The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Mo Money Mo Problems

Previously on
All Stars
We're taking
the best of the best.
I'm here for myself,
I'm here for my family.
This is what
I've been waiting for.
There's one goal here
and that's to make it
to the final.
The battles are epic,
the victories are monumental
and the defeats
are devastating.
Fuck y'all motherfuckers.
'Cause in order to be the best,
you've got to beat the best.
Relationships matter
more than ever.
Thank you.
"Jisela's my best friend,
my best friend,"
so you could stab me
in the back at the end.
I didn't stab you in the back.
You're used to burning people
and still being friends
with them.
No, I don't burn them.
This is the last Arena.
Big Easy, Jisela, let's go.
Nehemiah, we need
to get you a partner.
I want Kendal.
All right, guys, you ready? Go!
Come on, Nehemiah!
Come on, Kendal!
My mind is focused
on that half a million dollars.
Nehemiah, Kendal,
this ends your time here
onThe Challenge.
I will finish this final.
Last night in the house, guys.
Last night in the house.
We're in the finals, baby!
The finals are in
this motherfucker!
We made it, bitch!
We did it.
I'm in the finals.
I've never been in a finals.
I've paid the piper,
I've politicked,
I did everything I had to do
to get to this moment.
The $500,000 are, like, so close
to being a direct deposit.
One, two, three, finals!
I came here to play and compete,
and we're in the finals, baby,
and that's all that matters.
It's been a fun
fucking ride with
each and every one
of you guys in here.
Besides Darrell.
I'm back to a final.
It's been over 14 years.
I've been in four
and I've never lost a final.
Congratulations. Road Rules.
Good work, everybody. Good work.
Congratulations. Road Rules.
With all our money,
we're gonna go ahead
and get us a little house.
Congratulations, guys.
You guys won.
That's it.
What I tell you? It was nothing.
And I know damn well
none of these other people
got what I got in the tank.
Whose first final is this?
Raise your hand!
There you go!
I'm really proud of myself,
because I've played
a great game.
I'm just so happy
that I finally did
what I knew I always could do.
Everyone go unpack
'cause it ain't over, baby!
It ain't over!
I'm 49, going on 50,
but I can still compete
like I'm 25.
I am a two-time
Come on! Ah!
I'm going for that third win.
We got finals.
This money!
Turn up.
We're gonna be starving.
Fridge tomorrow!
I'm so excited.
Yeah? Yeah, awesome.
We're gonna have
that talk at some point.
I know you're upset with me,
I know you're gonna
stay upset with me, so
Aneesa and I had discussed
voting Yes into the Arena.
Then I find out she votes
for Nehemiah.
I'm gonna have to vote
for Nehemiah.
I value honesty
over everything.
Don't lie to me.
Like, just don't be shady.
Like, don't do that.
This is one Challenge
that I've done
in 15 fucking years.
Right. I know.
This is your whole career.
If we are friends, like, wow,
you were really ready
to lose me over a fucking game.
That elimination tonight
would've been the end for me.
I don't know if I could've
done another show
if I would've had to go in.
None of it has anything to do,
clearly, with you.
I wanted to run this with you
from the first day
we walked in here.
And now I get to have that.
I just want to make things right
between Jisela and I
before we run
this final together, and just
for the future
of our friendship.
You know how I am.
You know I sever ties,
and I don't look back.
I know that. It was such
a hard decision for me.
I just followed my gut.
You have a right to your voice,
and I support you on that.
We've kind of worked on building
that bridge again,
but just because
you're my friend
doesn't mean you're gonna escape
being held accountable.
When it comes down
to the finals,
that mentality of being okay
through the pain.
There are just certain people
here who have it.
I think I have it,
and I've seen it last hours.
Darrell and Yes are definitely
my biggest threat in this final.
Every person has
their own reason
that they are deserving
of $500,000.
For me, I can start
a nonprofit for animals.
So I hope that I can
win this money.
Some people have
really good tunnel vision,
grind until you die.
And those people
beat me most times.
It's at that point.
Every little thing.
Every fucking thing counts now.
The last time that I made it
to a final
was my very first rookie season
onBattle of the Sexes 1.
I have not taken home a big W.
So it feels really frickin' good
to be in a final again.
This season, my only goal
was to see that final,
to make the final,
to run the final.
And we are here.
It is time for the final.
All right, everyone.
Welcome to the grand finale
of this season of
All Stars.
Now, you've all done
what it takes to get this far,
but the hard part starts now.
This final is no joke.
You're gonna run
the gauntlet to find out
who the best of the best
really is.
Whoever wins
this final challenge,
you'll be taking home $500,000.
Life-changing money
for being the champion.
Half a mil.
Very close.
So close you can smell it.
So, over the next couple days
I was in labor
with my daughter
for 20 hours.
I mean, if I can do that
for 20 hours,
then I can do this for
however long it's gonna take.
You are gonna be
racing with a series
of checkpoints throughout.
Each checkpoint
is a mini-challenge.
Each mini-challenge
is worth points.
Five points for first,
four points for second
and so on.
You will have a new partner
of the opposite sex
every mini-challenge.
And you can never have
the same partner twice.
You have to work with everyone.
At any point, if you
or your partner can't finish,
you're both out.
When TJ tells me
I'll be partnering up
with every girl
during this final race,
I'm actually pretty stoked.
I'd much rather be with them
than Big Easy. I tell you what.
Oh, and one more thing.
The last-place team
at checkpoint two is out.
So I really hope you've been
nurturing those relationships
to ensure
that your partner is gonna work
as hard as they can,
because their success
is your success.
At the end of the race,
I'll be adding up
all your points to find out
who will be crowned
champion of this season
All Stars,
and who's taking home $500,000.
All right.
Hell yeah.
Good luck.
I'll see you at the finish.
Whoo! Let's go.
I've never run a final.
I'm here for myself,
I'm here for my family.
And I'm gonna give it my all.
All right, ready?
All right. Checkpoint one:
"Complete the puzzle
in front of you.
"Once complete, you must wait
for the next person
"of the opposite gender
to complete their puzzle.
"Then, together,
hop into the canoe and paddle
to checkpoint two."
I instantly get nervous.
I don't want to be last.
I don't want to get stuck
with the last person.
I need a puzzle win today, guys.
I need a puzzle win.
All right. You're good.
Fuck, man. Some bullshit.
I'm good at goddamn tangrams.
How the hell Alton beat me?
What the?
Goddamn it.
Usually I'm pretty decent
at tangrams.
I don't know if it's because
I don't want to be last, but
I'm struggling.
You're good.
I finally get the tangram.
And the only person that's done
is Alton.
Now, be safe
when you get in here.
No, no, no, no, no. No.
Okay. All right. No.
Center yourself.
Has he ever been on a boat?
Like a like a canoe boat?
Center. Always.
Check, check, check.
Yep. That's it.
Come on, Jonna!
I just can't. I can't.
This fucking try of my life.
That's correct. Go.
Come on.
So grab the front.
Grab that--
There's a handle up there.
Grab it?
Just go. I got you.
I'll follow you.
Yes. No, flip it.
When I saw Jemmye
carry that log up the hill
Two, three
I knew I would love to partner
with her.
Ow! Check!
That's right.
That's correct.
That's correct.
Nice job, Jisela.
Come on! Come on, guys!
Come on!
You got it, Derrick! Come on!
Check, motherfuckers! Check!
Yep, that's it.
Piss-poor puzzle person my ass!
I'm jumping in. Here we go.
We just got to make it
to that next checkpoint.
One step at a time.
Yes! Check!
That's good. Go.
Let's ride.
Let's go, Yes.
Have you paddled before?
I kayak on the bayou
all the time.
However, it is not a race.
I usually have a gallon of
daiquiris in the kayak with me.
It's more of a leisure activity.
Check, check, check.
That's right.
Check, check, check,
check, check, check, check.
Yep. That's it.
Mark, let's go.
Check. Check.
That's good. Go.
Ready, Ruthie?
Hop in there, baby.
Come on, Easy!
I'm trying!
I just can't figure
this damn thing out.
I'm having the biggest
mental block
at the worst possible moment.
Come on, Easy!
You got it, bud!
No, no.
We're gonna get there.
Keep digging.
All fucking day.
One, two, dig.
Five points, baby.
Nice and smooth, baby.
Good job. We're gonna catch 'em.
You're doing great, Derrick.
Keep going. Nice and easy, baby.
Yep. Let's go.
The first part of
this checkpoint
is literally do-or-die.
The last team to finish are out.
They're not gonna see
the rest of the final.
All I'm thinking about
is getting on that beach
faster than the other teams.
Come on, Easy!
I'm trying!
Good. Go.
Come on, Easy! You got it, bud!
The only thing in my mind is
we don't want to be last.
I want to prove something
to you guys at home.
I want to prove something
to myself.
This is a fucking marathon,
not a sprint.
Fuck the lead.
Don't lean, Alton.
Come on. I need you with me.
We want to win this money,
We didn't come in first place
on that puzzle for no reason.
They're right on our ass.
Good, Jonna.
Jonna's a beast.
We've made up a lot of ground,
'cause they were finished.
Let's go, Jonna. Double time.
We're about to kill this shit.
They snaking up there.
They got Alton in the front.
They fucked up.
It's not about how you start.
It's about how you finish.
You have
the strongest core here.
You know how to stabilize
Yes, ma'am.
I've canoed before.
Thank you, summer camp.
No one should sit
in the front of the canoe.
That's not even a fucking seat.
What are you doing?
Yes, ma'am. Okay, sorry. Yep.
Yes, ma'am.
You're doing good.
This is a nice
little adventure here.
It's really important
for me to win $500,000
because I have
a 12-year-old son.
I would buy a home where
my son can go outside and play.
Let's win that money
and make it happen!
Let's go, girl.
Hey, we're gonna catch
these people.
Ain't nobody tired. Whoo!
All right, time to catch
these motherfuckers.
Yes and I canoe ourselves
right into third place.
Keep digging.
We're doing what we do best,
and we're coming back
from behind.
Keep it going, baby.
When I say nitro,
we'll fucking dig.
There you go.
Got it. Got it.
When I see Mark and Ruthie,
Jemmye and Yes pass us,
this is when I start to panic.
I did not come to lose
on the first checkpoint.
Get it.
Get it, Ruthie. Get it.
Now let's dig. Dig.
After Ruthie and I pass
Derrick and Jisela,
I now have Yes
and Jemmye in my eyesight.
So, my hands are getting weak,
but pain is temporary.
$500,000 is permanent.
So dig in and let's do it.
We got Motor Mark back there.
Motor Ruthie, too.
Mark, in the back,
is like a human motor.
That dude has the biggest,
strongest stroke,
and they are flying.
Fuck you, Mark.
It's cute, and it's fine,
but we ain't gonna let 'em pass.
I'm motivated. Okay?
Fucking go.
It doesn't matter.
We just need to get there
and worry about that.
I have a lot
of experience in canoeing.
I'm not, like,
a professional canoer,
but if we just keep going,
we have a chance to win.
I'm not gonna stop.
I'll never stop.
There you go.
Just keep your pace.
How you feeling?
How are you feeling?
There you go.
Don't lean too much.
Oh, God.
How do we get the water
out of here?
We're taking on so much.
You should've probably sat
in the back
for the weight distribution.
The wind is producing
these waves.
And every time a wave
comes from the side,
I tell you, man,
it's literally dumping
gallons of water into our canoe.
There's not much I can do.
How do we get this water out?!
We can't.
We have to, we have to
Okay. Hold my oar.
You okay?
There's so much water.
How do we get this out?
Do you want
to fucking do something?!
Come on. We got to go-go.
Go to the boat!
Okay, fine.
How does this happen?
Now we got the lead.
We're gonna pass 'em right here.
Bye. See y'all later.
We have a lead,
and we are messing it up
right now.
One thing about a lead is
you can never get comfortable.
Don't lean!
Just fucking stay
in the middle, Alton!
I mean
I hate to say it,
but I'm, like, really excited
that they're drowning.
Be careful. Wait, wait, wait.
All right.
Okay, Alton.
Center yourself.
Forget being first anymore and
collecting those five points.
Now we're just trying
not to be last
and going home early.
This is so fucking far.
Why is this taking so long?
Yeah, I see them.
We got to keep going. Fuck.
We are about 17 minutes
into this,
and we realize that neither
one of us know how to canoe.
We got to straighten up.
You want to go back?
I can climb over you.
Let's go.
What the hell?
All right. Let's go.
They're taking a break.
Now's our time.
We're going.
I'm glad that I got
Jonna. I'm not gonna lie.
I sure in the hell didn't
want no fucking Jisela.
Sorry, Jisela,
but this shit ain't for you.
I see the flags.
Go ahead, get out.
Five points for us.
I'm really excited right now
because being in first place
at the beginning
is definitely setting the tone
for the rest of the final.
We get five points?
What up?
Who the hell is that?
Is that Yes?
Yes and Jemmye.
Yes is really coming to play.
This dude is the real deal.
Good job, y'all.
Good job. Yeah
Let's go.
This is the homestretch, baby.
Straight ahead.
Come on. We got to turn.
We got to turn.
How are you?
Hold on.
I'm squaring us up.
Fuck this.
Turn the boat.
We got to turn the boat.
I don't know how.
we can catch up.
Come on. We got
to go right, Derrick. Come on.
I don't know how.
Keep going.
Don't stop.
We pass Derrick and Jisela
at the right time.
This is the confidence boost
that KellyAnne and I need
to motivate the paddle
to the second checkpoint.
Come on.
Okay. Okay, okay.
I've been waiting years
to get back in a final,
and we are this close to shore.
I need it. Give it to me!
What do we do?
We got to turn
this fucking boat.
I don't even know where to go.
Derrick's in the front
and Jisela's in the back
and it looks like they have
their canoe backwards.
Okay. Take a breather.
Goddamn right!
Fucking reversing this bitch.
That's how you
fucking reverse-park a--
one of these things are.
Checkpoint one
is right here, right?
there's only ten,
so the last team doesn't--
They're done, forever.
Oh, shit.
The last two people
It's-I don't know
who it's gonna be.
Does anybody see
who that is?
Who is that?
Okay, that's Easy.
That's Easy.
Good job, y'all!
Oh, no! No!
Row. Row. Row.
I'm so bummed
Derrick and Jisela,
my two favorite people in this
competition, are going home.
Even as they're paddling up,
I can feel, like,
the emotions welling up in my
stomach, and it's really tough.
It sucks.
Come on, Derrick!
Come on, Jisela!
Well, Derrick, Jisela
you know the rules.
You're last at checkpoint two.
So you're out.
Thanks for playing.
Sorry, guys.
Sorry, D.
Good luck.
Love you guys.
Good luck.
Nice playing with you, though.
It was great.
I'm just devastated.
I've been waiting for years
to compete in a final.
My craving for competition
still runs deep.
I hope I'm able to come back,
kick some more ass,
experience some eliminations
and some more gnarly games.
You know I had a blast.
This Challenge
brought people to me
that I needed to meet,
I needed to have in my life.
My final words for Alton are,
"Have fun. Don't look back.
"I will see you
when you're done.
Keep your head in the game."
All right. So now it's time
to pick teams.
And you can never have
the same partner twice.
You have to work with everyone.
So, Jonna?
You are first. Which man
do you want to play with?
I'm looking around,
and I see Yes
is looking at the bikes.
He definitely knows
how to put a bike together.
Well, Yes, I'm-a need your help.
All right. So, Yes and Jonna,
walk over to your boards.
It's an honor, Jonna.
Jonna all day.
Darrell, your turn.
What are we doing?
We got to ride together, or?
You're gonna pick your partner
for the next leg.
That's it.
All right.
Walk over to your boards.
Ruthie, who do you choose?
Go ahead.
Let's do this. Come on, Easy.
All right. So everybody's taken.
So it's Mark and Aneesa,
Alton and KellyAnne.
Let's go.
Good luck.
We got it. We got it. We got it.
"Build a bike using
the tools provided.
"Once your bike is complete
race to checkpoint three."
Ready? Go!
Ruthie, just start moving.
After Derrick
and Jisela get sent home,
there's now ten people left
fighting for that $500,000.
It's anyone's game
at this point.
The seat's easy.
I always take my tires
off my bike
when we're packing up
to go camping.
So I'm feeling pretty
good about this.
I'm feeling all right.
Darrell, do I have to do
all four?
Jemmye, on the other hand,
I'm probably gonna have to put
her bike together, too.
Now turn it upside down,
Yeah. Once you get it tight.
I hire people
to put my furniture
and my things together for me.
I sure as hell
don't put a bike together.
Not my style, not my thing.
Okay. I don't know. The height
should be to your hip, right?
Stick it all the way through.
All the way through the spoke?
Yeah, okay.
Just so you know,
before you start riding,
you got to be tethered together
the whole time.
Oh, my God.
Tethered together?
That is a dream
for me, TJ.
The whole time.
I don't even know
what that means.
Right there. You'll see.
Good time.
Go, team.
Let's go.
Okay? You're awesome.
I'm good.
High five. Let's go
Where do we go?
Let's kill it.
Just ride up this path here.
Oh, my gosh.
Nice job.
Come on now. Come on now.
All right.
You ready, Mark?
I've had such a history
with Aneesa.
Her and I have run
a final before together
withDuel II.
It was just
an awesome experience.
I work well with Aneesa.
We have a camaraderie.
So, Aneesa let's do this.
We're good, Aneesa.
You all right?
That's fine.
This is, like, really hard.
Being tethered together on bikes
is the weirdest,
most awkward thing.
If you fall,
the other person falls.
The cord can get tangled
in your pedals.
You can go flying
over the handlebars.
You okay?
Just chill for a minute.
You don't have to
No, I don't want
to chill for a minute.
We got to go.
are you sure my tire's right?
Oh, shit. Why is it cockeyed?
I don't know.
Fix your handlebars.
Put that in your pocket
in case we need it
along the way.
I should bring this
Yeah, put it in your pocket.
Let's go.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You got it on the weak-ass gear.
That's why. You got to put it
on a harder gear.
I don't ride bikes with gears.
All right
You ready?
So, I'm gonna grab
this, 'cause I don't want it
to tangle.
We have to hurry, though.
We have to hurry.
I'm with you.
We have to stay together.
I'm following you.
You're weaving.
I'm following you.
Now we're tethered.
We should get going.
Let's try to catch up
a little bit.
A bicycle made for two.
Here we are.
Here we are.
Oh, shit.
You all right?
What happened?
Hold on.
Just going up the hill.
Hold on.
Okay. Wait, whoa.
Come on, Ruthie.
We have to make
positive movement,
regardless if you're
walking or not.
I understand,
but my steering wheel
went crooked.
Hold on one second.
I've never, like, yelled
at my partner before,
but I'm finding myself, like,
taking the same tone
that he's taking with me.
I'm like, "Please let
this partnership be over."
Excuse me, Ruthie.
Ruthie, come on.
I know, but something
happened with my gear.
Okay, but you I mean
See, it won't move
is what I'm trying to tell you.
'Cause your tire broke.
We're in last place.
She's covered in dirt.
And now we have to put
the back tire back on.
We just need to get
to the next checkpoint.
Couple teams ahead.
But who knows
what they're gonna see.
My butt.
Ow. My legs are burning.
Walk it uphill
anytime you need to.
I'm gonna
have to walk.
I'm flying now.
I just lost a
Hold on. Hold on, Nees.
I lost a pedal.
No way.
Yeah, hold on.
This fucking thing.
Stand it up.
You want me to stand up
on the bike?
Yeah, like, ride it.
I have never felt
so completely ridiculous
in my life.
My dad bought me a bike
when I was, like, five,
and he couldn't teach me
to ride it,
so he just gave up
and bought me a go-cart.
Oh, fuck. My brake's locked up.
See, they're loose.
Your chain's off.
Okay. Whoa, my legs.
Wait. Wait.
Look at that. We're here.
We're getting them.
We're getting them.
We're getting them.
Wait. Okay.
Good job, y'all.
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh-oh. I hear people.
You stay with me.
Pull it up.
Passing, passing.
Oh, God! Watch out!
Geez Louise. Okay.
we can't let that happen again.
Do we have a tool in here?
Good job.
I'm coming.
Quickly, Alton and I
are passing team by team,
and I'm just shocked
that, like,
they're dropping like flies.
And Alton is being
such a supportive,
awesome partner.
You're gonna take that
left high road.
I'm going right. Okay?
Okay, thank you.
He is, like, the dream partner.
Thank those legs.
Thank you, legs.
Thank those legs
Thank you, legs.
I like that smell.
It's fucking just stripped.
Is it?
Walk 'em?
No. Let's just try this.
At this point, I have to hold
my pedal in my left hand
and kind of just push the bike
like a skateboard.
We can do it, Mark.
Even if I have to push.
We can fucking do it.
All right,
lean over the front tire.
Oh, my God.
I can't.
My legs are cramping up.
Oh, fuck.
I just want to keep the lead
in this race, and I can't
seem to ride this bike.
I am so tired and exhausted.
I didn't realize
how, like, grueling
and demanding this was gonna be.
Oh, people are gonna pass us.
I got your bike. Let's go.
We're in first place,
and we're trying
to hold our lead.
Is she gassing out?
Is she just panicking?
I'm totally getting
more and more nervous.
They're right behind us, and we
are not gonna let 'em pass.
Game on.
Why am I panicking so much?
Why is this so hard?
I don't know why.
Dig deep.
I got to get back on the bike.
I can't be walking with this.
I don't want anybody
to catch up to us.
Jonna is a mom.
If she can grow a baby
and give birth to a baby,
she can make anything happen
out here in the wilderness.
You okay?
I think so.
Your daughter is gonna be like,
"Go, Mom!"
Checkpoint three, baby.
Oh, my God. No way.
Way to go.
Drop your bike
and complete the puzzle.
Points equal
the same number, guys.
Come on, baby.
Drop the bike. Go. Let's go.
With me.
Huh, huh, huh.
So, now it's not just trying
to figure this out.
Yeah. Yeah.
I got to do math
while trying to figure out
how to put
these goddamn things in?
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, fuck yes.
Yeah, without
a fucking pedal, boy.
Drop it.
Yep, that's it.
Can you help me?
Well, this piece
doesn't go in anywhere.
Doesn't matter. No, no, no.
It's not gonna work.
They're not gonna
add to the same thing.
'Cause they flip.
There's numbers on both sides.
Oh, my God.
There you go.
Okay. Check?
That's correct.
Winner! Second checkpoint.
At this point in the final,
I have the most points,
and I'm in the lead.
I just can't handle this
right now.
Come on. Go. Go.
They're still working on it.
Come on.
Here we go.
So, big numbers
and small numbers.
So That's not right.
Fuck, man.
15. 15.
It just clicks that 15
is already there.
15 is here. 15 is here.
Holy shit,
I've just solved this puzzle.
Yep, that's it.
Fuck yeah!
Yep, that's it.
This is not my fucking game.
All right, you're good.
Neesie, help me.
Everything's 15.
That's good. Go.
Darrell and I
might suck at riding bikes,
but we somehow just finished
in second place.
As of right now,
Jonna, Yes, Darrell
and Jemmye have the most points.
Yes, I said me.
I am in this final.
You're not done.
She's not done.
You got
to help me, buddy.
I have to wait for her?
You got to do her.
Got to help her.
Oh, shit.
Check. Check,
check, check, check.
Good. Go.
I'm really proud of myself.
All I need is, like,
two first places,
and I'm still in the running.
Thank you, Nees.
Where's your six? Put it there.
All right, that's good.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
You did good.
I did bad.
You did good.
I only have three points
right now.
I have no idea
how I'm gonna make up for this.
All right, you're good.
Thank you.
All right. So, now
it's time to pick teams. Yes,
you're up first.
KellyAnne looks
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
and ready to go.
I'm in the top two,
but Jonna is in the top two,
as well,
and she is gunning for me now.
She's not my teammate anymore,
so I got to watch out.
I'll take Mark.
All right.
Darrell, you're up.
I could carry
your ass.
So, I'll take Alton.
You and Alton.
Big Easy and Aneesa.
Let's get these puzzles.
This is round three.
A good old-fashioned sprint.
There's a start line
and a finish line.
I'll see you at the finish. Go!
We don't know how much is left
in today's part of the final.
And that's
just mentally stressful.
How much do I give?
How much do I hold back?
What's next?
Being tethered together
actually is helpful on this one.
Anytime that I start to slack
Yes can actually help
pull me along.
Oh, God. Slower. Slow down.
Keep going, but just slow.
Yeah, Ruthie. Triple O.G.
Tell 'em you ain't
no motherfucking punk.
I'm sorry.
You're good.
You're all good.
We'll just do it slow then.
Oh, my God. Okay.
Almost to the top.
The key to this whole
competition is banking points,
so, Jonna,
I need you to pick up the pace,
and let's get some points, baby.
If you need a break, tell me.
We don't know where
the finish is, but it looks
like every time I turn a corner,
there are
more twigs and bushes
and branches in my face
and more hills.
Just let me know
when you're ready.
Take small sips.
You are not a pussy, Aneesa.
You're not. Quit saying that.
We're in last place,
but like I said from the get-go,
I'm not quitting this final.
If I have to carry my partner
up the hill, I will
finish this final.
Three, four.
Come on. I can't pull up.
I need us to be together.
Okay. I'm ready.
My hardest part
with working with Jemmye,
she's consistently using me
to pull her up.
Jemmye, we got to walk together.
Need us to be together.
Last hill. It has to be.
I don't see
any other trees higher.
Darrell's making it fun.
He's like, you know,
"We're running the flats
and then we'll, like, walk up
the really, like, steep ones."
He's such a great partner.
Trying to take big steps.
I want to go.
'Cause I can catch them.
You can carry me up the hill.
Ruthie informs me
I'm moving too fast.
All right, Ruthie, I'm picking
your little ass up. Let's go.
You okay?
Hey, Mark!
How you guys doing?
Oh, my God.
You're funny.
Thank you.
You're killing it, KellyAnne.
Ooh, I see a checkpoint.
All right. Good job, you guys.
Nice work.
Thank God
I'm finally first place.
I really needed this.
Here they come.
Good job, Ruthie.
Looking good.
Good job, mama. Good job.
Nice job.
Nice work. Nice work.
All right.
Mark and Jonna killing it.
Good job, you guys.
Oh, my God.
Nice work.
Right now, looking at the board
in my head, I know that Yes
is up there, Darrell is up there
and Jonna is up there.
Now it's my time
to go catch them.
You got this, mama.
I'm so fucking proud of you.
Sorry about the delay.
All right.
It was definitely not a sprint.
Look at me.
I'm proud as fuck of you.
I love you.
All right.
Welcome to checkpoint four.
Good job, guys.
Now it's time
to switch up teams again.
I'm kind of excited
because I have Yes
and Darrell left.
I saved probably the best
competitors for last.
Yes, first pick.
Aneesa, do you want to ride?
Let's go.
Oh, hey.
All right, Darrell.
The Godfather.
Oh, yeah. Let's do this.
Let's go.
That means we're together.
Let's do it.
Jonna's a very smart competitor.
She fought just like I did
to see this final,
which we're all
competing for the same prize.
All right.
So this is checkpoint four.
The next time I see you
is checkpoint five.
You tell me if it feels okay.
If you put that clip
in the front of you
Time to eat.
Oh, shit.
We see four Carolina Reapers.
If you don't remember
what the Carolina Reapers are,
let me rewind for you.
The world's hottest peppers.
Remember the throwing up?
That's what we're about to eat.
What is this?
My mouth is on fire,
I'm drooling,
snot is coming out my nose,
my eyes is watery,
KellyAnne is throwing up
next to me.
The puzzle is a flashback
to the puzzle
that I lost and had to go
in the elimination,
so this is a total mindfuck
at the moment. How am I gonna
get this puzzle done?
Take your time. I got this.
Carolina Reapers
don't bother me.
I pop 'em in
like a couple Tic Tacs.
And that allows me
to start on the puzzle
while Jonna digests.
Oh, God.
Check, check.
That's it.
Boom. Let's go.
Check, check, check, check!
All right, you're good.
Go. Go.
It feels like
I just chugged poison,
and now I'm supposed to run.
Like, I'm not magic.
That's good, go.
There we go. Okay.
There we go. Check. Check.
That's it.
Yes. Now we're right.
Check, check, check, check.
Go, Jemmye.
Oh, we're connected.
I forgot. Get in the front.
Oh, my God, I want to die.
I'm from New Orleans.
I love spicy.
This isn't that bad
until it hits my stomach.
I have a very weak stomach.
Yeah. You're good.
Just spit.
All right.
Good job, y'all. Keep that pace.
I'd rather eat
maggots on a cracker,
like I did on Road Rules,
than eat these Carolina Reapers.
These motherfuckers is fire,
fire, fire
through your whole head.
Those peppers gonna hit.
There's no reason to run.
So slow down.
Easy, who I'm attached to,
is just literally like,
"No. Let's take it slow."
Got to slow up.
Like, right now
I'm worried he could possibly
cost me $500,000.
I'm like, are you serious?
I have to work at my pace,
too, okay? It's a team.
I'm okay. Just keep walking.
I'm looking at Jemmye,
she is having a full reaction
to this Carolina Reaper pepper.
And I'm thinking,
"Please, please,
find some strength
to complete this competition."
If she quits right now,
I'm out of the game,
and my chance at $500,000
is basically down the drain.
We pass Yes and Aneesa,
and, all of a sudden,
my whole insides
are turning.
Oh, no.
My stomach feels like somebody
set a knife on fire and stabbed
me right under my rib cage.
Something's wrong.
I'm experiencing
the worst cramps of my life.
I can't even stand up.
I feel like I might possibly
die on this mountain
because I ate
two stupid-ass peppers.
You just got to bend down
and walk.
I'm literally pulling
Darrell along.
There's no time to stop.
We're ahead.
We have to be first.
I am dying
and I am ready to quit.
No lie, I want to quit.
No, you don't get to lay down.
To be the best,
you got to beat the best.
At this point, I could quit.
You know how I feel
about quitters.
Remember when we thought
we were gonna be
playing backyard games?
He is a sick man, that TJ Lavin.
It is torture.
Last leg.
It's a race to the top
of that mountain.
No more relying on teams.
Someone's gonna be
$500,000 richer.
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