The Broken News (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


Why are you so serious?
Didn't you get any
story today to steal?
What happened?
-Forget it man, it is life.
What about you man?
You tell me.
How is the Josh?
Enjoying it?
Juhi, call for you.
-Juhi Radha.
Yeah Radha.
-Listen to me very carefully.
We are bringing Jeeva to the office.
Right now, okay?
- Okay.
I want the interview
set up right now.
Go immediately.
-Got you, I am on it.
Yeah, you come.
I will be there.
Is everything okay?
-Yeah, I got to bounce.
You know this is not your house,
that you can come and
go whenever you feel like.
It is urgent, Arunima.
I am sure it is but Ahana
has gone off to sleep.
I came to talk to you only.
Tomorrow a story about
me is going to break, about
my finances, Lisa.
I thought I should tell you before
-I am sorry.
just to correct you.
You don't care about me, remember?
But Ahana
I want you to tell her before
the story breaks.
Why, poor thing
her heart will break
when she comes to know what
sort of a person her father is?
We were married for 12 years!
I don't know how the f
I spent 12 years with you!
We were in love.
At least three to four years.
What happened then?
You got bored?
I got sold.
Ahana, you dad is here.
You had said that she is sleeping.
-I was lying.
Anyway I don't do
your dirty work anymore.
Dadhow come now?
Ahana, your dad wants
to say something to you.
Is there something wrong?
Tomorrow a story about me
is going to break on TV.
What story?
My girlfriend.
Whom I give money
to be my girlfriend.
Is this true Dad?
It is complicated, my child.
Yes it is true.
But I can explain Ahana,
my child.
Okay, whatever happened,
happened for the good.
At least now she knows what
kind of a man her father is.
Is everything set? Affirmative. Yes,
everything is ready, Radha.
Come Jeeva.
Jeeva, we will record
your interview here.
I want to go to my home town.
Away from this city.
-Jeeva, don't be scared.
As soon as your interview gets over
Yeshwant bhau himself will take
you to your home town, I promise.
This plan is fool proof!
Trust me.
Cameras are rolling and action.
Vectanet is doing the
Umbrella programme on
nearly 500 people of the State
mostly high ranked politicians
bureaucrats, industrialists.
Umbrella programme means
It is keeping a
constant watch on them.
Their mobiles, tabs
internet connected devices,
which it hacks
and collects real time data.
Julia and Prasanna were to
expose Operation Umbrella.
Were they murdered because of that?
No, what I told you
is Operation Umbrella's stage one!
Julia and Prasanna were to expose
Operation Umbrella's stage two!
What is this stage
one and stage two?
By using the stage one data
Company, high ranked politicians
bureaucrats, industrialists
will be blackmailed.
Will make them
implement policy changes.
Will side line them
from competition
so that they can
implement stage two.
Okay, what is this stage two?
In stage two, Company
will go state wide.
That which is happening
with 500 people
that is going to happen
with 11 crore people.
They will hack their mobile
phones, internet connected devices
and through their
camera and microphone
they will record all
their talks and actions.
So what you are saying is Vectanet
can remotely switch on my
phone's camera, my microphone.
Without my permission.
What I mean to say is
that your phone's
camera and microphone
will never get switched off.
Whether you are in the living
room, bedroom or bathroom
it is always on.
Vectanet is always watching you.
What will Vectanet achieve
by listening to my talks?
Your data, your
pictures, you secrets!
It will be auctioned!
If you voice your opinion
about something
which is against Vectanet
and the Government
-Then they will blackmail you.
Not only this, your secrets
your friend, your enemy
your colleague, your competitors
anyone can buy.
Can use against you.
You are a product.
which Vectanet can
sell it again and again.
And the revenue is very huge!
Thousands of crores!
Vectanet's plan is not your data.
They want to sell you!
They can give your
data to whoever wants
at a cost.
Thank you, Jeeva.
If you are answering the phone
means your friend has gone.
How do you know about this?
Come down, I am
waiting down for you.
It is two at night, Mr.Ketan.
At 2:30 is your meeting.
Come down quickly.
Who is such a VIP, who
couldn't wait till the morning.
Are you sitting in PM's Office?
Why are you getting so scared?
What is the name?
-Nandan Balachandran.
Vectanet's Chairman?
Among the few other things.
You know.
What is this all about?
I really like you Dipankar.
You make the News interesting!
And Mr.Ketan is an old friend.
I thought both of you should
be given one more chance.
My data says
Awaaz Bharati is still working
on Operation Umbrella.
Mr.Ketan had told me that if
there is one person in Mumbai
who can suppress this story
then it is Dipankar Sanyal.
And in that case
Sorry Nandan.
Mr.Ketan should have
thought before telling.
I don't suppress the
stories instead I bring it out.
I am a journalist!
Breaking News!
I am the new boss of Josh 24/7!
I am funding your boss'
ambitious expansion plans.
So I am the new boss of Josh 24/7!
Anyway, you worked for
10 years in Awaaz Bharati.
Their new anchor Radha
comes to your house often!
You used her to bring
down Anurag Bhatia, right?
Put pressure on her.
If Awaaz Bharati plays the
Operation Umbrella's story tomorrow
then you don't come to
office from day after tomorrow.
People watch Josh 24/7
because of Dipankar Sanyal.
Wherever I go,
people will follow me.
But Ahana?
Where will Ahana go?
Isn't Xerxes taking her to Dubai?
-Yes but
How do you know?
This is Operation Umbrella, Dipankar!
Explain to him later.
As of now let me explain
to you something more important
to you right now, Dipankar.
Dipankar, the number of
people who watch you on TV
is far less than the people who
watch dog and cat videos online.
Don't over estimate your power!
What are you?
Just a fucking reporter, Dipankar.
You are a small man!
Khambatta is bigger than you.
I am bigger than Khambatta.
Mr. Ketan
Josh 24/7 is going global guys!
Now this Global New Network
needs a new head CEO also!
That could be you, Dipankar.
Remuneration in keeping with
Global CEO salary standards!
Lawyers are very
expensive, you know?
You can have the best
divorce lawyers in town!
Better than the Khambatta's!
Dipankar, if you want
to keep Ahana happy
want to keep her with
you, then make me happy.
Kill the damn story.
Kill the damn story, Dipankar.
No one is ready
to go on record, sir.
But the word on the street is
Nandan Balachandran is
behind Atul Shinde's funding!
The Vectanet guy!
I think we should confront
him sir, on Live TV!
Exactly like the way we
did with Anurag Bhatia!
Maybe he will crack, sir.
You know in front of the
public, his political links
F public!
Public watch dog and cat video
online much more than they watch us.
Public is fucking stupid, Anuj.
They don't know anything
as to what is right and wrong.
And as smart people
it is our responsibility to
save them from their stupidity.
The story of Operation Umbrella
is dangerous for them!
Sir are we trying to suppress
the story of Operation Umbrella
Yes why, do you
have any problem?
No sir.
Do you want to steal this
story from Radha Bhargava?
Listen, don't follow their
journalism, you will be ruined.
Like how they will get ruined in
Operation Umbrella affair.
Sir, Radha is also
doing Operation Umbrella
-That is why she
What then?
Last night I met Awaaz Bharati's
journalist Juhi Shergill.
She works under Radha.
Something suspicious
is happening there.
Some people were there in the car.
I think we should look
into the matter, it is really
Hi come.
Amina, your watch!
Please switch it off.
Please I
request you.
-What are you doing, Kamal?
You have removed the phone.
You are removing the watch.
You are saying Operation Umbrella
is state approved, I don't agree.
CM wouldn't do
something so Fascist.
Who is talking about
approvals, Amina?
Jeeva himself said that 500
people are under surveillance.
Perhaps CM Sonawane is
among the 500 perhaps
Shinde is using
Operation Umbrella to
blackmail the CM.
How about that?
Have we thought about it?
-Juhi, your phone.
Excuse me.
CM Sonawane is going to resign.
I got the information from two
trusted sources but there is more.
The shocking rumour is Atul Shinde
is going to become the next CM!
Yes exactly!
Sonawane's MLAs
are joining Shinde, but
How did you know?
Before Shinde becomes the
CM we have to break this story.
Yeah, once Shinde becomes the CM
it will be impossible to stop him.
Radha, where is Jeeva?
4 hours or maximum 5 hours
and he will be out of the State.
Good, good, he needs to be
out of the State by 4 O'clock.
Didn't Dipankar put pressure
on you to suppress this story?
Let's merge the stories.
Nandan, Shinde, Dipankar.
Corrupt corporate, corrupt
politician, corrupt reporter.
It is for you Radha.
Okay, I will be there.
The number you are calling is
the number you are calling
is currently switched off.
Questions for prep.
You are our special guest
in Aaj Ki Awaaz Bharati.
MH 04 BQ 9030
Grey Santro SE, yes.
One phone to Nandan
and Jeeva will meet the
same fate like your friend Julia.
Then why are you waiting?
Why to kill someone unnecessarily
when you can save him?
You forget about Operation Umbrella
and I will forget Jeeva.
This is not the time
to forget, Dipankar.
It is a time to remember
that journalist whom
Amina quotes even today.
For Inspiration
whose videos are
shown to us when we join
who, during Kargil war,
in the line of fire
was reporting fearlessly
in the midst of bullets!
The one who exposed the biggest
scam of the Defence Ministry.
You You
were the benchmark of good
journalism in this Country, Dipankar.
And yes, you are right
Operation Umbrella is
beyond my capability!
So this story really needs
such a journalist which you were.
And you can once
again become one!
The time has come
to awaken the public.
News was always important, but
after the entry of social media
the correct News is more important.
Let's take the power back.
Let's tell them the truth.
Loud and clear and together!
One voice!
Josh 24/7, Awaaz Bharati
in one hour, together
will tell all the truth to the public.
We we together!
Then what next in the coming hour?
Martyr Dipankar Sanyal
and martyr Radha Bhargava.
Hero we will become the
hero of the journalist community!
Ahana's hero!
The girl who came out
of the college canteen
can't give a better deal than this.
I hope you take it.
What do you think?
Can Dipankar do it?
Don't know, but we
have to be prepared
for any situation.
Mr. Atul, from Gigasys India's office
secret documents of the
state have been stolen.
I hope you won't let go
of this matter just like that.
Even now you are the Home Minister.
Why did he call you?
Dipankar has Jeeva's car details.
Where has Jeeva reached now?
He is 200 kms away
from the State's border.
Yashwant had called on the land line.
It will take at least 2 hours more.
Oh God!
Hero we will become the
hero of the journalist community!
Ahana's hero!
The time has come
to awaken the public.
News was always important, but
after the entry of social media
the correct News is more important.
Anuj, Praful, Smita
we are breaking
Operation Umbrella, today.
Sir, this morning you said
-I have changed my mind.
Ask the research team to take
out Nandan and Atul Shinde's file.
We are breaking the story at 5!
- Okay, sir.
You said me Vectanet gave
10 thousand crores to BVD.
Take out Vectanet's Annual Report.
Study it.
I want the link between
Vectanet and BVD established.
Yes sir.
Come to my cabin
after half an hour.
And this News should not leak.
- Okay sir.
-Yes sir.
If Shinde's phone comes,
tell him that I am not in office.
And if his himself comes he
should not reach my office.
How will I do this?
-Don't know.
You have time till 5 O'clock.
Think of something.
And I need some cardboard boxes.
It's done!
Jeeva has crossed the State border!
That means
I mean we are ready to
break Operation Umbrella story
at 5 O'clock.
Come come on, let's go!
I think we should drop
the Dipankar angle.
and we should only focus
on Operation Umbrella.
I just feel that it
is too vindictive.
As such by showing Josh 24/7 down,
Awaaz Bharati won't become big!
Let's nail the bs.
Come on.
-You come now and take me, dad.
I don't want to stay here.
-Ahana Ahana.
Hey Ahana
-Please you come here and take me.
Why are you crying?
What happened and
whose phone is this?
It's Bittus. Mom has taken my phone away.
She doesn't want me to talk to you.
-It's okay, it's okay.
Stop crying.
-No dad, I don't want to go to Dubai.
Please you come and take me.
Dad are you there?
-Yes my child.
I am here now.
Right here.
I want to stay with you here.
I don't want to go to Dubai.
Please dad.
I want to stay with you.
Please dad
Promise me dad,
you won't let me go.
Please dad, promise me, please.
Please dad, dad please.
-I promise.
I promise.
-Love you, dad.
Love you too!
Radha, Jeeva's
interview edit is ready.
What happened?
The tears just won't stop.
I don't know whether I
should be happy or sad.
This story was Julia's.
She died for it.
I can't, I really
don't want to fuck it up.
No you won't you won't.
And once you are
done with this story
we will have a drink.
God knows, I need one.
-Yes, after the show.
So, Jeeva's interview edit is ready.
First we will see that.
Come on, let's go.
It's fine.
Guys, we have a problem.
You were the benchmark of good
journalism in this Country Dipankar.
Xerxes is taking her to Dubai.
I want to stay here with you.
-Ahana's hero!
Khambatta is bigger than you.
Promise me, dad.
I don't want to go to Dubai.
You won't let me go.
Home Minister has
filed a case against you.
Section 336 endangering life
and personal safety of citizens.
Section 379
stealing proprietary docket.
-379 that means
he knows that we have
Gigasys India's documents.
He has given a deal also.
If we don't do the story
and return the documents
he will withdraw the case.
And what if we don't?
-It's a question of State security!
There is no chance
of anticipatory bail.
If we do this story,
then Radha will go to jail.
Radha, I will do this story.
-It is not a request but an order.
I am your boss!
Earlier also I have
said no to my boss' order.
And she promoted me for it.
Amina, you had only said that
I am the brave new
face of Awaaz Bharati.
I can't run away from this.
It is okay to be scared.
It is normal to be scared.
Your entire career
is in front of you.
I am on my way out.
Let me go with a blaze.
You wish.
This is Julia's story.
I will only break this.
I understand.
Still think about it once again.
And whatever you decide
I, Awaaz Bharati, all
of us are with you.
Yeah Dipankar.
-I have a good News for you.
Awaaz Bharati won't do the
story on Operation Umbrella.
No, Awaaz Bharati will surely do
the story on Operation Umbrella.
What do you mean?
-I mean that
today Josh 24/7 will also do
the story on Operation Umbrella.
Sir, Nandan and Atul Shinde's
profiles are ready!
There is a slight
change in today's story.
It is the same story
but different take.
I will explain you.
Okay, sir.
Going Live in 10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
3,2,1 now.
Today I was to make a big
disclosure about our Home Minister
Atul Shinde's black deeds.
He got to know about this.
And he has put a case against me.
He thinks that I will get scared.
And the voice of the
truth will get suppressed.
His thinking is wrong.
This is Radha Bhargava, today I
am the voice of you and all of us.
And I am not scared of him.
You will be slightly astonished
to see me here at this time.
Actually, I didn't want
to do today's story.
But the situation is
such that I have to do it
because my Media
colleague Radha Bhargava
in the greed for few subscribers
has put your safety at stake.
And it is my duty to stop her.
Operation Umbrella!
Operation Umbrella,
Home Minister Atul Shinde
and Vectanet's CEO Nandan
Balachandran have such a plan
through which they will
keep an eye on your life 24/7
and want to control you.
To keep me and all of you
safe from the terror and terrorists
is the duty of every Home Minister.
And in order to fulfil this duty,
Home Minister Atul Shinde
along with tech giant Vectanet
is going to use a secret
high tech security system.
Now you will ask as to why
this system is kept secret.
This plan is secret
because he knows
that if you come to know
that your Home Minister
will enter your living
room, bedroom, bathroom
and is going to keep an
eye on every action of yours
then you will rebel against him.
If you are not doing
any illegal thing
if you are not doing any crime
then you need not be
scared of Operation Umbrella.
Yes, if you are a
criminal or a terrorist
then be careful.
Because in order to catch you
the State Government is
willing to go to any extent.
Atul Shinde and Nandan Balachandran
for their benefit
are willing to go to any extent.
He has put a case on me.
Involved the cars of our
two reports in an accident.
And so much so that they even
killed a journalist and an engineer!
But we kept fighting.
And in our fight Vectanet's I
engineer Jeeva Reddy supported us.
Not bothering about
his security, Jeeva
shared with us the whole truth
about Operation Umbrella.
It is a lie, the truth is
Radha Bhargava
misguided that IT engineer
fooled him and through him
she got all the top secret
documents of Operation Umbrella.
Interview of Jeeva Reddy
and the documents he gave
and all the truth about
Operation Umbrella
are available on YouTube
I, Radha Bhargava,
request you to see that.
Share it with as many
people as you can
and raise your voice saying
we are human beings.
Not a data.
The truth of this entire story is
Radha Bhargava of Awaaz Bharati
by leaking Operation Umbrella
has made the people
of the State insecure
and strengthened the
hands of the terrorists.
Radha Bhargava is a traitor.
So my request to the Government is
that Radha Bhargava should
be arrested as soon as possible
and given the most stringent
punishment for her doing.
This is Dipankar Sanyal and
you are watching Josh 24/7.
This is the question of the Nation.
And cut.
Sir Global CEO KNN!
Congratulations sir!
If you don't tell, won't
we come to know?
We have our sources too!
Congrats, sir.
-Yeah just a sec.
Nandan Balachandran.
Dipankar, my man!
You have given such a twist
to the same story.
You have done my work and
I have done yours.
Enjoy this new life with Ahana.
Awaaz Bharati's Radha Bhargava
by leaking Operation Umbrella has
made the people of the State insecure
and strengthened the
hands of the terrorists.
Radha Bhargava is a traitor.
So I request the Government
to arrest Radha Bhargava
as soon as possible
and given the most stringent
punishment for her doing.
This is Dipankar Sanyal and
you are watching Josh 24/7.
Because this is matter of nation.
My name is Radha Bhargava.
I am the Journalist
of Awaaz Bharati News.
Today the Editor of Josh 24/7
Dipankar Sanyal has
said that I am a traitor.
He was lying.
I am a soldier.
A journalist who supports truth.
I don't have guns or bombs.
My camera and my
words are my weapons!
My job is to fight with enemies
of the Nation every day and night.
We are not interested
in taking someone's life.
We are interested
in knowing everything.
Lie nowadays to tell a lie
so as to sit on the
lap of Government or
of a governing body
is profitable deal!
But everyone doesn't
compromise with their principles.
Some people tell the truth and
pay a price for telling the truth.
Like Julia Alvares paid.
Opposing the Government
is not opposing the Nation.
A true patriot is one who
is ready to fight with anyone
for the sake of the Country.
Even if it is one's
own Government.
Let anyone say anything.
I, Radha Bhargava, is a patriot!
And I am ready to die
for the sake of my Country.
If they want, let them
put me in jail, today.
But not my voice!
Because this is Julia's, yours
-The voice of all of us!
Jai Hind!
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