no, sorry, I don't drink.
Do you mind if Marat and I have
a little one-on-one talk?
Yes, you live well.
A home full of everything.
What else do you need?
Me? Nothing.
You need it.
You want some casserole?
I donĂ¢t need anything from you.
And you can hang that bulletin board
in the toilet, to be of some use.
Let me state my position right away.
I think the police's dismissive
attitude towards victims
is simply inexcusable.
She was your fiancee, as I understand?
What do you want from me?
Trust me.
And we'll achieve justice.
Make the police do their job.
We have the resources.
And this person
will be jailed. According
to my information Sorry.
In prison, very bad things
happen to people like him.
They get raped there.
For a long time.
So, if you really want
to punish this person,
we need to ensure he's imprisoned.
Just help me help you.
We, the Komsomol members,
don't abandon our own.
I'm not a Komsomol member.
- Why are you running around without a jacket?
- Where's Yulia?
They said at the reception
that she's not there.
Come in.
- She's in the kitchen.
- Keep reading!
- Yulia!
- Andrey!
So, they didn't take her?
They did. I'm arranging guardianship,
she'll live with me.
Yulia can do that, but
you're already grown up.
- Your consent is required.
- To live with you?
- Let's continue about the brave tailor!
- We'll read now.
- Could you take off your shoes, please?
- Yes, sorry.
Don't be lazy, and start slowly
by yourself. What's written there?
Need to peel potatoes, will you help?
We'll have dinner.
Yulia, are we going
to read with you or not?
We will! "The tailor put on his new belt"
and set out into the world.
To not get hungry,
he put a piece of cheese in his pocket.
"Right at his own gate, he saw a bird"
Thank you for the hospitality.
Oh, I'll treat mom to the casserole.
Thank you. You've given us hope.
- Congratulations on your son once again.
- Thank you.
Goodbye, all the best.
I hope.
No, such things, of course,
need to be acknowledged.
I admit, I was wrong.
Wrong today.
- You scared me.
- I'm going to the bathroom.
- Ah, yes, go ahead.
- I'll get the cottage cheese.
- Does Yulia eat cottage cheese with jam?
- She doesn't eat anything, but I'll persuade her.
Great. It would be great,
if you start helping.
Why are you doing all this?
Why did you take her?
- I feel sorry for Yulia.
- Who will look after her in the orphanage?
And why do you need me?
- I feel sorry for you too.
- Don't do it out of pity.
If it's out of pity, I'll leave.
- You're not going anywhere.
- I'm giving you a last chance.
To leave the gang
and become a normal person.
If you don't mess up, maybe
we can live normally.
How will we live? Will you be my mom?
- No.
- My sister?
I'll be Irina Sergeyevna for now.
You're not going to school today.
We have something more important to do.
I'm not an investigator.
We're just talking for now.
So, listen, here's the thing.
Vadim Zheltykhin's mother
gave written testimony.
It's clearly stated:
Vladimir Suvorov was at her house
on that night,
present at the funeral.
And that you, Natalia,
accompanied him there.
What do you need from me?
You see, I look at you and I see
you still don't believe me, do you?
Or maybe you truly don't know
what happened?
- I didn't ask.
- "Didn't ask".
You'll make a good wife for someone.
I understand, he might be a good guy.
And for the investigation,
everything's clear.
Came to the cafe, stood up for the girl.
They assaulted the child, unfortunately.
Obviously, he won't get a
conditional sentence for murder,
but it can be greatly reduced.
And if he turns himself in
Help him!
And there's Article 189 for harboring,
don't forget.
Hello! Good morning.
- Hello!
- This is for you.
- Thank you, how nice. To Natasha's?
- Yes, just for a minute, may I?
Of course! We're all friends here.
- Thank you.
- There are still some decent suitors around.
Any girl would be envious!
Then there are others -
only worth looking at in a famine year.
You can help yourself, and him.
And the deceased, after all,
is your relative.
I've heard about you. Come in!
Thanks a lot, we'll handle it from here.
Viktor Semyonich, her father's brother.
Sit down.
- Can you leave?
- I need to talk to Natasha.
- You'll talk! Everyone needs to.
- I just came from Bugulma.
As soon as I was called,
I took off and came here!
After all, we're family, right?
Let him in!
Vova Vova!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- Vova!
- That's not uncle?
He's a policeman.
- Thank God.
- Are you alive?
Oh, get up.
Give me the glasses.
Can we move a bit faster,
The committee has been
waiting for a while now.
- Well, he's here.
- He's here
- Where's your pioneer tie?
- Fine, I just won't unbutton it.
What do you mean you won't unbutton? You're going
to stand in front of the committee in a jacket?
What kind of sloppiness is this?
I don't have a spare tie for you.
How should I explain your appearance to
the committee as a future Komsomol member?
I'm personally responsible for you.
No tie, then we'll postpone to
another day. It's unclear when
Stop fussing, we'll fix his
appearance. I have a tie.
- Where do you have it, wrapped around your knee?
- Just a moment.
- What's your name?
- Rinat.
Rinat, listen, here's the situation.
I participated in apprehending a criminal,
now they'll talk about it at the meeting.
My tie got torn.
- Can you lend me yours?
- Then what will I wear?
When they ask about your tie,
say you donated it for a good cause.
No, they won't let me in without a tie.
Sit here and wait. If you come out without
a tie, you're in trouble, understand?
Hello everyone!
Maxim Sanych, this is my ward.
He'll be present if you don't mind?
Sit here for now.
We're starting half an hour late. But
there's a big crowd today - unbelievable!
That's okay. It's a noble cause. We'll
allocate as much time as needed. Right, Anya?
So, we have schools 65, 102, 123, and 94.
A total of 117 people.
Then let's not delay,
everyone's ready, right?
Come in.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Fellow bureau members!
By the decision of the Komsomol meeting
of class 8 "B"
the following have been admitted to the ranks of the
members of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union:
Biryukov Seryozha, Koltymbaev Rustam,
Antonov Dima, Orlov Kirill,
Setdikov Ilyas, Danilova Lena,
Chernobrovkina Irina, Vrubel Misha,
Suvorov Marat, Andryushenko Sasha,
Safin Ilshat, Dolmatovskaya Olya,
Strizhevskaya Galya,
Korobeynikov Yura and Volodya,
Taligenova Ksyusha, Gubaidullin Rishat,
Garikova Angela, Abdullin Ramis,
Fatikhova Venera, Bikmanova Aziza,
Islamova Rosa, Obydenkov Lesha
- Can't do it anymore.
- Can't do it later either.
- Keep quiet.
- They took my tie!
- What's going on here?
- There he is, that's my tie, he took it!
Have you all lost your
minds? Degenerates!
He's talking about me.
Please stand up.
- Introduce yourself.
- Marat Suvorov.
This is Rinat, he approached me.
He asked to borrow a tie, he forgot his.
And I said, "How can I lend you my tie?"
So that's it.
Decided to provoke.
This is the same guy who helped us
apprehend the criminal.
And the tie is indeed his.
Please come to the stage.
Please tell us,
how many orders does the Komsomol have?
- Six.
- Correct.
And what was the first order awarded for?
For the Civil War.
One question.
What is
the principle of democratic centralism?
Democratic centralism
means the electability
of the Komsomol's governing bodies
from bottom to top,
periodic accountability
of the Komsomol bodies
to their organizations
and to
The higher authorities
The higher authorities.
Strict Komsomol discipline
and the subordination of
the minority to the majority.
This is the most important -
the majority is always right.
Well, good.
Then I have one last question.
Tell me, Maratik,
how much does the VLKSM Charter cost?
I believe,
the VLKSM Charter
is priceless.
Joined the Youth Committee
- and shoulder to shoulder
- Sorry, excuse me. It didn't click.
Of course, our main task is
to win the hearts of the youth
- They'll sign the protocol and we'll go.
- Why am I here?
Do you want me to join the Komsomol too?
Just because. Marat's
your friend, right?
He's a good guy.
I think, for starters,
you should join the Komsomol.
They've got a computer
class now at the Youth Center.
A class is great.
So what's stopping you? Learn something new,
and you'll be admitted in the next intake.
It's up to you to decide your future.
- Cool, awesome.
- I'll rejoin the music school then.
Go ahead. If you need help, let
me know, I'll ask the deputy principal.
Then I'll go get the protocol
and pick up Yulia from the kindergarten.
And I have a surprise
for you in the evening.
You've piqued my interest.
So what?
Decided to cozy up to the cops?
Right decision.
I haven't decided.
Why the angry face?
Got something against me?
I told you, don't go to the gatherings.
I did.
Honestly, I don't care
what you said anymore.
Andrey, are you confused or what?
Become a tough guy suddenly?
Forgot how you jumped in the bus?
You're mistaking me for someone else.
I didn't jump, and I
never ratted out my guys.
"My guys"?
Why the hell are they "yours"?
Just because we live on the same street?
And what did they do?
They tormented her until
she jumped out the window.
But to you, they are "your guys."
They are scum.
Scum should be punished.
- There's a law higher than the street code.
- There's no such law.
You're just not a guy anymore.
You're free to go.
Hello, are there two tickets
left for the next train to Adler?
Thank you.
- Don't be scared.
- Oh, don't be scared.
They act tough in photos,
but deflate quickly in real life.
We'll protect you if needed.
Thank you.
Off on vacation?
Just make sure you come back,
beautiful ones sometimes stay away.
Could I get your phone number, miss?
I'm married.
Andropov was a good man,
unlike this marked one.
Let's go.
Vov, let's step outside, need to talk.
You guys talk,
I need to check on my partner.
What's going on?
Your photos and the police are everywhere.
Well, who said it was going to be easy?
Okay, then
Let's wait it out.
Need to go somewhere,
where there's no one around.
I have this friend from school.
They used to rent out dachas to tenants
and people on business trips.
We can go there for now.
- I can't.
- It's alright there.
Just no water, but that's not a problem.
Vova, I can't.
Natasha, what's wrong?
I won't go anywhere with you.
- Vova, I helped you with the tickets
- Look at me.
- Go, Vova.
- Look at me.
- I don't know you, understand?
- I helped you, please go.
- I don't know you, Vova.
- Look at me.
- Vova, I won't go anywhere with you.
- Quiet, quiet.
- Vova, I'm scared.
- Quiet, quiet.
Vova, I don't know you.
Maybe try through the bus station? I'll go
check, if no one's there, I'll tell you.
Any nearby station,
doesn't matter where.
Wait here.
Make sure there's no one around.
Vova, what are you doing?
- You can't do this!
- Well, there's no other way.
Get in, madam.
Don't worry, I'll return it later, I promise.
Witnesses, please. Good day.
No need to stand up, stay seated.
Hands where I can see them, please.
Here's the search warrant.
You can review it if you're interested.
Quiet-quiet-quiet Open the window!
Is there a nurse at the factory?
Are you hungry?
- Always.
- Then we should stop somewhere.
No, the next stop is Gagra.
Where do you prefer to live first
in an apartment or a house?
Doesn't matter anymore.
- Natasha
- Pull over somewhere.
Wait. Natasha, wait.
Stay put.
I'll handle this.
- Good health to you, commander!
- Get your documents ready.
Please help! There's been an accident!
People are injured! Please, hurry there!
- Where?
- The cars are totally wrecked
- Where?
- On Chapayev Street, a truck.
- Blood, children, please, hurry!
- The scene is a mess!
- A huge truck, help!
- Alright, alright.
- Please help!
- Calm down, Natasha.
- Everything will be fine.
- Please!
Over there, over there!
Commander, hear that?
A couple of kilometers.
It's the first time I've ever lied!
Vova! It's the first time I've ever lied!
It's okay, get used to it.
Make yourself comfortable.
They'll bring it soon.
Better than waiting in the corridor.
Here, come in. There's
a kettle, you'll figure it out.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
My aunt is friends with the head nurse,
so that's how we got this.
- Can you put the kettle on?
- Yes, of course.
Mom's house.
Thank you so much, I've
written everything down.
- Hello?
- Hello, Dilyara, hi. It's Vova.
- How are you there?
- My father's suspected of having a heart attack.
- Where is he?
- You know, when the police came to our place,
he was kind of okay, didn't say anything.
But this morning, he
just collapsed in his office.
They came to search his place, you know?
Did it publicly, in front of everyone.
- Vova, leave
- Wait.
- Leave quickly.
- Dilyara, give him the phone.
The doctor just left, says
he needs to be hospitalized.
But he refuses, wants to celebrate.
- I don't understand anything.
- He's planning to celebrate his anniversary.
What's the point? Who will come?
A disgrace to the whole
factory. And the whole city.
These guys still walk under our windows
every day. The phone might be tapped.
I don't know.
Vova, leave. Do you hear me?
What's up, Vov?
Oh! Yulia!
How are you, mom?
I'm very good. Are we going home?
No. We're just visiting for now.
But whatever is best
Mom, let's have some tea.
They brought cookies. Why?
I'll probably leave you then.
What? Come join us. Mom?
Of course, let's all be together.
- Should I turn on the radio?
- Yes.
Will you dance for us, please?
Why are you sitting?
You should ask.
May I?
And it became so
clear, so clear, so clear,
That the weather is
foul, just like in our hearts,
That life was in vain,
That life was beautiful,
That we all will be happy
someday, God willing
- Will you stay?
- Let's go right away.
- Don't go, really.
- Natasha.
- I need to.
- Don't. Don't go.
- Please!
- Natasha, dad's having his anniversary, I need to.
- He's waiting for me.
- I'm begging you, please!
- Don't go.
- Natasha, let's do this.
- Five minutes, I'll be back, and we'll leave right away.
- No.
- I give you my word.
- Please, don't.
Vova, let's leave now!
Where to? Take this to
the second floor right away.
- Should I carry it? I have a hernia.
- Coming, coming.
Busy people!
When will you come next time?
- Soon.
- Andrey,
can you bring a "Bird's
Milk" cake next time?
- Let's go get it now.
- Can you arrange for them to let me out?
Yeah, but only if you're quick.
Wait, here's the money.
- I still owe you for the movie.
- What movie - 20 kopecks
Hi, dad.
How are you?
Please, step out.
Where is everyone?
Dilyara went to talk to the head nurse,
trying to at least get the hot food back.
Sergey Nikolaevich fell ill,
Larisa had no one to leave the child with.
And who else do you need?
Hello! This is Kolya from "Yuldyz".
Are we going to keep
acting like strangers?
Can I hug you?
I deserve all this.
All of this.
I need to drink this cup to the bottom,
as it turns out.
And how did you shoot?
Did you just press or
Did you even think before acting?
I don't know, maybe,
recalled something from childhood?
How do you kill?
don't remember.
Convenient to forget, isn't it?
A murderer is no son of mine.
Dad, please
kidnapped a girl.
Raped her.
And I went after them.
What was I supposed to do, dad?
What if you were in my shoes?
What would you have done?
I wouldn't have been in your situation.
So, it's like that.
Happy birthday.
Hello. Can I get something for a ruble?
One carnation.
- And for three?
- Three rubles.
I've only got one ruble and twenty.
You see, we're celebrating today,
mom's here, and my little sister too.
I can't come without flowers.
Please, I'll bring you the rest tomorrow.
- A boy's promise.
- I know your type.
Then you'll have to
find me all over Kazan.
Well, take the hat.
It's worth ten rubles.
We have power now.
Soon everything will
be ours, the Komsomol's.
If I give my word - I keep it.
Promised? There you go.
- I don't want it.
- Come on, come in.
You, go to the service
entrance, others follow me!
Follow me, they're in the banquet hall.
You, take that staircase, you follow me.
- Where's the service entrance?
- That way.
Major, he's got my gun.
Damn it
Vova, hurry up!
And again the gray night,
And only to you, I entrust my soul.
You know, gray night, all my secrets.
But even you can't help,
And your darkness,
Is completely, completely
useless to me alone.
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